La Dame dans les Ténèbres - La Danse du Lys tome 3 (French Edition)

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Messire le Duc 3. La Guerre Folle 6. St Aubin du Cormier Je Vous Pleure Le Prince d'Orange Moi le Maudit Les Amours Galants 4. Le Pommier d'Or 8. Le Pommier d'Or Reprise 9. Anna Vreizh Reprise Final In Pace Anna The Celtic Ring 2. Tuatha de Danann 4.

Circle of Life 5. Brennan Mac Finn No Man's Land 2. The Lost Horizon 6. Peace on Earth 7. On The Road 9. Love calls Love Spailpin a Ruin Birds Island intro Nani Maya Baila Where is the way I have a Dream. Pour l'Amour de la Reine 3. The Gest of Gauvain. Davet Ar Baradoz La Complainte de Perceval The Will of God L'Appel de Galahad Prologue Le Messager des dieux 2. L'Antiquaire de l'Univers 3. Business is Business 4. La Muse aux Cinq Visages 8. Histoire de Sphinx 9.

Le Labyrinthe du Temps La Rose des Vents 4. Va, Danse, Vis, Chante 7. Nuit de Star 9. Au Fil de L'Eau C'est une Histoire Director Full-length feature films. Le Sherpa in pre-production. Director Live music films.

Excalibur le concert mythique. La robe du soir by Myriam Aziza Various artists soundtrack. A few days later, Irma arrives at their house disguised as a new maid, but Philippe recognizes her. She tries to poison him, but fails. His mother Delphine Renot leaves to meet her brother after receiving word that he has been in a car accident, but it turns out to be a trap and she is captured by the Vampires. While Philippe is asleep, Irma lets another Vampire into his home but he shoots them. They escape, however, because his gun was loaded with blanks.

In a shack in the slums, Philippe's mother is held by Father Silence Louis Leubas , a deaf-mute , and is forced to sign a ransom note, but she kills him with Mazamette's poison pen and escapes. Later, in disguise as bank secretary "Juliette Bertaux", Irma learns that a man called Mr. In the event that he is unable to make the delivery, Irma will. Metadier is murdered by the Vampires and his body thrown from a train. When Irma is about to take the money for him a spectre of Mr.

Metadier appears and takes it instead. The Grand Vampire pursues the spectre, who escapes down a manhole. Later that day, Mme. Philippe learns of this and goes to the bank in disguise. Recognizing the secretary as Irma, he finds her address and a few hours later sneaks in, using Mazamette as a ploy.

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Irma and the Grand Vampire open the safe from their side, only to find Metadier's body and the money. Philippe tries to capture them but is knocked down and they escape.


He walks through and is caught by Philippe. The upshot is that the money is now in the Vampires' possession. His body is left in his cell, but during the night he wakes up, very much alive. He kills the night-watchman and takes his clothes, escaping from the prison.


He is noticed by Mazamette, who is suffering from insomnia. While writing an account of the events, Philippe is pulled out of his window by the Vampires and whisked into a large costume box. He is driven away and the box is unloaded, but incompetently, and it slides down a large flight of stairs.

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  3. Les Vampires - Wikipedia.
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The Vampires retreat and Philippe is let out by two bystanders. Philippe learns from Pugenc that the costume box was to go to Baron de Mortesalgues on Maillot Avenue, and realizes that "Mortesalgues" must be another alias of the Grand Vampire. Philippe is taken there to be hanged by the gang, unless he can give them means to revenge themselves against the Vampires. He tells them that Baron de Mortesalgues is the Grand Vampire, and they spare him, tying him up. Mazamette appears and frees him.

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That evening, the Grand Vampire, in disguise as Baron de Mortesalgues, holds a party for his "niece", who is Irma Vep in disguise. The party attracts many members of the Parisian aristocracy. The Vampires steal all of the guests' valuables while they are unconscious. Mazamette visits Philippe; he is angry with their lack of progress and wants to quit.

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Philippe opens a book of La Fontaine's Fables and points to the line, "in all things, one must take the end into account", and Mazamette's resolve is renewed. Fifteen days have passed since the events at Maillot. Meanwhile, Philippe and Mazamette happen to see a newsreel on the murder inquest, in which they spot Irma Vep and the Grand Vampire. They cycle to Fontainebleau to investigate. En route they spot an American tourist, Horatio Werner, riding fast into the forest , and follow him.

He places a box under one of the boulders, and they take it. Whoever can capture the criminal, Raphael Norton, who has fled to Europe with the actress Ethel Florid, will be awarded the unspent balance of the loot. Werner, who are staying at the hotel, are distressed by this notice, and concludes that Mr. Werner is Raphael Norton. Philippe and Mazamette arrive at the hotel and find that the Vampires are based there. In a different hotel they force open the box and find Baldwin's stolen money inside.

While the Grand Vampire tells the hotel guests a story, Irma breaks into the Werners' suite, finding a map leading to the box in the forest. While his gang take Irma away, he dresses his hypnotized maid, Laura, as Irma and tells her to give the Vampires the map. Moreno demands that the Grand Vampire ransom Irma Vep. In the early morning, the police raid the hotel and find that Werner is actually Norton, so Philippe and Mazamette win the money.

