Dating Breakthrough! An Interactive Guide to Create the Relationship You Want

Be careful what adventures you sign up for when you swipe on dating apps! We also knew the general path of Eros and the Matches, but had to do more complex world-building when it came down to writing those chapters. It's been an adventure! What was your favorite part of writing Perfect Match? My favorite part was seeing reader reactions! As a fellow Indonesian rebel, getting to introduce Miss Alana Kusuma to the Choices-verse means a lot to me. She's the epitome of someone "shattering the glass ceiling," and I'm glad she was warmly received.

The hardest scene to write, which turned out to be my favorite, is definitely Hayden's Dolores Park scene. Hopefully, we made up for the heavy conversations with a kiss in the rain! Getting to write polyamorous relationships was so near and dear to my heart, and every small moment exploring that was fantastic. And I loved getting to see both Alana and Damien grow throughout the series. Alana's final airport scene and Damien's "I love you" moment were incredibly emotional for me to write.

They've both come so far! I'm so proud of them! Would you date a robot if they were your perfect match? My Tinder profile specifies "Robots only.

  • Breakthrough Intensive — Jennifer Schramm.
  • About the Author.
  • A Tale of Two Friends!

To be honest, I would date a robot even if they weren't my perfect Match There are a lot of moments in Perfect Match when the characters doubt themselves and their ability to take down the obstacles in their way. Especially with the help of a support system and Armadillo Power! I hope all of us can enjoy the process of exploring the boundaries of who we are and who we could be, and never feel restricted to any label, definition, or preconceived notion!

We are always evolving. You are capable of incredible things, and you are worthy of love and respect. And if you ever forget, call in Nadia to remind you! Thank you so, so much for loving our characters just as much as we do. Thank you for every hilarious comment, thoughtfully-crafted tweet, beautiful fanart, and heartfelt message. You all inspire me every single week. I'm moving to High School Story: Skye, Rory, Ajay, and the twins are all so fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing them grow!

But rest assured, it will have a lot of smooching, sweetness, and hilarity! What's next for me is also a secret! But here's a hint: I guess we'll find out what the future holds!

Meet Shira Teichman of Breakthrough Dating

To everyone who's stuck with Perfect Match from beginning to end, thank you for reading along! Case the joint, assemble a crew, and make off with the score of a lifetime Now before the book launches next week, let's hear from the intrepid crew of writers behind our newest Choices book:. Without sharing the blueprint of the whole book, tell us a little about The Heist: Monaco is our take on a classic heist-style caper!

You play as a master thief preparing for one big job, but along the way, you're going to assemble a crew of specialists from a really fun cast of characters. It's slick, fast-paced, and a ton of fun. What goes into assembling a crew? And, ahem, can we date anyone in our heist crew? A lot of planning! You're gonna travel around the world meeting cool, ridiculous, badass criminals, and then decide which of them gets to be on your team.

Each potential crew member you'll meet has a specific skillset as well as a unique personality, and whoever you choose will be with you for the rest of the book Good news is, you can always play it again with a completely different group of characters. As for the second question Being a criminal mastermind is sexy. Safe to say, some members of your heist crew will think so too! A lot goes into pulling off the crime of the century. You need someone who's good at distraction, someone with some serious sleight-of-hand skills, and obviously an awesome getaway driver.

As the leader of a crew, you'll get to hand-pick people for these roles. And clearly, when things get tense, romance can happen in the heat of the moment What was it like brainstorming this book and, of course, planning a whole heist in the process? A lot of maps, charts, devious scheming, and brainstorming fun character voices.

Also a lot of coffee, but that was mostly me. It was kind of intense at first. There's a lot of moving pieces to manage, but I'm proud of what we've come up with! The early brainstorms really gave me a new appreciation for how much planning goes into a heist! Many diagrams were scribbled on whiteboards. But my favorite part was thinking about how different crew members will banter with each other in fun, personality-clashing ways. If you were recruited to pull off a heist, what role do you think you'd play? I'd probably be some sort of wisecracking thief who is largely comic relief until one unexpected clutch moment in the end where he pickpockets the pope's car keys or something.

