Anatomia della Memoria (Italian Edition)

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Encyclopædia Iranica

Update your profile Let us wish you a happy birthday! Make sure to buy your groceries and daily needs Buy Now. Let us wish you a happy birthday! Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year Please fill in a complete birthday Enter a valid birthday. Watches Casual Dress Sports. Eyewear Aviators Wayfarer Pilot Square. At the beginning of the 18th century Italian men of letters began to show a certain interest in Persia. Studi Orientalistici offerti nel suo sessantesimo compleanno , Rome, , pp.

An important travel account was written by the professional traveler Gaetano Osculati , who was with Felice De Vecchi in Iran in Osculati , Milan, Bandini, Pietro, Un viaggio nella Persia e nelle Indie Orientali intrapreso dal chiarissimo signore Gaetano Osculati negli anni e , Udine, The first attempt to conclude a treaty was made in by Romualdo Tecco, a Sardinian minister in Constantinople, who had a good knowledge of Persian and was clearly interested in Persian matters G. This ambassador met the plenipotentiary minister of the kingdom of Sardinia, S.

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The details of this diplomatic mission were recorded by the naturalist Filippo De Filippi , who took part in it together with other scientists Michele Lessona, Giacomo Doria, Camillo Ferrati. An important album of photographs also records this embassy F. In the Lombard patriot Modesto Gavazzi , together with P. Meazza, undertook an adventurous journey to Bukhara in search of silkworms.

Antonio Scarpa

Gavazzi was taken prisoner by the local khan and left a vivid account of his year in detention there Gavazzi, I prigionieri italiani a Bocara. Lettera di Modesto Gavazzi al comm. During the same period, A. Relazione di un viaggio Naples, In Captain Enrico Andreini from Lucca went to Persia, where he worked as an instructor in the Qajar army in which he served until Andreini wrote a series of reports to the Italian Foreign Ministery that were rightly considered an invaluable source on Qajar history.

There are reports, about having been lost, which give details not only on the army but also on the economy, commerce, and administrative structure of the Iranian state in this period A. Another Italian instructor of the Qajar Army was Antenore Perini , who was sent by the Austrians on a diplomatic and military mission to Persia from to Le memorie di Antenore Perini , ed. The end of the Qajar period and the constitutional period produced a certain interest in Italy and occasioned further travels by Italians to Persia.

Such interest is shown by the reports of the various ambassadors, especially between and , including those of Camillo Romano Avezzana ambassador from to , Giulio Cesare Montagna and Carlo Arrivabene Valenti The participation of a large group of Italians in the construction of the Trans-Iranian Railway resulted in various Italian reports, such as that written by P. Such writings were paralleled by a new political and cultural stance taken during the period of fascism. This involved also a revival of the classical and medieval glories of the East.

Iran Meridionale e Belucistan. During this period the more traditional travelers also continued to travel to Iran. Other travelers were influenced by the strong ideological background of the time A. Cipolla, Asia Centrale Sovietica contro India. Viaggio in Turchestan ed Afghanistan , Milan, ; see also idem, Sino al limite segreto del mondo. This interest was paralleled by the anthropological approach to Persia of travelers such as G.

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The revolution of and the emergence in Iran of the new Islamic Republic resulted in a particular interest in the country on the part of journalists. Filippo Bertotti, using the nickname Filippo Rumi, has written several articles in the newspaper Il Manifesto. More recently, the role of several Italians involved in Afghanistan as volunteers was evidenced by books in which they described their experiences.

Incontri con musicisti straordinari (Serie bianca) (Italian Edition)

A representative example is the Storie da Kabul , Turin, by Alberto Cairo, who worked as a physical therapist in the orthopedic centers of the Red Cross in Afghanistan. Alberi, Relazioni degli ambasciatori veneti al Senato durante il sec. I, Biografia dei viaggiatori colla bibliografia delle loro opere , Rome, ; Appendice , Rome Berchet, La repubblica di Venezia e la Persia , Turin, Un orientale in Occidente ai tempi di Marco Polo , Turin, Gabriel, Marco Polo in Persien , Vienna, Giovanni Colonna di San Vito viaggiatore in Oriente c.

Menavino, I costumi et la vita de Turchi di Gio: Antonio Menavino Genovese da Vultri , Florence, Mostra dei navigatori veneti del Quattrocento e del Cinquecento. Athens, Gennadios Library, no. Lanciotti, Venice, , pp. Placido Zurla con appendice sulle antiche mappe idrografiche lavorate in Venezia , Venice, There is ample evidence of an Italian presence in Persia throughout the Qajar period, when many Italians went to work there as physicians, military advisors, or merchants.

They left little written testimony of their Persian experience until the second half of the 19th century, when the number of Italians who went to Persia increased, and with them the bulk of recorded data. The most salient aspect of the accounts written by Italians who lived in Persia between and the turn of the century is that almost all of them had official assignments.

