Breviario laico: 366 riflessioni giorno dopo giorno (Oscar bestsellers Vol. 1765) (Italian Edition)

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Fedele 1 Jan Il Cantico dei cantici. Il libro della Genesi. Il libro della Sapienza: Ciclo di conferenze tenute al Centro culturale S. Fedele di Milano Conversazioni bibliche Previous Page 1 2 Next Page. Provide feedback about this page. Unlimited One-Day Delivery and more.

There's a problem loading this menu at the moment. Regula pro Eremitoriis Data , ed. Salutatio Beatae Mariae Virginis , ed. Salutatio Virtutum , ed. Ultima Voluntas Scripta S. Bernardo Data , ed. Clarae et Eius Sororibus in Scriptis Missa , ed. Epistola Civibus Bononiensibus Scripta , ed. Clarae de Ieiunio Scripta , ed. Epistola Dominae Jacobae Scripta , ed. Epistola Fratribus Franciae Missae , ed. Testamentum Senis Factum , ed. De Vera et Perfecta Laetitia , ed.

Quite recently, another Canto di esortazione di san Francesco has been found which is not included in the edition of Esser. In its surviving 14th century manuscript, it is written in an Umbrian dialect. It has been edited in G. See the lemma on Francis in the Vitae et miracula section of our internet site. For the period until , see: Francesco d'Assisi tra due secoli Studio bibliografico , a cura di Sandra Migliore, Quaderni di bibliografia francescana, 2 Rome: Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, Sabatier, Vie de S.

Francisci Assisiensis auctore fr. Francisci Legenda ad usum chori auctore fr. Francisci continentibus', AFH , 20 , ; M. Francisci non inedita', AFH , 23 , ; M. Francisci anonyma et incognita nuperrime in 'Legenda aura' et in 'Passionali' arbitrari detecta', AFH , 28 , ; J. Die Armutsauffassung des hl. An analysis of a wide range of late medieval Dutch and German manuscripts brought the authors of the article to the conclusion that Franziskus; 6 Wunderbare Werke des hl. Aegidius … ;8 Ermahnungen des hl. The authors of the article maintain that Der Erste Orden des hl.

Schmucki, Das Leiden Christi im Leben des hl. Franziskus von Assisi Rome, ; K. Franziskus von Assisi', in: Sentire Ecclesiam , ed. Vorgrimler Freiburg im Breisgau, , ; K. Francesco Rome, ; Iohannes Joergensen, S. San Francesco nella ricerca storica degli ultimi 80 anni Todi, , ; Th. Oliger, La tradition manuscrite des opuscules de S. Francesco, dagli scritti del sec. Scivoletto, 'Problemi di lingua e di stile degli scritti latini di san Francesco', in: Francesco d'Assisi e Francesanesimo dal al Studia historico-ecclesiastica, Festgabe … L. Schmucki, 'La figura di san Francesco nelle prime Costituzioni cappuccine.

Benedetto e gli opuscoli di S. Essays in the Honour of Marjorie Reeves , ed. Williams New York, , pp. Manselli, Nos qui cum eo fuimus. La Vita dei cod. Schmnucki, Gotteslob und Meditation nach beispiel und Anweisung des hl. Franziskus von Assisi Luzern, ; L. Discussion concernant quelques variantes', AFH , 74 , ; R. Manselli, San Francesco Rome, 3 ; Cl. Schmucki von Rieden, Zur Mystik des hl. Nolthenius, Een man uit het dal van Spoleto. Giamba, Medioevo Francescano, 1 Assisi: Edizioni Porziuncola, ; O. Studi su Francesco e sul francescanesimo medioevale , Medioevo Francescano, 2 Assisi: Criscuolo, Francesco d'Assisi attraverso l'immagine.

Roma, Museo Francescano, codice inv. Lang, ; Chiara Frugoni, Francesco el 'invenzione delle stimate. Una storia per parole e immagine fino a Bonaventura e Giotto Turin, ; B.

