Maddys Guide to Life: Painting my Bedroom

The White Wall Controversy: How the All-White Aesthetic Has Affected Design

There's Joey - the kid who is annoying but likeable. Michael - the quiet kid who's always a good friend. Amanda - the spoilt kid who sometimes surprises her classmates by being there when they need her. She's also the main target for Joey's pranks. To a 9 year old, teenagers sometimes seem like they come from another planet. I wanted to write a mixture of stories for kids - some that are laugh out loud funny and some that use gentle humor to help them deal with situations like bullying, divorce and cancer. One of the Maddy stories deals with a new girl who is always in the school office having hot chocolate.

In reality, that girl was Frances who found her own Mrs. Whitehead when she started school after fighting a life threatening cancer. Thankfully, she is now in remission. All of the Maddy stories are "road tested" by Frances's class before publication to make sure they have the all important kid seal of approval.

Maddy's Guide to Life has its own Facebook page. Please 'like' the page to find out about new Maddy stories: Are You an Author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biog. And this is across subjects. Fashion bloggers set up all their product shots on fluffy white sheepskin rugs or white coffee tables. Food bloggers take photos of black coffee mugs on marbled white tables with black and white tiled floors. I think this is EXACTLY why white is making a comeback in a big way — and not just with the design crowd but with anyone who puts anything on social media.

I had this thought the other day when i went to take a picture of something, only to have it come out looking strange because it was being photographed by a non-professional photographer me in a room that was painted light yellow. Loooong winters and hot summers. I keep it white on the first floor to maximize light — but have happy color in my upstairs bedrooms. To me its the perfect balance.

I think, too, that white rooms are so attractive, because our lives are so frantic. Walking through our front door to a home with little visual distractions can be calming. Thanks especially for your comments to those who say that such rooms lack life, or soul. We are all different, and all require different things. And that, to me, is the basis of good design: Your post reminds me of another good point about this style: It leaves breathing room for the occupants. Rooms are not just the empty spaces they appear to be in Pinterest photos, in real life they are decorated with the energies of their dwellers, their voices and movements.

To get all psychological on the topic…white walls make furniture and objects stand out in relief, their forms and edges crisply delineated. Often they stand in splendid isolation. Is this a symptom of our times? So many people today are fearful of genuine connection. The kind of connection — unlike Facebook and texting — where you DO mush together, touching, all cozy and messy, edges blurring…. White controls for this. It also makes each object stand out, like a star, instead of being a modest part of the whole.

Symptom of our celebrity-driven culture? Maybe this sounds farfetched. Me with the white walls. I suppose I think white walls are a bit dull, but what I tend to take issue with more are the all white interiors furniture, rugs, walls, all of it.

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It seems like a status-symbol to me in some ways, especially in places like New York where I live. Being able to keep everything pristine—especially with kids or pets in the mix—seems like quite a statement. I live in Seattle, with the darkness outside for so many months, I take respite in my all white walls. I love white walls. I grew up in a large house with every room wallpapered, all different. Then I lived in rental places with random coloured walls. Now in my own home the walls are white and I love it.

Coming from a culture that celebrates bright colors, I would love color on my walls, but I can never commit. A friend suggested painting the walls a warm white NOT Navajo. She felt that I had so much original art, I should allow it to to express my style. On a side note, original does not equate costly.

Most of my pieces come from very talented artists who appreciate selling their work so they can buy good supplies and at least nice meal. And I adore the one of a kind pieces. It all works out. We live in New England and have more than our share of gray, low light days.

In the past, I tried bright color. White gives me the flexibility to entirely change the look of my room with accessories, as the seasons change, and as my mood changes. Over 30 years ago, I met my husband and remember clearly my first sight of his New York City apartment. Everything was white except for the rugs and fabrics he had brought back from India and Europe and the artwork on the walls.

I love the simplicity and the ease of it. I never thought I would appreciate the aesthetic. My Liberian MIL has a completely white home, lovingly filled with colorful items from her travels. It always feels cozy to me. This was a great read! I have been a bit fascinated with all this plant life indoors. These houses all remind me of my childhood in Hawaii living in base housing! While I love a room with little color, just for the visual peace factor. The rugs, the brown woodwork all takes me back to rattan swinging chairs and bean bags!

