Leur silence est un cri (Religieux) (French Edition)

Second tour de la présidentielle : vote et religions

Elle doit sa fondation aux seigneurs de Mortemart, en Comme il refuse de se coucher, il le laisse dans une chambre et va se reposer. En on y comptait sept religieux. Tous les solitaires y consentirent. On y voit une tour fort haute, qui avait servi de retraite aux moines pendant les guerres. Sa fondation remonte au 22 avril Philippe-le-Bel la prit sous sa protection par une charte de On y comptait alors douze religieux. Il pensionna les religieux supprima les titres, et disposa des biens en faveur de sa famille, qui demeurait dans le voisinage.

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Paperback; Publisher: Fayard / les enfants d' fleuve; FAYARD edition () Start reading Leur silence est un cri (Religieux) (French Edition) on your Kindle in . Start reading Leur silence est un cri (Religieux) (French Edition) on your Kindle ); Language: French; ISBN ; ISBN

Philippe de Valois vint dans cette maison, avec toute sa cour, au mois de janvier , et confirma plusieurs possessions des religieux. Elle avait encore quatorze religieux en On leur attribue la fondation de cette abbaye. Dans la nef, on remarquait le tombeau de Louise, dame de Thou. On y comptait onze religieux en Elle remonte au 26 juillet On y comptait quatre religieux en Il y avait vingt religieuses en Celle de Sainte-Croix est de En , il y eut des tournois auxquels se rendaient les grands seigneurs de la province.

On y voit une cloche du poids de six milliers. Le patron est saint Martin. Son sol fertile produit du froment, du lin du chanvre et du vin. Les plus connus parmi les seigneurs de Flogny sont: Cart de la pit. On dit vulgairement Ninoreilles. En , Guillaume, dit le Vilain, Cart de la pit. Ligny-la-Ville renfermait une fontaine, T. On le trouve encore en et en Le four de Vergigny lui appartenait. On remarque encore parmi les seigneurs de Ligny: Ce dernier vivait toujours en On lit au bas: Orta est stella ex Jacob. On y recueille aussi du froment et des menus grains.

Le canton de Ligny renferme treize communes, savoir: Plusieurs lieux en France portent le nom de Ligny. On y compte trois foires. Osmon, gentilhomme de Maligny , laissa trois fils et deux filles: Pierre, Acelin, Odon clerc, Adeline et Hersende. Elle avait deux enfans: Guy de Maligny, chevalier, fils de Guy, P. Ces hommes lui devaient, pour droit de mainmorte, du bled, des deniers et de la volaille. Il jouissait de quelques droits de mainmorte sur Montigny. Guillaume de Lamotte fit un accord avec les religieux de Pontigny en Rends-moi mon obligation, ou bien voici qui va le servir.

En , Guy du Mex [73] , fils de Bernard, T. En , on trouve parochia de Novo vico Cart. In fact, the story against which Tertullian wrote was perpetuated by the Catholic Church after the conversion of Constantine, when it was turned against heterodoxy.

Christians took the accusations that had been used against them and turned them against their enemies without changing a single word. The story of the orgy found in Tertullian was reproduced almost word for word by the Church Fathers. This story is here reported by Thomas Beauxamis who compiled a catalogue of heresies in L'artnee des Gnostiques flit beaucoup avancee par Carpocrates l'an Voire us procuroient rendre le fruit abortif de leur chamelle dilection: Pour ma part j'ai quelque peine a 13 Louis Rougier, Celse contre les chretiens: In his Contra Fortunatum Augustine refused to pronounce himself on the Manichees' morals, on the grounds that, although he had been one of their followers, he had not been one of the 'elect': Quid autem inter vos agatis, qui Electis estis, ego scire non possum.

Nam et Eucharistiam audivi a vobis saepe quod accipiatis: The story was relayed by medieval authors, among whom we find Guibert of Nogent who describes in his autobiography the bacchanalia of the heretics of Soissons at the beginning of the twelfth century: Dans des caveaux ou dans des endroits souterrains bien dissimules, us tiennent leurs conciliabules. Denonciation et refutation de la gnose au nom menteur Paris, , p. It is probably this passage that Beauxamis, Histoire des sectes, p. Peu apres, us eteignent ces flambeaux, us se mettent A crier de tout cOtes: Aussited, chacun se precipite pour posseder la premiere partenaire qui lui tombe sous la main.

Que si, A la suite de cela, une femme devient grosse, us retourneront au meme endroit apres l'accouchement: Si vous relisez l'enumeration qu'Augustin a operee des heresies, vous verrez que tout cela s'applique, mieux qu'd aucune autre, A celle des manicheens. What was termed the 'twelfth-century renaissance' saw the proliferation of heretical groups which sprang from the rediscovery of the ideals of the Vita Apostolica.

This period saw the emergence of a new breed of monasticism which was based on the ideals of poverty and humility. Although the foundation of the Franciscan and Dominican orders was condoned by the Papacy, all other apostolic movements were deemed heretical. The Albigensians and Waldensians posed the most immediate threat to orthodoxy in this period but there were many more. Both groups were depicted as a renewal of Manicheeism, which provided a precedent for their persecution, and the orgy story was used once more against them.

