No3.1 The Blue Movie & Louise (Erotic Distraction)

Erotic Distraction No3.1 The Blue Movie & Louise

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Home eBooks Romance Blue Bloods: The Ventriloquist's Humor by Nat Muller. The Resistant Re-encoding of Gaming Bulletin of Latin American Research , , v. Dayna McLeod's engaged mash-up In Search of Lost Space: Stan Douglas' Archaeology of Cinematic Public Art Dialogue , Sept. BlackFlash Magazine , Sept. Wassily Kandinsky's Concerning the Spiritual in Art and the video Journal of Canadian Art History , Fall , v. Reassessing Barbara Hammer's Films of the Camera Obscura , , v.

Millennium Film Journal , Fall A Time to Gather Stones: Nomadism after War in Susanne Slavick's Cultural Politics , July , v. Asian American Women Artists: Performative Strategies Redefined by Stacy E. Journal of Asian American Studies , Feb.

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Buses, Babies, Temporary Tattoos: Sandra Semchuk by Andrea Kunard. Trevor Paglen makes art out of government secrets by Jonah Weiner. The New Yorker , Oct 22 , The Geographical Journal , June , v. Pressed into the Service of Canada: Issues in Preserving the The Moving Image , Spring Conductor, Choreographer, King of Arms: Transition , , no. The Buttons on Pandora's Box:: David Tudor and the Bandoneon by Jonathan Goldman. American Music , Spring Queer Film Classic Series: Cutting-edge books on gay and lesbian C Magazine , Summer A Refusal of Images by Kirsty Robertson. Oliver Husain's Art of Cinema, Performance, Canadian Art , Summer Times-Colonist , July The Drama Review , Fall Affect in Deleuze, Hijikata, and Coates:: The Politics of Becoming Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism , Spring Two or three things I know about him by Mark Westmoreland.

Fictionalizing Iraq by Roger Luckhurst. Contemporary Literature , Winter , v. An exploration of the possibilities for archived Journal of Media Practice , , v. The Thing About Obomsawin's Indianness: Indigenous Reality and the Canadian Journal of Film Studies , Fall , v. Cut to the Chase: Incorrect Syntax by Lucy Reynolds. Millenium Film Journal , Fall , v. In the Way by Kenneth White. The Transformation of Subjective Five Thousand Feet is the Best:: Piercing Eytan Fox's Imagined Bubble with Interviewed by Liam Devlin by Liam Devlin.

Cold Open by Adam Pugh. Art Monthly , Oct. Sung Hwan Kim by Nicholas Warner. Nooshin Farhid by Peter Suchin. Art Monthly , July , no. Frontiers , , v. Canadian Art , Spring John's The Rooms by Katie Leamen. Cinema and its Others: Exhibition 5 by Christopher Eamon. Exhibition 2 by Christopher Eamon. Resistance and Left Melancholy by Francis Frascina. Public , June , v. Sounding Selves by Mireille Bourgeois. Border Crossings , Dec. Wavelengths and Future Projections by Sky Goodden.

Declining Democracy by Emmy Skensved. The Present as Enduring Past: Recollecting Through the Works of Paul O'Kane on the act of making and the making of Drama out of trauma by Jason Anderson. The Toronto Star , Oct.

The Saskatchewan Valley News , Aug. Video is a Perceptual Prosthetic: Tom Sherman by Tom Sherman. Affect and Exchange by Melanie Gilligan. Fillip , Spring , no. Interview with Trevor Paglen by Nato Thompson. E-flux , Sept 17 , Resolutions , , v. James Richards by Steve Reinke. Liquide Commune, Part 1 by Megha Ralapati. Michael Joo by Hanae Ko. Recycled Cinema as Material Ecology: Screen , , v. Basma Alsharif by Erik Martinson and cheyanne turions. A Space , Single Channel by Colin Perry. Opticks by Catherine Elwes.

The Time that Remains by Pryle Behrman. Pipilotti Rist by Catherine Elwes. September - October by Chris Meigh-Andrews. Art Monthly , Nov , no. Hilary Lloyd by Honor Beddard. Anri Sala by Ken Wilder. How vidding practices changed Jonathan Transformative Works and Cultures , , v. Organization for Transformative Works , Toward an ecology of vidding by Tisha Turk and Joshua Johnson. Daniel Barrow by Aaron W. Review , Spring , no. From a Whisper to a Scream: Dana Claxton teaches art and a revised Geoffrey Pugen's vigilante women by R.

