Ein libyscher Sommer: Sechs Wochen unter Rebellen (Kindle Single) (German Edition)

Now Chavez is saying, paraphrased, "Wait a minute.

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While Chavez was making his final remarks at the closing ceremony at the National Stadium in Santiago, Lage handed him his cell phone. Justitia is most often depicted with a set of scales typically suspended from her left hand, upon which she measures the strengths of a case's support and opposition. Berlin-Silhouette in crepuscular twilight. Statistical analysis of the new map is ongoing, and another 10, quasars remain to be observed before the 2dF project named for the multi-object spectrograph on the 3. More specimens of this history-induced linguistic phenomenon:

What I said about Aznar is true We have to remind the King that we are free to speak, we are free, we are no longer under domination by Spain. Him telling me to shut up was certainly a show of frustration and desperation I just looked up Aznar and found the following: He was widely considered a torturer, and Amnesty International condemned the awarding After the elections it was revealed that Aznar and his government secretly channeled public funds to a US legal firm to lobby for the bestowment of the Congressional Gold Medal on Aznar Aznar also announced the sale early in of the nation's remaining minority stake golden shares in the Telefonica telecommunications company and the petroleum group Repsol.

This marked the beginning of a period of privatizations after the previous PSOE government had nationalized parts of the economy. Chavez says that, even in college and university debates, when people are debating, someone doesn't just butt in to tell someone else to shut up If Aznar did back the coup against Chavez Who is this King anyway? What gives him the right to be superior to others? Is it because he is a King? A descendant of the same kingdom that invaded Latin America, killed, plundered, raped and enslaved millions of innocent people?

Does that make him superior and more important that Chavez Zapatero is wrong in trying to denigrate Chavez for speaking the truth. Chavez should not shut up because these Spaniards want him to Chavez speaks the truth Do we want to know the truth Chavez speaks the truth. Aznar did support all efforts to oust Chavez from power. The Spaniards did in fact invade Latin America like the USA is invading Iraq and they did in fact plunder and rape and kill and enslave millions of innocent people.

These are facts that can no longer be hidden behind false history books, diplomacy or royalty.

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The time has come to set things straight I wonder if the King of Spain smells like cotton candy or fine wine when he sits at the toilet to do number two? The Monarchy's clash with Socialism by Pablo Ouziel. This scene from the Ibero-American Summit has now travelled the globe through every mainstream news media channel, however it has been used once again as an opportunity to attack Hugo Chavez for his rudeness and out of line commentary, when in fact not only is it a fairly accurate statement, but it also should be used as an opportunity by political analysts worldwide to bring out the extent to which fascist factions are still very much alive in Spain's political reality.

Already earlier this year, Chavez called Aznar "a fascist who supported the coup of April and who is of the same kind as Adolf Hitler, a disgusting and despicable person who you feel sorry for, a true servant of George W. This statement was made shortly after Aznar made a call "on the United States, Europe and the Latin American democracies, to close ranks and defeat Hugo Chavez's 21st century socialism.

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In order for the whole incident to be put into perspective, it is also important to understand, first, Aznar's background as a supporter of fascism and second, the fact that the King only has his crown thanks to the father of fascism in Spain, Francisco Franco. If the King was so foolish to let the world in on his weaknesses, then we must treat him like a court jester. Bush, by attempting to publicly humiliate President Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela, then no attempt of coaxing him will make a bit of difference now.

We must fully understand the power behind these attempts to humiliate President Hugo Chavez Frias, is not in Spain but in North America. The King of Spain has made himself a patsy in carrying out this assignment, to make himself popular with the US and its allies, but given the North American press something to gloat about, which is not worth a damn. It may be something that the US press wanted to make a big story out of, but it has now fizzled and there is egg spattered all over their own faces.

In , Chavez had deemed Aznar imperious for saying Chavez ought to not duplicate Cuba's experience in Venezuela. Then in May , Aznar, who was out of office and visiting Brazil, criticized Venezuela's relationship with Cuba. Chavez compared Aznar to Hitler and called him a fascist and an "imbecile. Two years ago, because of the Venezuelan's close association with Castro, Aznar called Chavez a threat to democracy in Latin America. In April of this year, Chavez remarked that it's better to have nothing to do with people like Aznar, telling a group of students that Aznar had supported the attempted coup against him in and supported the U.