Modern Questions about Medieval Sermons: Essays on Marriage, Death, History and Sanctity , ed. Hoeberichts, Franciscus en de islam , Scripta Franciscana, 1 Assen, ; Francesco attraverso i suoi scritti. Per un uso storico delle legende francescane , Fonti e ricerche 10 Milan, Cf. Uribe, Introduzione alle agiografie di S.

Accrocca, Francesco e le sue immagini. Early Images, Early Lives', in: Medieval Theology and the Natural Body , ed. Einaudi, ; F. Ciceri, Francesco e i suoi frati. La regola non bollata: Begegnung und Umgang mit Toten , ed. Aspecten van zijn schrijverschap en brandpunten van zijn spiritualiteit , Scripta franciscana, 5 Assen.

Yours Respectfully, Signed and Sealed: Atti del Convegno di Studi Francescani Assisi, febbraio, , ed. Cook, Images of St. Status quaestionis, ipotesi e conclusioni circa la tradizione patristica nei suoi scritti , Diss. Rome, ; Robert J. Sources and meanings St. Sintesi degli ideali di s. Francesco e i frati dietro la Porziuncola a. Alfonso Marini, preface by Grado G. Sussidio bibliografico , ed. Verstetigung kultureller Ordnungsmuster in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart , ed.

Storia, iconografia e teatro, Diss. Der Mann des Jahrtausends. Die Verschriftlichung der Welt , a. Also appeared in Spanish in Selecc. The making of St. Signed and Sealed, Francis of Assisi. Bonaventure NY, [English translation of: Les Editions Franciscaines, [cf. Versiones manuscriptae in linguis ,ed. Les lieux et les textes , Beaux Livres Paris: Beck, ; Alberto Castaldini, Il segno del giusto. Studi su Francesco e il francescanesimo , ed. Francesco Di Ciaccia, Il periplo, 5 Milan: Idem, Nel rinnovamento liturgico il passaggio dello Spirito.

Saggi raccolti , ed. Hildegard von Bingen in ihrem Umfeld. Katholizismus und Protestantismus im Dialog , ed. El Esposo de Dama Pobreza , trans. Edizioni Porziuncola, [cf. Review in Collectanea Franciscana Atti del Convegno Nazionale Assisi, dicembre , ed. Accademia Properziana del Subasio, [a. The work also appeared in German [] and English. For a Lengthy review, see Collectanea Franciscana Editio maior , Tempi e figure, 41 Cinisello Balsamo, Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Wien Italian Panel Painting of the Duecento and Trecento , ed.

The image of St. Peter Lang, ; Fabio Scarsato, Francesco ovvero delle contraddizioni. Percorsi di vita spirituale e pastorale, 2 Padua: Alvaro Cacciotti, Medioevo, 6 Rome, See also the article of Josep Maria Segarra on the conference leading to this volume Estudios Franciscanos Atti del Convegno Roma, nov. Il sacerdozio minoritico nella visione di S. Oltre le parole , ed. Miscellanea offerta a P. Porziuncola, , ; J. Francis of Assisi Reconsidered Oxford: Analisi del loro rapporto nelle fonti biografiche e negli scritti , Conscientia, 2 Milan: Editorial Franciscana Arantzazu, Figlio del vento , Biografie francescane, 1 Padua: Europa und die Welt in der Geschichte.

Geburtstag von Dieter Berg , ed. Edizioni Porziuncola, ; R. Franz von Assisi und seine Einsiedeleien Innsbruck-Vienna: LIT Verlag, , ; R. The Cambridge Companion to Giotto , ed. Per il Medio Evo, [cf. Edizioni Porziuncola, [interesting collection of articles. Die Kirchenkritik der Mystiker. Prophetie aus Gotteserfahrung, Band I: Teorie e pratiche del consigliare nella cultura medievale , ed. Einaudi, ; Franziskus von Assisi. Das Bild des Heiligen aus neuer Sicht , ed. Natura e grazia Padua: Atti del Congresso Mariologico Francescano S.

  1. Die Enstehung des urchristlichen Gottesdienstes: Jüdische und heidnische Einflüsse (German Edition).
  2. Five Foot And Fearless: A Woman On The Front Line In New Zealands Armed.
  3. Gianfranco Ravasi.