I think I'd be a hacker. That way, I could keep out of danger and hang out in front of a computer screen from some remote location, probably eating candy bars, guzzling caffeinated drinks, and listening to pop songs that help me get in the 'zone'. Which, come to think of it, doesn't sound too different from my current daily life. I'd probably be a grifter-type that distracts the authorities while the real cons slip in. Knowing my luck, I would probably make a huge mistake, but somehow I'd still end up successful.

Just not the way I intended. Any final tips for players about to pull off the ultimate heist? Play it a second time with a completely different crew, and see the different interactions and conversations you unlock. Every good heist involves some reckless improvisation, so remember to enjoy the journey and take risks along the way!

Sure, the heaps of riches you can get are a plus Just try to remain calm under pressure! There's a lot of tense moments in here with some quick decision making. If you keep a cool head, and focus on the job, you'll make off with the score, no problem! Get ready to scheme and steal your way to the top in The Heist: Monaco, launching next week!

What books did you love in ? Are you liking the new Choices update? We want to hear from YOU! And thank you for playing! This update is our biggest and most ambitious yet! What's new in this update: We're talking total makeover! But that's not all Next, you've asked, and we've listened. In this update, we've increased chapter completion rewards! All that, and we haven't even talked about our new books yet! This update places Choices on a firmer foundation to add more new features that you guys will love.

Knowing that you guys are out there playing, loving, and living passionately makes every day even hard ones a joy. We can't say it often enough, or shout it loud enough Royal Level 1 Director. As the end of approaches, we at Pixelberry wanted to take the chance to look back, reflect, and give you the latest update on what's new at Pixelberry. But before we get into that, we just wanted to say a big thank you for playing Choices! First off, Choices is undergoing a makeover!

Our team is about to release an update in the near future that will improve game experience and navigation in Choices with a fresh, new look. We also plan to address some issues, such as the diamond reward bug and common causes for game crashes. The last few months have been a little rocky for us here at Pixelberry.

Alongside releasing a number of new books, Choices experienced more than a few bugs, and we can't apologize enough for these issues and inconveniences. During this time, we came to truly appreciate how patient and encouraging you all are. The Choices community is one of a kind. In this blog post, we'd like to go ahead and answer a few commonly asked questions! On social media and via Support messages, the Community team and the Support team do their best to provide you with the latest news, but a Facebook comment or game message isn't the best place to go into detail So we're going to do that here!

And now, let's get down to business:. We're excited to announce that The Royal Romance writers are hard at work on a new follow-up series! We can't give away too much at this stage in the process, but the new series will start directly after the events of The Royal Romance. The writers are really excited for what they have planned! We'll have more news for you in the upcoming months. Book 2 come out? Is there a release date?

Right now, Book 2 of Bloodbound is being worked on! We hope to release it in the spring of We know it's been a while since Book 1 ended, but we promise that it'll be worth the wait.

Step 1: Enter your details below.

There'll be plenty of bloodcurdling adventures and heartstopping romance! Stay tuned for more early sneak peeks and news. In the meantime, we have another paranormal book planned, one that'll make you howl at the moon We don't have a release date for Hero: Book 2, but when we do, the Choices community will be the first to know.

The writing for Book 2 is in progress, but we're not sure when we'll have the art ready, especially given its unique art style. We want to get Hero 2 right -- unfortunately, that means it may launch in When will Most Wanted come off hiatus? Will we get a Most Wanted: As you know, Most Wanted continues to be on hiatus.

When the time is right, we intend to revisit Most Wanted. And of course, we'll let you know ASAP if there's new developments! When is Across the Void coming back? Why is it on break? Across the Void is on a mid-book break right now as the team gears up for more interstellar adventures!

In the past, books like The Royal Romance and Endless Summer have gone on break to give our team more time to put out the best chapters possible without placing too much pressure on the writing, art, and QA teams. Across the Void should return this spring.

When it's ready for take-off again, we'll post online with more news! Why do you make new books instead of completing sequels? Going into , our team wanted to try out new stories and expand the Choices library. With this goal in mind, we worked to release stories and genres we've never tried before -- such as paranormal romance, sci-fi, and historical fiction. That's how we ended up with Bloodbound, Perfect Match, and many others! Exploring new stories taught us a lot and helped focus our vision for Deciding which books to make often depends on a variety of factors -- like popularity, resources, art budget, what's right for the story, timing, and other elements.

