Quellenanalyse - Rezeption von Antike im Nationalsozialismus (German Edition)

The ferocity of the Russian career took the leaders of the constitutionalists suddenly, and in desperation they cried out for support to democratic nations.

In total, the twelve stories in the collection contain two suicides, three instances of cadets being beaten or bullied until they are in a critical condition, and countless instances of cruel and pointless punishments. Napola-pupils' encounters with Jewish persecution and the Holocaust more. Teachers therefore had to interpret Greek literature and history in new, explicitly politicised ways. The A to Z of United States-Japan Relations lines this one hundred fifty 12 months courting via a chronology, an creation, appendixes, a bibliography, and cross-referenced dictionary entries on key individuals, locations, occasions, associations, and agencies. The A to Z of United States-Japan Relations lines this one hundred fifty 12 months courting via a chronology, an creation, appendixes, a bibliography, and cross-referenced dictionary entries on key individuals, locations, occasions, associations, and agencies. Mar 16, Organization: The use by the Nazi regime of idealised images of ancient Sparta is increasingly recognised as an important element of the Third Reich.

By Angus Konstam,Adam Hook through the Spring of , the yankee progressive conflict had dragged on for nearly six years and the end result nonetheless hung within the stability. At Guilford Courthouse on 15 March the 2 armies met. In a desperately hard-fought conflict the small yet expert British military succeeded in scuffling with its manner via 3 separate traces of yank troops — yet at a dreadful fee.

Die Geschichte Europas ist auch eine Geschichte verschwundener Reiche.

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Jahrhundert eine terra incognita, aber im Verlauf der Geschichte einer der einflussreichsten Staaten Europas: Videobasierte Unterrichtsanalysen stellen eine wertvolle, methodische Erweiterung der Unter-richtsforschung dar. Die methodologischen Herausforderungen zeigen sich bei der Datenerhebung, Datenaufbereitung sowie bei der Datenanalyse. Videotechnologie ist nach ihrem ersten Auftreten in der Unterrichtsforschung wieder ein viel beachtetes Thema.

In den er und er-Jahren wurden Schulklassen in hochtechnisierten Mitschauanlagen aufgezeichnet. Heute dagegen ist der finanzielle sowie technische Aufwand vergleichsweise gering. From Irish tradition to old historical past to trendy hobbies, this full-color booklet educates and entertains. Es soll aufzeigen, wie bei den Juden und den Deutschen die Begriffe verstanden wurden.

By Eric Martone The complete Italian American experience—from America's earliest days during the present—is now to be had in one volume. Complete list of talks given between and more. Die Klosterschule Ilfeld als Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt more. Presented at a conference entitled 'ExpertInnen Workshop: Narrating the Nostoi of the Napolaner: Nazi elite-school pupils' travels during the collapse of the Third Reich more.

When the Nazis came to Dauntsey's Guest lecture, presented to the 4th and 5th form History Society, Dauntsey's School, 18 November Active Agents or Passive Witnesses? Napola-pupils' encounters with Jewish persecution and the Holocaust more. The fall of the German monarchy and the rise of a socialist government in made a mockery of everything that pupils of the Royal Prussian Cadet-Corps had been trained for. Brought up from the age of ten in regimented military Such tendencies were only exacerbated when, in , the Ebert government insisted upon the dissolution of the cadet-schools and their transformation into non-military state boarding-schools, the Staatliche Bildungsanstalten.

This move was bitterly resented by current and former pupils alike, and many former Freikorps cadets who were forced back into the schools to complete their education engaged in a prolonged hate-campaign against the new school authorities at the former Central Cadet-School Hauptkadettenanstalt in Berlin-Lichterfelde, aimed especially at the new Jewish Director, Friedrich Karsen.

Indeed, many former cadets went on to gain exalted positions in the Wehrmacht, such as Erich von Manstein and Heinz Guderian. The Nazi regime even seemed to promise a resurrection of the cadet-corps in the guise of the Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten Napolas , military-style boarding-schools which took over many former cadet-school buildings, and followed a similar regime. Using previously unexplored archival material, as well as a selection of memoirs and contemporary works, this paper aims to explore the manifold ways — political, social, and criminal — in which former Prussian Cadets responded to the divisive legacy of German defeat.