Sherwin-Williams Throws It Back With Their Paint Colors

If you have lived on the planet awhile, you have seen this look. I dislike that white walls are even a controversy, when they have been around forever. Everything in the media gets reduced to a fad, gets overused, chewed up and then spit out…as being not cool anymore. Lets not ruin being able to use white walls if we want to, even 10 years from now. The take on the color and glow all things around, the quality and color of light coming through the window, the furnishings, time of day, lamps, rugs…so the walls will always look more blended to the surroundings and enhance all.

Where as colored walls will not. They are a set thing, an item…not an ethereal background that lifts everything else up. The controversy is more related to comment sections here on DS and other sites where people have VERY strong opinions about white walls…. Thanks for wading in Grace! Paint color is such a personal decision. White walls are very popular but we have lots of clients embracing color and pattern. Could this be a reaction to the pervasiveness of the all-white aesthetic? Plywood and particle board is just the most cost-effective version of good hardwood.

I found the post to be really interesting and informative- I definitely suspected that this is a trend, but not as much in a way of white walls as in combining all those articles mentioned- kilim rugs, little trinkets, fig plants, etc. I like white walls because they go with any color and make it easy to decorate. Every room in my house is completely covered in flat beige and it drives me absolutely insane. I painted one room off-white and it made a world of difference Camembert by Behr. My dark wood Indian dresser really stands out, my collection of turquoise jewelry looks so beautifully, a pink throw on a black Chinese chest, etc.

This was beautifully thought out and written! Being someone who really lives and breathes interior design as an art form, I really enjoyed reading something that delved into the history and theory a bit. The recession was truly traumatizing in American culture, with many people sinking into relative poverty and experiencing all the personal dramas that accompany poverty. American design probably really has Elsie de Wolfe to thank for white walls and white-painted furniture.

Which gets to my main point — white walls look good with lots of different decor styles. I am 28 years old and have finally settled into a semi-permanent space. As a long-time color reveler, this all-white aesthetic has been troubling me for years. I feel like I should feel hectic, disorganized and unsure of myself designing spaces because I want things to be clean and crisp, but also want to embrace the things I own, because I cannot afford to replace them.

I think that the all-white aesthetic in my age group specifically is heavily due to renting. Many more people are renting rather than owning right now, and renting for short stints of time while we move around trying to find jobs that will pay us enough to survive on. I do not make a bad salary, but student debt is crippling, so we cannot invest in a home and are working hard to save up enough to get married, even. It is important to me to pay off debt, but also important to make my house feel like a home. I remember a bedroom wall in college that was a shade of emerald green that made me feel like I woke up in a magazine every day.

You do not have to be a minimalist to be fashionable. Thank you for the socio-economic perspective. I think that the all-white aesthetic got picked up when people of other races and classes started going for the colorful interiors that they were being told by design blogs were popular—that is, once it filtered down to lower socio-economic brackets, the upper socio-economic brackets in the US—that is largely white decided to go in the other direction.

This is because the upper classes are always seeking to distinguish themselves from the lower classes—and once their cast-offs have begun to drift down the social ladder, they will distinguish themselves once again by changing. Chasing the aesthetic of the upper classes is not only a strain on the budget of actual middle-class people, but it is a lost cause. By the time the look becomes affordable, the upper classes have moved on. I think they are moving on from all-white interiors. Why are grandmas a group whose aesthetics are to be critiqued and mocked? It has a long history of color and pattern Josef Frank being my favorite example , but it also has a long history of those colors being used against white walls.

That particular look was all I was referencing. But I do agree that most of the design and lifestyle blogs that get a lot of press are Euro-centric. Great discussion in the comments, too. I especially appreciate the observation about how many of these spaces represent dwellings in transition, or at transitional times of our lives. I now live in a house in which every room is painted a different color and it makes me insanely happy, but I also realize that the luxury of surrounding myself with color comes with owning a house and being middle-aged enough to have collected lots of colorful STUFF.

Who knows, I may be on the edge of a decade of deaccessioning and painting things white. Whether a room is white or color-saturated, what I do love to see in design blogs is variety, and some surprise within the parameters of a recognizable sensibility. And spaces represented as far as possible with the colors and light they really have, rather than falsely grayed out or sepia-filtered. Keep up the good work, DS. Thanks for this article — and the very interesting comments after!

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I completely gave up on finding a gray paint that worked in my space the white trim and ceiling have a yellow undertone. White is always right!! You want to know what the walls of our Farmhouse has been painted for 25 years? Nearly drove me crazy. About two years ago, I found myself suddenly drawn to indigo and navy a colour I have never really liked , and to brass accessories which I previously felt were too glitsy for me.