At any given time, we often have several books, both new ones and sequels, in development. Different books have different teams, so when a new book comes out, fear not! They're all in the works! Book 2 and America's Most Eligible: Book 2 will be returning this winter. Keep an eye out for sneak peeks, cover reveals, and release dates And thanks to everyone who voted on who should return for AME Book 2!

As for Red Carpet Diaries, we don't have a release date for it yet, but your Hollywood adventures will continue in ! If you want the latest news, just follow us on social media! Our most up-to-date info is always on social media, guaranteed. Will we get more free diamonds? When will the diamond rewards bug be fixed?

First and foremost, we apologize if you've encountered issues with the diamonds-for-ads feature. That's something we've been working on fixing, and hope to address in the next game update. Expect to see the first fruits of these tests coming soon! Why do some books have a female-only player character? Will there be more gender options in the future? We absolutely hear you on this front. As to why, it depends on the book. In the coming year, we'll be launching a mix of single gender books and books with more gender options.

And for those asking: Monaco will have male and female player character options! Are there going to be new books and genres in ? You know the answer to this one: We're super excited to share all the books we have with you -- new books and sequels alike! Get ready to run from the law, solve medical mysteries, sail the open seas, and much, much more!

If you liked our books, just wait for I've got more questions! How do I get them answered? Good question, hypothetical Choices reader! You can also reach out to our Community Team by messaging us on Facebook, or tweeting us on Twitter. Contact us if you need game support, have questions, or just want to say hey. We'd love to hear from you!

And how about a behind-the-scenes look back on ? For our team, this year has been about growing our capacity to tell more stories. With the encouragement of Nexon, we continued to grow the number of writers, artists, designers, engineers, QA, and other teams at Pixelberry. At times, when we found really great writers, we grew a little faster than anticipated. While this stretched us more than expected, it also will make this December our most prolific yet when it comes to number of new chapters released. And thanks to our office coordinators, we've kept that fun Pixelberry spirit alive with launch parties, birthday celebrations, and boba runs.

We also had a blast this year branching out into new genres with stories like Desire and Decorum, Perfect Match, and Bloodbound. We hit a few bumps in the road along the way, for which we're very sorry. One of our biggest challenges this year was finding great engineers to help us release new features for Choices. But we did hire a Director of Engineering who hit the ground running and has recently helped us add more engineering capacity, which will let us add features faster next year.

Overall, we're so grateful to be ending with a larger, stronger team ready to go full-steam ahead creating new Choices adventures in But what we're most grateful for are all of you who have supported us with your 5-star reviews, encouraging messages, stunning fanart, patience when we make mistakes, and constructive suggestions for improvements. Your passion powers us through brain blocks, problems, and stressful times. Thank you so much for that.

We truly feel blessed to have a fan community that shares our love for stories. Fall is almost over, but we've got one more new Choices book for you! A Courtesan of Rome makes its debut on November 14th, and we couldn't be more excited for our second work of historical fiction. This time around, you'll fight for vengeance, seek out love, and navigate the treacherous waters of the political scene in Ancient Rome. Before all that, let's check in with the writers Set the stage for us. What's the story of A Courtesan of Rome? In ancient Rome, courtesans occupied a really unique place in society -- as the only women allowed in many men-only spaces, they were educated, politically active, and influential in a way that wasn't possible for most women at the time.

A daughter of a former chieftain of Gaul, you were captured by Caesar's forces years ago. Now that you've risen to move as an equal among the senators and elite of Rome, you must seek your vengeance on the men who massacred your tribe, search for your scattered family, and perhaps find unexpected love in a city where everyone is an enemy. A Courtesan of Rome is a step back in history for Choices. What do you think sets A Courtesan of Rome apart from other Choices books?

What kind of story are you trying to tell? A Courtesan of Rome is a romantic historical epic. While romance is a huge part of the storyline, it takes place on a backdrop of dramatic historical events, giving you a chance to take part in gladiatorial blood sports, religious mystery cults, brutal battles, and Machiavellian political maneuverings I think what really sets "A Courtesan of Rome" apart is the epic scope. The fall of the Roman Republic is one of the most consequential times in all of European history, and the people involved are household names more than two thousand years later!

Giving players a window into what it must have been like living in Rome at that time -- and a chance to shape that history in large and small ways -- is extremely gratifying to me as a historical fiction buff. In this book, it's not always cut and dried who your friends and enemies are, and we really let you pull the strings in all this political intrigue if you play your cards right. Also, we get to write gladiator fights, and it's sweet. There's something in this book for everyone! As with any historical book, lots of research is a must!

