Vicenza Giochi Mortali (Italian Edition)

EUR-Lex Access to European Union law

Stili di vita, modelli di consumo e politica matrimoniale , in P. Onger a cura di , Una famiglia nobiliare di terraferma: Calonaci, Dietro lo scudo incantato. I fedecommessi di famiglia e il trionfo della borghesia fiorentina ca , Firenze, Calonaci, Gli angeli del testamento. Donne fedecommissarie e fedecommittenti nella toscana moderna , in M. Modelli e strategie femminili nella vita pubblica della Toscana granducale , Pisa, , p. Cecchini, Quadri e commercio a Venezia durante il Seicento.

Davis, Una famiglia veneziana e la conservazione della ricchezza. Feci, Pesci fuor d'acqua. Ferro, Dizionario del diritto comune, e veneto , Venezia, La cancelleria ducale nel Settecento , Roma, II, Roma, , p. Gullino, I Pisani dal banco e moretta. Gullino, Le dottrine degli agronomi e i loro influssi sulla pratica agricola , in Storia della cutura veneta. Dalla controriforma alla fine della Repubblica. Hunecke, Il patriziato veneziano alla fine della Repubblica , Roma ed. Varanini a cura di , Edilizia privata nella Verona rinascimentale , Milano, , p.

Una famiglia e un palazzo del Rinascimento a Verona , Vicenza, , p. Lanaro, La restituzione della dote. An even more worrying area is that of the Maternity Departments which have seen an increasing number of women addicted to opioids and, consequently, of infants showing withdrawal symptoms. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association quantified the phenomenon and the costs related to it: From to the number of this type of women giving birth has increased fivefold and the average cost related to assistance given to their children exceeds 53 thousand dollars for each case.

Symptoms include seizures, respiratory problems, dehydration, feeding difficulties, tremor and irritability. These children need long term care and specific therapies based on methadone and morphine. The worst news is that as of today we do not know whether any lasting effects can be envisaged for these children over time. Obviously the best thing is to prevent the mother's problem, helping her in treating the addiction to drugs before birth or, better yet, before pregnancy.

A special medical help is even coming from a video game designed by scholars of the Faculty of Medicine of Northwestern University and developed by engineers at Johns Hopkins University, which uses a technology similar to that used by the FBI to train its agents for interrogation techniques. The video game will help doctors recognize the symptoms of opioid dependence during the interview with the patient, with a series of guided questions and answers.

However, while overseas the measures legislative, and not only to to fight the a buse of opioids increase, in Italy the situation is quite different and the culture of pain shows peculiarities in some respects even opposite. In March a law came into force, unanimously passed earning the applauses of the whole Parliament, with the intent of promoting "hospitals with no pain". A little over a year after its enactment, in July , a survey promoted by the Senate Investigation Commission on the National Health Service was carried out to verify its effective implementation throughout the country.

Well, hospitals and physicians throughout the country ignore or only partially apply the law. The right not to suffer for millions of Italian is essentially guaranteed only in the North and partly in the Centre of Italy, while the South is lagging behind. From Rome down, the use of opioids is left at the starting post: The survey, conducted in hospitals 86 in the North, 10 3 in the Center, 55 in the South used a check-list prepared to verify, among other things, whether there were any committees or programs in place for pain control, palliative care units, the use of forms for evaluating acute and chronic pain, information material for patients and an active communication network with general practitioners.

The introduction of the European arrest warrant has made it possible for much-needed judicial cooperation to be established between individual Member States. As far as the seriousness of the offence is concerned, Aurore Martin is accused of taking part in a press conference given by the political party Batasuna. Although this is indeed illegal in Spain, it is not in France! International experts have said that there can be no resolution to the Basque conflict without a guarantee of freedom of political expression for the Basque movement. The European arrest warrant for Aurore Martin flies in the face of this principle.

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Does the Commission realise that the execution of the European arrest warrant for Aurore Martin may jeopardise the peace process in the Basque Country? What does the Commission intend to do to ensure that the proportionality of European arrest warrants is monitored effectively? The European arrest warrant EAW is an entirely judicial procedure — including exhausting all judicial avenues of appeal.

