Alphabet Puke: Monsters Medicine A-Z

Latin dictionary

Consecotaleophobia- Fear of chopsticks. Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns. Counterphobia- The preference by a phobic for fearful situations. Cremnophobia- Fear of precipices. Cryophobia- Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost. Crystallophobia- Fear of crystals or glass. Cyberphobia- Fear of computers or working on a computer. Cyclophobia- Fear of bicycles. Cymophobia or Kymophobia- Fear of waves or wave like motions. Cynophobia- Fear of dogs or rabies. Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia or Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia - Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease. Defecaloesiophobia- Fear of painful bowels movements.

Deipnophobia- Fear of dining or dinner conversations.

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Dementophobia- Fear of insanity. Demonophobia or Daemonophobia- Fear of demons. Demophobia- Fear of crowds. Agoraphobia Dendrophobia- Fear of trees. Dentophobia- Fear of dentists. Dermatophobia- Fear of skin lesions. Dermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia or Dermatopathophobia- Fear of skin disease. Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body. Diabetophobia- Fear of diabetes. Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school. Dikephobia- Fear of justice. Dinophobia- Fear of dizziness or whirlpools. Diplophobia- Fear of double vision. Dipsophobia- Fear of drinking.

Dishabiliophobia- Fear of undressing in front of someone. Disposophobia- Fear of throwing stuff out. Domatophobia- Fear of houses or being in a house. Eicophobia, Oikophobia Doraphobia- Fear of fur or skins of animals. Doxophobia- Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise. Dromophobia- Fear of crossing streets. Dutchphobia- Fear of the Dutch. Dysmorphophobia- Fear of deformity. Dystychiphobia- Fear of accidents. Ecophobia- Fear of home. Eicophobia- Fear of home surroundings. Domatophobia, Oikophobia Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror. Electrophobia- Fear of electricity.

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Eleutherophobia- Fear of freedom. Elurophobia- Fear of cats. Ailurophobia Emetophobia- Fear of vomiting. Enetophobia- Fear of pins. Enochlophobia- Fear of crowds. Enosiophobia or Enissophobia- Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism. Entomophobia- Fear of insects. Eosophobia- Fear of dawn or daylight. Ephebiphobia- Fear of teenagers.

Epistaxiophobia- Fear of nosebleeds. Epistemophobia- Fear of knowledge. Equinophobia- Fear of horses. Eremophobia- Fear of being oneself or of lonliness. Ereuthrophobia- Fear of blushing. Ergasiophobia- 1 Fear of work or functioning. Ergophobia- Fear of work. Erotophobia- Fear of sexual love or sexual questions. Euphobia- Fear of hearing good news.

Eurotophobia- Fear of female genitalia. Erythrophobia or Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia- 1 Fear of redlights. Felinophobia- Fear of cats. Gallophobia, Galiophobia Frigophobia- Fear of cold or cold things. Gallophobia or Galiophobia- Fear France or French culture. Francophobia Gamophobia- Fear of marriage. Geliophobia- Fear of laughter. Gelotophobia- Fear of being laughed at. Geniophobia- Fear of chins. Genophobia- Fear of sex. Genuphobia- Fear of knees.

Gephyrophobia or Gephydrophobia or Gephysrophobia- Fear of crossing bridges. Germanophobia- Fear of Germany or German culture. Gerascophobia- Fear of growing old.

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Alphabet Puke: Monsters' Medicine A-Z [Quinn Cole, Charles Eubanks] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Monsters get sick too? Yes! And. Editorial Reviews. Review. "A charming collection of monsters romp through Cole's illustrated Alphabet Puke: Monsters' Medicine A-Z by [Cole, Quinn].

Gerontophobia- Fear of old people or of growing old. Geumaphobia or Geumophobia- Fear of taste. Glossophobia- Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak. Gnosiophobia- Fear of knowledge. Graphophobia- Fear of writing or handwriting. Gymnophobia- Fear of nudity. Gynephobia or Gynophobia- Fear of women. Hagiophobia- Fear of saints or holy things. Hamartophobia- Fear of sinning. Haphephobia or Haptephobia- Fear of being touched. Harpaxophobia- Fear of being robbed. Hedonophobia- Fear of feeling pleasure. Heliophobia- Fear of the sun.

Hellenologophobia- Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology. Helminthophobia- Fear of being infested with worms. Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia- Fear of blood. Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia- Fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation. Herpetophobia- Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things. Heterophobia- Fear of the opposite sex. Sexophobia Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number Hierophobia- Fear of priests or sacred things.