How did you go about tackling research and brainstorming? I've had a long-standing interest in Rome ever since high school Latin club!

LA’s Most Inspiring Stories

My situation is identical to yours. Thank you so much. Our most up-to-date info is always on social media, guaranteed. I provided my wife with everything that she wanted but in the end we split in very acrimonious circumstance and I have not spoken to her for 5 years. Don't worry, the game will remain available to download and play! Little red flags in your intuition level almost never go away on their own, so pay attention to them.

There were definitely a few different historical fiction epics that were big influences on this story, including Manda Scott's "Boudica" series and Kate Quinn's "Mistresses of Rome" series both set a little later in the Empire , and Robert Harris's absolutely amazing Cicero trilogy which covers this exact time period from the point of view of Caesar's enemy Cicero. The more moment-to-moment research was sometimes difficult because there is just so much information to sift through.

What we think of as "Rome," lasted for over a thousand years, and included an early kingdom, the Republican period we're set in, and many hundreds of years of Empire after. So, it's not always easy to find exactly the information you want! This means I should probably put the standard historical novelist disclaimer here: While we tried to stick to the broad outline of the important events that happened at this time, the needs of the story always took precedence. So, if there was ever a question of "this character was really married at this time, but we think he would be a really great love interest Who are you rooting for in this book?

Who's your fave character? Haha, as a writer, I'm always rooting for my characters to suffer as much as possible, and for players to walk away from a chapter desperate to know how they can possibly survive! My favorite character to write for this book was definitely Marc Antony, who is a really fun combination of puppet master and rule-breaking anarchist. He and the main character start as enemies, but when sparks fly between them, players will have to decide whether or not they want to risk using that sexual tension to manipulate Antony.

My favorite character to write is probably Sabina. Her character arc throughout the book was really special to me. I feel really lucky to be able to address some more serious topics with her. I hope our fans connect to her struggles and her character. The people must know. Will we get to date any historical figures? There might be one or two, though they're a lot hotter in A Courtesan of Rome than their statues are. I guess I just gave that away in the last question!

Yes, both Marc Antony and Cassius Longinus who eventually masterminds the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar are love interests in the book. And lastly, any final words for our players about to play A Courtesan of Rome tomorrow? Those who are about to read, we salute you. Check your Choices game tomorrow for A Courtesan of Rome! Winter's nearly here, and that means more of Choices -- you'll need your skills, your wits, and the right people for the job in our next Choices book!

Class Act, and more. Thanks so much for playing! Halloween's almost here, and at Pixelberry, we're celebrating with new spooky and spellbinding stories. On Wednesday, The Elementalists launched with its first chapter. Now that Chapter 2 is out as well, let's chat with The Elementalists writers But make sure you've played Chapter 2 first!

I know you can't spell out everything that happens in The Elementalists, but can you tell us a little bit about it? This project has been a dream of mine ever since I started working at Pixelberry two years ago, and it's still hard to believe they actually let me take the reins on this one. I won't spoil anything, but I can tell you that the whole team - writers, art, QA, everyone involved - put many, MANY long hours and their blood, sweat, and tears into this project.

So basically, if you don't like it, I'll cry. Well, if you've ever dreamed of being sucked through a portal and spit out at a magickal university, your dreams are about to come true! Essentially, you're pulled into a world you don't believe you can be a part of at first, but it doesn't take long for your powers to start revealing themselves.

But if you didn't know you could do magick, what other mysteries about you have been hiding just beneath the surface? The Elementalists is our newest fantasy story. What about this fantastical world are you most excited for players to encounter? We've got a lot of new features and art in this book that I'm very excited to show off to players! The cool spell graphics and amazing new backgrounds are just the tip of the iceberg. And of course, learning spells Magick in The Elementalists feels so welcoming to me. The friends you meet are so excited to introduce you to the world, and there's something wonderfully intuitive about the magickal system we've created Honestly, I think I'm most excited for readers to meet the main cast and watch them grow.

