It Hardly Seems Fair

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Here is a constantly updated list with all the characters and their stats in game. This includes self-promoting your own YouTube or Twitch channels and never providing further content to the subreddit. Advertising in comments is also not allowed. Misc This hardly seems fair I don't know about any body else but, to me it seems that match making is more broken than it used to be before the last update.

I used to stumble upon a hacked team once in a while but overall match making seemed to be decent enough. I used to put up against teams like what this guy just posted. Your team's fusion level is off. You have an EX with E7 and E2. I've been matched with a diamond X team while I had a silver X team. I've also seen the opposite happen to others, i.

I think it might be the new server is trying to figure out your range and it will be balanced in the next season or the one after it. They don't bother getting changed. Toni doesn't even notice the massive gaping hole in the door or the open window with curtains blowing violently in the wind. She's too distraught for even the lowest level of observation. She lies as close to the other girl as possible but she still feels alone.

Cheryl wraps her arms around her, pulling her tight to her chest and kissing her forehead, leaving her lips there. She knows what it's like to lose a brother. Even eight months on it still feels as if a part of her is missing and she doubts the hole in her heart would ever be filled — a scar of the same bullet which had taken him away from her. He, like Fangs for Toni, had always been there for her, had always been the one protecting her, the one she could talk to, and then something tragic happened and he was stolen from her and everything was over as fast as a bullet itself moves.

Gregory House, MD - "hardly seems fair.."

Toni cries herself to sleep and each tear which lands on the fabric of her black turtleneck is like a stab to the heart. The holder of the metaphorical knife remains held close to Cheryl's chest. If there's anyone know knows that the people who are hurting the most who cause the most pain, it's her. The bare sight of the tears the strongest person she knows in the world can't keep from falling hurt the redhead like rusty, deeply penetrated daggers being twisted slowly from the inside out.

So Cheryl murmurs sweet nothings which she can only hope will do something to alleviate the shorter girls pain until the ragged breathing evens out and they both succumb to eight hours of mindlessness, thankfully forgetting the pain of the previous night for even that short period of time.

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Toni doesn't remember much when she wakes up the next day. With only a couple of hours of sleep it isn't surprising. But she does immediately realise that's something is up. She's in Cheryl's house and, whilst waking up there had been becoming a more normal situation in recent weeks, she is lying in bed fully dressed in everyday attire. Her eyes sting as if they'd had bandaids ripped off then, and there is blood caked under her nails. Her face crumples as she lets out a whine, biting her lip in failed attempt to prevent another loud, agonising sob from being ripped from her chest.

Right now, everything hurts so much. It hurts more than that time last year she was shot in the collar and admitted to hospital for week. This time, however, there's no painkiller to take the sharp ache away. This time, there are no pins in place to lessen the damage.

This time, it is emotional pain. Toni's crying had obviously woken her up, but she doesn't care because she'd go a hundred sleepless nights if it were the solution take that ache away from her girlfriends heart. She simply pulls herself closer to the Serpent and throws an arm around her waist, using the other hand to wipe the tears away from her face.

She can't imagine what's running through her head right now — she isn't sure if she wants to — but the gesture and the words let the shorter girl know that she's not alone. It's the only thing she can do at that moment in time and although soothing words won't bring him back or draw Jughead to safety, sometimes simply knowing that someone is right by your side to help you though the hard times is the only thing you really need. They're the last to leave the cemetery. Toni doesn't want to leave at all and Cheryl will let her stay because she can't bear to drag this broken girl away from her deceased best friend's body, six feet under yet feeling more like five laps of the world away, so they sit down on the wet grass staring silently.

It hurts knowing that they're all that's left of him. It hurts that he's never going to marry Polly and that he's never going to meet the twins, and that he's never going to give his words of wisdom on the darkest of days or stand up for me in front of my mother when she does so much as raise a finger. He's never going to go to college and achieve his dreams and grow old Her voice trails off. Talking about her brother opens barely healed wounds, but that's not her fault.

She's had time to acknowledge that nothing to do with Jason was her doing. Still, she still feels the guilt which had been forced upon her by the man who left the scars on her heart in the first place.

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She isn't at the acceptance stage of grief, nor anywhere near it. She knows that he was gone but You can't just simply deal with the fact that he's gone, that he's never coming back. You're going to cry and scream and you're going to look at his seat in class and you're going to want to break down and run out do the room in that very moment.

If you want to, go ahead and do that.

Giving some form to the stuff in my head

That didn't get her into much good, in all honesty. She'd wander around for a good five minutes, and then the school counsellor would find her and interrogate her into sharing what exactly was going on — which she didn't even understand herself — and when she'd arrive home her mother would tell her how pathetic she was for having to do that and she'd feel even more shit about herself and the fact that Weatherbee made her go and sit in that woman's office during every study period for several weeks.

I'm not going to pretend that I know what you're going through," Cheryl continues. I want to help , because I understand what is like to lose someone. Promise me that you'll talk to me. Don't cut me off. Tell me when you feel like it's not going to get better because I can't stand the thought of you even thinking on the lines of doing the thing I did. Toni draws her eyes away from the redhead's, brushing her wet hair back from her forehead. She didn't take them lightly anymore. Fangs had promised that he'd never leave.

Duke Igthorn: How did I get so brilliant? It hardly seems fair to the rest of the world!

Some would say that the promise had been broken because he wasn't alive anymore, and that just about gives her an excuse to refuse what Cheryl js begging from her, but at the same time she figures she didn't. Cheryl had reminded her constantly over the past two weeks that he was still there. Toni wasn't religious, but something or another had led her to believe that he is looking over her, and that is enough of a reason to make her believe that the promise hadn't been broken.

Fangs hadn't chosen to die. Fangs had his life taken from him by a mother who was struggling to grieve. That said mother is most likely going to be charged with murder of some degree, rightfully too, and even though Toni hates her for destroying the life of her best friend she can't seem to bring herself to not say something in court.

Fangs wouldn't have wanted that to come from his death.

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Likewise, Fangs wouldn't have wanted Toni to do something stupid because of his death, either. Cheryl smiles softly, pulling her towards her, their lips meeting. It's still raining heavily, drops landing on their faces and mingling with the tears which are still falling from both of their eyes, but the kiss is still beautiful, and Toni swears she can hear Fangs laughing at them, referencing one of those high school romcoms she would always force him to watch with her, and for the first time in two weeks she felt okay.

She was still fractured, shattered even, her heart the same — but this love was far from that state. Just In All Stories: Story Story Writer Forum Community. And never coming back. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. No NSFW content is allowed on this sub. Witch-Hunting There will be no tolerance of Witch-Hunting. Any posts attempting to incite a witch-hunt will immediately lead to a permanent ban.

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It hardly seems fair = It almost does not seem fair Though some people might use a negative tag after hardly, barely, scarcely and rarely. It hardly seems fair that the duty of dealing with these people always falls on me. But I am the one who understands the words and the numbers.

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