Very similar stories were used at regular intervals against a variety of undesirable groups like the Fraticelli in , the Templars in , or the Beguines in , implying that these 18 E. Autobiographie Paris, , p p. The sixteenth-century Catholic theologian Thomas Beauxamis has noted the parallel between the story that was used against the early Christians, and the accusations of ritual murder which were used against Jews under Emperor Caius: As the devotion of the body of Christ increased from the twelfth century onwards, miracle stories linked with the desecration of the Eucharist started to appear.

The miracles manifested the sanctity of the Eucharist and chastised the desecrators, who were often Jews. E7r ; Beauxamis, Histoire des sectes, p. Langmuir, 'Thomas of Monmouth: Detector of Ritual Murder', Speculum, 59 , , p.

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The close co-operation of the Parlement of Paris and the Sorbonne dates back to when the Parlement officially sanctioned the Sorbonne's list of forbidden books. Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Les institutions meurent, mais la religion qui les a produites est immortelle. The use of 's' and T, T and T, 'te and was standardized according to modern spelling. It is nonetheless clear that Crouzet describes France in the sixteenth century as a civilization of anguish where everyone was afraid of the Last Judgement. Hollande s'est repenti pour le 17 octobre The Catholic writings of the period, in contrast, have been the focus of very little interest and little work has been done on them.

Probably the first occurrence of this phenomenon is the martyrdom of William of Norwich, who was canonized at the beginning of the twelfth century: In his time, the Jews of Norwich bought a Christian child before Easter and tortured him with all the torture that our Lord was tortured with; and on Good Friday hanged him on a cross on account of our Lord, and then buried him. They expected it would be concealed, but our Lord made it plain that he was a holy martyr, and the monks took him and buried him with ceremony in the monastery, and through our Lord he works wonderful and varied miracles, and he is called St William.

Another case of the Jews ritually killing a Christian child who became 'Little Saint Hugh', occurred in in Lincoln, and the town became the site of miracles and pilgrimages. In Trent in , Jews were put on trial for the killing of a child who shortly became 'blessed Simon martyr', accused of having drawn blood for the purpose of celebrating Passover.

The fact that both Jews and heretics were accused of similar crimes in the Middle Ages has led some historians to suggest that they were the victims of a single 22 Guillaume Postel and Jean Boulaese, Le Miracle de Laon: Irena Backus Geneva, Po-Chia Hsia, Trent Stories of a ritual murder trial Michigan, , p.

Moore has argued that the tightening of the boundaries of orthodoxy between the third and fourth Lateran Council of and corresponded to the emergence of a persecuting mechanism. Any minority groups became legitimate targets and grisly stories were used to legitimize the indiscriminate persecution of Jews, heretics and lepers alike: The images of nightmares are not always consistent, but they always feed the same fear. For all imaginative purposes heretics, Jews and lepers were interchangeable.

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They had the same qualities from the same source, and they presented the same threat: A common accusation which was used against Jews and lepers during the Middle Ages was of poisoning wells and other sources of fresh water to provoke epidemics of plague or leprosy. What was not known at the time is that unlike the plague, leprosy is not infectious, and lepers because of their repulsive appearance made prime suspects for the spreading of disease and contagion.

Bernard Gui reports a plot in involving lepers 'diseased of mind and body' who infected the water supplies of France in a conspiracy to take over the whole kingdom. In , Jews were also included in the conspiracy as accomplices of the lepers, and another version had the Muslim King of Granada finance the whole operation. Jews and lepers had been compared with each other in antiquity and Flavius Josephus, in his Against Appion, mentions a legend that Jews originated from a group of lepers who had been driven out of Egypt.

Flavius Josephus' Against Appion enabled these stories to survive into the Middle Ages which in turn transmitted them to the early modern period. Both Jews and lepers were segregated from the time of the fourth Lateran Council onwards, and they were made to wear distinctive badges reminiscent of the Nazi yellow star. Jews and lepers have been identified by medieval historians as the targets of indiscriminate accusations of infanticide, ritual murder, and attempts to poison the wells of the kingdom.

The analogy with heresy, which was to the body politic what a disease is to the body, is particularly significant and explains why heresy was perceived as 'spiritual leprosy'. These key periods of Church history were marked by two fundamental Church Councils Nicea in and the fourth Lateran Council in which defined orthodoxy in the face of heresy. The heretics condemned at these Councils became indistinguishable in the course of time as they were used as precedents to condemn' further heresies.

For all intents and purposes all these heretical groups Arians, Donatists, Manichees and Albigensians became indistinguishable, and whenever heterodoxy appeared in later years, it would immediately be added to the 'great tree of heresy'. The great tree of heresy had already been described by St Augustine and the great medieval summas perpetuated this image and passed it on to the sixteenth century.

Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath London, , pp. Moore, 'Heresy as Disease', in D. Fragonard, 'La determination des frontier-es symboliques: This is what the former Lutheran George Witzel , wrote about the Lutherans in Voici ce que veux faire maintenant pource que ton epistre m'y convie c'est que tu entendes que les sectes de ceste aage, ont grande affinite avec les anciennes: Wicelius, Libellus de moribus veterum haereticorurn Leipzig, Mais puisque nous sommes en une saison, ou il est malaise de Ces Manichees estimoient que les ames de leurs auditeurs au partir du corps, retournoient avec les eslus.

Les Manichees s'efforcoyent exterminer tout le franc arbitre. Les Lutheriens en pareil travaillent a le detruire Car tout ainsi que les Manichees se vantoient estre seuls Chrestiens: Si vous voulez scavoir ma Dame: Voyez doncques ma Dame: Le bon Calvin abuseur sest delecte de ceste la entre toutes les autres: When the Catholic authors compared Protestantism with Manicheeism, they could also have compared them with a number of other heretical groups.

Significantly, Protestants were also compared to Jews by Georg Witzel who drew a very extensive list of similarities between them: Quand us devorent de la chair en careme: Quand us se moquent des pieuses observations d'icelles: Quand us sentent mal des saints ja regnans avec Dieu: Quand us prophanent le Sabbat chrestien: Quand us persecutent les pretres et moines: Quand us demolissent les images: Quand us meprisent les conciles: Quand us font quelques autre chose en quoy se plaissent les juifs.

V 36 Witzel, Discours des moeurs, p. Et sans oublier les usures publiques, qu'ilz permettent plus que Juifs. Donner son argent a usure, prendre les dons de l'innocent, mesme a plus estrange condition que les juifs infideles n'ont a ccoustume Aussi ont les inventeurs de ce gaing usuraire de commun avec les Juifs, que tous jusques a un, combien que la conscience les remord, ne veulent jamais laisser ce gaing tant dehonneste, de peur qu'ils soient contraints de rendre ce que injustement us ont usurpe.

Car rapine envers eux est presque une servitude d'idoles, comme dit a 37 Jean Gay, L'Histoire des scismes et heresies des Albigeois, conforme a celle de presents par laquelle appert que plusieurs grans princes et seigneurs sont tombez en extremes desolations et mines pour avoir favorise aux heretiques Paris, Pierre Gaultier, , pp. Gentian Hervet made a comparison with Jews and argued that unlike them, Protestants were able to mix freely among the Catholic population and spread their heresy as they would the plague: Et si bien ils [les Juifs] sont alienez de la vraye religion, on les auroit aussi en tel estime qu'ils meritent et fuyroit on leur conversation, et pour les mieux cognoistre us auroient leur marque, comme us ont es autres pays For example the Polish cardinal Stanislas Hozius wrote in a work first published in Latin in and translated into French in Un membre poury se couppe, de peur qu'il ne gaste le reste du corps: The persecution of Jews and lepers for poisoning wells during the reign of Philippe V is used by de Mouchy to argue that because they were burned, so should the Protestants for 'poisoning the souls with false doctrine': A nostre probation pourrons aussi servir les punitions qu'on a accoustume garder contre les empoisonneurs, lesquels on brusle.

Et du temps du Roy Philippe le long, recite qu'aucuns ladres avoient empoisonnez les puys: L Moore has identified as the victims of the medieval persecuting society: Accusations of lechery, infanticide and cannibalism were also an integral part of this long standing tradition and Catholics used them against Protestants from the beginning.

These accusations were relayed by no less than Desiderius Erasmus in who used them against the Anabaptists: But these examples are all in the past. Surely much more to be deplored is that within recent memory there have been discovered nightly gatherings at which, after praise has been given to God, the lights are extinguished and the men and women consort in promiscuous love. Or the ceremonies in which mothers freely band over their infants to be butchered, and even watch serenely the horrid crime, so persuaded are they that their children will thus find a high place in heaven This madness seems to have taken its 43 Claude de Ruby, Discours sur la contagion de la peste qui a este ceste presente annee en la vile de Lyon Lyon, J.

I am grateful to W. Naphy, University of Aberdeen, for this quote. This blood they would draw from small pinpricks, and if in the process the child died, it was venerated as a martyr. This was also the context in which Stanislas Hozius wrote, although he used Erasmus as an authority to turn the accusations against the Reformation as a whole: Noz Calvinistes ressemblent encores A ceulx cy: Et apres que ilz ont ce fait, n'est-il pas vray, que souvent ilz esteignent les chandelles: Jaques, la ou ilz estoient plus de cinq cens Nous reciterons choses certes grandement a deplorer: A scavoir les conventicules qui ont este trouvez de nostre temps.

Dit d'avantage en ce mesme lieu ledict Erasme, en son livre de l'admirable concorde de l'Eglise Laquelle faisoit l'Eucharistie de farine meslee avecques sang d'un enfant, lequel ilz receuilloyent par petites piqueurs, qu'ilz fairoyent au corps de l'enfant. Que si cest enfant venoit a mourir, ii estoit honore de par eux cornme martyr. From the affair of the rue St Jacques and the tumult of Amboise, the accusation of the orgy was relayed by no fewer than five different authors, and by many more throughout the French Wars of Religion.