Every good fantasy has a core group of friends fighting for what they believe in, and I hope players fall in love with ours as much as we have. How did you tackle worldbuilding for The Elementalists? What was the inspiration for the element attunement system? This is definitely something I've spent a loooong time thinking about see question 1. I wanted to create something familiar, with all of the elements that fantasy fans love about a fantasy school book, while also creating something that feels entirely new.

This book is a frankenstein of things that I love, things that got the team excited while we were brainstorming, and things that we thought the fans would go crazy over. One of the first things that I decided was that Penderghast would be set in our world, current day, but hidden. The Attuned understand technology, are involved in Attuneless politics, and live alongside the Attuneless -- though of course, they still have to keep magick a secret to maintain the status quo.

It's the very best of both worlds! We wanted to create something familiar and accessible, but not wholly done before, so we talked a lot about things we've seen in fantasy that we enjoy, as well as things we wished to see. I think this world is so dear to us because it's an amalgam of so many things we cherish, imbued with our own magickal spark. So when I was a wee child attending Chinese school shoutout to all the Asian American kids who had to go to Saturday school!

During Elementalists brainstorms, we riffed on the premise of having a core something as the base for creating meaning, or in our case, magick. We settled on the classical elements as the foundation, and threw a few of our own into the mix as well. To perform magick, you have to channel the elements, and of course, everyone has an affinity to one or two -- kind of like having a college major, but also general education requirements! While building the Attunement quiz, I spent a lot of time delving into the history and uses of elements in different cultures You should see the number of research docs I made!

I wanted the Attunements to feel linked to the classical elements, but to also have their own unique spin. We spent a couple brainstorms figuring out the quiz answers and how they related to their elements. We tried to create a quiz that players could answer honestly, without necessarily guessing which answer is linked to which Attunement. I am also a libra, so it's very fitting. Let me make a detailed and organized plan to tackle any challenge!

Earth, which is weirdly fitting for me. I feel called out. Do you have a favorite character in The Elementalists? Which character do you relate to the most? My absolute favorite character to write is He's just such a pain, and I love writing people who are difficult to get along with. Aster is my girl! I love how excited and eager she is to learn about the world. I just want to give her a big hug. As for character I relate to the most, probably Beckett. My favorites to write are hands down Zeph and Beckett. They seem so different, but neither are as put together as they'd like you to believe relatable.

I can't stick with one fave, so I'll say Shreya and Griffin. Shreya's just a whole lot of fun, and someone I would want to date IRL. And I love seeing Griffin, this chill Sophomore, thrown into the trials and tribulations of all these hapless Freshmen.

Any final tips for readers about to embark on their Penderghast adventure? You'll have many opportunities to gain new spells throughout the book. My tip is to try to learn them all. You'll never know what a situation will call for Your Attunement will play a role in how you use magick and how you react to the events of the story! I recommend playing to your strengths. Danger lurks in the shadows. Bring on the magick! What's your elemental attunement? And follow along online for sneak peeks of what's next in Choices It's October, and you know what that means: Spooks and scares and the launch of It Lives Beneath!

Turn off the lights, turn up the sound, and tune into It Lives Beneath for the fright of your life But before that, let's talk to our resident horror writers! It Lives Beneath is set in the same world as It Lives in the Woods, but with a new town, new cast, and new monsters hiding around every corner. You play as a college student who has no experience with the supernatural You quickly find yourself thrown in the deep end, as it were, questioning the very nature of your reality. In this book, we really wanted to build on the mythology of the Power that we established in Book 1.

Will we see any old friends from It Lives in the Woods in this book? And by that, I mean, where's Andy Kang? I don't want to give away too much, but I will say that while we've moved on to a new setting, life has continued on in the little town of Westchester. You may see familiar faces here and there, and an old friend may show up to offer help in a time of need. It all depends on where you left things at the end of Book 1! So, a new story means a new cast, new friends, and new people to date!

Who's your favorite date-able character? He's a total nerd, but he's also an extremely thoughtful guy and the most loyal friend you'll ever meet. Honestly, I've been waiting for this ever since we first got his art back and said "Oh no I love all of our children equally, but she's really fun to write for. Major props to our art team! It Lives in the Woods introduced a particularly harrowing Nerve score system. Will there be more of that in It Lives Beneath? What are you looking forward to players encountering?