Maria degli Angeli-Assisi dicembre , ed. Porziuncola, ; Giuseppe F. Writer and spiritual master, trans. Esplorazioni e questioni aperte. Giovanni Miccoli e la funzione civile della ricerca storica , ed. New Studies, New Perspectives. Essays by Michael F. Forerunner of Interreligious Dialogue. Miscellanea di studi in onore di P. San Francesco nella letteratura del Novecento Padua: Studi in onore di Luigi Pellegrini per i suoi settanta anni , ed. Maria Grazia Del Fuoco Naples: Over de stigmatisatie van Franciscus , ed. V erum, pulchrum et bonum. Una stimulante scelta di Cristo Assisi: Indicazioni di metodo , Presenza di san Francesco, 46 Milan: Culti, carismi ed istituzioni ecclesiastiche.

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Studi in onore di Cosimo Damiano Fonseca, ed. Eucaristia, Vita spirituale e francescanesimo , ed. Martinelli, Teologia spirituale, 4 Bologna: La minoridad en la Regla non bulada: Etica laica ed etica religiosa. Messaggero, ; Michael F. Studi linguistici su Francesco e il francescanesimo , ed. Analisi, valutazione e sintesi teologica , Dissertationes ad Lauream, Rome: Messaggero, ; Giovanni Iammarone, Il crocifisso e la croce in Francesco, Chiara e nel primo francescanesimo Padua: Messaggero, ; Pietro Maranesi, Facere Misericordiam.

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I Padri del deserto tra i francescani , ed. Guglielmo Spirito, Studi francescani, 11 Padua: Edizioni Messaggero, , ; Lorenzo Massacesi, Il linguaggio esodale negli scritti di san Francesco d'Assisi, Analisi, valutazione e sintesi teologica , Dissertationes ad Lauream, Rome: Seraphicum, Pontificia Facultas Theologica S. Image and Authority in Medieval Seals , ed. Luigi Borriello, Maria R.

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Franciscan Institute Publications, ; Michael W. Blastic, A Study of the Rule of History, Exegesis and Reflection St. Approccio storico-critico San Giovanni Rotondo: Edizioni Messaggero, [cf. Angela Maria Seracchioli, 2nd Ed. Petite Renaissance, ; Michael F. Di fronte e attravers, Milan: Portalupi Editore, ; San Francesco e la Porziuncola: Assisi, marzo , ed. History, Exegesis and Reflection , ed. Koninklijke van Gorcum, ; J. La nobildonna romana amica di san Francesco , La via di Francesco S. Ulrich im Kloster St. Urban, Tunika des hl.

Antonius von Padua, Tunika des hl. Dieter Berg, Leonhard Lehmann et al. Jahrhunderts zur Franziskanischen Bewegung, Band 1 Kevelaer: This is an important volume with a wealth of interesting materials, amomg which I would like to signal: Lebensbeschreibung Vita Celanos, 2. Vita oder Memoriale des Thomas von Celano, 3. Studi sulla predicazione medievale , ed. See on the book as a whole also the reviews in Il Santo 50 , ; Archivum Historicum Societatis Jesu 79 , ; Collectanea Franciscana 79 , f. Paola Martinelli, Teologia spirituale, 15 Bologna: La grazia delle origini , ; J-B.

Il carisma francescano tra regola e vita , ed. Enzo Fortunato, Orientamenti formativi francescani, 15 Padova: Messaggero, , ; Regel und Leben. Materialien zur Franziskus-Regel , II, ed. Lettura storico-critica del Testamento , Studi e ricerche, 1 S. Maria degli Angeli — Assisi: Nuova serie, 19 Spoleto: Lettura storico-critica del Testamento , Biografie francescane, 2; Studi francescani, 20 Padova: Messaggero, ; anni in piena regola.

Catalogo della mostra Milan: Beni Culturali Cappuccini Onlus. Museo, 29 novembre marzo , ed. Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, Antonianum, ; Dario Schiopetto, La forza della follia. San Giovanni Crisostomo, ponte tra Oriente e Occidente. Luca Bianchi, Simposi intercristiani, 10 Padova: Defenders and Critics of Franciscan Life. Essays in Honor of John V. Brill, , ; Carlo Roberto, Nei panni di Francesco. Stilo, ; Francesco a Roma dal signor Papa. Centro Culturale Aracoeli — Milan: Edizioni Biblioteca Francescaa, Visita ai Luoghi dove visse san Francesco , Teologia spirituale, 3 Bologna: Francesco e il Crocifisso di San Damiano S.