My husband and I have been slowly painting our home, finding that we lean toward white walls because it has an open feeling from room to room and lightens spaces that feel lacking in natural light. I go for color in other places now — wall art, furniture, etc. White also lets me switch things out seasonally without any worry about things looking crazy. Someone above mentioned that it might be popular because it feels more minimalist in the face of clutter, and as someone that collects a lot of things, as well as a mom with Thomas and friends, blocks, shoes, and puppy toys, everywhere, I have to say that the white walls and light colored flooring make me feel a little less like that clutter is closing in.

Thanks for always sharing interesting things and a variety of looks! We keep going back to Snowbound by Sherwin Williams. That was certainly not the intent. My point was more that there are certain life changes that have a big impact on the way we decorate and arrange our homes. One is being a home owner instead of a renter.

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Often this goes along with becoming less transient and maybe having a little more money and more space. Sometimes this also means moving to a space that is less urban. Another huge factor is having children. Some design is more absorbent of kid-clutter and kid-mess, some less so. A third factor is getting to an age when you begin to inherit some things. If they belonged to someone you loved, if you have fond memories of them, and if they are cool in their own right like art deco bedroom sets it is harder to be ruthless with them in an effort to maintain a certain aesthetic.

Somehow white paint seems to cover a multitude of sins aka: I am one who loves the clean look of white walls because it allows beautiful objects in a room to stand out. These items all have a story — a history with me — so I love being surrounded by them. I only want items in my home that I truly love and that I have a connection to, but I also want my spaces to be uncluttered. When I walk in my home, I smile every time because every item brings back a memory and those white walls allow all those lovely things to shine. After spending 6 years in Scandinavia my thoughts on white walls are mixed.

Each one of us has a very unique and personal style that really represents who we are, where we have been and who we hope to become. We just need to give ourselves time to discover it! When we first moved to Copenhagen, I was SO excited about the white walls, but after I while I started to notice that when we left for a trip and came home that my home felt cold and distant to me.

I began adding a little bit of color to my walls and then curtains very un-Danish and layers of texture. A rambling comment, essentially to say thanks for giving our design world a bit more depth and meaning by talking about stuff like this. John would paint a hospital for marketers black. I had a cream white living room that bounced bright yellow around during the daytime and looked dingy at night no matter what kinds of lightbulbs I used.

Nearly drove me crazy. But for some reason, I had no problem with a slightly dusty, marigold yellow, which looked wonderful no matter what time of day it was. In the alternative, maybe people who hate color have been subjected to the wrong ones for too long! To each their own. I remember as a younger person lusting for colored walls because I assumed white walls were a sign of hesitation — hesitation to own a style or color theme, and seeing it as a safety net so if we were to move, the bland walls would be best for potential buyers. Now I see white walls translated a few ways: Maybe we gravitate towards minimalism in our homes and white walls because we are so stimulated these days.

Perhaps we are preferring transportable investments and decor that can be moved around easily on a whim as we change as rapidly as the electronics around us. For example the Union Jack, a multi layered,time rendered, specific design.

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Such colour association is also reflected in our institutions eg- the NHS , our national health system evolved from the mire of military field tents, kaki became bleached canvas which progressed to Victorian pale blue walls thought to deter flies , to mid century mint green symbolising clean, fresh and relaxing. Today our treasured, free hospitals have walls of fluctuating , purposeful variety, chosen by the people, for the people.

My boyfriend is a minimalist and I am a maximalist. We just sold our last house that had intense bright and colorful walls. After all the re-painting we had to do to sell it, we decided to leave the walls in our new house lighter, and compromised on colorful trim and wainscoting, thinking. I loved this article, it nailed down a lot of thoughts I had in my head. I was raised in an apartment building. No one would have dreamed of painting walls a color-they were white and you hung art on them.

I remember the first time I heard people talking about painting their walls different colors—I thought, why on earth would you do that? Galleries host all sorts of art, they need their spaces open and blank. And, more literally, some people might want their house to look like an art gallery.

Regardless of how much art they actually own, or move around. This is such an interesting post! It is more than just coincidence when so many home tours across design blogs are virtually identical — lovely, mind you — but so, so similar. Thanks for the editorial! As a member of another maligned group of women — middle aged cat lady — I agree with those who reflect on the effects of age and a lifetime of collecting.