Unexplored aspects of 19th and 20th-century German philhellenism more.

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In contrast, this panel seeks to explore the cultural ramifications of divergent or anti-establishment notions of philhellenism in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Germany, spanning transitions which are normally perceived as definitive caesuras in German history and historiography. Neither German unification, the abolition of the monarchy and establishment of the Weimar Republic, nor the Nazi ascension to power, seem to have had a decisive effect in excising philhellenism from the German cultural consciousness.

Indeed, philhellenist considerations even continued to motivate German philosophy and intellectual thought after By examining such disparate spheres as sexual theory, military policy, aesthetics, and pedagogy, this panel suggests that philhellenism should be considered a more widely-prevalent notion in Germany during this period than has hitherto been supposed. Above all, this panel aims to draw attention to aspects of philhellenism which have as yet been neglected, demonstrating that this graecophilia was in fact a much more widespread phenomenon in Germany than has previously been assumed, and demonstrating the variety of cultural discourses in which such tropes appear.

Not only was philhellenism a crucial element in popular as well as intellectual discourse on sexuality, the arts, and philosophy, but it was paramount to the development, discussion and contestation of policy issues concerning the military, pedagogy and eugenics. The glorification of self-sacrificial heroism in Prussian cadet-school literature more.

Nazi Elite Schools and International Exchange more. The Napolas Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten were the most prominent type of Nazi elite school. Founded as a birthday present for Hitler in by Prussian Culture Minister Bernhard Rust, they aimed to educate future leaders of Founded as a birthday present for Hitler in by Prussian Culture Minister Bernhard Rust, they aimed to educate future leaders of the Third Reich in all walks of life including politics, economics, and the military. This paper will explore some of the general background to these exchange programmes, before focusing on a series of exchanges between Napola Ilfeld and Kingswood School in Bath.

Using a mixture of contemporary documentary evidence and eyewitness testimony from former pupils on both sides of the Anglo-German divide, we can analyse the development — and deterioration — of relations on both sides, as the political situation steadily worsened.

Presented at the University of Manchester as part of a seminar series entitled 'Young in Dangerous Times: Children and Youth in Global History', 13 February An article based on this paper has been published in Angermion: Since antiquity, the heroic fight to the last of King Leonidas and his three-hundred Spartans against the overwhelming military might of the Persian Empire in B. In particular, it considers the extent to which such legitimising propaganda was accepted or rejected by its intended audiences, principally in the context of military education.

Category: Historical Reference

As Roderick Watt has highlighted in his discussion of the collocation of the Battle of Stalingrad with Thermopylae in Nazi propaganda, many works of post-war German literature betray a marked disillusionment and resentment towards this theme; this pattern also finds recent expression in the autobiographies and recollections of a number of ex-pupils of National Socialist elite schools, for whom the propagandisation of Thermopylae had been a prominent theme, both in academic lessons, and in extracurricular contexts — such as ceremonies for the war-dead.

Using a selection of these late twentieth-century autobiographies as case-studies, this paper evaluates the ways in which ancient ideals of military self-sacrifice have been variously transformed and transmuted to spur soldiers on in modern martial contexts, and the effectiveness — or otherwise — of such attempts to legitimise contemporary appeals to patriotism by claiming a deep affinity with the mores of Greek antiquity.

An article based on this paper has been published in English and German Nationalist and Antisemitic Discourse, , ed. At the turn of the twentieth century, the idea that the destinies of races, nations and empires were universal and biologically determined wherever and whenever in human history they existed was the preserve of a minority of racial At the turn of the twentieth century, the idea that the destinies of races, nations and empires were universal and biologically determined wherever and whenever in human history they existed was the preserve of a minority of racial theorists and academics.

However, within a few decades, such ideas came to dominate National-Socialist thought, and were propagated in ideological and educational material throughout the Third Reich. This paper explores the development of this phenomenon, and analyses the ways in which schematic narrative templates of race came to dominate German intellectual and historical thought during the s and s.

