La hija de la doncella (Deseo) (Spanish Edition)

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Alcanzar, part, ob- tained, acquired, reached. I reach, or comprehend. In Latin Quercus suber. Alcibiades, an an- cient personage, distinguished for his personal attractions, and ver- satility of genius. Germany, a country in Europe.

Algeciras, a city in the South of Spain. Alibeg, a Moor of great integrity. I shall or will mitigate. Alma, sf soul, courage, spirit, life, mind, disposition. Ama, sf mistress, tutoress, gover- ness. I, should, may love. Amida, the name of an idol in Japan. Amida, a person who worships Amida. Amintas, a personage in the anecdotes of Corpas. Andar, part, gone, walked, marched. Andrenius,, a man's name. Angustia, sf grief, affliction, an- guish. Annibal, an an- cient Carthagenian chief of great renown.

Ante, prep, before previous to. Antecedente, sf antecedent, prece- dent. Antes, antes de, antes que, prep. Antes, antes bien, ad. Anthony, a man's name. Apestar, part, infected with the plague. Apollo, a fa- bulous deity. Apurar, part, ex- hausted. Arragon, a province of Spain. Arbitrariedad, sf arbitrariness, ty- ranny. Argus, a my thological personage, supposed to have a hundred eyes. Aristio, a so- phist of Athens, and also a man's name. Aristotle, a great ancient philosopher.

Algiers, the name of the capitol of one of the Barhary states, in N. It now belongs to France. Arjensola, Bartolome Leonardo de sm. Arjensola, a classic prose and poetic writer of Spain. Born in Barbastro, Arragon, in , died Arrebatado-a, part, snatched, seized, wrested, led away. Ascargorta, a living Spanish writer of some celebrity. Asolar, part, deso- lated. Aspereza, sf rugged steep, rugged- ness. Asturias, a province in the north of Spain. Attick, Greek, poig- nant, keen.

Audacia, sf audacity, boldness, courage. Augustus Csesar, the second emperor of Rome. Aurora, sf the dawn. Austrian, or a native of Austria. Autorizado-a, part, authorized, ap- proved. Avisado, part, and a. Balde de, gratis, for nothing, also written, de valde. Balthasar, a man's christian name. Barca, sf vessel, boat. Bartholo- mew, a man's name. Baucio, a man's name. Beneficoncia, sf beneficence, good- ness, benevolence. Bias, a man's name. Bootes, a northern constellation. I effaced, or expunged. Brahmins, the first caste or class among the Hindoos in India. Bravo, inter, excellent, good.

Budaeus, a writer of note. Ca, prep, because, for. It is obso lete now. Cabeza, sf head ; talents, a person, a commander. Cabida, sf place, entrance.

Sales, has been published in this country; sub. Caida, sf fall, descent, overthrow. Caer, pari, fallen, being overthrown. Calamidad, sf calamity, misfortune, devastation. Calderon, one of the greatest, if not the greatest dramatic writer, that Spain has produced. Born at Madrid, in ; died Callar, part, concealed, hushed ; taciturn.

I do not say. Camara, sf chamber, room, hall. Campanal, a personage in Gil Bias. Candia, a Greek, eminent for his genero- sity. Capacidad, sf, capacity, talents, abilities. Capet, the celebrated Hugh Capet. Cardinal a dignitary of the Catholic Church. Carrera, sf field; race, course, ca- reer. Casiindo, or casandose con, F. Casar, or casarse con, inf. Cassius, a hero of antiquity. Casualidad, sf casualty, chance, unforeseen event.

Ceniza, sf ashes, dust. I eat at supper. Cerca, prep, concerning, with re- gard. Cercano, prep, near, approaching. Ceremonia, sf ceremony, rite, Cerrado, a. Ccrrar, part shut, con- cealed. Cecil, a man's christian name. Ceder, part granted, ceded. Cedulilla, sf ticket, card, slip of paper ; dim. Ceguera, or ceguedad, sf blindness, hallucination. Ceja and Junto, sm. Cervantes, the greatest Span- ish novelist, and a very distin- guished dramatist.