Throughout the s and to the present, Spanish corporations have been the leading European investors in Latin America. So much so their commercial interests are sometimes referred to as the re-conquest. While Chavez was making his final remarks at the closing ceremony at the National Stadium in Santiago, Lage handed him his cell phone. Castro, Chavez told the audience, was remembering the Chilean combat volunteers who died fighting Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza. Chavez called on the crowd to send out a cheer to Castro.

What is it he has the imperialists can't handle. But the multitudes -- the nerve endings of economic statistics and commercial strategies, the consumers and workers talked about at forums -- they are the ones just now finding a voice and who won't shut up. Chavez is trying to level the playing field in Venezuela, long dominated by a small, corrupt elite.

So long as the Central Bank enjoyed independence, Venezuela's sovereignty was leased out to the international money markets. Back in , Baduel, an army general, refused the invitation to launch a Pinochet-type bloodbath. But he is a right-winger and at a press conference on November 5 he appeared to favour a military coup. The Venezuelan elites and the US government see the next few weeks as the last opportunity they may have to reverse the tide. We may see a 'strategy of tension' script unwind, as it has done in the past with coups in which the CIA has had a role: On the other hand, Chavez is popular, canny and a survivor.

The stakes are very high. Exasperated by Chavez's attacks on a former Spanish premier during Saturday's final session of the meeting, King Juan Carlos at one point told Chavez to "shut up," though the latter said he did not hear the king shout.

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The Venezuelan president accused the international press for "motivated" reporting on the incident and denounced "the existence of a campaign on the world level The incident comes as Chavez campaigns for a referendum on Dec. Under Zapatero, a socialist, ties between Madrid and Caracas have been friendly. In , Washington forced Madrid to call off a multi-million sale of military aircraft to Venezuela after banning a Spanish aerospace firm from using U. The irrepressible Chavez, who wants play a major international role at a moment when his country is facing tensions due to constitutional reform, meets with Sarkozy as part of a "rapid but productive" tour, including the OPEC heads of state summit in Saudi Arabia at the weekend, Iran and Portugal.

On November 8, it was reported that Chavez had held the first of what may be a series of meetings with representatives of the FARC, after offering to mediate in order to gain the release of hostages. Chavez has said that, before arriving in Paris next week, he hopes to have evidence that Betancourt is alive -- something that has been promised by FARC 'foreign minister' Rodrigo Granda. A socialist who calls Cuban leader Fidel Castro his mentor, Chavez sees himself as a modern-day liberator ridding the region and beyond of "imperialism" and capitalism.

Political analysts say his bark is worse than his bite. About half a million people have downloaded a cellphone ringtone featuring the phrase "Por que no te callas? T-shirts and mugs featuring the words are also becoming a profitable business, and videos of the confrontation have been a hit on YouTube.

Chavez's opponents in Venezuela are no less obsessed. Pirated copies of the quote have been popping up in the South American country. In Venezuela, T-shirts with the slogan in Spanish have the "NO" in uppercase — a call for voting against constitutional reforms that would significantly expand Chavez's power.

The Venezuelan leader says the changes would empower neighborhood-based assemblies and advance the country's transition to socialism. Mr Chavez's insults of leaders are legendary. In Mr Chavez's language, Mr Bush mutates - the Devil , terrorist, unholy, drunk, Hitler, ignoramus, coward, liar, immoral, Mr Danger, a donkey - ironically a very useful animal - et cetera.

Really, other words to describe Mr Bush and his policies accurately, convincingly and persuasively, exist. Mr Chavez reserves best attributes to himself and friends. He has compared himself with Christ, referring to the latter's speech in the Book of Luke. If he stops talking, he has said, "All stones in South America would cry. Luckily, Mr Mugabe's language benefits from occasional linguistic laundry.

The Venezuelan has some good ideas. He validly stands up to the United States and wealthy nations. At the summit, he hated its theme. He also suggested South American nations stop investing heavily in US Treasury bonds and put that cash in a proposed Bank of the South. Mid-week, he said he planned to ask members of the Organization of Oil Exporting Countries, OPEC, to sell oil at reduced prices to poverty-stricken countries, which would help.