By using this story, the Catholic polemicists were hoping to associate Protestantism with a long list of heretics and thus justify their persecution at a time when the Court seemed to sway in their favour. The story was used hand in hand with arguments that Protestantism threatened to take over the whole body politic like a disease and turn 46 Du Val, Mirouer des Calvinistes, fols 9", 10'.

These authors condemned Protestantism without trial as their doctrine had already been condemned before in the Church Councils of the past. In their eyes, Protestantism was nothing more than another manifestation of the undying monster that the Catholic Church had defeated before. The Catholic authors perpetuated the medieval tradition and weighed any arguments in the light of a lengthy list of precedents which had been approved by the Church.

This allowed the Catholics to ignore the Protestant plea for toleration and evade the serious issues that the popularity of Protestantism was raising. The use of this story against the Protestants of the rue St Jacques must be seen in the context of centuries of characterization of heretics which had become ingrained in the culture of western Christendom.

The story had become an integral part of the institutionalized Church's response to heresy and the Catholic authors who used it were in direct line with what R. Moore has called the persecuting society. But unlike their predecessors, Protestants were not simply the victims of a persecuting mechanism which had been set up in the central Middle Ages. Moore's persecuting society was remarkably successful given the track record of the single story quoted above used at different times against different people.

But it worked only as long as the boundaries between heresy and orthodoxy were clearly marked. This was no longer the case in the sixteenth century where the Reformation challenged the very roots on which Catholic orthodoxy was based. The ability of the Protestants to challenge these accusations and draw a parallel with the early Christians was unprecedented and called for a different strategy.

Catholics who used this story in the wake of the rue St Jacques probably did not anticipate that it would be turned in the Protestants' advantage and used to claim kinship with the early Church martyrs. It is obvious that de 47 See Chapter 5 below. Indeed, Antoine de la Roche Chandieu, who recounts the whole episode in his Histoire des persecutions , wrote that it had been a decisive argument: Aucuns Docteurs de Sorbonne s'efforcerent d'y faire response: By pointing out the similarities between the persecutions of the early Church and their own situation, Protestants strengthened their claim to represent the true Church of the Apostles.

This is probably why de Mouchy edited the story and simply accused those assembled in the rue St Jacques of being lecherous. The same 'sanitised' version was used by another author, Jean de la Vacquerie, who nonetheless implied that 'other impieties' might have been committed by the Protestants at their assemblies: Et se donner lieu aux 48 Chandieu, Histoire des persecutions, sig.

The full story is told in the Histoire Ecclesiastique which reproduces in large part Antoine de la Roche Chandieu's first hand account of the persecutions. The latter, Georges Renard is said to have been arrested during the very first wave of persecutions in the aftermath of the affair of the Placards, whereas Claude David was the brother of an official of the Parlement of Paris.

All accounts of this episode mention Antoine de Mouchy and Marechal St Andre as the recipients of this information and say that the persecutions were interrupted by the death of Henri II. During the wave of arrests that followed, two apprentices came forward and offered to testify to what they had allegedly seen at the Protestants' secret meeting. The two young apprentices had been in the employ of a Protestant master who had offered to take them to a secret Protestant meeting before they were dismissed.

The accounts 49 Vacquerie, Catholique remonstrance, sig. Young and impressionable, the two apprentices were manipulated into revealing the names of those who had taken part and testify to what had taken place at the Protestants' secret meeting. Antoine de la Roche Chandieu provides a more detailed account of what they said than the Histoire Ecclesiastique: Le peintre pour se venger de son maistre, va rapporter aux Juges qu'iceluy l'avoit mene a l'assemblee. Et quand on le voit ainsi prompt a accuser, on luy fait de grandes promesses, s'il veut reveler ceux qu'il y a cognus.

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Et adjouste ce qu'on disoit communement des assemblees estre vrai, qu'on y paillardoit pesle mesle, les chandelle esteintes: The Cardinal attempted to use their testimony to convince Catherine de Medicis of the wickedness of the heretics. Furthermore, in the course of the arrests made in the wake of the denunciations, an inflammatory Protestant pamphlet was found in one of the noble Protestants' house.

Like many Protestant pieces that were written after the death of Henri II, this particular piece attributed the death of the monarch to divine providence, as punishment for the persecutions. The Histoire Ecclesiastique offers us a rare insight into the role the Cardinal himself may have played in spreading these rumours, as he proceeded to reproduce the argument that is found in Antoine de Mouchy's Response a quelque Apologie: Le Cardinal de sa part ne laissa dormir ses informations. There could be no better evidence of the confluence between the agenda of the Guise and the productions of the Catholic polemicists; and one of these authors, Antoine de Mouchy, actually took an active part in interrogating the two apprentices who confirmed what he had published.

According to the Histoire Ecclesiastique, Catherine de Medicis was swayed by the testimony of the two apprentices but was advised to have them cross-examined: Davantage, la Royne ayant trouve a part quelques siennes B2r. There is evidence, however, that the belief that Protestants took part in orgies survived the retraction of the false witnesses.