Nerve scores will be returning, though the system won't be exactly the same as players remember. Without spoiling too much, one of our goals for It Lives Beneath was for Nerve to have more of an effect throughout the whole book, rather than the final fates at the end. But rest assured, you and all your friends can totally still die. When we rolled out the Nerve score in Book 1, we learned a lot about what worked well and what could use improvement. Hopefully, the tweaks we made will make Nerve even more compelling in Book 2!

I've definitely seen some pretty terrifying stuff from It Lives Beneath. Thanks for the nightmare fodder, guys. On a scale of , how scary would you rate this book? So I'd give it a Any final tips for readers as they plunge into the terrifying world of It Lives Beneath? I've been told that this book should not, under any circumstances, be played at night. Hope you're all ready for the latest terrifying addition to the Choices library!

And stay tuned for more news and magickal yes, magick with a k sneak peeks from The Elementalists! The show must go on, and it will -- with the return of High School Story! This time around, High School Story is back with a new cast in the new school year, and more drama than ever before. Yes, we're talking theater! Let's chat with the team behind the newest Choices book to get the lowdown on High School Story: Class Act is a different take on High School Story. This time around, you play an incoming freshman with a major love for theatre.

As you step into the spotlight, you might just fall in love! But the course of true love never did run smooth, and neither has the path to stardom. Make friends, defend yourself from enemies, and flirt your way to romance. Will we be seeing any familiar faces from previous books? The main character of High School Story books will be playing a big role in the drama this time! And an old enemy will have a surprising link to someone you know.

Aside from the drama of theater, how much drama will there be in this book? The play is your chance to prove yourself to your classmates and reinvent who you are. And you might just develop feelings for others working alongside you on the production! Who in High School Story: Class Act are you most excited for everyone to meet? Do you have a favorite character to write?

Sibling relationships are some of the most entertaining things for me to write, and I hope our players enjoy their silly banter as much as we do! I really like Ajay, our director extraordinaire. I relate to how serious he is about his passion though mine was for the school newspaper , as well as his reservations about romance. But I have to say, as a former redheaded emo girl — writing Skye was like looking in a mirror. What's your connection to theater?

Do you have any favorite memories from drama class? The theater was my home in high school. I did the whole gamut, from acting to writing and directing. I attended a small all-girls' Dominican school where the nuns had to approve our theatrical productions. My freshman year, we somehow got away with doing The Rocky Horror Show At the risk of sounding like some kind of stone-cold killer, my favorite acting experience was when I played Othello and murdered my wife Desdemona, who was played by a guy friend of mine.

I really only did theater when I was a child, but got back into it in college. My favorite theatre class memory actually comes from college. You just have to focus on improving. That way of thinking really changed my life. And, yes, I did eventually have the breakthrough I was looking for. Thanks so much for reading, everyone. And don't forget to tune in Wednesday for the fright of your life with It Lives Beneath! We've also got some magical sneak peeks from The Elementalists brewing It's time to head back to Hartfeld in The Senior!

We've come a long way from the early days of Choices with The Freshman: Book 1, and it's exciting to reach the culmination of your college years with The Senior. Now let's talk to The Senior team! What's going down in The Senior? The Senior is all about going out and finding inspiration. With the future coming up so quickly, will you live in the moment, look to the past, or plan ahead?

There are quite a few milestones and big moments in The Senior. Want to drop a few hints about that? And of course, there are some big decisions ahead of you, like choosing a career and deciding what you want from your romantic relationships. Who will we be seeing in The Senior? Any familiar faces or new friends? A few might even be of the fluffy, cuddly variety For one, you can look forward to some new insights about a certain lovably cantankerous writer!

Senior year is no joke. Who out of the cast would you pick to be your study buddy for your final year of college? A book in one hand, and giving that pup a belly rub with the other? No human measures up. I would look forward to studying every day if I got to snuggle with him. A I love her. I have a playlist dedicated to and inspired by Kaitlyn, and it rocks. And C I do my best studying when I can help someone else with the material, so a less extreme version of cramming-with-Kaitlyn would be great for both of us and fun at the same time!

Plus, he's totally famous from trying to crash America's Most Eligible! I would pick Zack, hands down. Got any wisdom for students starting their senior year of college? Senior year can get really busy, and that forces you to prioritize the things and people that you really want to invest your time in. Don't let the stress take away your ability to enjoy the moment. Take breaks, breathe deep, have fun. Enjoy your last few months before you have to leave college! Focus on that finish line! I had a lot of other things trying to distract me, and it would've been easy to fall behind or even quit.

