Mittelalterrezeption im 19. Jahrhundert (German Edition)

Mittelalter-Rezeption : Dfg-Symposion 1983

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In he founded the scholarly journal Studies in Medievalism, serving as its editor until In he established the International Conference on Medievalism, an annual meeting of scholars which has convened throughout the United States and in England and Austria.

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He was also the organizer of the four-week Summer Institute on Medievalism at the University of York in and In his achievement received formal recognition by the publication of Medievalism in the Modern World: Histoire critique de la philologie trans. In Praise of the Variant: John's Hopkins University Press, Cerquiglini's controversial essai spawned a number of English-speaking essay collections, esp.

Brownlee, Kevin Brownlee, and Stephen G. Howard Bloch and Stephen G. Johns Hopkins University Press, For critical assessments of these publications see, e. Essays on the New Philology, ed. Rodopi, ; William D.

Joachim Heinzle Frankfurt a. Insel, , pp. Perspektiven auf einen literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Leitbegriff, ed. Instead of attempting to labor over an all-inclusive definition of medievalism which would, in the end, still fall short of declaring clear boundaries for the field, I have chosen to provide the following citations from scholarship on the subject of "Medievalism. Workman, "Speaking of Medievalism: An Interview with Leslie J. Workman," Medievalism in the Modern World.

Essays in Honour of Leslie J.

Richard Utz and Tom Shippey Turnhout: First, we can say the medieval heritage is very rich today in a prominent set of ideas and institutions, such as the Catholic Church, the university, Anglo-American law, parliamentary government, romantic love, heroism, just war, the spiritual capacity of little as well as elite people, and the cherishing of classical literatures and languages. That this heritage ought to be consciously identified, cultivated, and refined is commonly asserted.

Secondly, we can say less conventionally that medievalism civilization stands toward our postmodern culture as the conjunctive other, the intriguing shadow, the marginally distinctive double, the secret sharer of our dreams and anxieties. This view means that the Middle Ages are much like our culture of today, but exhibit just enough variations to disturb us and force us to question some of our values and behavior patterns and to propose some alternatives or at least modifications.

Editorial Reviews

The difference is relatively small, but all the more provocative for that. Morrow, , p. It is the quest for an anterior perfection that is always bygone, that unique moment in which the presumed voice of the author was linked to the hand of the first scribe, dictating the authentic, first, and original version, which will disintegrate in the hands of all the numerous, careless individuals copying a literature in the vernacular.

It is thought based on what is wrong the variant being a form of deviant behavior , and it is the basis for a positive methodology. Bernard Cerquiglini, In Praise of the Variant, trans. Betsy Wing Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, , pp. Which is another way of asking: We cannot escape the obligation to clarify our own agendas. We can do so only by recognizing the degree to which the inquiring subject stands in a compromising position: Nichols, "Introduction," Medievalism and the Modernist Temper, ed.

Johns Hopkins University Press, , p. It has been my aim to show that the skills of traditional medieval scholarship -- the essence of the tradition now confronted by innovation -- are not timeless, transhistorical, and unchanging. Rather, they are the products of the ages in which they were devised and are personal as well as professional ways of speaking; contemporary criticism, likewise, is not only a new collection of critical languages but also a new group of persons speaking languages of their own.

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The contributors represent a range of scholarly disciplines and traditions and their subject matter includes early narrative of Australian 'discovery'; the conscious invocation of medieval and gothic tropes in Australian fiction and poetry; the transformation of the medieval and the gothic into fantasy literature and role-playing games; and the implications of medieval and gothic tropes for discussions of Australian nationalism. Such suggestions or corrections as well as books for review should be sent to:. Watches Casual Dress Sports. It celebrates love between master and servant these days, animals have to stand in for the peasants , and rural life as the scene in which such love might be rediscovered. Richard Utz and Tom Shippey eds.

The traditional skills of our disciplines, which are the means of maintaining discipline, cannot be dispensed with; nor can the history of the scholarly disciplines that they have shaped be ignored. The skills must be renewed and the history must be deconstructed or 'dismantled' to enable 'a more intimate kind of knowing' in which we find another way of knowing ourselves and our predecessors, and of speaking their languages, as well as our own, in the conversation through which we know the Middle Ages.