The Commission has consistently delivered this message and is monitoring progress on this issue. Alerte au nouveau ravageur du palmier: Native to India, this small beetle was first discovered in Europe in in a Tuscan tree nursery. Furthermore, the scent of the damaged palms attracts another pest, the red palm weevil, thus making the infestation even worse.

A three-year trial could be launched at the start of However, the purpose of such co-financing is not to support experimental research on the control of harmful organisms. Moreover, it is actually more appropriate that such a control strategy is developed at the national level, so that local economic, environmental and social aspects can be fully taken into account. In ihrer bei der Konferenz zum digitalen Raum am 4. Gibt es nach Ansicht der Kommission Staaten, die diese Interpretation nicht teilen?

Hat die Kommission zu diesem Thema bereits den Dialog mit anderen Staaten gesucht? Does it consider that the interpretation it gives in answer to Question 1 above will also be shared by other countries such as Russia, China and the U. Does it believe that there are some States that do not share this interpretation? Has it already sought a dialogue with other States on this subject?

If so, what have been the results of these discussions? What steps will it take to extend the scope of the principles of the Geneva Conventions to include cyberspace, in line with its interpretation, if no consensus with third countries is forthcoming? The EU-China Cyber Taskforce has discussed the applicability of the existing international law to cyberspace, and the consultations on this issue will continue also with other EU strategic partners. The EU supports current negotiations in several international fora on applicability of the existing international law in cyberspace, as well as a process of defining the norms for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace.

Empleo en las entidades financieras intervenidas. EU regulations on state aid for such institutions are counterbalanced by the obligation to reduce their trade capacity, which logically leads to job cuts. However, the current process between the Commission, the European Central Bank and the Spanish Government could undermine the right to collective bargaining for those workers employed by the bailed-out financial institutions, as these institutions seek to approve staff cuts through the recapitalisation plans.

This renders the right to collective bargaining meaningless. These job cuts in institutions bailed out using public money, and the fact that rights such as collective bargaining have become worthless, are part of a scenario in which the Spanish State did not react in time to EU regulations establishing salary restrictions for managers of the bailed-out institutions. In the case of NCG Banco, this has led to situations which have caused social alarm and indignation.

In addition to all of this is the preferred shares scam, which affects thousands of people in Galicia, without distinction between investors and savers. In view of this:. Does the Commission believe that it is possible to bailout financial institutions such as NCG Banco using public funds when, in addition to nationalising the losses, it also leads to job cuts? Does it believe that the bailed-out financial institutions, such as NCG Banco, are respecting the right to collective bargaining?

EUR-Lex - C/E/01 - EN - EUR-Lex

The Commission points out that one of the main goals of the restructuring plan is to return NCG Banco to viability, without the need for additional state aid in the future. Viability involves concentrating the bank's activities in its core areas, where it can best contribute to sustainable lending to the real economy. Reducing the bank's footprint inevitably requires reducing employee numbers. The Commission cannot comment on this, as it is subject to national law under the jurisdiction of national authorities and courts. The Commission asks banks to manage their capital position very prudently to minimise the need for public funds, and to avoid using state aid for the benefit of investors who invested in risky financial instruments.

This is necessary to ensure that the restructuring costs of an aided financial institution burden not only the taxpayer but also the stakeholders of the institution, and in particular equity and subordinated capital holders. The Commission also stresses that the national authorities and courts have the competence to ensure that investors, in particular retail investors, are fully aware of the risks of investing in financial products, as well as to judge the conditions of the sale of these preferred shares.

Ash tree dieback disease or chalara has been found in over sites in the UK. This disease will have widespread consequences for UK and European forests if it is not contained. It could wipe out the entire species of ash tree which is indigenous to the UK. Imports of ash trees into the UK have already been banned and movement controls have been instituted by the UK Government.

Nonetheless, there appears to be no action or even alert from the Commission on this matter. What is the Commission doing to raise awareness about the situation and prevent the further spread of this disease across Europe? Is the Commission planning to take any concrete action to support Member States and the agricultural community in tackling this disease? It wasn't until that studies concluded that Chalara fraxinea was a form of a new species of fungus.

