Final Confrontation: Chronicles of the Host, Vol. 4: Volume 4

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Book 4 of 5. Chronicles of the Host, Vol 5 by D. Brian Shafer March 1, Only 2 left in stock - order soon.

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Final Confrontation (Chronicles of the Host, Book 4) (Volume 4) [D. Brian Fire and Sword: Chronicles of the Host, Vol 5 by D. Brian Shafer Paperback $ Fire and Sword: Chronicles of the Host, Vol 5 4. Final Confrontation ( Chronicles of the Host, Book 4) (Volume 4) by D. Brian Shafer (January 1, ). $

Book 5 of 5. More About the Authors. Have you ever wondered what happened behind the scenes in Heaven before Lucifer and his angels rebelled? Or thought about the conversations, plotting, and motives that caused the most beautiful creature in the Kingdom to fall in disgrace? I wrote these books as a way to tell the most epic story ever--the rise and fall of Lucifer, as told by an angel.

The series begins at the beginning--the Creation--and moves through the pages of the Bible through the Book of Acts. You'll be privy to the darkest chapter in all history as a group of malcontented angels follow Lucifer in his play for power. And while this is fiction, it is rooted in the truth of the Bible and tells the story accurately.

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I wrote this book with the Bible in front of me, recording every significant story where angels were involved. Most of all, I hope that you will have your faith strengthened as you are reminded that in the end How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Yet, thou shalt be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit" Isaiah How did it come about that he was thrown out of Heaven, in the first place? For even Jesus Himself, said: I beheld satan formerly Lucifer while still in Heaven as lightening fall from Heaven" Luke Did satans' blind pride, jealousy, rebellion and utter scorn and contempt for the authority and sovereignty of the Lord his Creator, seal his doom?

According to the Lord, it did! Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty vanity , thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness intellectual pride: I WILL lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee in utter humiliation, global disgrace and public exposure. Thou satan has defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities by continually and willfully sinning , by the iniquity of thy traffic corruptions and rebellion ; Therefore, will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I WILL bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of them that behold thee utter destruction and public annihilation.

All they that know thee among the people satan worshippers, witches, warlocks, occult practitioners and those that chant mantras and channel demons, etc Thou shalt be a terror grotesque in form and fashion , and never shalt thou be anymore" Ezekial It definitely looks like satan sealed his own, doom! But, what else did he say or do, that precipitated his permanent exile from behind the Pearly Gates?

And how did it come about, that one-third of the Angelic-Heavenly Host Because, as the Holy Scripture goes on too attest, that when he was being thrown out, " Angels are compared to "stars? So much so, that it reflects off of them He was once past tense , an Archangel in Heaven who was always glorifying the Lord with song, worship and praise, so it only stems to reason that the "Morning Stars" plural are angels, as well Job So satan, the once "Morning Star" and now his hideous "morning stars" angels who had corrupted themselves and rebelled with him and subsequently became demons , were evicted, right along with him.

For the devil is very deceptive. He is very elusive like a chameleon, who can change into a snake Especially, when people die and are miraculously brought back to life. Not every "light" after death, is of God. Light bulbs shine but they aren't holy. It could be subtle "satanic light" that is very enticing and seductive. With the objective of luring you into death and cheating you out of life, before your time.

by D. Brian Shafer

And satans' expulsion is further disclosed and confirmed, because the Holy Word, says: And just how does the Messanger Archangel - Gabriel, and the Warrior Archangel - Michael, the leading General of the remaining two-thirds of Angels, fit into all that went on up there? For without a doubt, " Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; And the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found anymore in Heaven" Revelation So, who found out that satan initiated the rebellion which climaxed itself into a catastrophic, Heavenly Battle, that tore the Kingdom of Heaven into an Eternal Divide?

And, how does a once Holy Angel, who served the Lord, suddenly turn into a hideous demon? Intrigue, drama, action and adventure a plenty, and possibilities galore of how A wonderful, creative, fictional account which is based on actual, true-life, Holy Scriptures which will make you want to read this riveting, written endeavor in one sitting.

It's an exciting, eye-opener and you will definitely want to read the next four sequels, no sooner you finish reading this one. Fascinating and thrilling, cosmic reading which will educate, enlighten and broaden your spiritual interest. A keeper for your home library collection. One person found this helpful.

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Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. A book I got as a free Kindle download recently. It tells the story of how Lucifer came to be tossed out of heaven. Some will probably deride it as religious nonsense. People of a more religious bent might well think of it as irreligious. For me it is just fiction, just a book. I don't see that it even pretends to be much else.

I have to admit much of the tale is hard to believe but it is written well enough that I found it readable. That's all I really care about. The reader will be caught up into the story from the first page. I know the basic "Story" of course, but to read it as told in fictional format was cool. When I first read this book a few years back, I kept thinking how much all my friends - no matter who they are or what they believe - would enjoy reading it.

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 (Unabridged)

The author has a way with storytelling that just draws you in. I like Stephen King because, no matter what he writes about, he can keep you reading. I now think of Shafer as the Christian answer to King as a storyteller, I mean. I love that he wrote this from the viewpoint of the angels. This reminded me of "The Screwtape Letters" by C.

Overall, it was not that bad and did inspire me to explore the genre further. However, it would be dishonest of me to say that reading the book was life changing. It was entertaining enough to finish, but the lack of rich characterization left me feeling cold to most of the characters. Unfortunately, at times the heavenly host seemed less like the enlightened spiritual beings that filled my childhood fascinations of angels and more like politicians pandering for status and rank.

I did admire the obvious passion for the subject that the author has. I really enjoy reading books where authors take Biblical and other historical characters and make them "come alive" in the culture, history, and politics of their time, to see how they were influenced to become the often larger than life individuals we imagine them to be. It helps me to keep in mind that God can do great things through anyone who is willing to submit to Him, no matter their circumstances; and this particular book reminded me that Satan can do the same.

Kingdom Hearts, Vol. 4

What particularly struck me was how smooth and subtle Lucifer's progression into the depths of evil was - it was a slide down a slippery slope, and showed how even if we start out or call ourselves starting out with the best of intentions, if we are not careful we can easily be misled. I was struck by how easily one third of the angels and some of the elders were misled. It was definitely a reminder to me that I really need to get back to absorbing God's word! A couple of reasons why I gave this book a 4 rather than a 5: I did find Eve's character to be a bit under-developed and annoyingly childlike - I felt there should have been more to her character.

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I also would have liked to see more of the relationship between A'dam and Eve. I wasn't able to make the connection that the Zoa were the four living creatures mentioned in Revelation 5, and I am still researching the role of these creatures as spoken of in the Bible. No doubt I need to study more, but do those creatures actually fall between God and the elders? I see that some reviewers noted some errors of fact thank you. That aside, I thought the author did a good job of showing the roles of the different beings different types of angels, elders, etc.