Whatever hurdles pop up in your path will be in your past soon enough.

  1. .
  2. Meet Shira Teichman of Breakthrough Dating - Voyage LA Magazine | LA City Guide;
  3. Gods Elephants.
  4. Redemption!
  5. In a Relationship with a Narcissist? What You Need to Know About Narcissistic Relationships.
  6. Sob o sol e um céu azul (Portuguese Edition).

Rolls a wisdom check I found an RPG group my senior year and they became some of my closest friends, and helped my creativity and writing. But in all seriousness, my advice is to find something fun and exciting to help combat that serious case of Senioritis. If you open yourself up to new activities, you open yourself up to new friends, new passions, and maybe even new crushes! Maybe your senior year is your victory lap. Along the way, you might just get the chance to study at the most prestigious magical university around Now that Book 3 has wrapped up, let's take a look back on the series with the writing team:.

It's been a pretty intense race to the finish line for The Royal Romance: How are you feeling? Are you doing okay? I think we've mostly made it out alive. As the saying goes, you can sleep when you're dead The Royal Romance has always had a really tight schedule, but Book 3 pushed us to our limits! There were a lot of late nights, a lot of weekends spent writing.

We really wanted to get this right or as right as possible in the time we had! Our motto for the last 8 weeks has been "Fall across the finish line," because we knew we just had to wrap up chapter 22 and then we could collapse. But in our trials and tribulations, we found enlightenment. Now, we spend our days upon a mountain in divine bliss, drinking tea, sampling pastries, and petting corgis. The Royal Romance started out as a lighthearted fairy tale romance.

Did you know all along that it would end up here -- a story with political intrigue, enemies-turned-allies, and one very adorable corgi? TRR always had darker elements lurking in the background, even from the first book, but the deeper you go into court life, the more dangerous things are. Players will probably be happy that they didn't let me kill off as many characters as I wanted to. I wanted Bastien to die at the start of Book 3.

I wanted Madeleine to die when she got poisoned. Whenever I'm involved, the body count tends to go up Like Kara said, we did always have some darker themes written in between the lines, so it was less a matter of 'will the story end up being about political intrigue and your enemies? Those connections were front and center in Book 3. When was that planned? Were there any plot details that readers may have missed? Well, what happened was, back when we were creating Book 1, we wanted an evil redhead to be your antagonist, and Kara said, "Oh, what if we used Zenobia, but the twist is she's a Nevrakis descendant?

I think most have been caught, except I don't think anyone has mentioned how the little girl in Lythikos is named after Val. My favorite references are actually some of the smallest ones. I live for every brief, snarky line Olivia throws in about her ancestors - with that Nevrakis history, there's an endless well to draw from. There are so many!

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I'm Shira Teichman, Founder & Head Dating Coach at Breakthrough Dating. We work with marriage-minded Jewish men and women of all ages, from across Our interactive exercises, guided visualizations and simulated "mock dates" enable We believe that if you want to find and build a life with your soulmate. Voyage LA Magazine | LA City Guide Today we'd like to introduce you to Shira Teichman. “PhD in Dating” by miraculously surviving years of dead-end relationships, I'd meet guys at singles mixers or get set up on blind dates, and We use carefully designed interactive exercises that help our clients.

But I'd have to say my favorite moment was in Book 1 where you follow Drake out into the snow and he explains why he dislikes the court and how he let his sister down. We'd purposefully written Drake up to that point as being slightly antagonistic, but this was the kind of the moment where I could see the main character falling for Drake. Though, having said that, I definitely teared up reading both the proposals and the marriage vows. Hats off to the art team! Hmmm… I really can't say that I have a favorite moment. There are way too many! I might have to pick the reveal of our corgi in a tuxedo, because it felt like the culmination of my own behind-the-scenes quest to add adorableness to everything.

I'd say probably the most satisfying scenes for me to write were the proposals and Anton's ultimate defeat. As enjoyable as it is to see the culmination of your positive relationships with the people you've grown to know and love, it's also very satisfying to finally see everyone work together to defeat the enemy that has taken so much from them. I think I have to go with the wedding vows your love interest recites. We really wanted the wedding to show just how far you and your love interest have come together, and that moment in the cathedral captured so much of what we love about each of these characters.