In fact, most of the Italian material published are the reports of military officials who were in Persia to train the Persian army, of natural scientists researching the zoological world, or of financial advisors to the Persian government. The first Italian travelers who left significant accounts of their visits to Qajar Persia were the members of the mission, which included diplomats, scientists and military officers.

The greatest contributions in terms of scientific articles and general information about Persia were brought by Filippo de Filippi q. He also became very interested in the Bahai religion, so much so that he wrote a book on it I Babi. More substantial and responsible are the accounts by two other officers, Alessandro de Bianchi and Enrico Andreini. De Bianchi was a captain of the Italian army, who served in the Ottoman armed forces in the s and came into contact with the Persians who lived on the borders between the Ottoman and the Qajar domains.

De Bianchi presented himself as an expert on Muslim manners and languages p. Muslim women were another interesting topic for de Bianchi, who reflected on their ways and manners among the Turks, Armenians, Kurds and Persians. He scorned the overall confusion made by books on the Middle Eastern people, and he was particularly critical of the Christian missionaries such as the Italian Father Maurizio Garzoni, author of the first vocabulary of the Kurdish language, who would antagonize everyone who professed a non-Christian religion; de Bianchi, p. He was appointed general in , soon after his proposal to the Italian governor to become the Italian correspondent for Persian affairs.

His reports are a very complete account of the most important Persian events in those crucial years.

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Buy Memo di Anatomia (Italian Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews tabelle e schemi, quali utili strumenti per un migliore consolidamento della memoria e un. I Chetognati: Anatomia E Sistematica Con Aggiunte Embriologiche. Memoria Del Dott. Battista Grassi (Italian Edition) [Giovanni Battista Grassi] on.

Andreini also had a great interest for the Central Asia question and devoted many dispatches to the analysis of the various components involved in the Great Game q. Very little is known abut Giuseppe Anaclerio, who spent three years in Persia working in the army. His account, La Persia descritta , although much influenced by his prejudices and preconceptions about Persian civilization, nonetheless gives interesting descriptions of life in Persia. Particularly remarkable is his description of Tehran prisons, which he had the chance to visit. More ponderous is the account written by Eteocle Lorini , a professor of Financial Sciences at the University of Pavia who spent the years in Persia.

His extensive monograph, La Persia , covers a variety of topics, ranging from religion to political institutions, from the world of work and business to that of art and literature, from the public realm to the private. It is an interesting, readable guidebook, in which Lorini showed his familiarity with, and knowledge of, both past and present Persia.

His chapters on Persian administrative hierarchy is a model of clarity and accuracy, as are his economic and financial observations, which reveal both his wit and capacity for perceiving and analyzing the complex Persian situation. He contradicted the common Western bad opinion about Muslim education p.

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He also had a series of provocative assertions on Persian women, whom he described as the sovereigns of Persia, happy with their position in the harem, and protected by Muslim law pp. He is also the author of reports on Persian commerce Lorini, , , At the turn of the century he went to Persia and entered the Persian financial services under the directorship of the Belgian Josef Naus. In he was appointed director of customs of Persian Kurdistan, where he lived for about thirty years.

His autobiography, Notti persiane , describes at length the Kurdish way of life and the manners of Christian populations dwelling on the fringes of the Qajar realm; but it is also rich in episodes regarding the eventful period of civil war in western Persia in the first decades of the 19th century. The writings of Italian travelers in Qajar Persia reveal some common characteristics: Though they were critical of certain events and situations, they were usually not affected by the prejudices and preconceptions of the time; moreover, they were eager to make a good impression in the foreign country.

This attitude and the way it is expressed in these accounts is important as these writings fostered other Italian interests towards Persia and Persian studies. They offered information about Persian matters which were virtually unknown in Europe, such as the richness of Persian zoological and botanical life, the organization of the Persian army, and the life of the people who lived on the periphery of the Persian world.

Moreover, the material provided about Persian politics benefited from the authorship of politically impartial observers; Italy had no immediate or direct interest in the rivalry among European powers, for it was too small and too weak a state to entertain such ambitions.


Carlo Chiari, Notti persiane: Maurizio Garzoni, Grammatica e vocabolaria della kurda. Idem, La Persia economica contemporanea e la sua questione monetaria: Monografia fatta per incarico del Ministero del tesoro , Rome, ; repr. Memoria del colonnello conte L. Submitted tags will be reviewed by site administrator before it is posted online. If you enter several tags, separate with commas. Topic select a topic Idem, Gli illustri viaggiatori italiani con una antologia dei loro scritti , Rome, Donazzolo, I viaggiatori veneti minori.

Studio bio-bibliografico , Rome []. Olschki, Storia letteraria delle scoperte geografiche , Florence, Polo, Milione , ed. Bertolucci Pizzorusso and G. Serena, Hommes et choses en Perse , Paris, Tanzi, Viaggi in Afghanistan , Milan, Giuseppe Anaclerio, La Persia descritta: