Simply by Grace: An Introduction to Gods Life-Changing Gift

Simply by Grace is an easy-to-read introduction to a core Christian belief. By looking at the major questions and issues that surround the concept of grace, Charles C. Bing helps readers understand and appreciate this God-given gift and how simple it really is. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Simply by Grace , please sign up. Lists with This Book.

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Aug 31, Mary rated it really liked it. Bing does a really good job showing the themes and particulars in the foundational book of Romans. His illustrations are excellent. He notes that the "golden chain" in Romans 8: His book elucidates how confused the gospel is when there is no clarity about the finished work of Christ. Bing's manner is gentle and genuine even Bing does a really good job showing the themes and particulars in the foundational book of Romans.

You Cannot Mix Law and Grace! - Ron Knight

Bing's manner is gentle and genuine even when dissecting all the ways the gospel gets twisted. I have given this book away with confidence: Apr 10, Janelle Zeeb rated it it was amazing. This is one of the best Christian books I have ever read, and I would recommend it to absolutely everyone! It is short, clear, and gets right to the heart of the gospel. Bing explains what Christians mean when we say we are saved by grace, what grace is and isn't, and the implications of grace for the Christian life.

Bringing Grace to Life

Simply by Grace: An Introduction to God's Life-Changing Gift [Charles Bing] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Grace distinguishes. Simply by Grace has 21 ratings and 5 reviews. Mary said: Bing does a really good job showing the themes and particulars in the foundational book of Roman.. .

This is an excellent book for anyone to read, not just new Christians or pre-Christians, although it is especially useful for these two groups. Even after being Christian for nearly This is one of the best Christian books I have ever read, and I would recommend it to absolutely everyone! Even after being Christian for nearly my whole life, and despite years spent studying theology and attending seminary, I have never come across such a clear and consistent presentation of what the gospel is as in Simply By Grace.

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Every Christian should read this book! In particular, I was most impressed with his discussion of faith versus discipleship chapter 11 , and the problems that come when we get the two confused which many Christians seem to do - even pastors and theologians! Chapter 13 is also great which gives tips on how to share the gospel correctly and clearly without phrasing it in confusing ways that may give the impression that works are required to be saved.

Yet throughout this book, Bing is able to emphasize that Christians should indeed turn away from sin and do good works, so he cannot be accused of being antinomian, but does not make these things mandatory for salvation, which I think is correct e. His excellent balance between salvation by faith alone but emphasis on the importance of good works and turning from sin is scriptural and useful to keep both in proper perspective.

His discussion of eternal security chapter 6 was possibly the only weaker point of this book.

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While I strongly agree with his point that once we become a new creation and are indwelled and sealed with the Holy spirit that we cannot lose our salvation, I was less satisfied by how he does not deal closely with some of the difficult Bible verses that are often used to suggest a Christian can lose their salvation. If you want a more scriptural explanation of eternal security which agrees with Bing's views, you should see Appendix 14 in Norman Geisler's book Chosen But Free 3rd ed. Aug 12, Bob rated it it was amazing Recommended to Bob by: Excellent book, boiling down the Gospel to its essential element: We are saved by grace, not by works.

Anyone who adds works as any kind of requirement or proof of salvation is distorting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Works are for sanctification, not to be used to "check fruit". GraceNotes is a concise quarterly Bible study on the important issues related to salvation by grace and living by grace. GraceLife Articles are written works that have been published.

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They are more in-depth than GraceNotes and cover a wide range of topics. Your gifts help spread the gospel of grace throughout the world via grace-based teaching, missions, and written and auido-visual resources. Keep up on the past events of the ministry, future events, Charlie's itinerary and much more.

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Simply by Grace: An Introduction to God's Life-Changing Gift

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Simply by Grace: An Introduction to God’s Life-Changing Gift

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Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Open Preview See a Problem? Cleaning the Deceiving Heart. He notes that the "golden chain" in Romans 8: Its a quick read that makes you think about what many of us have been taught.

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