No pest risk analysis was available and at the moment that the EPPO proposed to start working on such analysis, scientific experts advised that it was already too widespread in Europe to start developing a control strategy. The emergence of a new disease of ash trees was thus difficult to explain and act upon at this time. As soon as the Commission receives these notifications they are communicated to the competent authorities of the Member States through Commission electronic communication tool. The Commission has received formal notifications for Chalara fraxinea from a number of Member States since all of which have been communicated to the Member States.

This issue was discussed with Member States for the first time in November. If eradication in the United Kingdom and Ireland or in a part of their territories is still realistic, the Commission may consider adopting temporary measures for the control of Chalara fraxinea. Over the last few years, many positive steps have been taken to tackle the problems associated with energy drinks. The implementation of the new food labelling regulations is to be welcomed, along with the recognition that the increasing consumption of energy drinks, particularly by children and young adults, has been identified as an emerging risk.

While the industry recommends that these drinks are not suitable for children under 16, there is nothing stopping a young child purchasing an energy drink whose caffeine level is equivalent to that of 14 cans of ordinary cola, with a sugar content of up to 88g. With this being entirely legal and the advertising and packaging of such products being designed in a way which is attractive to young children, many are purchasing energy drinks before school or on their lunch breaks. As such, many schools in my constituency are experiencing increasing problems relating to hyperactive and disruptive pupils who have consumed these drinks.

Can the Commission clarify what is being done at Union level regarding the availability of these high-caffeine energy drinks to young children? Is the Commission aware of any examples of best practice from other Member States who have managed to minimise the sale of these drinks to children under 16? A recent review of the M. It is nevertheless on the basis of the results of the Henry study that France recently banned the use of thiamethoxam an active ingredient in the pesticide Cruiser OSR on oilseed rape. What does the Commission intend to do to restore the single market in seeds coated with thiamethoxam in the EU?

The first EFSA conclusions are expected by the beginning of The people of Greece must therefore pay for their own healthcare expenditure and unemployed people no longer have medical cover. Does the Commission intend to investigate the setting up of solidarity mechanisms to remedy this unprecedented situation in Europe by putting in place an emergency plan for covering the medical costs of major diseases chemotherapy, surgery, access to medicines? The Commission remains attentive to the economic and social situation in Greece and more specifically to the situation the Honourable Member reported regarding the healthcare coverage of unemployed people.

Through regular reviews under the Economic Adjustment Programme, the Commission will be monitoring policy implementation in the healthcare field. Currently, the Commission does not plan the set-up of a solidarity mechanism and emergency plan to cover for medical costs in Member States. It is the Commission understanding that through either social health insurance or the National Health Service all the population should be covered by medical services.

Plannen nieuw Nederlands Kabinet om zorgpremies inkomensafhankelijk te maken. Het nieuwe Kabinet van VVD en PvdA wil de zorgpremies inkomensafhankelijk maken omdat dat goed zou uitpakken voor de lagere inkomens en een nivellerend effect zou hebben. Dit betekent voor de middeninkomens dat de koopkrachteffecten sterk negatief uitpakken. Zorgverzekeraars zijn private ondernemers. Bij de Nederlandse stelselherziening in de zorg in waren er al twijfels of de afspraken spoorden met EU-regels. Toen werd 50 procent van de zorgkosten uit belastinggeld gefinancierd.

Dit werd door de Commissie niet gezien als staatssteun. Deze overheidsmaatregel kan de zorgverzekeraars een financieel voordeel opleveren wat de concurrentie kan verstoren.

Lidstaten van de Europese Unie zijn verplicht om dergelijke voorgenomen steunmaatregelen bij de Europese Commissie te melden. Is de Commissie op de hoogte van de overheidsmaatregelen van het nieuwe Nederlandse Kabinet om de zorgpremies inkomensafhankelijk te maken?