The Globe and Mail , Mar. You and Me and Her and Us and Them: A Conversation on Using and An anthology celebrates the NFB's Challenge for POV , Summer , no. Canadian shorts and the dimplicity of history by Willemien Sanders. The Nature of Culture: Sobey Nominee Brendan Fernandes explores Have we reached The Tipping Point?: The fate of Alberta's tar Realities Old and New: The 23rd Incarnation of the International Canadian Art , Summer , v. Collaborating on Conceptual Art: An Aesthetics of the Impossible by Leah Modigliani.

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Jamelie Hassan by Sarah Mameni. Crowds in the Sky: On the difficulties of "work as play": The video art of Robert Filliou by Martin Patrick. Afterimage , , v. The Performative Space by Swapnaa Tamhane. Difference and Desire in American Portraiture: It's a new version of an old job: When the Story Changes: Battle of Wills and Bananas!

The uphill battle for real filmmakers by Matthew Hays. Tadasu Takamine shocks us, yet again by C. The Pink Indian by Gerald Hannon. Toronto Life , Sept. The Work of AA Bronson: You Are Here by David Balzer. Canadian Art , Aug. Sell-abrasion of our nations by Brenda L. International Indigenous art in motion , Looking for Love in all the Right Places: Deirdre Logue by Tracy Tidgwell. No More Potlucks , Nov. Neo-Barbarism by Vardit Gross.

The Night Episode by Lyra Kilston. Girl Talk by Jody Cutler. Yael Bartana by Anthony Downey. ArtReview , Summer , no. The Veterans Project by Jonathan T. ArtReview , May , no. Philippe Parreno by J. The Map is not the Territory: There's more to Middle Eastern and Guy Ben-Ner by Oliver Basciano.

Artforum , May A Life in Words: No More Potlucks , July , no. The Gaze from the Rearview Mirror: Amir Baradaran's Transient Taxi The Fantastical Homotopias of Chris Focus on Carolee Schneemann by Kenneth White. Millenium Film Journal , Fall , no. The Small Big Picture by Anonymous. Traditional Futures by David Garneau. Border Crossings , Fall , v. The Durable Idiom by Nancy Tousley. The Story So Far: Border Crossings , Winter , v. Kent Monkman by M J Thompson. Inuit Modern by Anna Kovler. The Inhabitants of Images by Kenneth Hayes. The Last Frontier by Laura Kenins. Film Quarterly , Winter , v.

Canadian Art , Fall , v. Making Sense of Early Video Arcades: The Case of Pittsburgh, by Ryan Pierson. Robert De Niro's Raging Bull: The History of a Performance and a Canadian Journal of Film Studies , Spring , v. Wagnervideo by Christopher Morris.

Frankie Lassut

The Opera Quarterly , Spring , v. Artforum , May , v. The Ecological Turn in Contemporary Digital Critical Inquiry , Summer , v. Historical Presence in Visual Culture , , v. After the Digital We Rematierialise: Distance and Violence in the The Irritants of Empire: Criticism , Summer , v. John Greyson's BDS videos and At the Site of State Violence: Doris Salcedo's and Julieta Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies , , no. A Quantum Leap by Tal Dekel.

Israel Studies , Spring , v. Zacharias Kunuk brings contemporary relevance to Daniel Cockburn by Impakt. Artistic Interventions in Global The Geographical Journal , Sept. Post-digital photography in our post-media era by Greg Shapley. Politics of the Other Medium by Mieke Bal. Journal of Visual Culture , , v. Old Themes, New Variations: From this Body to Yours: Porn, Affect, and Performance Art Intellect Limited , , v. Eternally Framed by Oyvind Vagnes. A Journal of Performance and Art , Sept. Assimilating Video by Federico Windhausen.

A landmark show turns 40 by Sara Angel. Seven Hours of Daylight: Soft Turns find solace in Sweden by R. Words and Pictures, Pictures and Words: When the time comes, you won't understand the battlefield by Kristina Lee Podesva and Ryan Trecartin. Fillip , Mar Spring Imagining Whiteness in Art by Joseph Small. The Cinematics of Engagement, the Politics of Resistance Julie Andreyev and Simon Overstall: Wait by Julie Andreyev and Simon Overstall. Third Text , Nov Fall , v. Section Yellow by Avni Doshi. The '70s and '80s Were an Especially Fertile Fangoria , Nov , no.

Shelley Niro by Sally Frater. Stories of Women , Oct Disobedient Video in France in the 's: Afterall , Summer , no. Aida Ruilova by Joshua Decter. Artforum , Dec , v. Talking about kyisha williams' red lips by Luna Allison. Daily Xtra , Nov 17 , Daily Xtra , Lung Capacity by April Steele. A Journal of International Art , Oct 25 , Prophesizing on the Virtual Reservation by Michelle H.