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Hippophobia- Fear of horses. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words. Hobophobia- Fear of bums or beggars. Hodophobia- Fear of road travel. Hormephobia- Fear of shock. Homichlophobia- Fear of fog. Homilophobia- Fear of sermons. Hominophobia- Fear of men. Homophobia- Fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual. Hoplophobia- Fear of firearms. Hydrargyophobia- Fear of mercurial medicines. Hydrophobia- Fear of water or of rabies. Hydrophobophobia- Fear of rabies. Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia- Fear of glass.

Hygrophobia- Fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture. Hylephobia- Fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy. Hylophobia- Fear of forests. Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia- Fear of responsibility. Hypnophobia- Fear of sleep or of being hypnotized. Hypsiphobia- Fear of height. Ichthyophobia- Fear of fish. Ideophobia- Fear of ideas. Illyngophobia- Fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down. Iophobia- Fear of poison. Insectophobia - Fear of insects. Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone. Isopterophobia- Fear of termites, insects that eat wood.

Ithyphallophobia- Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis. Judeophobia- Fear of Jews. Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat. Katagelophobia- Fear of ridicule. Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down. Katsaridaphobia- Fear of cockroaches. Kenophobia- Fear of voids or empty spaces. Keraunophobia or Ceraunophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning. Astraphobia, Astrapophobia Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia- Fear of movement or motion. Kleptophobia- Fear of stealing. Koinoniphobia- Fear of rooms. Kolpophobia- Fear of genitals, particularly female.

Kopophobia- Fear of fatigue. Koniophobia- Fear of dust. Amathophobia Kosmikophobia- Fear of cosmic phenomenon. Kymophobia- Fear of waves. Cymophobia Kynophobia- Fear of rabies. Kyphophobia- Fear of stooping. Laliophobia or Lalophobia- Fear of speaking. Leprophobia or Lepraphobia- Fear of leprosy. Leukophobia- Fear of the color white. Levophobia- Fear of things to the left side of the body. Ligyrophobia- Fear of loud noises. Lilapsophobia- Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.

Limnophobia- Fear of lakes. Linonophobia- Fear of string. Liticaphobia- Fear of lawsuits. Lockiophobia- Fear of childbirth. Logizomechanophobia- Fear of computers. Logophobia- Fear of words. Luiphobia- Fear of lues, syphillis. Lutraphobia- Fear of otters. Lygophobia- Fear of darkness. Lyssophobia- Fear of rabies or of becoming mad. Mageirocophobia- Fear of cooking. Maieusiophobia- Fear of childbirth. Malaxophobia- Fear of love play. Sarmassophobia Maniaphobia- Fear of insanity. Mastigophobia- Fear of punishment.

Mechanophobia- Fear of machines. Medomalacuphobia- Fear of losing an erection. Medorthophobia- Fear of an erect penis. Megalophobia- Fear of large things. Melissophobia- Fear of bees. Melanophobia- Fear of the color black. Melophobia- Fear or hatred of music. Meningitophobia- Fear of brain disease. Menophobia- Fear of menstruation. Merinthophobia- Fear of being bound or tied up. Metallophobia- Fear of metal. Metathesiophobia- Fear of changes. Meteorophobia- Fear of meteors. Methyphobia- Fear of alcohol. Metrophobia- Fear or hatred of poetry.

Microbiophobia- Fear of microbes. Bacillophobia Microphobia- Fear of small things. Misophobia or Mysophobia- Fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs. Mnemophobia- Fear of memories. Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia- Fear of dirt or contamination. Monophobia- Fear of solitude or being alone. Monopathophobia- Fear of definite disease. Motorphobia- Fear of automobiles. Mottephobia- Fear of moths. Musophobia or Muriphobia- Fear of mice.

Mycophobia- Fear or aversion to mushrooms. Mycrophobia- Fear of small things. Myctophobia- Fear of darkness. Myrmecophobia- Fear of ants. Mythophobia- Fear of myths or stories or false statements. Myxophobia- Fear of slime. Homichlophobia Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things. Nelophobia- Fear of glass. Neopharmaphobia- Fear of new drugs.

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Neophobia- Fear of anything new. Nephophobia- Fear of clouds. Noctiphobia- Fear of the night. Nomatophobia- Fear of names. Nosocomephobia- Fear of hospitals. Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia- Fear of becoming ill. Nostophobia- Fear of returning home. Novercaphobia- Fear of your step-mother. Nucleomituphobia- Fear of nuclear weapons. Nudophobia- Fear of nudity. Numerophobia- Fear of numbers. Nyctohylophobia- Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night Nyctophobia- Fear of the dark or of night. Pocrescophobia Ochlophobia- Fear of crowds or mobs.

