Diritto Di Famiglia (Italian Edition)

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Burgio , Alberto ed. Nel nome della razza. Burgio , Alberto and Luciano Casali eds. Centro Furio Jesi ed. La menzogna della razza. Del Boca , Angelo, Gentile , Emilio, Goglia , Luigi ed.

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Goglia , Luigi and Grassi, Fabio, Gramsci , Antonio, Prison notebooks , ed. Labanca , Nicola, In marcia verso Adua , Einaudi, Turin.

Martini , Ferdinando, Moe , Nelson, The View from Vesuvius: Nani , Michele, Ai confini della nazione. Negash , Tekeste, Italian Colonialism in Eritrea, — Palma , Silvana, Palumbo , Patrizia ed. A Place in the Sun: XII, no 4, pp. XII, no 2, p.

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Paoli , Renato, Studi e viaggi , Treves, Milan. Pollera , Alberto, I Baria e i Cunama , pref. Saada , Emmanuelle, Les enfants de la colonie. Race, Filiation, and Citizenship in the French Colonies , trans. Sarkar , Mahua, Visible Histories, Disappearing Women: Schneider , Jane ed. Sergi , Giuseppe, Antropologia della stirpe camitica specie eurafricana , Fratelli Bocca, Turin.

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Stefani , Giulietta, Italiani in africa Orientale: Luisa Passerini, ombre corte, Verona. Stoler , Ann Laura, Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power: Tabet , Paola, Trento , Giovanna, International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies , 14, p. International Journal of Postcolonial Studies vol.

Unless otherwise noted, all translations into English are my own. Bevilacqua , ; Moe , ; Schneider , On postcards in particular, see Sturani , , p. A census in indicated the presence of 4, Italians: In Eritrea from on, the Italian population skyrocketed, peaking at 75, in 59, men and 16, women. See Barrera , , p. See Labanca , , p. As Wendy Brown pointed out, women are constantly mobilized for nationalist projects; see Brown , , p. However, it is important to bear in mind that these terms apply to categories that are nuanced and problematic.


See Tabet , , p. On colonial concubinage in Ethiopia, see Trento , , p. On related topics, see also: Iyob , , p.


A partire dagli anni la distinzione tra coniugi e conviventi ha perso definitivamente rilevanza. Tra l'altro, qualunque convivente può creare un'unione . Tante sono le norme che regolano il diritto di famiglia e spesso sono complesse come gli argomenti trattati: matrimonio, divorzio, eredità, affidamento, adozione.

On colonial concubinage in Libya and Somalia there is no research available. State buildings become brothels; officers lose with these whores any sense of dignity and decorum. Before the Concordat, according to the Italian civil code, religious marriages performed in church did not have any legal value. Similar assumptions unexpectedly emerged in from the work of writer and filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini who wrote: See Pollera , , and See Sergi , , and On some early attempts of banning concubinage in in British and Italian colonies, see, respectively: Hyam , , p.

Not even the Carabinieri did!

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