He is re- nowned over the world for his inimitable Don Quijote, or Don Quixote. Born in Alcali de He- nares, in , died in Caesar, a title given to the first twelve Roman emperors. In this Spanish trans- lator, it generally means Julius Caesar, the greatest of all Roman generals. Chinchilla, a fictitious character in Gil Bias. Cingalese, a native of Ceylon. Siberia, a country in Asia. Cicero, the greatest of all Roman orators.

Circunstancia, sf circumstance, oc- currence, event. Citado-a, part, appointed, quoted, cited, summoned. Cythera, the Venus worshipped in the island of that name. Clara, a woman's name. Cochin, a city in Hindostan, India. Cojida, sf asylum, protection, roof. Colgaba, F, Colgar, ind. Colin, the name of a fictitious character. Heap, summit Colocan, F. Columbus, the immortal discoverer of America.

Comenzar, ind, fut Sp. Come ti do, F. Comer, part, dined, eaten. Comorin, a cape in Hindostan Companero-a, s. Compania, sf, company, partner- ship. Compadecen, P, Compadecer, ind.

A Poetic Death

I may divide, share. Compasion, sf compassion, com- miseration, pity. Comprar, part- bought, betrayed. Con, prep, with, by, for ; con todo, yet, notwithstanding. Cone e den, F. Concertar, part, ad- justed, settled, turned. Conciliando, F, Conciliar, ger. Concurrencia, sf frequentation, society, assembly, meeting, com- pany. Condescend encia, sf condescend- ence, submission, yielding. Condescender, ind impf I or 3s. Confiado-a, part, and a. Confianza, sf confidence, boldness, assurance. Confiirar, part, con- jured, conspired, exorcised.

Conrmgo, prep, and pron. Conquistar, ind, impf Sp. Conseguir, part obtained, accomplished, attained Conseguir, inf. Consider -or, ind pres. Considerando, F, Consider ar, ger. Consigo, prep, and pron. Conspiracion, sf conspiracy, plot, cabal. Sp, appear, are evident. Constancia, sf constancy, immuta- bility. Consulta, sf consultation, advice. Contigo, prep, and pron, with thee, with thyself. Continente, STTujcountenance, absti- nent person, the main. Contra, prep, against, contrary to. Conturbar, inf va, to disturb, to agitate, to disquiet.

Cordovian, a native of Cordova, a city in Spain. Corinth, an ancient city in Greece. Corinthian, an order of architecture. Cornelius, a man's name. Corpas, Cecilio de sub. Corpas, a translator of the very few pieces, that are not origi- nally Spanish, inserted in this work.

His version from the French has so much the cast of originality, that we have placed his name under the few of his translated small stories we have selected. Cortes, the first conqueror of New Spain. Cortes or Congress the National Assembly of Spain. Cortes i a, sub. This word should always be spelled cobarde.

I be- lieve, I think.

Poema trбgico en tres actos y siete cuadros

I created, or brought up. Christopher, a man's name. Critilius, a fictitious character in Gracian. Cual, el, la, los or las pron. Bs may fulfil, accomplish. Cupid, a fab- ulous deity. Czar, the Em- peror of Russia. Bar, part, given, granted; conj. I shall or will give. De, prep, of, in, from, at, with, to, off, by. Debajo, prep, under, below. I must, ought, owe. Decaer, pari, decayed, fallen, low-spirited. Defensa, sf defence, shelter. Dejar, part, left; per- mitted ; s. I left, or relinquished. Dejenerando, F, Dejenerar, ger. Del, prep, and art. Delphi, a pagan temple, erected by Delphus, and dedicated to Apollo, his father.

Delicadeza, sf delicacy, tenderness, effeminacy, perspicacity. Delineado, part, delineated, pour- trayed, sketched, described. Demas, los, or las demas pron. Demas, prep, independently, be- sides. Denominacion, sf denomination, distinct appellation. Dentro, or dentro de, prep, in, with- in, inside of; far into. Desarmar, part, dis- armed. Desarreglado, part, disordered, dis- composed, confounded. Desautorizado, part, unauthorized ; not respected. Descansar, ind impf 3s. Desconcertado-a, part, being con- fused, perplexed.


Descripcion, sf description, de- lineation. Desenvolver, a part, forward, lively; unfolded Deseo, sm.

Despreciar, part, despised, condemned. Despues, or despues de, prep, and ad. Destreza, sf dexterity, address, skill. Desventura, sf misfortune, calam- ity, misery. Detener, part, stopped, detained, arrested. Dicha, sf happiness, felicity, luck. Decir, part, said, being said. Dictar, part, dictated, ordered. James, a man's christian name. I or it, he or she may say. Dignar, part, deigned, been pleased. Diogenes, a cynic of antiquity.

Discordia, sf discord, opposition. Disgustar, part, dis- gusted, offended, displeased. Distante, prep, distant, remote. Divertir, pari, di- verted, amused. Divulgar, part, di- vulged, published. Dominations, the heavenly spirits of the fourth choir. Don, a title of respect. Donna, a title given to a lady: Durar, part, lasted, continued. Echado, part, thrown, cast, being- expelled from. I, it, he, or she demanded. Ed ad, sf age, time. Egloga, sf eclogue, a pastoral dia- logue. Eje, sm, axle-tree, axis, centre. Ejecutar, part, exe- cuted, accomplished, performed.

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Elevar, part, raised, exalted, elevated. JElian, an ancient Greek writer. Embargar, part, ar- rested, sequestered, seized. Embeber, part im- bibed, drenched, enraptured. Embriaguez, sf drunkenness, in- toxication. Em brute ce, se F. Empresa, sf undertaking, attempt. En, prep, in, at, on ; en cuanto a, a9 for. Encanto, or Encantamiento, sm. Encender, part, burnt, kindled, set on fire. Encerrar, part, shut up, confined, secluded. Encontrar, ger meeting, finding. Enganado, part, deceived, cheated, mistaken, duped. Enigma, sf enigma, riddle. Enlazar, part tied, bound, united, connected.

Enlutar, part, veiled, dressed in mourning. Enterar, part, in- formed, acquainted. Enterrado, part, buried, interred. Entretejer, part, in- twined, interwoven, intermixed. I, or he, sent. Enviar, part, sent, transmitted. Envidia, sf envy, emulation, jealousy. Envidiar, part, en- vied. Envilecer, part, ren- dered vile, base, mean, or de- graded. Escandalizar , part, scandalized, offended, irri- tated. Escarcha, sf a frost Escargorta, sm.

Escargorta, a living Spanish writer, of some distinction. E see da, F. Escelencia, sf excellence, emi- nence, excellency. Escelinus, a person's name. Scipio, a renowned Roman general. Esclavitud, sf slavery, bondage, servitude. Escluir, part, ex- cluded. Escojer, part, chosen,, selected, preferred. Esconder, part, ab- sconded, hidden, concealed. Escuchando, F, Escuchar, ger. Espada, sf sword, steeh Espalda, sf.

Espantar, part, sur- prised, astonished, terrified. Spain, a coun- try in Europe. Esperar em os, F. E stall i do, sm. I shall or will be. I, or he may be. Estenuar, part, ex- tenuated, diminished. Estopa, sf tow, oakum, coarse cloth. Estragar, part, de- based, destroyed, ruined, disfi- gured. Etre, a French Marshal. Eusebius, a man's name. Fabricado, part, built, constructed, manufactured. Facilidad, sf facility, ease, levity, licentiousness. Facultad, sf faculty, power, force, ftdtsnce.

Fatigar, part, fatigued, tired, molested, wearied. Favorecer, part, fa- voured, protected. Phoebus, or the sun. Feijoo, Frai Benito Jeroninio, a distinguished Spanish popular writer of the last century, styled sometimes, with great propriety, 'the Spanish Ad- dison. A selec- tion of his works has been trans lated into English. Born ; died The same as Feliz. Felix, a man's name. Philip, a man's name. Phoenician, a native of Phoenicia. Ferdinand, a man's name.

Fiado-a, part, trusting, relying; trusted ; on credit. Flora, the goddess of flowers and gardens. It means Fraile, monk. Francis, a man's name. Frente, sf front, forehead, counte- nance.

