If Chasing Appaloosas with Poe


  • In the words of one neopagan, the magic of today is the technology of tomorrow.

    Guide to Appaloosa Horse Coat Patterns

    God forbid he should notice. The party stepped out and followed teal and her son along, through an immense archway of lava pulled and braided like multiple strands of taffy.

    He is a genius and has dreams of Harvard, but must quit school when his father makes him an indentured servant in a chandlery. The story is semi-autobiographical Lessing is not more. Our hero remembers nothing before showing up with a queue of children evacuated from London during the Blitz. In the novel, one of the lovers of Vera Pavlovna, a seamstress working in an artel she and others have established, suddenly disappears midway through the novel, only to reappear at the end as Beaumont, a mysterious American who is in Russia for reasons that aren't explained. The American Dream of striving and success, after all, was built on an older American dream of wildness and liberty.