Edizoni Porziuncola, ; Michael W. Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, ; Pietas et Studium. Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e di Ravenna, Enzo Fortunato, Orientamenti formativi francescani, 15 Padua: Edizioni Messaggero, [Many essays on Franciscan religious life and spirituality, also from a modern religious point of view and not always historical]; C. Miscellanea di studi offerti a Bernardino de Armellada in occasione del suo 80o compleanno , ed. Istituto Storico del Cappuccini, , ; La regola dei frati minori.

Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Lettera e Spirito , Teologica spirituale, 22 Bologna: Review in CF Storia della direzione spirituale , ed. Sofia Boesch Gajano, biblioteca Morecelliana, 12 Brescia: Serie Mayor, 30 Murcia: Lettera e Spirito Bologna: What was Really Lost? Letters and Prayers , ed. Sermones pro Feriis Sextis Quaqulis Fidei: Born in Valencia in Spain. Became a Franciscan friar in the convent St.

John de la Ribera. Taught arts and theology. Called to Rome, where he directed the community of St. Further active as general secretary and vice-procurator of the order. Also involved in the beatification process of Andreas Hiberman.

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Los milagros de la santa Ciudad Rome, Franciscus Bajuli Francisco Bajuli, mid 14th cent. Guardian of the Barcelona convent. This drew the attention of Nicholas Roselli, inquisitor of Aragon, who brought the issue to the attention of cardinal Juan Morlandino. Francisco Bajuli was forced to retreat his statements, which were declared heretical. In , a comparable issue arose when the famous Observant preacher Giacomo della Marca defended the same position.

When the inquisition got involved, Pope PiusII interfered, ordering all parties to keep silent on the subject. Friar with Michaelist and Spiritual inclinations. Inspired by the example and the stories of Marino, Francesco Bartoli joined the Franciscan order. On his way back from Cologne, he carried with him a number of relics among which relics of Saint Louis Louis IX , given to him by the latter's daughter, Princess Blanche, who had become a Poor Clare.

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Francesco became lector theologiae at Assisi , , either at the Santa Maria degli Angeli convent or at the Porziuncola and at Borgo San Sepolcro On 23 January Bartoli confessed his schismatic activities to the inquisition represented by the Tuscan inquisitor Pietro da Prato and the bishop of Florence and, after accepting penitence, he was rehabilitated.

Died probably shortly thereafter. Aside from his letters, he is known for his Latin treatise on the Indulgence of the Porziuncola Tractatus de Indulgentia S. Tractatus de Indulgentia S. Tractatus de Indulgentia , edited as: Mariae de Portiuncula , ed. Litterae , edited in: Ingrid Arthur, PhD Diss. Cisneros, , 92 no.

Guardian of the San Francisco de la Costilla friary in Possibly also active as a painter. Two times provincial minister of the Aquitaine province.

Christian author with humanist inclinations. Le chrestien du temps: Latin versions of this work appeared at Augsburg in and Grolleau Paris, , ; H. Notulae in I-IV Sent.: Francisco Bonepatre de Eugubio ad utilitatem audientium ipsam scientiam compilate Franciscus Bordoni Francesco Bordoni, Provincial minister and minister general Francesco Secolare e Regolare Parma, MS Bibliotheca Palatina Parm.

Tractatus de formalitatibus Scoti abobiectis vindicatis Parme, Rome, , 79; Sbaralea, Supplementum ed. Studio su manoscritti Rome, ; M. Franciscanum, ; Massimiliano Zanot, Francesco Bordoni teologo inquisitore storico Rome, Observant friar from Piemonte. It seems that he was only able to obtain the episcopal consecration in Is mentions as the author of several works.