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Fuentes Conde de, sub. Fuera, prep, out, except, without ; fuera de, besides. Ser or Ir, subj. I was, I became. Galatea, a woman's name. Ganar, part, gained, won. Garcilaso, one of the most classic, elegant, and polished lyric poets of Spain. Born in ; died Glorieta, sf summer-house, bower. Gnidus, an an- cient promontory. I, he, she or it may enjoy. Gozar, part, enjoyed, rejoiced. Gre- cian, a celebrated satirical and political writer of Spain. Born in Calatayud, Aragon, at the end of the 16th, or beginning of the 17th century ; died in Granada Frai Luis de sm.

Granada, one of the most distin- guished pulpit orators and ascetic writers Spain has produced. Born in the city of Granada, whose name he adopted, in ; died Guardar, part, kept, guarded, protected. Guardia, sf guard, watch. Guarnicion, sf garrison ; ornament, flounce, trimming. Guido, 'the most charming and graceful pain- ter that Italy ever produced. I or he, had; there was, or were. Habitacion, sf habitation, abode, mansion, dwelling. Hablar, part, spoken, said. Hacia, prep, towards, to. Hacienda, sf state, fortune, lands, real estate, wealth. Hallar, part, found, met, found. I shall or will do, or make.

Harmon i a, sf harmony, concord. Hasta, or hasta que, prep, till, until, as far as, about, up to. I have; he de, I must, I am to.

Deseo salvaje (Tentación)

Hacer, part, made, done ; being accustomed, inured. Hembra, sf female; nut, eye. Henry, a man's name. Herodotus, the oldest profane historian known. I or he should confer on. Hierba, sf herb, grass. Hilaza, sf yarn, thread, coarse stuff. Historia, sf history, story, narra- tion.

Bp, they should have. Hundir, part, sunk, destroyed. Impedir, part, im- peded, obstructed, prevented. Importunidad, sf importunity, in- cessant solicitation. Impresion, sf impression, mark, image, Impropera, F. Inclemencia, sf inclemency, rigour, severity. Indignacion, sf indignation, anger. Infante, a title given to the sons of the king of Spain, the heir apparent excepted. It is equivalent to prince. Inflamar, part, in- flamed, kindled.

Asimismo, la experiencia de Oxnard le hizo comprender que los trabajadores necesitaban establecer contratos formales con los agricultores para poder conservar las ganancias por las que estaban luchando. La finalidad primaria de las actividades era la de ayudar directamente a los trabajadores. La gente quiere darles cosas. De ese modo, con el tiempo, algunos de ellos llegan a esperar siempre ayuda de otros.

-la hija de la venganza- The Daughter of the spanish [evil saga]

Cambian la idea que tienen sobre ellos mismos. Los rancheros contrataron a esquiroles rompehuelgas y asediaron a los piqueteros. Grandes sindicatos tales como la United Auto Workers le prestaron su apoyo. Muy pronto se le unieron los medios de comunicaciones. Los propietarios aceptaron las demandas del sindicato. Fue el primer contrato sindical entre los agricultores y un sindicato de trabajadores campesinos en la historia de los Estados Unidos. El gobernador no fue a saludarles; pero no importaba. Fue realmente una victoria del pueblo. La primera de esas asociaciones era un sindicato nacional con millones de miembros.

Lucharon contra el UFW para obtener contratos de los viticultores. Fue una organizadora brillante y tuvo bajo su responsabilidad la mayor parte de las actividades normativas y legislativas. La llevaron a la sala de urgencias donde le diagnosticaron una ruptura del bazo y varias costillas rotas. Algunas veces, las personas se dedican a un ayuno con agua, lo que quiere decir que no comen, pero siguen bebiendo agua. Durante una huelga llena de tensiones, algunos de los miembros del UFW deseaban ejercer represalias contra la violencia que se empleaba contra ellos.

Muchos miles de personas rodearon el palacio de justicia para ofrecerle su apoyo, porque se daban cuenta de que lo necesitaba en su estado de debilitamiento. Expresa sus poderosas razones espirituales para el ayuno. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem.

Return to Book Page. Preview — Deseo salvaje by Jule McBride. Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Deseo salvaje , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Red rated it really liked it Oct 03, Gwen rated it really liked it Feb 16, Angel Cox rated it it was amazing Jan 07, Lisa rated it really liked it Sep 13, Mandy rated it liked it May 12, Lisa rated it liked it Jul 25, Meredith rated it liked it Apr 03,