Learning from the Sixties: Memoir of an Organizer


Aug 23, Pages.

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Oct 27, Pages. Oct 27, Minutes. When people ask me why I still have hope and energy after all these years, I always say: Taking to the road—by which I mean letting the road take you—changed who I thought I was. The road is messy in the way that real life is messy. It leads us out of denial and into reality, out of theory and into practice, out of caution and into action, out of statistics and into stories—in short, out of our heads and into our hearts.

Learning from the Sixties: Memoir of an Organizer - John Maher - Google Книги

Gloria Steinem had an itinerant childhood. When she was a young girl, her father would pack the family in the car every fall and drive across country searching for adventure and trying to make a living.

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The seeds were planted: And so began a lifetime of travel, of activism and leadership, of listening to people whose voices and ideas would inspire change and revolution. From her first experience of social activism among women in India to her work as a journalist in the s; from the whirlwind of political campaigns to the founding of Ms.

It is also filled with a sense of the momentous while offering deeply personal insights into what shaped her.

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Part of the appeal of My Life is how Steinem, with evocative, melodic prose, conveys the air of discovery and wonder she felt during so many of her journeys. The lessons imparted in Life on the Road offer more than a reminiscence. They are a beacon of hope for the future.

Steinem for a casual dinner, this disarmingly intimate book gives a pretty good idea, mixing hard-won pragmatic lessons with more inspirational insights. My Life on the Road abounds with fresh insights and is as populist as can be. Gloria Steinem—writer, activist, organizer, and one of the most inspiring leaders in the world—now tells a story she has never told before, a candid account of how her early years led her to live an on-the-road kind of life, traveling, listening to people, learning, and creating change.

She reveals the story of her own growth in tandem with the growth of an ongoing movement for equality. This is the story at the heart of My Life on the Road. Includes an introduction read by Gloria Steinem.

Literature Organizer

Her… More about Gloria Steinem. And as the country continues to struggle with painful questions about race relations, reproductive rights and the plight of immigrants, the lessons imparted in Life on the Road offer more than a reminiscence. Honoring its title, My Life on the Road ranges around subject-wise. The man who finally did free him was a white Southerner who opposed slavery. He helped Northrup send letters to Northerners to confirm his status as a free man, and showed up one day with a sheriff to free him. Reunited with his family, Northrup became a fervent abolitionist, giving talks about his experience throughout the Northeast to gain support for the movement.

Why had I absorbed only their victimhood?

Malik Miah

Back in the s, most textbooks focused on the politics and economics of slavery, ignoring the human cost. I grew up viewing slaves as degraded by their experience ala Gone with the Wind, just as I viewed Jews as compliant when herded into boxcars and gassed in ovens. Caroline Moorehead documents how ordinary women in concentration camps resisted their captors and devised ways to help each other survive.

One woman, assigned to help with an experiment on the uterus of a Jewish woman, instead drugged her, reported that she was dead, and smuggled her into another camp. Assigned to forced labor in munitions factories, they committed small acts of sabotage, loosening screws, mixing salt into grease, dropping fragile equipment, and burning out motors: Enslaved people resisted in parallel ways.

Some resorted to mutilating themselves, to suicide, or to killing their children to save them from life in bondage. Accounts of survivors of both slavery and the Holocaust are testaments to the dignity and agency of people deemed less than human. We need these stories to balance our images of victims with counter images of resilience and resistance. And to know what forms of resistance we, too, are capable of, when humanity requires it in the face of inhumanity. A slim, wondrous first novel with such straightforward, clean, yet vivid writing. Her second novel was a National Book Award finalist.

My Dyslexia, by Philip Schultz. This Pulitzer Prize winning poet describes growing up being assumed, and believing himself, to be dumb: He describes how his non-diagnosis led to him acting out, to covering in many ways, to loving books but disliking reading, to discovering ways to teach writing he created a Writers Studio.

Ironically, his publisher, Norton, seems to have a disability, as well: Gail Mazur loaned me this book she knows the author. The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver A novel whose narrator shifts between five female characters, a Rashomon-like format that fascinates me.

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The people have just elected Patrice Lumumba, who the U. The saga goes from to the 80s. Cox worked in the editorial department of an unnamed Boston publisher for 12 years, but after a successful class action sex discrimination case in which she was one of five named plaintiffs, she became co-owner of a Charles Street Beacon Hill bookstore.

The book goes through the testimony, noting her questions and doubts. On trial was a young Dominican immigrant, charged with selling drugs and weapons violations.

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Her refusal to convict caused a hung jury: A judge finally granted a motion for a new trial, based on documentation of exculpatory evidence, and the inherent unreliability of single-witness identification cases. The arresting officer was proved to be a rogue cop who had been the subject of 27 internal investigations for brutality, extorting money and sex from drug dealers and their girlfriends, etc.

Books by John Maher

He was convicted of attempted extortion and larceny and got a year prison term. Cox is honest about the young man she defended: After taking a ride with someone who had drugs in car, he was sent to prison for a year and then deported to Dominican Republic.

This case happened in I read self-published books by people I know because I like to make up my mind about their quality, and not react to mainstream-media hype. And I was proved right: Alexander used to live in Cambridge: I read her the book she co-wrote with Dr. She wrote for the San Francisco Examiner while still in college, risked danger to cover the L. She names what the few publishers who effectively diversified their staffs did so: Learning From the Sixties: Memoir of an Organizer, by John Maher self-published He grew up with an Irish-background poor to riches businessman father, which gave him some economic leeway to devote much of his life to organizing.

He was involved in the Progressive Labor Party, but eventually left it, considering it a cult. His FBI file is pages long maybe in part because his brother was an open Communist Party member. To organize lower-income people, he decided to work in a Cambridge rubber manufacturing plant, but left because it felt inauthentic to hide his Harvard background.