She knows almost as much about the court and kingdom as Liam, and she has the kind of generosity and empathy I'd want my Royal Council to live by. I'd pick the little girl from Lythikos who won her spot as one of their fiercest warriors by doing 'a tactical analysis of the greatest battles in Nevrakis history. It was New Year's Eve when Kara and I were hanging out and talking about how fun it would be to write a story about a girl trying to win the heart of a prince.

It was a long path to get here filled with a lot of brainstorms and a lot of late nights riddled with feelings of self-doubt, but I wouldn't have changed a second of it. Thank you for reading our story. It was a privilege to write it for you. First, I'm sorry to anyone that we've let down. TRR was an ambitious series that tried to do a lot of things with an already challenging schedule, and we didn't always pull off what we wanted with the flawless execution we envisioned.

Second, I've been working on The Royal Romance for the last year and a half. We've released 3 books. Writing for Choices -- the weekly deadlines, the pressure, the multiple plotlines to keep straight -- it's intense, but it's also the most amazing writing I've ever done. I fell in love with these characters like they're my real friends -- at midnight, I'd be messaging Jennifer and Jeffrey with ideas.

Everyday I feel grateful and excited for the stories I get to tell and the team that I get to tell them with, and that's completely and entirely because of all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making The Royal Romance possible! Thank you for bearing with us through the fixes. The Royal Romance was the first project I worked on at Pixelberry, and you have all made it such an incredible experience.

The community of fans is truly astonishing and inspiring to me. You are writers, you are artists, you are culture critics, and so much more. Thank you for using your talents to celebrate these characters who are so dear to us. Most of all, thank you for making this past year working on The Royal Romance an amazing, unforgettable experience. The Royal Romance was also my first project here, so it'll always have a special place in my heart. Knowing that this series means as much to our readers as it does to us makes all the late nights, in-depth brainstorms, and hat jokes worth it.

Although our plot includes intrigue, drama, and romance, the heart of this story is about an unbreakable group of friends. It's wonderful to see people finding that same kind of friendship through the stories we get to tell, and I hope you'll carry your memories of these characters with you for a long time. I know we all will! Finally, what's next for The Royal Romance team?

And of course, what's next for The Royal Romance series? I'm turning my attention to a different project for the time being. As for the future of TRR, while we haven't definitively planned anything after Book 3, we do feel there's more story to tell, so it might not quite be curtains for these characters We've promised that you'll see these characters again, and you will! Now that Book 3 is wrapped up, Jennifer, Olivia, and I will be brainstorming and working hard to figure out what form that will take.

Whatever comes next, we want to make sure we have an exciting, fun, and new story to tell. But unfortunately, it could be months or even a year or more before we'll be able to release something, so please hang in there, and play all the other amazing stories coming out in Choices in the meantime! If you love and miss TRR, the best thing you can do is keep supporting Choices the way you have been: Leaving 5 star reviews, sharing the game with your friends As Kara mentioned, I'll be working with her and Jennifer on whatever the future of these characters may be.

We can't share any details yet, but just know that we'll do our very best to make it a worthy new chapter in the Choices universe! In the meantime, I'll also be writing for America's Most Eligible, which serves up a very different kind of drama than what we've seen in Cordonia. I'll continue to work in the realm of courtly romance and intrigue as a writer for Desire and Decorum! I'm going to miss Riley, Liam, Hana, Drake, Maxwell, Bertrand, Olivia, and the rest of the TRR crew, and I can't wait to see what they get up to in the next chapter of their story, whatever that may be.

That's all for The Royal Romance for now! When we've got concrete news about the future of this series, we'll let you know. But for now, we hope you'll stay tuned for what's coming this fall: Perfect Match returns tomorrow with more romance and adventure than ever before! Book 2 takes the story of Perfect Match to the next level as you face down danger, travel the world, and explore what love means to you.

But first, let's talk to the writing team! Make sure you're all caught up on Book Book 1 ended on a major cliffhanger. What's the story with Perfect Match: In fact, I guarantee it! Attend the full five-day event, participate in the exercises, and let the complete transformative experience wash over you. You have nothing to lose! He has helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve their goals and become multi-millionaires, bestselling authors, business leaders, successful entrepreneurs, and world-class athletes while creating balanced and fulfilling lives.

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