Histoire de l'abbaye de Pontigny, ordre de Cîteaux

Penny Roberts has uncovered the case of a city councillor of Troyes who escaped prosecution in by arguing that his only reason for attending a Protestant meeting was the hope of taking part in such an orgy: Quelques uns aussy se rendirent prisonniers a la conciergerie au palais, ou ilz tremperent assez long temps. Le conseiller de Pleurre flit de ce nombre. Estant mande pardevant messieurs de la cour de parlement, pour estre interrogue, confesse a celle en estoit plus tost rendit et sortir hors de prison, que la verite estoit qu'il s'estoit trouve estant en assemblee et presche de la religion, pour accomplir son intention charnelle et jouir de celle qu'il luy eust pleu, estimant que cc qu'on en disoit feust way, ascavoir qu'on faisoit la charite es assemblee.

Mays ayant veu et congneu que cela estoit faulx, et qu'il n'y avoit pas trouve cc qu'il cherchoit il n'y estoit plus retourne et puis retenoit.

Christine and The Queens - Doesn't matter (voleur de soleil)

La court s'estant pres a rire de ceste responce se relaschea de Pleurre. I owe thanks to Penny Roberts for the transcript of this document. The myth of the orgiastic Protestants was mixed with the horrible reality of the Parisian persecutions during which children were left abandoned on the streets of Paris. The Histoire de France recounts how preachers on street corners rekindled the accusations of infanticide and cannibalism by pointing to these children as those the Protestants had intended to eat during their orgies: Aussi en faisoit on moms de conte que de chiens tant ceste doctrine estoit odieuse aux Parisiens.

Later accounts of the affair of the rue St Jacques, such as Antoine du Val's Mirouer des Calvinistes , were not as careful as de Mouchy and reproduced the story in its totality. The affair of the rue St Jacques allowed the Catholic polemicists to use the medieval story of the orgy with a certain degree of success.

The persecutions which followed provided - them with further opportunities to add credibility to these stories. Even if the accusations of lechery, infanticide and cannibalism could be turned to the Protestants' advantage, accusations of a conspiracy against the King were more difficult to dispel. The first author to use the idea of a conspiracy was Jean de la Vacquerie writing shortly after the assembly of the Pre-aux-Clercs in May where Protestants had assembled defiantly in the open to sing psalms.

Jean de la Vacquerie used the coincidence of the affair of the rue St Jacques with the defeat of the King at the hands of the imperial army at St Quentin to make a causal link between the two: Qui eust este asseure? Car mettant les gens de bien a mort, iceulx se reputent faire chose agreable a Dieu, qui entre eulx pensent qu'il y ayt un Dieu.

The emotional climate for the affair of the rue Saint-Jacques was engendered by the disastrous defeat of the French forces under the Constable Montmorency outside Saint-Quentin on 10 August and the subsequent taking of that town by the Spanish on 27 August. Antoine de Mouchy had vaguely mentioned the threat of allowing armed men and women to assemble but he never discussed the defeat of St Quentin: Peult on flier que le cinqiesme de Septembre cest armee plus de cinq cens, tant hommes que femmes, se sont assemblez la nuict en une maison toute notoire en la rue S.

This polemical exchange contributed to the further elaboration of the conspiracy theory and Rene Benoist uses the denial of the Remonstrance to renew the accusations of conspiracy: Ion y respondra point pour point, par ou vous congnoistrez ma Dame: Between and , Catholic authors use the discovery of a large clandestine meeting of Protestants in the heart of the capital to renew accusations of orgies and ritual murder which had been used against Jews and heretics throughout the Middle Ages.

After the conspiracy of Amboise, these accusations take on a much more political edge and the accusations of orgies and ritual murder are gradually phased out in favour of the emergence of a Protestant conspiracy to take over the kingdom. The affair of the rue St Jacques was re-interpreted retrospectively as being part of this conspiracy by Jean de la Vacquerie and others who argued that the Protestants had been conspiring since the beginning.

It is clear that the portrayal of Protestantism by Catholic authors on the eve of the French wars of religion was largely inspired by medieval precedents which were used against heretics, Jews and lepers. The topos of ritual murder, orgy and conspiracy are articulated around key events, the affair of the rue St Jacques and the conspiracy of Amboise, which served as points of reference to accuse the Protestants. Although the accusations of conspiracy might be justified to a certain extent by the politicization of the conflict after the outbreak of the Wars of Religion, it is clear that the accusations first appeared in a different context.

The depiction of Protestants as abominable monsters was intended to provoke a total dissociation of the Catholic readership from their Protestant neighbours. This estrangement, beyond the immediate political aims that they were facilitating, may be considered as one of the factors explaining the violence of the French Wars of Religion.

Huguenots and Albigensians, polemical use of the Albigensian Crusade. Of all other medieval and patristic heresies, Albigensianism alone had been the object of an organised crusade. One of the proclaimed aims of the Albigensian Crusade, apart from defeating the heretics, was to erase all signs that the heresy had ever existed. Not only were the heretics themselves burned, but so were the houses in which they had lived, and their families were forbidden to remember their dead.