Ochophobia- Fear of vehicles. Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8. Odontophobia- Fear of teeth or dental surgery. Odynophobia or Odynephobia- Fear of pain. Algophobia Oenophobia- Fear of wines. Oikophobia- Fear of home surroundings, house. Domatophobia, Eicophobia Olfactophobia- Fear of smells. Ombrophobia- Fear of rain or of being rained on. Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia- Fear of eyes. Omphalophobia- Fear of belly buttons. Oneirophobia- Fear of dreams. Oneirogmophobia- Fear of wet dreams. Onomatophobia- Fear of hearing a certain word or of names. Ophidiophobia- Fear of snakes. Snakephobia Ophthalmophobia- Fear of being stared at.

Opiophobia- Fear medical doctors experience of prescribing needed pain medications for patients. Optophobia- Fear of opening one's eyes. Ornithophobia- Fear of birds. Orthophobia- Fear of property. Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia- Fear of smells or odors. Ostraconophobia- Fear of shellfish. Ouranophobia or Uranophobia- Fear of heaven. Panthophobia- Fear of suffering and disease. Panophobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything. Papaphobia- Fear of the Pope. Papyrophobia- Fear of paper.

Paralipophobia- Fear of neglecting duty or responsibility. Paraphobia- Fear of sexual perversion. Parasitophobia- Fear of parasites. Paraskavedekatriaphobia- Fear of Friday the 13th. Parthenophobia- Fear of virgins or young girls. Pathophobia- Fear of disease. Patroiophobia- Fear of heredity. Parturiphobia- Fear of childbirth. Peccatophobia- Fear of sinning or imaginary crimes. Pediculophobia- Fear of lice. Pediophobia- Fear of dolls. Pedophobia- Fear of children. Peladophobia- Fear of bald people. Pellagrophobia- Fear of pellagra. Peniaphobia- Fear of poverty.

Pentheraphobia- Fear of mother-in-law. Novercaphobia Phagophobia- Fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten. Phalacrophobia- Fear of becoming bald. Phallophobia- Fear of a penis, esp erect. Pharmacophobia- Fear of taking medicine. Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts. Phengophobia- Fear of daylight or sunshine. Philemaphobia or Philematophobia- Fear of kissing. Philophobia- Fear of falling in love or being in love.

Philosophobia- Fear of philosophy. Phobophobia- Fear of phobias. Photoaugliaphobia- Fear of glaring lights. Photophobia- Fear of light. Phonophobia- Fear of noises or voices or one's own voice; of telephones. The two have a vicious fight as various onlookers cheer them on. As the dog bites the man's neck, he shouts "Buddy! The dog suddenly turns on his handler, and lost dog posters are shown revealing that the dog previously belonged to the man. The dog and the man team up on the handler and presumably kill him. A man attempts to kill a spider, but keeps missing, getting bitten several times in the process.

After a whole week of being stalked by the spider, and complaining about ear aches, the man finally kills the spider, but tiny baby spiders then hatch out of his ear. School girl Yoshie is obsessed with her teacher Miss Yumi. One day while outside, a deadly gas breaks forth from the ground and kills anyone who inhales it.

Yoshie and Yumi escape into a building where the former wishes to smell the latter's farts instead of the gas. Yumi farts in Yoshie's face and she is transported to a gas filled dimension where she and Yumi make out. In the first short shot mostly from a POV perspective, a man drives up to the beach where he pulls out a surf board and a bag full of bricks. Strapping the bag to himself, he rides the board out into the ocean where he proceeds to drown. The camera changes perspective and the viewer sees the surf board bobbing vertically in the water.

In a WWII setting populated by humanoid animals, Bertie the Bulldog enters a strip club and is enamored by a fox woman. The fox turns out to be Bertie's Nazi nemesis Frau Scheisse, who traps him over an electrified pool of water. Encouraged by the voice of Winston Churchill , Bertie overcomes the odds and knocks Scheisse into the pool of water, where she melts and then explodes.

He then winks and grins to the camera, in a parody of patriotic propaganda films. A man has his wife bound and gagged in his bathtub. As she struggles to break free, the man injects her with motor oil, which causes her to scratch herself violently. She bleeds and then vomits before lying lifelessly in the tub. As the scene goes on, a female voice: An executioner prepares to decapitate a samurai; however, the samurai begins distorting his face into a series of bizarre and physically impossible expressions, causing the executioner to panic.

A man off screen tells the executioner to finish the job as he notices the samurai is performing seppuku. The executioner, who turns out to be a kaishakunin , beheads the samurai, but then laughs at the ridiculous expression the latter made. In this cartoon short, a woman uses the toilet at a party, only to discover that her stool refuses to be flushed. The stool starts making squeaking noises as it moves on its own towards its "creator". After the woman seemingly manages to flush it, she continues to hear the squeak.