Is deze voorgenomen maatregel bij de Commissie gemeld voordat het bekend gemaakt is? De Commissie heeft geen enkele aanmelding of klacht ontvangen in verband met plannen van de nieuwe Nederlandse regering om zorgpremies inkomensafhankelijk te maken. Zij is er echter wel van op de hoogte dat besprekingen in die zin hebben plaatsgevonden.

De Commissie kan noch commentaar geven op, noch een standpunt innemen ten aanzien van een maatregel waarnaar zij geen onderzoek heeft ingesteld en waarover zij geen gedetailleerde informatie bezit. Hoe het ook zij, de voorgenomen maatregel lijkt inmiddels te zijn ingetrokken. The new coalition government comprising the VVD and PvdA parties wishes to make care premiums income-linked because that would have a favourable impact on people with relatively low incomes and produce a levelling effect. For middle incomes, this would mean a considerable loss of purchasing power. Care insurers are private businesses.

When the Dutch care system was reformed in , there were already doubts as to whether the arrangements that had been agreed accorded with EU rules. The Commission did not regard this as state aid. This government measure could give care insurers a financial advantage, thus distorting competition. EU Member States are required to notify the Commission of any plan to introduce such aid measures. Is the Commission aware of the extent of the measures which the new Netherlands Government proposes to introduce in order to link care premiums to income?

What view does the Commission take of these proposed plans of the new Netherlands Government? The Commission has not received any notification or complaint concerning a proposal by the new Dutch government to make health insurance contributions income related. It is aware, however, that related discussions have taken place. The Commission cannot comment or take a view on a measure which it is not investigating and on which it lacks detailed information. Albeit it appears that the proposed measure has in the meantime been withdrawn.

This ruling is the first of its kind in the world and opens the door for international claims against various institutions for selling similar financial products. The Commission is favourable to a civil liability regime of credit rating agencies CRA whereby CRAs can be held liable when they intentionally or with gross negligence infringe the obligations imposed on them by law, thereby causing a damage to an investor or issuer.

The claimants, including Member States, may decide to coordinate their action in this respect. This is a matter of political choice of Member States themselves. Can the Commission state exactly what information it has received from the present French Government and what criteria it uses to judge whether a return is voluntary or otherwise? The legal situation in France has changed following the action of led by the Commission against France. On the basis of this new framework, close cooperation on enhanced efforts on Roma inclusion is taking place with the active participation of France.

The EU is currently facing an unenviable state of affairs. The ongoing economic crisis and its effects are having a significant impact on our lives. However, people in the Member States do not feel the results of our efforts. Summits do not lead to any solutions. In order to ensure that vital measures are adopted, political shortsightedness must be overcome and an ambitious plan must be formulated.

We need a strong political will and increased democratic control. We have to move from words to actions and adopt specific measures. Europe strategy is the basis for policy guidance on how to use national growth drivers for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The totality of measures taken so far amounts to a strong response to the crisis.

However, economic and political integration needs to be pursued further in order to ensure economic and social welfare for EU citizens for the future.

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Programmazione completa delle uscite nelle sale cinematografiche di provincia di (vicenza). Consultabile gratuitamente online, oltre cinema in tutte le città . Programmazione completa del cinema Roma Multisala di Vicenza, Stradella dei Filippini, 1 - Vicenza. Consultabile MACCHINE MORTALI. Una sorta di Star.

A comprehensive vision for a deep and genuine EMU conducive to a strong and stable architecture in the financial, fiscal, economic and political domains, underpinning stability and prosperity is necessary. The positive impact of some of these reforms may be perceived only in the medium term, but the Commission setting the foundations of a more sustainable, growth rich and employment conducive European economy.

Les navires italiens et les navires grecs sillonnent l'Adriatique et offrent des services de ferries et autres. Both Italian and Greek vessels operate in the Adriatic Sea, providing ferry and other services. Greece does not grant tax relief similar to that afforded by Italy. Therefore Greek vessels suffer an unfair distortion of competition regarding operational costs.

