The Judgment of Satan

The Judgment Of Satan Sermon by Robbie Parsons, Ezekiel -

But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. All rights reserved worldwide. You'll get this book and many others when you join Bible Gateway Plus. Starting your free trial of Bible Gateway Plus is easy. The next step is to choose a monthly or yearly subscription, and then enter your payment information. You can cancel anytime during the trial period. To subscribe at our regular subscription rate, click the button below.

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Cancel at any time. It is something that can also be a bad thing. Have you ever noticed how Satan knows right where to hit us with temptation? It is because he is not stupid, he knows what he is doing and he is a real pro at manipulation.

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He is indeed skillful, smart and crafty. Satan was a very beautiful creature when he was created. Verse 13 goes to great lengths to describe his wonderful arraignment. If you will notice, nowhere does it mention that he was stripped of that beautiful arraignment. Nor do they show you the picture of the guys nervously waiting for the call that a suitable liver is available for transplant.


You always see the beauty, but you never see the ugliness of it all. Look closely at verse He was a cherub.

Cherubs are seen in the Bible guarding Eden, flanking the very throne of God and as the angels on the top of the holy Ark of the Covenant, where the shekina glory of God shone. He was on the holy mountain of God. In fact, verse 15 calls him perfect in his ways. Satan was created as a very special angel.

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He was even an anointed cherub, which means that even among the cherubs, he had a special place of prominence. Satan is so often pictured as a red cartoon character with horns, a goatee, a pitchfork and a tail. He is so much more mighty and strong than we like to give him credit.

Once we see the prestigious picture of Satan as a creature of wisdom, beauty and power, we see a very stark change. Notice the difference in tone that is taken starting in verse In Ezekiel 28 , he is called violent, profane, corrupted, and defiled. While he seemingly had it all, he wanted more.

He was not content with what he had. He saw himself as a better ruler over it wall. The mount of the congregation could be a reference to a mountain in Syria where the Caananite gods supposedly met.

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  5. Revelation NIV - The Judgment of Satan - When the - Bible Gateway.

Does that sound similar to Mount Olympus?