Ironically, it was not the Protestants who rescued the Albigensians from oblivion, but the successors of those who had worked so hard to obliterate them. The persecution of Albigensianism had coincided with the cultural and political annexation of Languedoc by the French Crown. It was the political dimension of the Albigensian Crusade which made it relevant to contemporary events, especially in the build up to the French Wars of Religion.

The comparison between the emerging Calvinist Church and the Albigensian heresy became commonplace as ultra-Catholic authors attempted to influence policy at Court. At the same time, the Protestant demand for identity and legitimacy was being answered in the shape of martyrologies and histories of the true Church. Protestant martyrologists gradually came to terms with the Catholic comparison with medieval heresy and turned it to their advantage.

Assimilations Catholiques', CF, 14 , , p. Hamilton, The Albigensian Crusade London, , p. Unlike any other medieval heresy it was highly organised and had been openly adopted by the political elite of the Languedoc, led by the Comte Raymond de Toulouse. The organisation of the Albigensian Church mirrored that of the Catholic Church, with bishops, archbishops and allegedly, a Pope.

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Consequently, the Cathar heritage of the Midi where Protestantism flourished suggested to many authors, on both sides of the confessional divide, an historical connection between the two movements. The geographical similarity gave some historians pause, notably Janine Garrisson and Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, although neither of them suggest a formal link between the Catharism and the Reformation.

Le Roy Ladurie, Montaillou: Village Occitan Paris, , p. Garrisson- Estebe, Les Protestants du Midi: Filiation secrete a l'heure de la reforme Loubatieres, , p. The adoption by the Protestant Church of the Vaudois, who were thought to descend from the twelfth-century Waldensians, was motivated in part by the need to find historical evidence for this doctrine. The parallel between Protestantism and the Albigensian heresy first appeared in Catholic polemic of the eve of the French Wars of Religion.

Between and Calvinism emerged from relative anonymity to become the trigger for French society to fall into civil war. Although religious polemic in the vernacular predates , it rose to prominence when the Genevan presses started flooding France with Protestant books in French. Symptomatic of this awareness is the affair of the rue St Jacques in September when three to four hundred Protestants were found conducting Reformed worship a few hundred yards from the Sorbonne. Doctors of the Sorbonne looked into Church history for arguments against heresy, particularly in patristic times and during the central Middle Ages when orthodoxy had been challenged.

The Reformed doctrine was grossly misrepresented and compared to earlier heresies which had already been refuted in the great Councils of the Church, notably the Council of Nicea in and the fourth Lateran Council in Although Albigensianism was mentioned in this context, it was but one of many heresies used for the purpose of defaming Protestantism. The reason the Albigensians received special attention from Catholic polemicists laid with the political specificity of the Albigensian Crusade rather than their alleged beliefs.

The context in which the comparison between Protestantism and Albigensianism emerged is inextricably linked with the political events which precipitated the French Wars of Religion. The comparison between contemporary events and the times of the Albigensian Crusade was not only drawn for the benefit of the Protestants, but it was equally intended for the Catholics. The political circumstances of the s conjured a comparison with the early thirteenth century when political divisions and the spread of the Cathar heresy had gone hand in hand.

Both had been quashed by Louis IX, St Louis, powerful symbol of the French monarchy, who after having defeated heresy in Languedoc, annexed the region to the Crown of France. By conjuring up this symbol, the Crown's supporters were resuscitating the moribund crusading spirit in the hope that it would rid France of the new heresy and unite Christendom once more.

This coincided with the origin of factionalism at Court between the three leading families, Montmorency, Guise and Bourbon, barely kept under check by the Regent Catherine de Medicis. This is also a time of uncertainty for the Protestants, torn between patient suffering and active rebellion, which is mirrored in the dilemma of their leader, John Calvin. The death of Henri II and the succession of his young son Francois triggered a controversy between Protestants and Catholics regarding the age of majority of kings.

Protestants who were trying to rid Francois II of the influence of the Guise argued that he was not old enough to choose his own advisers. On those grounds, they asked for the assembly of the Estates General in order to appoint a Council where they would have been represented. Denis Pallier has argued that the death of Henri II provoked a transformation of the printing industry. Lack of strong leadership led to the appearance of short works, or plaquettes, characteristically in octavo and written in the vernacular, which dealt with affairs of state and religion.

Il y a des choses qu'on ne peut ni oublier,ni pardonner. Boudarel, Minne, et tant d'autres Douteux,le cas de Hernu? Et il FAUT savoir. Cette histoire me rend malade. Car ce ne sont pas les historiens, ni les journalistes qui en feront des tartines dessus. Je ne tire pas, comme vous, mes informations d'internet, parce que j'en ai d'autres bien plus fiables.

Je sors, je questionne les gens, je ne vis pas comme vous dans un cocon rose bonbon.

Vos commentaires

Parce que c'est bien l'impression que j'ai quand je vous lis. C'est ainsi que j'ai fini par aller voir ce que disait une certaine Bat Ye'or, je n'ai retenu de ce qu'elle disait qu'un salmigondis. Marlan plus fort que les rav ,pour interpreter les textes! Essayons de les oublier. Tandis qu'en France, c'est franchement le bordel C'est pourquoi il fait bon vivre en Suisse Dans "Nouvelles de France", Christian Vanneste: Non, je ne peux pas le croire. Les politiciens changent mais n'y changent rien.