Nov 11, Organization: From their very inception in , the Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten Napolas were conceived by their founders not only as the principal training schools for the future elite of the Third Reich, but as being of crucial benefit Once the Third Reich had embarked upon its campaign of colonial domination in the East, it was decided that the establishment of further Napolas in the newly conquered territories would be an excellent means of fostering local cooperation, both in the short and long term.

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Oct 24, Organization: Ideologie - Machtausbau - Beharrung'. Narrating the fate of Nazi elite-school pupils during the collapse of the Third Reich more. This paper considers the experiences of one particular, rarely-discussed group of 'war children': Drawing upon a wealth of original material, the paper explores the hardships and dilemmas which Napola-pupils often as young as 12 or 13 faced as the Second World War drew to a close. Or should they 'desert' and attempt to find their families before it was too late?

Many boys experienced extreme disillusionment when they realised that their teachers — who had conditioned them to accept military self-sacrifice as their ultimate goal — had no desire to die for Volk and Fatherland. For some former-pupils, discovery of their educational background led to internment in Soviet work-camps, even if they were under In particular, the paper will examine the ways in which ex-pupils have attempted to present this aspect of their pasts, both in contemporary documents such as diaries, and in more recent memoir-literature and recollections.

Presented at an international conference entitled Children and War: Past and Present, University of Salzburg, 10 July Some methodological perspectives more. Wanderer, kommst Du nach Sparta oder nach Stalingrad? Thermopylaean Topoi in the Twentieth-Century Imagination more. In particular, the paper considers the extent to which such legitimising propaganda was accepted or rejected by its intended audiences. Philhellenism and Laconophilia in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Some nationalist perspectives more. Idealised notions of ancient Greece have arguably been of paramount importance in the cultivation of German notions of cultural nationalism.

Certainly, from the end of the eighteenth century onwards, the idea that there was a special Using a variety of original source-material, this paper will explore some of the ways in which philhellenist and phillaconist tropes were used during this period in order to foster nationalist sentiment whether in terms of individual German states, or from a pan-German perspective. Often, appeals were made to the supposed deep spiritual and cultural kinship between the Greek and German peoples, and the martial virtues of the Spartans were seen as a crucial model for instilling patriotic values in soldiers and officers alike.

Jun 16, Organization: An article based on this talk has now been published in Publications of the English Goethe Society 82 3 , , pp. Former Nazi elite-school pupils' attempts to come to terms with the Holocaust more. Using new evidence, including unpublished documentary sources and freshly-elicited eyewitness testimony, this paper sets out to explore former Napola pupils' diverse reactions to the troubled legacy of the Holocaust.

May 24, Organization: However, within a few decades, such ideas came to dominate National Socialist thought, and were propagated in ideological and educational material throughout the Third Reich. Whether in relation to the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and the Greek city-states, or the workings of the British Empire and the supposed mission of the Third Reich itself, historical events began to be presented in a way which assumed the dominance of Nazi racial theories, and which ultimately attempted to discredit all deviant, non-racially-motivated interpretations of world history.

May 17, Organization: Philhellenism and the Leaders of the Third Reich more.

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This paper forms part of an ongoing research project concerning the influence of philhellenism on politics and diplomacy during the Third Reich, with particular reference to its impact on the leaders of the Nazi regime. In his "diary" entries which he wished to be recorded for posterity , Goebbels repeatedly dilates, with quasi-religious fervour, upon his desire to recreate and relive the glories of ancient Greece.

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By shedding light on some of the ways in which the leaders of the Nazi regime adopted ancient Greece as a model and a possible paradigm for the Third Reich, this paper provides a case-study of the politicised influence which philhellenism has exercised upon the modern world. University of Reading Event Date: Apr 5, Organization: Classical Association Conference Zwischen Freundschaft und Feindschaft: Exploring relationships between pupils at the Napolas and British public schoolboys more. Presented at an international conference on Anglo-German Perceptions and Prejudices since , University of Cambridge, March An article based on this paper has now been published in Angermion: Exploring the Prussian cadet-school story more.

Geschichten aus dem Kadettenkorps Youth Behind Bars. Tales from the Cadet-Corps. In total, the twelve stories in the collection contain two suicides, three instances of cadets being beaten or bullied until they are in a critical condition, and countless instances of cruel and pointless punishments. Due to the destruction of a very large proportion of the archival material relating to the Prussian Cadet-Corps during World War II, the content of these works also constitutes a substantial amount of the extant evidence with which we can hope to reconstruct daily life at the cadet-schools.