Does the Commission consider that the divergence between the respective fiscal regimes of Italy and Greece described above is justified in the light of the need to ensure fair competition and the undistorted functioning of the single market? The Guidelines allow, under certain conditions, for reduction or full exemption from social security contributions for seafarers employed on board vessels registered in the Member States. The Guidelines do not and cannot contain an obligation for Member States to grant state aid, leaving this decision entirely to the Member States' discretion.

Some Member States may decide to grant the maximum aid intensity allowed under the Guidelines, while others may decide to grant lower aid intensities or no aid at all. Indeed, as long as a national state aid scheme does not go beyond the permitted aid intensities and complies with all other requirements of the relevant state aid guidelines, the Commission has no competence to declare it incompatible on the basis of the mere fact that it contains higher aid intensities than the state aid schemes applied by other Member States.

Falls dies nicht der Fall ist: Mehr Kleinkinder besuchen mindestens ein Jahr lang Vorschuleinrichtungen. Have the funds had the expected impact in terms of aiding education sector reform in Nepal? Yes, the funds have contributed to the progress of the education sector reform in Nepal, though the wider post conflict and political context in Nepal has slowed down the pace of reform in all areas including education. As a result, some of the expected outputs and anticipated outcomes envisaged at the beginning of the programme are likely to be achieved within a longer timeframe.

SSRP has extended free education from primary G1-G5 up to basic G1-G8 level and expanded the provision of special support, such as scholarships, for girls, the poor and the disadvantaged. The introduction of skills for employability at higher basic and secondary levels is being piloted to improve the livelihood options and chances of school leavers. Es wird auf Folgendes hingewiesen:. Wenn nein, warum nicht?

Attuazione dell'accordo internazionale sulle norme relative a metodi di cattura non crudeli. Quando le pelli di animali selvatici vengono esportate verso il mercato dell'Unione, gli Stati Uniti devono assicurare che i metodi utilizzati per ottenerle rispettano il verbale concordato firmato con l'Unione europea. In caso contrario, non vi sarebbe motivo di discostarsi dal divieto generale di importazione di pelli di animali selvatici, sancito dall'articolo 3, paragrafo 1, del regolamento CEE n.

Non ritiene la Commissione opportuno avviare la procedura di risoluzione delle controversie prevista dall'accordo internazionale sulle norme relative a metodi di cattura non crudeli? In caso negativo, quali sono le ragioni per cui non intende farlo? Non ritiene la Commissione opportuno sospendere l'importazione di pellicce grezze, conciate o finite di animali selvatici dagli Stati Uniti verso l'Unione europea? The report also highlighted video-photographic documentation released by the organisations Born Free USA and Respect for Animals, which demonstrates violations of EU legislation that expressly prohibits the use of leghold traps and is failing in the face of the IAHTS.

It should be noted that:. If not, why not? The US delegation is now expected to investigate this issue and report back to the Commission. Before considering any further steps, the Commission will assess the response from the USA authorities to the concerns and request for clarification in respect of the evidence presented by the Lega Anti-Vivisezione. Im normalen Gebrauch Datenerfassung ist dagegen nichts einzuwenden. Der Arzt kann auf diese Weise sehen, bei welchem Patienten er gute Chancen hat, teurere teilweise nicht einmal notwendige Leistungen zu verkaufen.

Die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten in der EU wird u. However, it also allows doctors to forward data to the service providers enabling them to examine the financial situation of prospective patients. Is the Commission aware that a two-tier system of medical care is emerging in the heart of Europe and that in such use of data relating to patients is, under certain circumstances, illegal in a number of countries?

How long does the Commission think that it would take to develop a counter-strategy and how much would it cost? Would it be possible to formulate an overall strategy as part of EU health policy to combat this development? Furthermore, personal data concerning health can only be processed in the first place if one of the exemptions from the general prohibition of processing of sensitive personal data applies.

This exception is necessary in particular in order to allow valuable medical research to be conducted. However, this exemption would not allow processing for other, unrelated purposes. Therefore, in the case at hand where personal data might have been processed for a different purpose assessment of the financial situation of prospective patients than the explicitly specified one the data subjects concerned should first lodge their complaints with the competent national data protection authorities in Germany and Austria.