Rome, I, ; A. Franciscus Brun Francesco Brun da Apt, d. Friend and confessor of Louis of Toulouse. Active at the Royal court of Naples. Ex Operibus Religiosissimi P. For later editions, see Castro Franciscus Cascius Francesco Cascio, - Carlo Toso, Francesco Cascio capuccino. Gloria della Missio antiqua del Congo , Bibliotheca seraphico-cappuccina, 91 Rome: Istituto Storico dei Capuccini, Signaled in AFH , Conclusiones ex universa philosophia iuxta mentem Subtilissimi Duns Scoti Rome, Available in electronic version via the webportal of the Staatsbibliothek of Munich http: Franciscus Corolianus Francesco Longo, - Friar from Calabria, active in Rome.

Summa theologica Sancti Bonaventurae ad instar Summae D. Thomae conditionata Rome, Check whether this is the same author as Franciscus de Corigliano Calabro! Franciscus Cupani Francesco Cupani, Known compiler of biblical commentaries and sermons. Postilla Super evangelia Domenicalia: Published among the works of Richard of Middletown. Rome, , I, f; M. Entered the order in Bologna? Studied theology at the Studium Generale of Paris lectorate program?

Became lector at the studium generale of Bologna, and was appointed together with two other Franciscan friars and six other theologians professor of theology at the newly founded Bologna theology faculty in papal decree of Innocent VI. Known for his forrays in and lectures on Greek texts. Produced a now lost?

Probably died before Melloni, Atti o memorie degli uomini illustri in santita nati o morti in Bologna. Volume postumo , ed. Renowned preacher, lector and theologian. In , he was appointed visitator of the Canary Islands. After an assignment as custos, he became in provincial minister of the Estremadura province. Madrid, IV, n. Entered the order in the Castilian province 24 November Ordained priest on 18 March, Studied philosophy and theology, to become teacher of philosophy in the El Pardo convent near Madrid , between and Subsequently professor of theology in the Segovia convent between and In , due to his piety, prudence and intellectual capacities, he received a commission by the Congregatio de Propaganda Fidei to travel to Mexico.

There he was to collect money for the Congregatio, in order to pay a debt of no less than pesos to the Spanish crown related to the Capuchin mission in Tibet.

Francisco travelled barefooted through the Mexican provinces, and gathered pesos. Thereafter, he returned to Spain October The following year, he was assigned the position of historian or archivist of his province, with the task to write about the history of his province and the missionary activities of the Capuchin order in general.

Both take a toll on Carella, but both are interesting and this is a very good entry in the 87th Precinct series. I'm an Ed McBain freak. I can recall only one book in this series I didn't care for and finally skimmed through. In this one, McBain weaves several threads. Carella attends the trial of his father's killer the one he didn't kill when he had the chance , there are hints of trouble in his sister's marriage, and a woman has so far escaped several attempts on her life. You'd think these novels would be a natural for Hollywood, since they're structured cinematically, with jump cuts and fades, but so far the films have been few and, at best, okay.

McBain often goes for larger themes, not always successfully, and here it's the provisional nature of justice. McBain pulls it off. Snappy prose, a great talent for dialogue and narrative pace, and a feel for the ways cops cope with job, friends, and family. Ed McBain wrote dozens of 87th Precinct books and all of them are enjoyed by his fans.

Many of them are just so-so. Some are very good, including "Kiss". Unlike most McBain books, the crime to be solved does not happen at the beginning of the book, it happens at the end. The detectives know a murder will happen. They know who the killer will be. Cops and killer play a chess game with a life in the balance. Detective Steve Carella is sitting in a courtroom, not in the line of duty but in support for his mother and sister.

They are at a murder trial, the murder of his father.

Gianfranco Ravasi

As a detective at the 87th precinct, Detective Steve Carella thought he saw it all but nothing could have prepared him for the killing of his beloved father. He now sits in the courtroom seeing once again the man who is responsible and as the trial goes on it seems to be more and more against the Carella's Detective Meyer Meyer is interviewing a woman who is claiming that someone is trying to kill her, not once but twice and she knows who it is.

Get ready for another ride, the McBain way, sharp and crisp dialogue, plus great storytelling. Kiss Oscar bestsellers Author: