The American inquisition

The American Inquisition, 1945-1960: A Profile of the "Mccarthy Era"

It contained no commitment to purge bigoted intimidation from campus or invite Israelis with Zionist views to speak at Syracuse or participate in university events. It contained no mention of any plans to discipline Hamner for engaging in bigoted actions. Rather, it simply reinvited Dotan, whose anti-Israel credentials were belatedly sorted out. So there is no reason to think that any federal investigation will be conducted any time soon. Rather, we can expect anti-Jewish prejudice to become ever stronger and more brazen. We can expect Israeli Jews to be shunned to greater and greater degrees and for pro-Israel students, faculty and administrators — Jewish and non-Jewish — to become less and less free to voice their views.

And we can expect the US higher education system to speed up its slide into moral dystopia and intellectual corruption. Share on facebook Share on twitter. As one of our loyal readers, we ask you to be our partner. Moral obligation or indignation- Our choice to bring Ethiopian Jews home. Terrorism or hate crime? Subscribe for our daily newsletter. Israel must not forsake Ethiopian Jews. Navy may stop docking in Haifa after Chinese take over port.

Israel joins the race to become a quantum superpower. What's guiding Israel's actions on the Lebanon border? Return to Book Page.

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Preview — American Inquisition by Ellen Schrecker. McCarthyism is the longest and most widespread of political repression in American history. A basic understanding is established as to what occurred during the Cold War red scare of the late 's and 's.

This issue is analyzed from the perspectives of victims and perpetrators. How such a politically repressive movement evolve in modern post-World War II America becom McCarthyism is the longest and most widespread of political repression in American history.

How such a politically repressive movement evolve in modern post-World War II America becomes the object of study. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about American Inquisition , please sign up. Lists with This Book.

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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. May 10, James rated it it was amazing. This is one enlightening series of lectures. While they condemn McCarthyism, they also dispel some of the left-wing mythology that distorts so many discussions of this topic. For one thing, American Communism was very strong during the Depression. Communists joined labor movements in droves, and created numerous cells that really did answer to Moscow.

There were quite a few Communist publications, including Communist literary journals. There were even Communist summer camps.

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It turns out the Red Scare of the early 20th century actually succeeded in routing a lot of Communists from the US government. In fact, declassified KGB documents indicated that this frustrated Soviet efforts to spy on our security agencies. Also, most of the people called before the HUAC committee were then or had been members of the Communist Party—although some were disillusioned former Communists who had shed their denial of Stalinist horrors.

Edgar Hoover deserves more credit for American anticommunism than McCarthy does. When McCarthy started smearing Republicans and the Army, the powers that once supported him ended his career as a demagogue. Although Schrecker describes the American anticommunism as organized and effective, she unequivocally condemns it as political repression. In her final lectures, Schrecker reviews the injustices and personal destruction that McCarthyism left in its wake.

One more thing worth mentioning. Schrecker speaks in a thick New York accent. But to appreciate the lectures, I had to check my regionalist prejudices at the door.

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People who fixate on how she says it are bound to miss out. Sep 13, Mike rated it liked it Recommends it for: The culmination of years of indoctrination is the acceptance of the recent Muslim ban. While there has been widespread opposition for the ban; there has been significant support and acceptance. Anti-Muslim violence and vandalism of mosques is rampant.

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The ruling has been used as justification for a Muslim inquisition. Common abuses have included detention for several hours, border officials seizing and searching cell phones and questioning of religious values and places of worship. Questions have included whether they attend a mosque and how often. The prejudice and mistreatment has been unquestionable. This religious inquisition is reminiscent of a time not long ago when Muslims and Jews faced this form of persecution together.

A time when there existed an inclusive nation where people of all faiths and backgrounds lived harmoniously. A time when that nation was overthrown and inclusivity became persecution. A time that if perhaps more Americans knew about; perhaps they would not tread down this harmful path, maybe they would change their views on Muslims and Islam. This time began in 8th Century Spain. Al-Andulus, also known as Muslim Spain , was a medieval Muslim territory covering the majority of modern day Spain and Portugal or the Iberian Peninsula.

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  • American Inquisition: The Era of McCarthyism by Ellen Schrecker;

Muslim Spain has long been viewed by historians as a model nation for religious tolerance. Christians and Jews in the territory received the same level of protection by government as the majority Muslim population. Protection was very important during this time, especially for Jews.

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The American inquisition, [Cedric Belfrage] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. page hardcover book loosely covering the. The American Inquisition, A Profile of the McCarthy Era [Cedric Belfrage] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Provides a.

Persecution of Jews had begun during this time in Latin Christendom or modern Europe. Forced conversion, burning of synagogues, enslavement and stake burning were among the many atrocities faced by the Jewish populations in Europe.

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Al-Andulus was a safe haven for Jews. Many of the greatest Jewish philosophers, theologians and jurists were a product of this society. This tolerant society slowly disintegrated with the success of the Christian Reconquista.