About 2, intellectuals from Latin America and Europe added their support to the campaign Latin America Does Not Shut Up, in defense of the sovereignty of the region, a support that grows at a constant rhythm. What happened there, the text points out, is proof that times have changed in Latin America. The Indians, the oppressed and forgotten have definitively entered the political scenario of Ibero America and neither monarchs or neo liberals cloaked as left wingers will shut them up. The organizers of the campaign noted how the Summit intended to claim that poverty, exclusion and marginalization of the majority in Latin America are not the responsibility of the old colonial metropolises, nor of the continuity of that domination through European and US transnationals.

The document critiques representatives of petty interests of bankers and stock holders and not the honor of the Spaniards. It deplores that the leader of a party called "socialist and worker" and a non-elected monarch shared "in the defense of the war criminal, Jose Maria Aznar. Venezuela Chavez's loose lips spark diplomatic spats. The two countries only sent ambassadors back to each other's capitals earlier this year. Colombia said Chavez had talked by telephone with a military chief about the hostages despite an agreement with Uribe not to do so.

The Uribe government also said Chavez had publicly disclosed information he had learned in private conversations. Colombia's president Uribe accusations against Chavez are probably under George Bush's request to undercut Chavez's political influence in Latin America. Uribe is Bush's close ally, and Colombia gets about 10 billion a year from the U. Chavez's calling the former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar, a "fascist" was justified. He used the Spanish navy to stop and inspect a foreign ship in the Arabian Sea on behalf of the U.

And the commander of the Armored Division who refused to join the coup, send helicopters with commandos to free Chavez and restore him to power, told CBS "60 minutes" that he was offered a huge bribe to join the plotters - but he refused. There should be no doubt that the bribe was U. The current Spanish prime minister's, Louis Zapatero, argument that Jose Maria Aznar was an elected leader and deserved "respect" [not a "fascist" slur], was hypocritical.

Hitler and Mussolini were proud fascists, and all they did was overthrowing governments and establishing puppet regimes. As for King Juan Carlos, he was a hapless aristocratic youth until the Spanish fascist dictator, Francisco Franco, decided at his death-bed to make him a King of Spain and thus assure that Spain stays with a right wing government - no chance for Socialism, and no more "international brigades" supporting socialist causes around the globe. There is no precedent in history in which any king told another head of state publicly to "shut up.

Colombia's President Alvaro Uribe withdrew his support for the Venezuelan president after he contacted a Colombian general in spite of agreements not to. The Venezuelan president says he accepts Colombia's decision and has called on FARC to show that the hostages are still alive. The Ground-plan of the ship's port-side was wedged in shape of a crescent moon. Because it is now swimming upon this lune-side the thunderbolt-serpent is constantly winding right-hand-bended cycles, - like the thrown uru-hammer always boomerangs back into the hand of Thor.

Because the bow of the ship was bent to the port side, and her stern to starboard, she turns these cycles in wave-lines. The 'thunder-boomerang' moves like an electron cycling around its nucleus in wave-lines. Ground Plan The Ground Plan of the underside was wedged in the shape of a lune. Water is a chemical substance with the chemical formula H2O. A water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent bonds. Water is a liquid at ambient conditions, but it often co-exists on Earth with its solid state, ice, and gaseous state water vapor or steam.

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Water also exists in a liquid crystal state near hydrophilic surfaces. States of matter are the distinct forms that different phases of matter take on. Solid, liquid and gas are the most common states of matter on Earth. However, much of the baryonic matter of the universe is in the form of hot plasma, both as rarefied interstellar medium and as dense stars. Historically, the distinction is made based on qualitative differences in bulk properties.

Solid is the state in which matter maintains a fixed volume and shape; liquid is the state in which matter maintains a fixed volume but adapts to the shape of its container; and gas is the state in which matter expands to occupy whatever volume is available.