I should make more of it before the cycle swings again! The age and finances bit plays in also: My rental came and will be returned all white. The items I chose to bring here reflect the style of apartment, the need for reflected light in grey winters, a balance of new acquisitions I treasure and old friends that make the house a home. My own house, however, will be different. The walls are now covered in lime plaster, awaiting a year of knowledge of the light and my use of the place to decide how to finish them.

Others will embrace the cosy corners of a house with both light and shade and could be quite dark. There might be some wall paper in hallways and WC and I might tint the limewash of the living room to a sort of yellowy ochre that has given rooms in other north facing homes a just-at-sunset feel all day and all year. I can take the time and play with the colour and texture of my own home since I know no one will ask me to cover it up when I move on. I can invest since it belongs to me and it gives me pleasure to do so. I wonder if the reactions here are not linked to the same forces that are seeing such polarisation in US politics.

Sometimes the bitterness seems to be a thin veil for what reads to the outsider as insecurity. There is nothing wrong with this phenomenon but it is worth paying attention to the good and great coming from other traditions so that we can pick and chose when looking for inspiration. My husband is an architect and when we first set up house,35 years ago, it was all white walls, simple furniture and then Persian rugs as we could afford them.

Then came some black leather Kohl chairs, casts- offs from his office remodeling, now worth thousands, so says the internet. It happened without much discussion but at some point I realized I was never going to have chintz. Architects had and I guess still do a huge ego investment in how their houses look. Good thing I like it!


Great article and discussion. Relevant to me right now on account of an obsession with limewash which I sometimes tint with local ochres. One thing though in regard to your reference to the use of white walls in traditional Japanese architecture: With so many people unable to paint or paper their walls, no wonder the aesthetic is popular! Furniture and art you can take with you to your next place without struggling with your landlord over your security deposit.

Please make a Best white paint color list!!! Would be very helpful to hear all the feed back. Updated, the last list i see is from Thank you for reporting the pulse of American pop design today: By picking up on, and exposing some of our thoughts and fears behind our collective unconscious aesthetic and color choices, your essay reviews and reveals what we who are out here in interior landscape land are indeed worrying over and wondering about: Am I to make a mistake? Am I avoiding and and banish color, save for a few splashy pillows?

What I find interesting is the number of White Shades and how they might make a home look quite different. With the number of folks moving often and perhaps renting rather than owning, that might also account for the all-white trend. Late to reading this; similar reaction. If home ownership is down and renting is up, it makes sense. After giving up my old Victorian house full of Oak and colorful walls, I have found myself in white apartment after white apartment. I have grown to love neutral walls, I find them best for showing off my art collection, however, I have always found white to be a cold color and since I now live in a cold climate, I prefer the slightly pinkish cream or barely beige.

A stark white I find to be better in say a desert climate or at least where it is very hot. White cools you off. I do get tired of the sameness of approach to design elements which are included in the white house or apartment. In homes I prefer the personal. I definitely find myself drawn to this aesthetic. That said I also love color, but I am in no position to buy a home and rental apartments invariably come with white walls.

I think my family are slowly warming to it as they can see how it also serves to make small spaces feel larger. I thought it resulted from all white rooms looking better in print and on computer screens. Everyone bought the trend before they figured that out. The medium is the message. Grace, you touched on this point in the article. Most people get their interiors images and inspiration online and in magazines. White rooms are fashionable now, but that has lot to do with the fact that they look good online and in print.

Color is more variable, especially on a screen, also, colors have more personal associations. After buying my very humble circa house I assumed that the interior would be mostly white. There are a few white ceilings, but not one room has white walls. One thing that you have overlooked is that is it so much easier to pain in white.

Yes, a decorater can get clean lines up to the ceiling or woodwork but an amateur with a limited amount of time is going to make a bit of a mess. White means you can paint up to and over that white woodwork and often straight from walls to ceiling without getting out the dreaded masking tape. Speed is the benefit of using white for the amateur, and lets face it we are all busy and time-streached.

I believe that is the real reason white walls will always have a place. OMG this article is Ah-Mazinggggg. Loved it both for its refusal to pick a side and for someone finally putting it all into perspective. I think the white-walled blown-out trend is just that: Looks clean and status-quo, but pretty cookie-cutter uninventive. This aesthetic is easy to emulate and difficult to fully resolve. So often it looks good and feels soul-less. I think many believe it is a cheap and easy way to appear stylish however often the space becomes an entirely unpleasant experience.