The cultural threshold of pain

Lage des griechischen Gesundheitssystems. Increasingly, people with chronic or serious illnesses can no longer afford the medicines they urgently need. Has the Commission considered initiating aid programmes for those sectors of society that are particularly hard hit, e. In this connection, might it be possible to institute a system enabling at least the most vital medicines to be made available to all? The Commission is very sensitive to the situation of the Greek people, including their continuous access to healthcare. In respect of this principle, no initiative on supporting Greek doctors who provide assistance free of charge has been taken by the Commission.

However, wherever possible, the Commission supports Greece in its efforts to deliver healthcare to its citizens on a sustainable basis. In this context, the memorandum of understanding on Specific Economic Policy Conditionality between Greece, the Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund clearly foresees that maintaining universal access to healthcare is a key objective to be met. In addition, the Commission's Task Force for Greece has been working actively to support Greek reform efforts relevant to the supply of medicinal products, notably as regards the set-up and roll-out of an electronic prescription system, as well as the implementation of measures for managing pharmaceuticals expenditure to improve the long-term viability of the Greek health system.

Gibt es hierzu detaillierte Er kenntnisse? A statement by Jost Fischer, chairman of the dental company Sirona, in which he says that there is too little rather than too much dental treatment worldwide, should make us sit up and take notice. Does the Commission acknowledge that a similar situation exists in Europe? What is the situation with regard to the provision of dental treatment throughout Europe in the individual Member States?

Are there detailed findings or information available on this matter? What initiatives does the Commission intend to take at European level e. With an ageing population and an ageing workforce, Europe is facing shortages of healthcare personnel. However, the Commission has no knowledge that the dental profession is currently affected and that there is an impact on the provision of dental treatment. According to WHO data, there are on average approximately The number of dentists per capita is the highest in Greece, Cyprus and Iceland, where there are more than 90 dentists per population.

In Eastern and Southern European countries e. The Commission has adopted, as part of the communication towards a job-rich recovery. Verschlechterung der Lesekompetenz in allen Mitgliedstaaten. Bei der Vorstellung des Berichts der Gruppe am 6. As a result of this report, has the Commission already developed tangible proposals for improving this state of affairs?

As a follow-up to the recommendations given by the High Level Group HLG on Literacy, several actions have been announced in order to address this important issue. The aim of this practitioners' network is to develop and exchange good policy practice in the field, to support the dissemination of initiatives and to develop joint literacy campaigns.

Funded activities helped to increase the participation of low qualified adults in learning and to develop their basic skills. In , the Grundtvig Workshops will focus on training of adult education staff working in the field of adult literacy. Under the future Erasmus for All programme, literacy will remain a top funding priority.

However, it is not possible to give specific amounts at this stage. Das Parlament als Mitgesetzgeber wird eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Verabschiedung spielen. The situation in Austria, where roughly one million people are at risk of poverty, is still better than that in other EU Member States. On the assumption that the Commission is aware of these details concerning EU citizens, what practical measures does it plan to take to give these people assistance and new opportunities? What funding will be allocated to individual programmes and countries please give a detailed breakdown?

The budget foreseen is EUR2. The Parliament as co-legislator will have a key role to play for its adoption. A breakdown to individual programmes and countries cannot be given as there is not yet agreement on the new Multiannual Framework among the MS. Un soutien durable de la banane et des cultures tropicales communautaires. Pour produire de la banane durable, voire biologique, en milieu tropical humide, les producteurs doivent disposer de tout un arsenal de produits afin de lutter contre les principales maladies fongiques, comme les cercosporioses jaunes et noires.

In order to use sustainable or organic production methods for bananas in humid tropical areas, producers need to have access to a plethora of products in order to combat major fungal diseases such as black leaf streak. EU health and plant health legislation means that EU banana producers cannot fight these diseases in the same way as their counterparts elsewhere.

Instead, in order to cut pesticide use, they have to resort to mechanical techniques, leave land fallow, use plants produced in vitro or cover plants, and practice selective plant breeding. Banana producers in the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Peru, however, use products that are not type-approved in Spain or France.