As she inspects the toilet, the stool is revealed to be clinging to the ceiling above her; it drops down, reentering her anus at high speed. She bolts upright, stunned, and then falls down dead, as the stool slides out her mouth on a stream of blood. Other party guests enter and find her body.

A man awakens naked and strapped to a chair, with another man in the same position. Both are forced to masturbate to a series of increasingly disturbing acts with the last one to climax getting impaled. At one point, the woman overseeing the acts is accidentally impaled along with the loser. The man who made it through all of the acts suddenly falls unconscious when he refuses to continue. He awakens in bed with a naked woman over him, only to discover he is part of the next act as the woman kills him with a chainsaw.

A woman tries to unclog her toilet. She goes down to the basement, finds a plunger and returns, revealing that a dead fetus is inside. Shane is flirting with his girlfriend Ann using a new parrot he bought. He then proposes to her and she accepts. Suddenly, Shane's parrot blurts out "Don't be scared Joy, my girlfriend won't know. Ann shouts "Damn you, Shane! A man and a woman, credited as "L'homme" and "La femme" respectively, have sex, which is presented in a series of abstract, dimly-lit, close up shots, such as bubbles, cigarettes, leather, moaning and breathing.

The short ends with the man pulling out a leather belt and strangling the woman as she lets out one final orgasm. A prostitute must take care of her three children as her boyfriend, a reckless man himself, steals all of her saved up money. Desperate, she takes up a gig at what appears to be a photo shoot. However, the man pulls out a small baby kitten that she gives to the prostitute who promptly puts the kitten down and crushes it underneath her shoe.

Afterwards, the prostitute is seen happily spending the day with her children. Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett. The actual filmmakers, playing themselves, are upset over having gotten the letter Q for their segment and, whilst struggling for ideas, decide to make theirs the only segment of the film to feature an actual on-screen death. Adam and Simon, along with their cameraman Juan Carlos, go out to shoot an actual living duck on film since "nobody gives a shit about animals".

Adam and Simon's guns suddenly jam and then unexpectedly go off, killing the pair. Juan Carlos runs away, leaving the still-living duck in the cage. A man is continually subjected to constant surgeries as his skin contains full rolls of 35mm film. He is covered in bandages, but seemingly adored by the public who want to touch his skin. Eventually, his skin begins to produce less and less film and he escapes, killing several men in the process.

He makes it to a train yard and crushes himself underneath one of the cars; shortly afterwards, it begins to rain blood. Roxanne kidnaps Lulu from an abandoned outpost in the desert while being chased by an invincible hooded figure. After putting Lulu in the trunk of her car, Roxanne speeds off, but runs out of gas. Roxanne attempts to bargain with the hooded man, but he refuses, admitting that she "gave [him] a run for [his] money". She takes his hand and is shown to have died in a drug den. Lulu wakes up, takes Roxanne's drugs and hallucinates the desert.

In this claymation short, a child is being taught how to use the toilet by his parents. The toilet suddenly grows teeth and eyeballs and telepathically locks the door.

  1. Alphabet Puke: Monsters' Medicine A-Z by Quinn Cole - FictionDB.
  2. Dear Santa, Are You for Real??
  3. Morality Stories: Dilemmas in Ethics, Crime & Justice, Third Edition!
  4. A Big Beautiful Womans Seduction - Erotic Short Story for Women.
  5. Schattenlord 12: Lied der sieben Winde (German Edition);
  6. Drugs slang: what police must learn - R to Z.

It brutally kills and devours the child's parents before lunging at the child, revealing it all to be a nightmare. The child decides to use the toilet for real, but a loose screw frightens him, leading to him getting his head stuck in the toilet seat. His father laughs upon seeing him, but the toilet tank then comes loose and falls, crushing the child's head and causing the father to scream in horror. This short spawned a sequel called Ghost Burger , where it is revealed that the child survived his injuries.

In the second short shot entirely from a POV perspective, a vampire rises out of its coffin as a small mob attempts to sedate and kill it. The vampire flees from the mob, stopping to feed upon a passing woman, before being taken down by a flaming arrow and knocked unconscious. The vampire awakens as a prisoner of the mob, who have its teeth pulled, the vampire itself staked, and finally its head cut off as it stares at its killers. In New Vancouver A. Lainey, an officer, successfully petitions for one, but discovers she is infertile. She and her robot partner, Nezbit, break into a facility to hunt for "mentals".

They discover a family which Nezbit subsequently kills; he then beheads the family's baby.