It takes a sophisticated eye for detail to accomplish. As a designer, I would have to say that the majority of my clients are very, very bad at picking colors. They may have wanted a yellow room… but had no real concept that some yellows will be gorgeous and others will just look ugly… so after a lot of paint and effort to paint, they settle on white. Not a designer but as a new home owner this was my experience as well.

I wanted to paint the two largest rooms master bed and dining in my home two different colors. After trying 15 different shades of blue-green and gray I found one blue-green paint color I liked and painted both rooms the same color. Fortunately I used paint samples to figure out what worked. I completely gave up on finding a gray paint that worked in my space the white trim and ceiling have a yellow undertone.

Sherwin-Williams Throws It Back With Their Paint Colors

When it was time to chose a second color living room and hallway I was much better at picking what would work in my space and found a lovely green. With a white space, like a laboratory, you could literally see that a space was clean and hygienic. Also, a shift away from coal burning made white interiors practical in ways they never could be before. New cleaning products, durable paints and construction methods that eliminated the need for trim and moulding enabled this minimalism — architect Richard Meier owes much to this. Gwendolyn Wright or Lewis Mumford are good historians to read on this subject.

Mumford also discusses the use of white paint on the exterior of American domestic structures. The discussion about polychromy and primitivism is well debunked. Well writen article about a subject that haunted me for a long time now. Well, I am 58 and have been living with white walls , killims and succulents for years. I put them in when I was I have collected blue and white before it was a thing and what I call hot climate furniture which is all beat up and comfy. I do live in the fucking desert which might explain my obsession. It just feels better to my psyche after coming home from work with temperatures hovering at That said, no macrame please.

And I hate mid century furniture and Whole Foods. I must have a problem with my parents. Got to go to therapy stat. If you like a more spacious feel to your rooms, definitely go with white or a very light color. Lighter walls also help sell a home, if that is your goal. You can get away with painting a room a dark color if the room has a lot of doors or windows with white trim. This was a very satisfying read. I love the fact that you wrote a well thought out essay on a trend that I, as a home design enthusiast, have noticed and embraced over the past years. I just really, really loved the fact that this essay exists because I got to cozy up to my computer screen and read something long and engrossing about a design aesthetic.

The trouble with print and online photographs of homes is that they rarely capture the amount of colour that goes on outside of the home which, in person, is often visible through windows. Often light floors and white walls are only part of the equation — when ample windows frame trees, brightly coloured neighbouring buildings, green fields, meadows of flowers, mountains and lakes, a much more colourful and patterned overall appearance emerges and the feeling is less stark than just the white interior on its own. To go white or not will remain a tough decision as one considers other factors.

To compliment or to accessorize will play a big debate here. But at the end we will still have so many white walls. I think the key to white is finding the right one for your particular space. The light is a major factor. Of course there is nothing new in our current and historic associations of the color white with purity, innocence, new beginnings the blank canvas , spacial emptiness and cleanliness.

So it might be more instructive to ask why white has become such a powerful collective choice at this particular time. I think color trends are a pretty good indicator of where we are as a collective, be it in a more localized or global culture. People may need white right now because it offers hope, a new beginning, a sense of connection with something which is whole and greater than ourselves.

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In volatile times it offers peace, simplicity, calm, clarity and unity. However all this white wash also, ironically, hints at an encroaching fear of the dark. Where for art thou? It is also wrapped up in the decluttering movement also interpreted as minimalism. It says to the world one is free of the messiness and imperfections of the mundane. So for some perhaps being surrounded by white helps to counteract or fend off a looming darkness and simplifies a complex, layered and noisy external and internal world.

Perhaps we are struggling with accepting our own humanity while also coming ever closer to recognizing and acknowledging our own divinity. Spoiler alert — there seems to be a growing trend toward translucency…. Thanks for this- very interesting topic. Read for half an hour and essentially — everyone just loves white. I appreciate white, but so much white in design has a soporific effect. It is easy, and sometimes exciting design is not. Plenty of people have made magical things happen in small rooms with saturated color. I truly love the look of somewhat barren walls.

I have wood floors and wood ceilings…. My sister threatens to paint the walls every time she house sits. I guess it is a preference.

Maddy's Guide to Life

Her home has several small rooms…all painted different colors. It is lovely, but I find it unsettling. Different strokes for different folks. Many use their homes as backdrops or sets for their work, especially designers or photographers who are often featured on DS. Have you ever tried to take photos near of a bright green wall? That green gets around. In fact, I bought my house with the intent to turn it into a living studio.