Pour les "souchiens", les carottes seront cuites. Cette perspective de croissance du nombre de musulmans est fort probable. Je vois mal le rapport avec les catholiques? Ce sont eux qui-un jour- se feront respecter.

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Non seulement la France mais l'Europe sera musulmane. Il suffit de saisir "exmusulman" sur internet pour comprendre le danger. Le nombre d intervenants sur ce blog des que l on parle de l islam temoigne de l acuite de ce probleme et du desarroi d une majorite de francais qui se sentent en desaccord avec leurs dirigeants. A l inverse la majorite des musulmans trouvent normal de vivre, voire d imposer leur culture au pays qui les accueille et qui leur a accorde la nationalte.

Ils oublient que c est une faveur qui leur est accordee, imposant des droits mais aussi des devoirs. Ils font etat de leur nationalite mais ne renoncent pas a leur identite qui restera eternellement etrangere a celle du pays d accueil; Alors que les immigrands des pays europeens se sont integres dans la culture francaise, une grande partie des immigrants musulmans, non seulement refusent l assimilation mais pretendent imposer leur culture. Alors aue lesdirigeants musulmans connaissent parfaitement la culture europeene les occidentaux connaissent tres mal la doctrine de l islam.

Cette meconnaissance souvent au plus haut niveau de l Etat explique les confusions et les erreurs de ces dirigeants et le desarroi de citoyens. Avec juste raison, Ivan Rioufol parle du cinquieme pouvoir que vous representez en vous exprimant librement sur ce blog et sur internet en general. Il ne faut jamais desesperer et s avouer vaincu avant d avoir livrer bataille. Le seul enseignement que voudrais vous apporter depuis Israel ou j habite depuis 24 ans, ce petit pays qui ose affirmer son identite et ses valeurs alors qu il est entoure de 25 pays ennemis est le suivant: L islam est une foi, une loi et un droit.

Il ne faut surtout pas s opposer a la foi des musulmans, il faut la respecter comme toutes les autres fois. Par contre concernant la loi la sharia, elle s applique certes aux musulmans mais elle pretend aussi s appliquer aux Chretiens et aux Juifs et c est la que le bat blesse. Mon conseil est d apprendre a connaitre l islam avec des islamologues non musulmans, ne pas tomber dans le piege du blaspheme mais lutter avec la plus grande energie contre doctrine religieuse qui voudrait s imposer a la Rapublique Francaise L Occident toutes les forces pour repousser victorieusement le defi que lui lance l islam fondamentaliste.

L Islam raconte a l occident Editions Persse Vous ne savez pas ce que vous dites, on vous pardonne. Je vais vous dire: Ou nos dirigeants sont des incapables ou ils sont des vendus. Nous sommes dans un pays libre, les musulmans, les juifs ont le droit de croire. La protection des faibles est un devoir absolu des chevaliers de Dieu. Combattre directement causera leur perte ex: En fait ils ne font que suivre ce que le Coran dit.

Il faut foutre tous ces gens dans des vols charters et les renvoyer en France. Il ne faut pas chercher bien loin les responsables de l'islamisation de la France: Les 17 ans de pouvoir des Chirac et Sarkosy. Tenez nous au courant de cette manifestation importante: Lulu, quand on a mal aux dents, on va chez le dentiste, pas chez un occuliste ou un pneumologue, OK? Jamais on ne leur pardonnera cette alliance. Ce n'est pas pour rien que commentaires suivent son intervention.

Pourquoi pas ajouter "thoraphobie" et cathophobie, surtout au regard des prises de position sur des sujets politiques dans l'espace public! Tiens encore une notion fourre-tout dans l'arsenal juridique. Quand je trie mes pommes de terre, je fais de la discrimination. Il ne fait pour moi aucun doute qu'il a fait l'objet de pressions, si ce n'est de menaces.

En outre, beaucoup de migrants ne sont pas musulmans. Ce qui se passe en France est un scandale. En revanche, la religion musulmane est en expansion exponentielle, c'est aussi vrai. Je pense qu'il a raison. Quel en est l'objectif? Comment les faire rester? L'Eglise, complice, ne s'est pas battue. Pasqua reconnait l'Islam comme religion d'Etat. La politique qui s'empare le plus de cela est la politique de gauche.

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La raison est simple, elle favorise cette immigration afin de recueillir un jour le vote de ces personnes. Les medias en France sont acquis a la cause de cette gauche laxiste et destructrice. La solution se passera dans la douleur. Pour pouvoir faire du social il faut en avoir les moyens. La France ne peut plus se permettre ce luxe. Il y en a ras le bol de cette attitude du politiquement correct. Essayez de faire cela en Arabie Saoudite La religion n'est elle pas l'opium du peuple?

