How to Publish on Amazon Kindle for Profit

How I Made $1,928 Last Month Self-Publishing on Amazon

This is probably one of the biggest problems I see with bloggers and others trying to make a go of the work from home lifestyle. Very few income sources will produce enough every month to pay all your bills. You may get close during the good months, but income is so irregular that other months may leave you scrambling for cash. I make money on seven different income sources regularly and a few others on a more irregular basis. Diversifying my income like this means I never have to worry about one source dropping or chasing clients to get paid.

I put nine of the best income sources into Make Money Blogging, a step-by-step into getting started making money online. I start with the easiest and fastest sources like advertising and affiliate sales before progressing to the income ideas that make thousands a month. Each chapter is a step-by-step to getting started and how much you can expect to make. Get started building your monthly income sources with Make Money Blogging. Just like making money blogging is about having multiple streams of income, making money self-publishing is about offering multiple formats for your book.

Publishing your book on Amazon Kindle and as a paperback is easy because you can do both from the same format but really boosting your income means creating an audio version of your book as well. Understand that different people are going to want different formats. I love the cheaper prices on Kindle but there are still a lot of people that want a traditional paperback book.

I never could get used to listening to an audiobook but my aunt listens to one or more books a week. Right now, I generally make about a third of my sales on Amazon Kindle, another third on Createspace for the paperback format and the remaining third on Audible for the audio format. You get a few benefits from the exclusive agreement including being a part of the Kindle Unlimited program and a little better ranking on Amazon but. Other sites on which to make money self-publishing include: Watch the video here on YouTube. A lot of making money self-publishing books comes down to the hustle.

Getting Paid

You have to publish multiple books and constantly be promoting your books on social media. That means writing nearly every day and just putting in the time to make money and be successful. But there are also some tricks that will help you make money self-publishing books, whether on Amazon or other platforms. Even successful books are likely to make less than a few hundred dollars a month. Not all your books are going to make money, or lots of money anyway.

This means you need to keep those book ideas coming and constantly be self-publishing new titles. Having more books means two important things to making money:. I know one author that started out paying foreign freelancers to pump out low-quality books at a rate of two per month.

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  • Getting Paid | Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
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The books were absolutely horrible but the price was right…she thought. She got a few sales for the first month but then the reviews started coming in and destroyed her reputation on Amazon. She now writes her own books under a pen name because nobody will buy books published under her real name anymore. Starting a blog about the subject is also a good way to build your reputation and knowledge in an area before taking the leap into self-publishing. Blogging is a natural fit for making money self-publishing because your blog will drive thousands of people to your book pages.

See how you can set up a WordPress blog in just 15 minutes.

How to Make Passive Income with Kindle Publishing on Amazon

A good book launch will get you ranked in Amazon but you need a great Amazon page to keep selling books after your launch. Not only will a great description help to convert people to buy your self-published book, it will bring more people to the page when they search Amazon or Google. A great book page starts with the title and keywords you select in KDP. Make sure you use all seven of your keyword options and spend a little time researching which ones get lots of searches. If you use your keywords in the description, people will find your book when they search.

Part of making a book description stand out and get search love is using H-tags. This is just simple html code that tells Amazon a line of text is more important. You want to use H-tags in the paragraph headings of your description. I use an H2 tag for the first line in my descriptions and then H3 tags for other paragraph headings. There are other html tags you can use to make your description stand out but the H-tags are really the most important. That sucks because it could take them away from your book if they see another one that looks interesting.

Make sure you keep their attention on your book by asking for the sale. Two more sections of your book page are also very important to making money self-publishing. You might have to add reviews once they come in later but these are a critical selling point for your book. Reviews from recognizable names work best but you should list at least five reviews for your book. Be conversational and talk about how people will benefit by reading the book. When you self-publish a book on Amazon, you will pick two categories in which your book will show up. This is extremely important because your book will primarily be competing with these books when someone is just browsing for good reads in a category.

It sucks but there is a game you have to play to make money on Amazon.

  1. ?
  2. The Wit & Wisdom of Daschell Potts PhD.
  3. .
  4. Digital Pricing Page | Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

Your category needs to be at least loosely related. It does no good to be ranked highly in a category if it is completely off from what people are expecting.

eBook Royalty Options

Another way to find how competitive it is to rank a book within a category is by checking the Amazon Best Sellers Rank of the top 10 books. Books are ranked in this best sellers category against all other books depending on how many daily sales they average. The table below shows an approximate from my research for how many daily sales a book needs for different rankings on the Amazon Best Seller scale.

This one will be controversial because some people have done very well launching their book for free. They make the price free for the first few days and hope to get thousands of downloads. I tried this on my first two books and hated the results.

Getting Started

Get help publishing on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), a fast, easy and free and publish their books worldwide on the Kindle and Kindle reading apps. KDP pays royalties every month, approximately 60 days after the end of the month in which they were earned. For example, you'll be paid in October for royalties.

Very few people ever leave a review for a book, maybe one in every readers. Another reason why I hate the free book launch process is because Amazon has two different ranking scales for free and paid books. If you lower the List Price of a Digital Book while it is available for pre-order, we will charge customers that pre-ordered that Digital Book before the price decrease the lower price. Your Royalty will be based on the actual price we charge customers as a result of our Pre-order Price Guarantee, net of refunds, bad debt, and any VAT, sales or other taxes charged to a customer or applied with respect to sales to a customer.

Royalty and Delivery Cost Calculation: When calculating delivery costs, we will round the cost up to 2 decimal places for all currencies except JPY, which will be rounded up to the next whole number. We will also round up to 2 decimal places, or to the next whole number for JPY royalties, when calculating royalties.

Royalty Calculation Examples A.

Digital Pricing Page

To view this page, you'll need Adobe Flash Player. The table below shows an approximate from my research for how many daily sales a book needs for different rankings on the Amazon Best Seller scale. Though sales should be looked at from an annual point of view, counted from the date of release. I put nine of the best income sources into Make Money Blogging, a step-by-step into getting started making money online. Diversifying my income like this means I never have to worry about one source dropping or chasing clients to get paid. Watch the video here on YouTube. Enter your bank's Branch code Enter your Account number and verify in the second box Click Add Scroll to the bottom and click Save to finish updating your payment preferences.

To view this page, you'll need Adobe Flash Player. If you have already installed it, please make sure it is up to date and enabled. Please rate your experience using this page Delighted. We appreciate your feedback. Click here to take our survey and give us detailed feedback. If you're having a problem and need assistance, please contact us. Can't find your answer in our Help pages? Digital Pricing Page Last Updated: March 25, This Pricing Page changed on the date listed above. Available Sales Territories If you choose this Royalty option for your Digital Book, it will apply to sales of your Digital Book to customers in any territory.

Matching Competitor Prices From time to time your book may be made available through other sales channels as part of a free promotion. Effective January 1, , when we sell a Digital Book to an EU customer, the price includes value-added tax at the rate applicable to that customer based on their country of residence. Tax rates for sales in other countries vary. Your Royalty per sale to a UK customer from Amazon. Amazon and Kindle are trademarks of Amazon.