When I purchased the sf slab foundation house, everything inside it was brown.

The shag carpet, the walls, the kitchen, the vinyl flooring… all medium to dark brown. Even the textured ceiling was slightly dingy from cigarette smoke. It was utterly depressing and disgusting. So, in my quest to lighten and brighten the place and make it seem less cramped I ripped up the 3 different types of flooring and unified the space by painting ALL the floor white.

I also painted a few rooms white, but the main areas are a warm light grey. My goal was to create a space bright enough to serve as a neutral backdrop for product photography and sustain my vast collection of plants.


Maddy's Guide to Life - Kindle edition by Kristina Andersen. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like. Maddy's Guide to Life: The Mega Edition (Stories ) - Kindle edition by Kristina Andersen. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or.

White walls, white floor, and copious mirrors made that possible. I like the restfulness of the natural pallette and appreciate the textured and handmade. Her style was to mix antique decorative arts — primarily French, from Louis XVI through Empire — with a wide range of fine art. In our dining room, I remember a pair of 3ft tall Italian Renaissance boys holding candelabra, and a translucent neon pink op-art sculpture.

She kept things balanced and uncluttered so each piece, whether furniture or fine art, had its say. She worked color with precision, e. With very few exceptions, she was adamant about white walls only, or more precisely blanc-casse, tinged imperceptibly with the appropriate undertone. I always thought that this white-only aesthetic was drummed into her at the NYSID, but she did hail from a Mediterranean country, where walls were whitewashed in a bright pure white. I also grew up in the desert, where everything is neutral, the intention is to keep things cool and light, and too much of anything —color, textiles, pattern, etc.

Now I live in the dreary PNW and wood, white and plants has been a natural extension of the design philosophy I unknowingly absorbed as a kid. Hence minimal decor and neutral palettes. Curious to know if anyone else feels this way? Which is why I completely overhauled my bedroom a few years ago, threw out everything to start back from scratch. I replaced all the bedding with white fabrics, and removed all the furniture except the colonial bed and the built-in wardrobe.

Added in a few plants for colour and now I have a bedroom that actually helps me leave the day behind and recharge. When you have that much drywall, it can be hard to choose another color, even if it is soft or subtle. A professional photographer can make us drool over a golden mustard dining room, or a chocolate library that we would love to inhabit in-person but those same spaces are very tricky for the average iphone user. Now, take a white room on a sunny day, and all of a sudden that same amateur photographer looks like a genius.

As a designer who loves color, I sometimes find myself pulled towards white, because shooooot it would just photograph so easily. To each his own. There are some instances that I love a simple, clean white room as a retreat. It takes me away from the chaos where there are fingerprints and toys strewn about. How about the fact that all white walls are simple, beautiful and take so much of the design guess work out of the equation by not having to decide on a color?

Although, there is still the dilemma of choosing just the right white. My view on this is very different. That is true for most. My Dad is a country Veterinarian. He runs his practice from our family farm, Sunset Hill. I spent my entire childhood traveling dirt roads on Farm calls with my Dad. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Nobody that lives in the country has white walls. They typically lean towards warmer colors. I moved to the suburbs kicking and screaming 10 years ago.

Nobody in town has white walls, either. Grey is the new beige. I think Jill hit the nail on the head. I loved reading the comments and they were very insightful. This shows you how powerfully influential bloggers are. It was pretty funny. Do you know the type? Well, one day Joey got bullied by some mean big kids.

This story shows how by sticking up for each other we can overcome the bullies. One day Amanda got told that her parents were getting a divorce. I was so glad that we were able to help her get through the bad feelings. Family PartiesZoey was having a boring family birthday party and all I wanted was to admire the food before the guests turned up.

All I can say was that Rupert was a big help in cleaning things up. Facebook ExpertI really needed a new iPad for Christmas but it was so hard trying to get mom to understand this and then things got worse when Zoey found out that I had been into her Facebook account. School CampI decided that school camp would be the perfect opportunity for me to take over from Amanda, Pamela and Nancy to become the coolest girl in class. I forgot to ask mom first. Other kids brought pink dyed Chihuahuas, a pet rat, a frog and a psycho cat. Things were going well for a few minutes but then it all went badly wrong.

Anyway, it all got sorted out in the end. School LunchesNot only was school really boring that day, but then when we had to line up to get lunch in the school cafeteria the food looked really disgusting.