Instead, he hypnotizes her and causes her to write a confession of her involvement in the murders of the Fontainbleau notary in this episode , Metadier episode 4 , the ballerina Marfa Koutiloff episode 2 , and Dr. The episode ends with the now-wealthy Mazamette informing a dozen adoring journalists that "although vice is seldom punished, virtue is always rewarded".

The man reveals himself to be the true Grand Vampire, Satanas, and that the first was a subordinate. At two he fires a powerful cannon at the "Happy Shack", largely destroying it. Meanwhile, Philippe decides to visit Mazamette, but he is out "chasing the girls. Satanas wants Baldwin's signature. Afterwards, Irma enters and dupes Baldwin into recording his voice saying "Parisian women are the most charming I've ever seen, all right! When the bank cashier calls Baldwin to confirm that he has given a very large draft to an attractive Parisian woman, Irma intercepts the call, and plays the recording she made of Baldwin's voice, and the cashier is persuaded.

Irma, sentenced to life imprisonment , has been sent to St. A transfer order is sent to the prison to send Irma to a penal colony in Algeria. Satanas follows Irma's transportation route, stopping at a seaside hotel in disguise as a priest. At the port, he gives some religious comfort to the prisoners, but Irma's copy contains a secret message saying "the ship will blow up" and giving her directions on how to safeguard herself.


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Satanas destroys the ship with his cannon. Meanwhile, Philippe finds through the red codebook that the explosive shell that landed on the "Happy Shack" came from Montmartre , and Mazamette goes to investigate. They find some men loading boxes into a house, and notice one of the top hat cases contains a shell. Later, reading that no survivors have been found from the exploding ship, Satanas visits Philippe to avenge Irma's death. Satanas paralyses Phillipe with the poisoned pin in his glove and leaves a bomb in a top hat to kill him off.

Mazamette arrives and throws the top hat out the window just in time.

Satanas threatens Eustache, but Eustache shoots at Satanas, and the police raid the building and arrest him. After the action, they find that Mazamette's nose has been broken by Eustache's shot. Meanwhile, Irma is shown to have survived the blast on the ship, and is on her way back to Paris as a stowaway under a train. She is helped by the station staff and police, pretending that she is in "one of those eternal love stories beloved by popular imagination. Upon hearing of the arrest of Satanas, one of the Vampires, Venomous Frederik Moriss , appoints himself the new chief.

Irma is now a devoted collaborator of Venomous, who is set on getting rid of Philippe and Mazamette. Venomous cancels their catering order, and on the day of the party the Vampires appear instead.

Jane's mother Jeanne Marie-Laurent gives the concierges one bottle of the Vampires' champagne as a present, and just as dinner is served the male concierge, Leon Charlet, drinks it, is poisoned and dies. His wife stops the party guests from drinking their champagne just in time, and the Vampires make a hasty escape. A few days later, Mazamette and Philippe's mother pick up Jane and her mother in the night in order to take them to a safe retreat near Fontainebleau.

Irma, who tries to fill the getaway car with soporific gas, is spotted by Mazamette, but Irma gasses him, and he is taken away asleep while Irma hides in a box on the car. Mazamette is dumped on the street and taken to the police station, believed to be drunk. When he wakens, he calls Philippe to warn him, but Irma slips out of the box and gets away in the car before Philippe can catch her.

Irma jumps off the car near the Pyramid Hotel, and calls Venomous to meet her there, but Philippe has also arranged to meet Mazamette there. Philippe spots Irma at the Pyramid Hotel, captures her and ties her up. Philippe and Mazamette leave Irma in Mazamette's car and attempt to ambush Venomous, but Irma honks the car horn to warn him. Venomous saves Irma and drives off in Mazamette's car, so Philippe and Mazamette chase him in his.

Venomous leaps off; Philippe chases Venomous on foot, following him onto the top of a moving train, but Venomous gets away. Mazamette, enraged at the police for not letting him help Philippe on the train, hits one of the officers, who arrest him. At the police station, Philippe and Mazamette carry on so dramatically that the police decide not to book Mazamette, who is after all a famous philanthropist. But the Vampires are still on the loose. A few months have passed, and Philippe and Jane are now married. Mazamette, who has taken an attraction to Augustine, awakens that night and sees her descend the stairs to unlock the door.

Mazamette shoots at them and they flee, and Augustine explains her actions. As they go to the police, Venomous tries to break in through a bedroom window, but Jane shoots at him. When she looks out the window she is lassoed down and carried away. At daybreak, the police raid Avenue Junot; however Irma and Venomous escape through the roof and a bomb is left behind.

Augustine is recaptured by the Vampires during their escape. Mazamette shoots at the getaway car, causing an oil leak. Returning at night, he sets up an escape during the celebration of Irma's marriage to Venomous. At daybreak, the police prepare for a massive raid as the party continues.