Yeast, which is used to make beer and bread and therefore poses no risk to health, could be used prevent diseases that cause storage decay. With this in mind we welcome POSEI the programme of options specifically relating to the outermost regions and islands , which is helping to mitigate the effects of this unfair competition.

It is therefore impossible to grow field tomatoes on a systematic basis in the French overseas departments, and papayas are no longer grown in Reunion. Would there be any scope for authorising the transfer of type-approval from one crop to another, once type-approval had been granted for the product in question? Such extensions can also be requested by professional users and MS may take measures to facilitate and encourage such requests. There are, however, other causes for concern in the country, apart from Kosovo: Does the Commission not think that this removal of authority is turning the region into another tension flashpoint?

The Commission closely monitors the situation and developments in the Serbian Autonomous province of Vojvodina. Furthermore, the Commission has welcomed the adoption of the Vojvodina Statute as a way forward towards the implementation of the Serbian Constitution and it is expected from the Serbian authorities, at both state and provincial level, to continue working in line with the Constitutional and legal provisions and in a cooperative manner. The Commission considers that Vojvodina needs to remain a positive reference when it comes to decentralisation and local self-government matters as well as minorities' issues.

Can the Commission confirm whether the Irish Government received funding for delivering on the Habitats Directive? If so, can the Commission detail how much funding the Irish Government received for delivering on the Habitats Directive? Has the Commission considered the proposals made by the Irish Turf Cutters and Contractors Association, which provide a basis for a solution to problems associated with the consolidation of bogs in Ireland?

It is for the competent authorities in Ireland to ensure the necessary protection and management measures for these raised bogs, including in relation to turf cutting. The Commission understands that the Irish authorities are developing a national management plan for Irish raised bogs under the conditions set out in the directive.

The assessment carried out by the TCCA is a helpful contribution to finding a lasting solution to this problem, which must be achieved within the legal framework of the Habitats Directive. Zijn lidstaten verplicht zich ten aanzien van de uitvoering van de Vogel en Habitatrichtlijn te houden aan de aanmeldingsformulieren, en vormen nationale toevoegingen een onderdeel van de uiteindelijke beoordeling door de Commissie? Er dient een projectbesluit te worden genomen voor elke activiteit die een mogelijke significante negatieve invloed kan hebben op de natuur.

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Basato sull'omonimo romanzo best-seller di Nicola Yoon. The Commission proposals aim to reinforce the result orientation of the policy. A breakdown to individual programmes and countries cannot be given as there is not yet agreement on the new Multiannual Framework among the MS. Does the Commission believe that the participation of these areas in macro-regional strategies can be regarded as a key factor in having had a positive effect on economic performance by encouraging the increase in GDP and the growth of these territories? Since this age group is considered the most productive social group, will the Commission say:. The video game will help doctors recognize the symptoms of opioid dependence during the interview with the patient, with a series of guided questions and answers.

In Nederland is dit geregeld in een aparte aanvraagprocedure in de natuurbeschermingswet en dit wordt beoordeeld in een omgevingsvergunning. Maakt een dergelijk projectbesluit ook deel uit van de beoordeling door de Commissie?

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De lidstaten moeten in het standaardgegevensformulier SGF alle typen habitats en soorten van communautair belang opnemen die in een gebied voorkomen. Darbij moet er rekening mee worden gehouden dat natuurlijke ontwikkelingen tot aanpassingen van de opgenomen soorten kunnen nopen.

De Commissie controleert geen toevoegingen aan het SGF of door de lidstaten vastgestelde instandhoudingsmaatregelen die verder gaan dan wat deze richtlijnen voorschrijven. Deze vereisten van de habitatrichtlijn zijn naar behoren omgezet in de Nederlandse Natuurbeschermingswet De informatie in het SGF is cruciaal voor het vaststellen van gebiedsspecifieke instandhoudingsmaatregelen.

Hoewel de richtlijn geen specifiek formulier voor zulke maatregelen voorschrijft en de lidstaten ook niet verplicht het publiek over de vaststelling van zulke instandhoudingsmaatregelen te raadplegen, is de Commissie voorstander van een participatief proces. In implementing the directives on Wild Birds and Habitats, are Member States required to abide by the notification forms, and do national additions form part of the ultimate assessment by the Commission? A project decision has to be taken on each activity which may have a significant adverse impact on nature.