Ice Ih exhibits many peculiar properties that are relevant to the existence of life and regulation of global climate. The crystal structure is characterized by the oxygen atoms forming hexagonal symmetry with near tetrahedral bonding angles. The density of ice Ih is 0. This is attributed to the presence of hydrogen bonds which causes atoms to become more distant in the solid phase.

The solid phase of materials is usually more closely and neatly packed and has a higher density than the liquid phase. This anomalous behavior of water and ice is what allows fish to survive harsh winters. The high latent heat of sublimation is principally indicative of the strength of the hydrogen bonds in the crystal lattice. The refractive index of ice Ih is 1. The accepted crystal structure of ordinary ice was first proposed by Linus Pauling in The structure of ice Ih is roughly one of crinkled planes composed of tessellating hexagonal rings, with an oxygen atom on each vertex, and the edges of the rings formed by hydrogen bonds.

Marc Herman

The planes alternate in an ABAB pattern, with B planes being reflections of the A planes along the same axes as the planes themselves. The angle between bonds in the crystal lattice is very close to the tetrahedral angle of This tetrahedral bonding angle of the water molecule essentially accounts for the unusually low density of the crystal lattice — it is beneficial for the lattice to be arranged with tetrahedral angles even though there is an energy penalty in the increased volume of the crystal lattice.

As a result, the large hexagonal rings leave almost enough room for another water molecule to exist inside. This gives naturally occurring ice its unique property of being less dense than its liquid form. The hydrogen atoms in the crystal lattice lie very nearly along the hydrogen bonds, and in such a way that each water molecule is preserved.

This means that each oxygen atom in the lattice has two hydrogens adjacent to it, at about pm along the pm length of the bond. The crystal lattice allows a substantial amount of disorder in the positions of the hydrogen atoms frozen into the structure as it cools to absolute zero. As a result, the crystal structure contains some residual entropy inherent to the lattice and determined by the number of possible configurations of hydrogen positions that can be formed while still maintaining the requirement for each oxygen atom to have only two hydrogens in closest proximity, and each H-bond joining two oxygen atoms having only one hydrogen atom.

There are various ways of approximating this number from first principles. Suppose there are a given number N of water molecules. The oxygen atoms form a bipartite lattice: Focus attention on the oxygen atoms in one set: Each has four hydrogen bonds, with two hydrogens close to it and two far away. This means there are. For each of those, there are. So, naively, we would expect the total number of configurations to be.

This estimate is 'naive', as it assumes the six out of 16 hydrogen configurations for oxygen atoms in the second set can be independently chosen, which is false. More complex methods can be employed to better approximate the exact number of possible configurations, and achieve results closer to measured values. By contrast, the structure of ice II is hydrogen-ordered, which helps to explain the entropy change of 3. Also, ice XI, an orthorhombic, hydrogen-ordered form of ice Ih, is considered the most stable form at low temperatures.

Archived from the original PDF on 7 October Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Physical chemistry 9th ed. The Journal of Chemical Physics. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Water Structure and Science. Ice Ic pronounced "ice one c" or "ice icy" is a metastable cubic crystalline variant of ice.

Apart from forming from supercooled water,[5] ice Ic has also been reported to form from amorphous ice[6] as well as from the high pressure ices II, III and V. Ordinary water ice is known as ice Ih in the Bridgman nomenclature. Different types of ice, from ice II to ice XVI, have been created in the laboratory at different temperatures and pressures. Evidence for Ice Ic in the Atmosphere". Wie viel Prozent eines Eisbergs sind unter Wasser? Justitia, the Roman goddess of Justice, who is equivalent to the Greek goddess Dike is an allegorical personification of the moral force in judicial systems.

Depiction The personification of justice balancing the scales of truth and fairness dates back to the Goddess Maat, and later Isis, of ancient Egypt. The Hellenic deities Themis and Dike were later godesses of justice. Themis was the embodiment of divine order, law, and custom, in her aspect as the personification of the divine rightness of law. However, a more direct connection is to Themis' daughter Dike, who was portrayed carrying scales.

