How would you deal with one of these entities if it were a problem? You have to unravel it.
You have to find the keys to its dissolution. Do research, both energetic and in the deed books or library. Once you know where it lives in terms of it's makeup, you can rearrange and change the energy of the house to basically dissolve it. It won't become apparent, usually, until it latches on to some other type of energy. In that case, remove the energy it has latched on to. Confrontation will sometimes work, too; you're basically saying you're not getting any energy from me. Most of these things get stronger feeding off the energy of discord - not all of them, but most.
There will be something usually that is the first thing it latched onto.
It could even be energy in objects that were brought into the home. Let's say you have an old whatever, and it was present in a room in a house where someone died violently; there is enough there to latch onto to start with.
Metal and glass seem to be worse than wood or cloth, but it really is a small difference. Anyway, that covers one aspect of entity energy. There are tons more of course. This is when the occurrences can be the most dangerous. However, sometimes the disturbances stop abruptly and are never repeated again.
The deceptive evil spirit enters a home or location to do harm and destroy all that is good and sacred. The demon not only can possess people, it can attach itself to objects. At first, these types of hauntings or possessions may seem benign or non-threatening. They can appear similar to poltergeist hauntings as they usually start out with slight disturbances, such as knocking noises, furniture being moved, etc.
The demon may appear as a dark shadow in a location or may first show itself as a benevolent spirit. When the demon finally reveals itself, foul odors, extreme temperature changes and even physical attack can occur. Demons also have the ability to transform and shape shift from human to animal.
I do have some photos that demonstrate how ghosts are able to appear more clearly if there is a nearby energy source. Residual hauntings are records of energy that have been imprinted in the area in which the event took place. And doors can slam without the help of a breeze. The first time I went to the bridge, I was able to capture what appears to be a ghost with his arm outstretched as if he was waving to us. I have experienced this many times when out photographing ghosts as well as in my own home. There are also other ways a person can invite a spirit in via ritual. Although I have a firsthand account of the paranormal activity at Crawford Road, I have not been able to capture a photo of the hanging bride.
The demon will try to convince the individual that it is no longer present; however, it lays in wait to strike at a time when the individual is weak or vulnerable. The demon becomes stronger when it senses fear and that is the time when a possession can take place. Another sign of possession is that the possessed individual becomes fluent in many languages, speaks in tongues or has gained knowledge in subjects you knew nothing about prior.
The individual possessed will become a shell of his former self and become terribly cruel to those he loves. This type of haunting is not easily resolved — it requires an exorcism. Seek guidance and help from highly trained paranormal investigators, clergymen and others familiar with demonic hauntings. Paranormal phenomena co-exist with the physical world, and with the added media attention, hopefully more concrete explanations will be revealed and documented. There are also other ways a person can invite a spirit in via ritual. Spirits invited in by occult practices may prove difficult to get rid of.
Before you even stepped foot into your current haunted home, something tragic may have happened there.
First of all, ghosts are real, but they aren't real in the sense held in the popular imagination. Let's take a house that is, say, one hundred years old. Most people will lay off the entity to being the person's spirit who has remained trapped there. “Freaks of Furniture”: The Useless Energy of Haunted Things. Aviva Briefel. By the early s, tables and chairs in British households were making an array of .
Unexpected death and tragic events can be the cause of residual hauntings. According to The Atlantic Paranormal Society, residual hauntings occur in patterns , meaning that you may notice the paranormal activity happening over and over again. Residual hauntings can also be attached to an object that holds significance.
The energy of a child who suddenly died could be attached to a favorite toy, a weapon that was used in battle may still hold the energy of its previous owner. Luckily, objects can be removed, therefore the haunting can be removed from a location. Unfortunately, residual hauntings connected to a house are difficult to remove but are usually not a threat. Their personality still comes through if they are able to make contact.