Vous vous appuyez sur des caricatures de l'islam et des musulmans. Ce ne sont pas de vrais musulmans. Au lieu de fantasmer une pseudo invasion musulmane, demandez vous comment vous pouvez aider votre patrie. Dans ce cas on peut dire que: Disons que vous faites fort. Ceux ci sont bien des produits de vos terroirs. L'islam c'est pour la France ce que le cancer est pour l'intestin.

Eliminons les tumeurs tant qu'elles ne sont pas trop nombreuses, sinon, un jour il faudra la grosse intervention chirurgicale comme le 6 juin Ce jour n'en doutez pas, il est ineluctable Le patriotisme ne s'installera jamais chez eux, ils n'en veulent pas de notre patriotisme, ils ne veulent que le patriotisme des allocations et de la charia. Descartes, Pascal, Ampere, Voltaire, Moliere, Pasteur, les Freres Lumiere, Hugo, Berlioz, Piaf et bien d'autres geants du savoir international qui ont fait connaitre la France auront-ils le status du dhimmis du passe. Maintenant ils tournent leur veste,parceque c est Hollande qui a pris le pouvoir La France n est plus la France!!!

Mais comme on a de moins en moins de fric et de plus en plus d'envahisseurs Ceci dit, je vais nuancer le tableau: C est pour faire joli?? Le pays est plus corrompu que jamais: D'autres collaborent, et vous disent: Je ne sais pas aller leurs demander Economiquement la france a tout a perdre de son islamisation car une majorite de ces dites personnes ne travaille pas et profite du systeme que toi ' petit' francais tu t acharne a faire foncionner Donc mathematiquement s ils n ont plus rien a gratter ils iront vour ailleur. Moi je suis pret a combattre pour defendre mon pays j ai 23 ans et deux beaux enfants de 3 ans et 18 mois je fais ce que je peux pour repeupler!.

Il faudra aussi combatre sans pitie ni scrupules les francais et francaises qui les defendent.

« Pas d’amalgame » : critique et contre-critique | Contrepoints

Ceux en rouge Halals http: Mais le risque des groupes minoritaires et radicaux souhaitant que la France devienne un pays islamique est grande, et dangereuse. L'islam n'est pas une religion. Pas d'autre solution puisque 'il ne peut pas y avoir de dialogues avec des fous meurtriers. Et que de haine dans vos messages A quand nos guerres de religions?

Nos messages de terreur, notre inquisition? Aux yeux de l'Histoire, pas si loin Aujourd'hui, en janvier , il y a en France au moins 5 millions de musulmans. Le calcul est le suivant: Je ne fais que suivre votre raisonnement. Avrc in peu dr courage vous pouvez dire que je suis un racite je n'aime pas les musulmans et je deteste l'islam.

Je vous salue en tant qye musulman. Plutot crever que de vivre sous une republique Islamiste, ni meme sous une dictature Chretienne Defendons notre pays, si ce n'est nos valeurs, au moins notre territoire! Ces gens sont des primates et ils ne nous auront pas! Combien y'a-t-il de musulmans en France? Comparez et !!!!! Le poisson ne a pas le droit de se nourir? Et pourtant vous voulez le avoir dans vos assiettes. Monsieur Boubakeur a un double langage. De ceux la il s'en moque. Sa religion discriminatoire lui convient. Et puis il n'y a pas que des musulmans en France les autres- origines vous les oublier.

La France n'est pas - juifs. Il est trop tard pour faire marche arriere avec les urnes. Malheureusement il ne reste que les armes maintenant Faire part d'une analyse objective d'une situation ne fait pas pour autant un raciste, un islamophobe et que sais-je encore. Tout converge en faveur de l'islamisation et de l'arabisation de la Europe et la France. Avez-vous besoin de services de piratage? Ensuite, contactez prudenthcakers gmail. C'est sa le vrai danger qui plane sur nous.

Par Ivan Rioufol le 17 octobre 13h01 Commentaires. Glucksmann , Liogier , Turkson. Encore une petite minute monsieur le boureau. Et les Israeliens ils fantasment aussi??? Anne Onyme LOL, je n'impose rien! Mais pour cela,il faut sortir de l'UE. A montrer un tel aveuglement, M. Liogier en devient caricatural. Merci de votre aide. Nous aurons besoin de bras. On interroge un intellectuel islamiste type Chebel, Ramadan , ou autre: Les anglo-saxons sont un exemple dans ce domaine Freedom of speech: Pensez-vous que les RG lisent les commentaires des oumamachins? Un grand merci Parigoth pour votre lien.

Boutade Un nouveau cahier du Nouvel Obs titre: Il est tellement plus facile de dire "oui"!! Si vous avez du temps: Ce R Liogier parle de "fiction". Pace e salute e buona strada. Vous pouvez toujours prier, on ne sait jamais!: Mais je ne vous suivrai pas dans vos comparaisons. En tout cas, je ne me repentirai de rien!

Mais je demanderai des comptes. Cette affaire ne ressort-elle pas d'une gigantesque mystification? Leucate Excellent texte de Chruchill. Qu'essayeze-vous encore de prouver? Vous dites avec raison: On pourrait citer d'innombrables exemples Avez vous des notions de marketing?