Oracle ADF Mobile: in 21 Days

Oracle ADF Mobile Technical Resources

In the article, Oracle gives their opinion on the best approach to going mobile with ADF and explains how each technology offers different benefits and consequences. We suggest anyone embarking on their road to mobile check out this post to start your journey! We are also here to help if anyone has any design questions or concerns comment below. I will tell everyone how to prepare your iOS device for a.

Best Practices for Developing Applications with Oracle ADF Mobile

All that remains is to install the. You must have a Mac computer in order to go through this process. A more in depth blog post can be seen here: The first step is to allow your iOS device to install the. The following steps should be performed only once per device: Once you have completed the above steps, your device is ready to be installed with the. In that application there is a list of items, and when you click on a list item, the header of the Panel Page changes to the name of the selected item.

Everything worked really well. To sum it up: After this went to print our ADf Guru Steven Davlar shared his code for a more generic solution that will work if the view object have a primary key as well.

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  2. Division By Zero: 1 (Post Mortem).
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See his comments below. The new patch contains bug fixes and two new features: Learn more about patch 4 and download it.

Oracle ADF Mobile in 21 Days

For some reason they consider SQL files hidden. You deploy it to an iPhone, and it works great. I found this blog post by Deepak Siddappa very helpful. I used it and made some small modifications. The day slowly moved from content to fun when the doors opened to the Kscope opening bash. The OraPlayer team was on hand to ensure nobody went away thirsty.

Enjoy our day 1 in pictures scrapbook below. We will publish a summary of the results in a blog post at the end of the survey. Please take this opportunity to show Oracle that the Forms community is still alive and kicking and we want attention and solutions moving forward. Help Oracle help you by making and even more complete Forms offering based on your feedback. Take the 5 question survey here. In case you need added intensive we will be raffling off 2 prizes to respondents: My sessions were very well received and had several surprises.

All chairs were occupied! Granted they did give us a small room but still 2 In my Oracle Forms modernization session I had over 50 participants. All were very happy to hear that Forms is not dead and even happier to see how many other participants were in the session and in the same boat as them. Of course one of them was still running some form 3. It gives me hope that we are on our way to modernization. A copy of the session slides can be downloaded here: Strategies to Move Forward with Oracle Forms: If you have any specific questions or Oracle Forms challenges that you want to discuss feel free to contact us at info old.

Earlier this month Oracle A-team member, Steven Davelaar released an in-depth article about the options that exist for going mobile with ADF. As this is one of my favorite topics I wanted to pass along the knowledge. I am going to give a quick summary of what the article covers, but I strongly encourage you to read the whole piece. Read the full article. This article is just the first in a series to come.

Together, all the articles will summarize everything Oracle A-team learned about going Mobile. This first article is about the technology choices that have to be made when going Mobile and what those choices mean in the long term. This section focuses on the differences between desktop interfaces and mobile interfaces.

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This difference in the users interaction with the screen will also affect our interface design. In short, going mobile means preparing for some changes. You submitted the following rating and review.

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