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Dithyrambs 17, 24ff greek. Whatever the all-powerful fate of the gods [25] has granted for us, and however the scale of Justice inclines, we shall fulfill our appointed destiny when it comes. Dithyrambs 17, 24ff english. Ancient Rome adopted the image of a female goddess of justice, which it called Justitia. Since Roman times, Justitia has frequently been depicted carrying scales and a sword, and wearing a blindfold. Her modern iconography frequently adorns courthouses and courtrooms, and conflates the attributes of several goddesses who embodied Right Rule for Greeks and Romans, blending Roman blindfolded Fortuna fate with Hellenistic Greek Tyche luck , and sword-carrying Nemesis vengeance.

Justitia is most often depicted with a set of scales typically suspended from her left hand, upon which she measures the strengths of a case's support and opposition. She is also often seen carrying a double-edged sword in her right hand, symbolizing the power of Reason and Justice, which may be wielded either for or against any party.

Since the 15th century, Lady Justice has often been depicted wearing a blindfold. The blindfold represents objectivity, in that justice is or should be meted out objectively, without fear or favour, regardless of identity, money, power, or weakness; blind justice and impartiality. The earliest Roman coins depicted Justitia with the sword in one hand and the scale in the other, but with her eyes uncovered.

The Shores of Tripoli (Kindle Single)

Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Seit über zwanzig Jahren berichtet der Reporter Marc Buy Ein libyscher Sommer: Sechs Wochen unter Rebellen ( Kindle Single) (German Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - www.farmersmarketmusic.com Hardcover. The Shores of Tripoli (Kindle Single). $ Kindle Edition. Ein libyscher Sommer: Sechs Wochen unter Rebellen (Kindle Single) (German Edition).

Instead of using the Janus approach, many sculptures simply leave out the blindfold altogether. Justizia mit Augenbinde fotocent. Kriminalgericht Moabit, Moabit, Berlin qype. Mehr als hundert Jahre wird in diesem sicherlich bekanntesten deutschen Gericht, das den Namen des Stadtteils Moabit in ganz Deutschland bekannt gemacht hat, schon Recht gesprochen. Ein Jahr nach dem Die Geschichte des Kriminalgerichts spiegelt die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung wider: Bei der Justizreform vom Vorbild war die friderizianische Architektur des Die imposante Architektur sollte die Erhabenheit des Rechts deutlich machen.

Bei seiner Fertigstellung im Jahre und Einweihung am Ebenfalls eingebaut wurden eine eigene Wasserversorgung mit Wasserturm und eine eigene Telefonanlage. Die andauernde Raumnot zwang zu weiteren Neubauten,, mit denen am Die Fertigstellung erfolgte am 7. She is depicted as Astraia constellation Virgo , the goddess of justice, with the usual attributes of a star-god: Deutsche Strafrechtsliteratur chronologisch geordnet von bis She was one of the three second-generation Horae, along with Eunomia "order" and Eirene "peace":.

She ruled over human justice, while her mother Themis ruled over divine justice. Her opposite was adikia "injustice": The later art of rhetoric treated the personification of abstract concepts as an artistic device, which devolved into the allegorizing that Late Antiquity bequeathed to patristic literature. Soeben startete ein Projekt mit acht weiteren Nationalbibliotheken, die, ausgestattet mit einem Budget von 5,4 Mio.

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Books by Marc Herman. Trivia About The Wizard and th Please try your request again later. Over a year career, reporter Marc Herman has reported from volcanoes in Java, vaccine trials in Mozambique, fire festivals in Spain, and Presidential debates in New Hampshire.

He lives in Barcelona. Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. Thank you to the surprising number of people who have written recently to encourage this. Truthfully, the Rain in Spain is Mainly on the Coasts. Links for early Spring: Blech of a Salesman. In the three months since self-publishing a piece of long form reporting, I have become more aware of the niche businesses evolving around ebooks.

Graphic designers appear to be finding sustaining work. Freelance editors have less traction, but some are doing well providing notes to authors. We do not yet see many boutique marketing shops croppin. Updates will resume in this space shortly. I have been waiting until I have something useful to say. The above was among several responses over the holidays to a spate of articles on journalists and self-publishing.

Each talked about my own Kindle Single, which is why I saw them. From the many, many tweets and such that resulted, I suspect there are more stories out there, and a larger discussion. My guess is the self-publish.