In the Netherlands, provision is made for this in a separate application procedure laid down in the Nature Protection Act, and this is assessed in an environmental permit. Does such a project decision also form part of the assessment by the Commission? Member States must include in the standard data form SDF all habitat types and species of Community interest which are present on a site. The Commission will not verify any additions to the SDF or conservation measures established by the Member States going beyond what is required by these Directives.

The information in the SDF is crucial for the establishment of site specific conservation measures. The directive does not prescribe a specific form for such measures and neither does it oblige the Member States to consult the general public on the establishment of such conservation measures. Nevertheless the Commission is in favour of a participatory process.

Stand van zaken met betrekking tot sportmakelaars. Heeft de Commissie al enig resultaat kunnen bereiken met betrekking tot een mogelijke standaardisering van het beroep van voetbalmakelaar op Europees niveau? Heeft de Commissie al zicht op de datum waarop de resultaten van de studie over de juridische en economische aspecten van transfers van professionele spelers bekendgemaakt zullen worden?

De Commissie werkt samen met de betrokken partijen in de voetbalwereld en met de Europese en internationale normalisatie-instellingen CEN en ISO om na te gaan of het beroep van voetbalmakelaar kan worden gestandaardiseerd op Europees en internationaal niveau; de besprekingen zijn nog gaande. De resultaten van het onafhankelijke onderzoek naar de economische en juridische aspecten van transfers van professionele spelers zullen begin beschikbaar gesteld worden. Has the Commission been able to achieve any results as regards the possible standardisation of the profession of football agent at European level?

Have the first steps towards this already been taken within the European Committee for Standardisation? Can the Commission say when results of the study on the legal and economic aspects of transfers of professional players will be published? The results of the independent study on the economic and legal aspects of transfers of professional football players will be made available in early Franse verplichting met betrekking tot alcoholtesters in de wagen.

Basketquinto Vicenza gioco a due zocche e gomez

Heeft de Commissie het onderzoek naar de nieuwe wetsbepaling intussen kunnen afronden? Is de Commissie van oordeel dat deze maatregel het vrije verkeer van personen in de Europese Unie kan belemmeren? Meent de Commissie dat deze maatregel gerechtvaardigd is en de proportionaliteitstoets doorstaat? Does the Commission consider that this measure could hinder the free movement of persons in the EU? Does the Commission consider that this measure is justified and passes the proportionality test?

Nederlandse hervorming van de tegemoetkoming koopkrachtcompensatie — Follow up. Heeft de Commissie haar analyse van de Nederlandse hervorming kunnen afronden op basis van de informatie die de Nederlandse regering verstrekt heeft? De Commissie zal begin een besluit nemen over het verdere verloop van de niet-nakomingsprocedure. Has the Commission managed to complete its analysis of the Dutch reform on the basis of information provided by the Netherlands Government?

Will the Commission take further steps in the infringement proceedings and if so, how soon can these be expected? The Commission should decide on the further course of the infringement proceedings in early Dies ist nach Auffassung vieler Beobachter weder mit den Menschenrechten noch mit den von der EU anerkannten Grundrechten vereinbar. The British non-governmental organisation the Bureau of Investigative Journalism BIJ analyses various sources, in particular media reports, in order to put together an idea of how many military attacks have been carried out by the United States in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia using drones.

According to BIJ statistics, the United States carried out drone attacks on occasions in Pakistan between and The information from the BIJ indicates that there were between 52 and 62 drone attacks in Yemen between and and between 10 and 23 drone attacks in Somalia between and According to the research by the BIJ, these attacks resulted in between and civilian deaths in Pakistan alone.

The US is carrying out targeted killings of suspected terrorists, in particular in Pakistan, by means of drones. Should the High Representative not yet have been in contact with US representatives on this issue, will she raise the issue in talks with them and, if so, when will she do so and what demands will she make?