I Like to Live the Love

I Like to Live the Love

She was supremely calm and peaceful, and I instantly trusted her in every cell of my body. Being human, I fixate on what is outside me.

I feel the pain of wanting to control things I cannot control. A warrior protects and empowers him or herself and their world. A warrior is centered in their love and therefore experiences deep peace. A warrior is worthy of love and knows this through and through. A warrior knows how to balance being proactive with simply being.

B.B. King:I Like To Live The Love Lyrics

You have a warrior sleeping within you. He is a master of life, of his domain and body.

You hear her whisper when you know deep down that the harder path is the one you must take. You feel her rejoice when you experience moments of worthiness, joy, and love. For example, for years I had denied the truth of my abusive childhood in an effort to protect myself. I refused to reflect on the experience or acknowledge that it had influenced my life.

But actually acknowledging it was the way out of my pain. I also woke up to the truth of my adult life—the fact that I was still making choices from that place of abuse. Acknowledging the truth empowered me instead of enraging me. As we first move into self-love , we often need something beyond ourselves to strive for. So until we can fully experience and know that we ourselves are worth it, we must find what or who is worth it in the meantime. It can be a relative, a friend, or a personal goal.

The Path of Heart: Live a Passionate Life Full of Love and Joy

Having that motivation helps us to actualize our true potential, and in doing so, we realize our own true worth. When we identify what in our life is worth striving for, we feel the power of our will. We feel as though we are being carried on the tide of purpose. This energy must be channeled into action. I am unsure of my next action step.

Please help me see it and make it clear to me. Then you found something near and dear to your heart worth striving for. Growth begins with looking at those things we desire most and finding the bliss in working toward them—not in achieving them. Achievement is still the goal, but you only get there by letting go of the need for it. In other words, I invite you to fall in love with the process, with the transformation, growth , and healing you are experiencing for its own worth. But now, grow beyond yourself.

We do this to fully become ourselves—yet another irony. What can I give? How will my life have mattered? These are the questions that lead our feet onto the path of the warrior. Their answers provide the heart. Service is at the core of love. Of course I laugh when I find myself using my frenetic, Space Mountain energy—the energy that says I have to do something, and do it quickly I have always loved amusement parks, and now I understand why.

Why is it so difficult to love?

This live set has a vividly spontaneous feel to it; King introduces the second song by saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, nothing is planned tonight, so what I'm thinkin' is we're just gonna pull somethin' out of the hat and get right into it. While Bland and King doubtless had a game plan for the night's possible contents, the set benefits from the edginess of a band and two front men responding in the moment to each other. Both men have honed their skills by performing continually over the decades, and their ease and grace on the stage is inspiring.

The accompanying players possess a rough and tumble vigor--one listen to the horns on "That's the Way Love Is" and you'll be hooked by the excitement of it all. The album is warmly recorded, retaining the feel of the live show with depth and clarity. AllMusic relies heavily on JavaScript.

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BB King - I Like To Live The Love

Rainy Day Relaxation Road Trip.