This paper therefore aims to explore this little-known genre, which has gone almost entirely unremarked in modern scholarship.

Category: Historical Reference

Were liberal critics of the schools justified in their view that authors such as Johannes van Dewall peddled a bowdlerised, sanitised version of corps-life which deceitfully entranced the general public, when the harsh truth of life at the schools would have shocked them to the core? Certainly, it seems that the brutal treatment of younger boys by their seniors often exceeded that described in English public-school literature from the same period; this could provide interesting material for comparison. University of Newcastle Event Date: Mar 16, Organization: Childhood, Culture and the First World War, Former Nazi elite-school pupils' conflicts with their contested pasts more.

Some informal reflections more. Dec 15, Organization: The ideal of Greek education for citizenship in National Socialist pedagogy more. This paper will provide an overview of the ways in which Greek ideals were seen as having intrinsic relevance to educational questions in the Third Reich.

University of Bristol Event Date: Dec 8, Organization: Legacy of Greek Political Thought Workshop.

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Sparta and the Nazi Imagination more. This week Classics Confidential has been to Cambridge to talk to Helen Roche about her fascinating PhD research on ideas of Sparta in German elite education in the 19th and 20th centuries. Helen is exploring two case studies in her In this interview we focus on the Napolas: Helen tells us about how and why Sparta was appropriated by these schools, and how this might fit into the broader background of Nazi responses to Sparta and to Greece in general.

She also talks about her experience of interviewing past pupils of the Napolas, whose memories have given her some valuable insight into how Sparta was used as a paradigm in this turbulent period of European history.

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Xenophon and the Nazis, or: How to read the 'Anabasis' in the Third Reich, and other Classical classroom propaganda more. Nowhere was this tendency to adapt the Classical past for contemporary political ends more apparent than in the classroom. Textbooks were rewritten to present the ancient Greeks themselves as the true forefathers of the German race, and to portray the Greek polis as the ideal precursor of the Nazi Volksgemeinschaft national community.

Teachers therefore had to interpret Greek literature and history in new, explicitly politicised ways. These general tendencies are then illustrated by means of a more detailed case-study. Jul 6, Conference Start Date: Von der Klosterschule bis zur Nationalpolitischen Erziehungsanstalt: The time-honoured traditions of Christianity and enlightened humanism previously cultivated at the erstwhile Landesschule zur Pforta alma mater of Fichte, Ranke and Nietzsche were swiftly subordinated to the demands of national-socialist ideology.

The Napola curriculum focused on sport and premilitary training over academic excellence, and contemporary documentary evidence, memoirs, and newly-obtained eyewitness testimony all suggest that the Napola administration wished to assimilate Pforta with any other Napola. This idea is borne out by comparing the case of Napola Ilfeld, another former Klosterschule monastery-school with a similar history. By the mids, Ilfeld had lost almost all connection with her humanistic past. May 28, Organization: Youth of Sparta and of Mars: Uses and abuses of Classics at the Prussian Cadet-Schools more.

However, the cadets who passed under this portal were well aware that their lives were more However, the cadets who passed under this portal were well aware that their lives were more likely to be dedicated to war than to wisdom. In particular, ancient history was a major ingredient in the curriculum of the eight preparatory cadet-schools Voranstalten for boys aged Using sources such as textbooks, memoirs and newly-researched archival material, this paper aims to explore the ways in which Classical literature and ancient history were taught at the cadet-schools, and to demonstrate that the treatment of Classical subject-matter in lessons led the pupils in question to embrace Classical models the more war-like and self-sacrificing the better even outside the classroom.

Role models were drawn not just from Sparta but from a wide range of episodes in Roman as well as Greek history. Many boys were even inspired to write dramas based on Classical subjects for performance by their classmates, ranging from comedies set on Olympus to tragedies based on the Jugurthine War, or the defeat of Varus by Arminius in the Teutoburg Forest. Apr 12, Organization: Sparta as a model in Prussian military thought during the long nineteenth century more.