University of Nebraska Press , What is a remix, exactly? Camera Obscura , Jan , v. Scholarly Critiques and Critiques of Scholarship: Camera Obscura , Sept 1 , , v. Through a looking glass and beyond: Media art and museums by Elaine Tolmatch and Laurie Filgiano. McMaster Museum of Art , Myths of the Heart: Yael by Richard Fung.

Spirit in the Blood by Lisa Steele. Allyson Mitchell by Julia Bryan-Wilson. A Gift of the Self: Performing Risk by Sandee Moore. Tales from the Creeped: Ragnar Kjartansson by Tatiana Mellema. Omer Fast's 'Nostalgia' by Brenda Goldstein. Fuse , , v. Data Purge by Jon Davies. Switch , Spring , no. Screen Writing by Martha Langford. Michael Snow's Films by Elizabeth Legge. Art, Surveillance Regimes and Social Control , Agnes Etherington Art Centre , Digital Spectrum of the Body by Caroline Rodrigues.

High Vaue Targets by Judith Parker. Hot Docs programmers find non-fiction gems beyond perimeters by Adam Nayman. Features, reality TV series, blogs and websites Maru's Fame by Lisa Visser. Front , Fall , v. The Lives and Death of Carolee's Cats: One Hour Empire , Summer , no. Text messaging, of the old school: High-school thoughts adorn bus Video recalls western black farms by Fran Schechter.

Narrative mashups engage viewers: Vancouver Sun , May 6 , Ways of seeing explored in new exhibit by Jessica Barrett. North Shore News , Apr. Bridge Kids by Geoffrey Pugen , Gallery TPW , Caged Rage by Zaheen K. Quickdraw Animation Society , Both teams cannot win: Music Video by Saelan Twerdy. A Slow and Painful Crawl: Krisna Murti's treatment of the senses by Edwin Jurriens.

Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde , , v. Recovering Love is about reclaiming lives by Helen Henderson. Front , Spring , v. Judy Radul by Aaron Peck. Tacita Dean by James D Campbell. David Velasco on A. The Discovery of Slowness: Demos on the films of Manon de Boer by T. Claire Hooper by Ian Hunt. Flash Art , Nov. Ryan Trecartin by Jonathan T. Are the video artists of the s leading the Ten Thousand Waves by Mark Rappolt. Representations , Summer , v. Marginal Mainstream by Martin Herbert.

Ming Wong by Alex Lapp. Ten Thousand Waves by Keiko Okamura. Flash Art , Oct. Women Without Men by Lina Bertucci. Sriwhana Spong by Danae Mossman. Flash Art , Mar. Slowness' Panegyric by Massimiliano Gioni. Flash Art , Jan. Solo Show by J. Kim Sheppard's Films by Lauren Howes. No More Potlucks , May , no. Fuse , Winter , v. Carolee Schneeman by M J Thompson. Border Crossings , May , v.

Inuit Art Video by Bruno Cornellier. Operation Atropos by Coco Fusco. Emmanuel Licha by Anja Bock. Any Ever by Nadja Sayej. Touching Animals by Helena Reckitt. The 16th Media City: Sense of Cinema , Oct. Inuit Video Art by Bruno Cornellier. Art iT , July 16 , Indigenous women in film and video: Indigenous re memory and resistance: Artists on Artists by Omer Fast. BOMB , Winter , no. Caching Inuit Architecture Through Subversive Camp Humour in Benny Carelton University - M.

The Relevance of Isaac Julien to Cultural Small Axe , June , v. The Elusive Digital Frame and the Elasticity of The Motorization of Video Art: Van McElwee's Liquid Crystal Afterimage , May , v. Meandering Currents by Richard Fung.

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Critical Quarterly , Oct. Chen Chieh-Jien by David Frazier. ArtAsianPacific , May , no. Ross McLaren by Eldon Garnet. Freewaves and the Use Value Video on the Loose , Cinema Scope , Fall , no. The Globe and Mail , Oct 19 , Conceptual Art Clarified by Sara Angel. Festival offers a look at the cutting edge of Splice Magazine , Winter John Cage's Secret by Laura Paolini. Les Fleurs Du Mal , Jan. Unfurnished Pornography for Rent by Meg Walker. Autobiographies, Diaries and Families' Stories: Two Canadians and the new surveillance art by Hal Niedzviecki.

The Lethbridge artist David Hoffos takes centre stge The Making of Monsters: John Greyson's sublime short, revisited by Matthew Hays. Art and the Documentary by Marc Glassman. Nuit Blanche Toronto Zone B:: Reflections on Art and Artists Wish We Could Tell: Wish We Could Tell , A Space Gallery , What can cinema do? The Globe and Mail , May 2 , Triumph of the Art Doc by Maurie Alioff. Creating and Capturing Reality: The Director Takes Us Behind the Before Tomorrow by Susan G. A pianist and a camera make music of the id by Gary Michael Dault. The Globe and Mail , Apr.