SUNY Press, , p. I will offer you two versions.

Medievalism, Mittelalter-Rezeption, Médiévisme: An Introduction

First, it means study of the Middle Ages in the light of what literary scholars call, by ellipsis, 'theory' -- that is, the literary and cultural theories associated with thinkers such as Derrida and Michel Foucault. Since the term 'Middle Ages' in one of its many forms was first coined by Italian humanists, successive cultural revolutions down to and the including the advent of Romanticism at the end of the eighteenth century found it desirable to adopt and enlarge the term for their own proposes.

It is axiomatic that every generation has to write its own history of the past, and this is especially true in the case of the Middle Ages. It follows that medievalism, the study of this process, is a necessary part of the study of the Middle Ages. Since the establishment of Studies in Medievalism, other forms of medievalism, particularly critical approaches, have emerged -- in Germany, Mittelalter-Rezeption, which takes its name and inspiration from the reception theory of Hans Robert Jauss, and in the United States a new approach to the Middle Ages inspired by Paul Zumthor, whose Parler du Moyen Age , appeared in this country in as Speaking of the Middle Ages, with an introduction by Eugene Vance.

Zwei Denkfiguren bestimmen die Struktur der Fragestellungen: Modernes Mittelalter," Modernes Mittelalter. In order to separate and elevate themselves from popular studies of medieval culture, the new academic medievalists of the nineteenth century designated their practices, influenced by positivism, as scientific and eschewed what they regarded as less-positivist, 'nonscientific' practices, labeling them medievalism.

They isolated medieval artifacts from complex historical sediments and studied them as if they were fossils. Duke University Press, , pp. What, to begin with, is the nature of the signifying field in which medievalist historiography, as a mode of sublimation, takes place?

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Mittelalterrezeption im Jahrhundert (German Edition) [Susanne Flohr] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr. Mittelalterrezeption in der deutschen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung des Jahrhunderts und politische Germanistik und Romanistik) (German Edition).

I use the term 'sublimation' to refer to the problem addressed by Freud of how the creation of art and other forms of cultural 'achievement' may be understood in relation to desire. The movie Babe will help us to an initial sketch of what is at stake in the relation of the signifier to desire and memory.

Babe is, first of all, a film with a recognizably medievalist agenda. It celebrates love between master and servant these days, animals have to stand in for the peasants , and rural life as the scene in which such love might be rediscovered. It expresses distaste for technology, focused especially on communications in the form of a Fax machine, but also recuperates the Fax, as well as discipline, training, technique.

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These figures recall the master tropes of anti-utilitarian medievalism in the nineteenth century. So does the film's insistent association of meaningless speech with commercialism and disbelief in the remarkable, and its association of meaningful speech with Babe's taciturn but loving farmer--a man behind the times who nonetheless is able to succeed because he recognizes the distinctive gifts of his animals, even when they want to do the work of the 'other' even, that is, when the pig Babe wants to do the work of a sheep dog.

But medievalism offers a potentially more powerful theoretical position tha[n] that of the New Historicism in that medievalism is not about defining a particular truth about the Middle Ages, but rather about defining the truth of a Middle Ages, a point of impasse that is the subject of representation across periods, media, genres, and theories. Medievalism acknowledges the fictional structure of history, going beyond simple historical understandings, to focus instead on a mythic structure that ties us to history.

The Gothic is an Enlightenment revision of medieval superstition and fantasy; the historical novel is a Romantic revision of antiquarian collection that makes use of history to create a temporal identity rather than fabricating it for mere escapism. Elizabeth Fay, Romantic Medievalism. Palgrave, , p. Studies in Medievalism provides an interdisciplinary medium of exchange for scholars in all fields, including the visual and other arts, concerned with any aspect of the post-medieval idea and study of the Middle Ages and the influence, both scholarly and popular, of this study on Western society after Founded by an independent scholar, Leslie J.

Submissions and inquiries regarding future volumes should be addressed to the Editor, Studies in Medievalism, English Dept.