Absolute Matrix by Sewil Otosed. Gunilla Josephson Artist-in-Residence , Apr. Trinity Square Video , The long and the tall of it: Video and Youth by Rhiannon Bader. Selector Magazine , Spring , no. Then and Now by Alioff Maurie. The odds stack up against two unlikely heroes Pictures are out - experience is in by Sarah Milroy. Globe and Mail , Feb. Building the Self on Facebook by Randall Anderson. The Somerville News , May 20 , Artforum , Summer , v.

The Show You Won't See: The Koffler Centre was all So Much To See: Are we past the age of an aboriginal art show?: Experiments pay off in indie fest by Norman Wilner. Closer by Jim Quilty. Art Review , Apr. Splice Magazine , Summer Prairie Poet Accidental Hero: David Geiss' Stubblejumper in the A fun time is a great time by Erinn Beth Langille.

Mercer Union , July 3 , Mercer Union , This is how we walk on the moon by Brian Kuan Wood. The films of Derek Jarman by Jim Clark. GLBT Literature , An open letter on City to City: Tel Aviv by Cameron Bailey. No Celebration of Occupation: No Celebration of Occupation , Sept. Gay filmmaker pulls out of TIFF in protest: Tel Aviv program protest to rear head at opening by Bruce DeMara. The Toronto Star , Sept.

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The Globe and Mail , Sept. We don't feel like celebrating with Israel this year by Naomi Klein. Pro-Palestinian letter has uncovered debate by Antonia Zerbisias. The National Post , Sept. Everyone's taking sides on Tel Aviv by Raju Mudhar. Boycotts don't equal censorship: Film-makers should support the The Guardian , Sept. Musicworks , Summer , no.

One Summer in New Paltz: James Wegg Review , Oct. What General Idea taught us about Canadian Barns, Brits, and Birthrights: Philip Hoffman's All Fall Down Ragnar Kjartansson by Nicholas Brown. Color , Fall , v. Same Same by Nicholas Brown. Color , Winter , v. Collided, Crashed and Assimilated: Mark Lewis makes art with The Recordings of Calgary Video Artists and Between Image and Remembrance: Prefix Photo , Spring , no.

Border Crossings , June , no. A major survey of projection-based works in Canada, Border Crossings , Aug. Lynne Marsh by James D Campbell. First Monday , Nov. Just the Packaging by Andrzej Lawn. Catching up to the Past Catching up to the Present: No More Potlucks , Mar. Black House, Brilliant Film: Video-Resisting Definition by Jackie Hatfield. Artists' Moving Images Case Studies , Between Creation and Publication: Interview with Ramon Coelho by Rony Vissers.

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer by Dea Vanagan. Johnen Galerie by Wojciech Olejnik. C Magazine , Oct. Fall , no. Gareth Long, Second, Third, Fourth: Oakville Galleries, Ontario by Ryan English. Lynne Marsh by David Jagr. Late Capitalist Pathologies and Redemptions: Emily Vey Duke and Film Quarterly , Fall , v. Art Libraries Journal , , v. Sense of Cinema , July 9 , , no. Colin Campbell by Nadja Sayej. ArtUS , , no. ETC , , no. An Art of Temporality by Christopher Eamon. Film and Video Art , Video Art on Television by John Wyver.

Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby The Radiant Real by David Jager. Adad Hannah brings the art of the past into Lisa Lipton by Laura Kenins. Michal Rovner by Cameron Skene. Digital Aesthetics in the Post-Studio Cinema Journal , Fall , v. Team Gallery by Emily Hall. Walking, Standing, Sitting Like a Duck: A journal of the performing arts , Oct. Contemporary Filmmakers Challenging Gender Inuit Art Quarterly , Summer , v.

Netherland film Actress short scene

Jubal Brown by Nadja Sayej. Imagining the Arab World: The Fashioning of the "War on Terror" Callaloo , Fall , v. Moving Images of Globalization by T. Grey Room , , v. The Journal of Cinema and Media , Spring , v. Presenting Reenactment by Jonathan Kahana. Labyrinth of Memory , Fall The Archive and the National Center for Afterimage , July , v. Rooted in the Experimental: Mundane Catastrophes by Mridu Chandra. Cinema Journal , Summer , v.

On the Nature of Light: A Journal of Performance and Art , , v. Video in Contemporary Performance by Patricia Milder. Winnipeg Film Group , Mike Parr by Michael Young. Set Video to Record by Brian Mertens. ArtAsianPacific , July Guy Ben-ner by HG Master. From Media to Remediation: Mediated , Jan 31 Winter ,