
The limited amount of land has induced substantial emigration, largely to France but also to Madagascar. Saint-Denis, the capital and largest urban area on the island, contains about one-fifth of the total population. About four-fifths of the population is Roman Catholic. Cane is grown on most of the cultivable land, though vanilla bean and some fruits and vegetables, tobacco, and geraniums for perfume are also produced.

About a dozen big estates with milling facilities produce the bulk of the cane crop. Unemployment continues to be a problem. A few paved roads connect the main towns on the island. Le Port can handle large ships through artificial port facilities. An international airport is located near Saint-Denis. African slaves were imported to work in first coffee and then sugar plantations; with the abolition of slavery in , indentured labourers from mainland Southeast Asia , India, and Eastern Africa were brought in.

Persistent social and economic unrest, fueled by the widening gap between the rich and the poor and by high rates of unemployment, periodically erupted into demonstrations and violence during the s and s. Rioting in February left 11 people dead, and in demonstrations were held against proposed civil service reforms. We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind.

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Archived from the original on 9 April Retrieved 18 August Archived from the original on 19 May Retrieved 12 March Retrieved 15 November Retrieved 30 July Reunion Island beset by shark controversy". Journal of Plant Development. Journal of Language Contact. Archived from the original on 22 May Retrieved 21 August Reunion Department of Reunion ".

Archived from the original on 13 October Retrieved 13 October Retrieved 20 August Retrieved 15 April Retrieved 3 April Cirque de Mafate Hotspot Saint-Denis. Football Premier League national team Rugby union national team.

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Just put your mail on the scale, tell the machine French or English the destination, pay the indicated amount and the machine will deliver a printed stamp. Be careful not to stray too far from them, if you get lost there is very little chance of being rescued before the next morning, and nights up there are pretty cold! However, unless you have business in the South, it is best to avoid Pierrefonds as an arrival point because it is quite a small airport very far from the main tourist hubs like Saint-Denis one-hour drive and Saint-Gilles 35 minutes drive. They are reasonably priced, and will refer to other companies on other islands as needed. It is a constitutional republic consisting…. It is located about miles km east of Madagascar and miles km southwest of Mauritius. Views Read Edit View history.

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Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikinews Wikivoyage. This page was last edited on 6 December , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Prefecture Regional Council Departmental Council. Detail Agriculture and forestry. Detail Food manufacturing of which: Detail Wholesale and retail trade.

They are reasonably priced, and will refer to other companies on other islands as needed. Mafate is a popular destination. An alternative is to walk in Mafate , without marked-out footpaths. This can be accessed from Saint-Louis by the road of bends route aux virages. About halfway along, be sure to stop and appreciate the views, above a sheer drop of metres. It is possible to get here by helicopter from St-Denis or St-Giles as well. The main villages are Salazie the administrative centre , Hell-Bourg a pretty, flowery village and Grand-Ilet. The eastern side of the caldera is carpeted in lush greenery through which slice a multitude of waterfalls.

The area can be reached by crossing the river on a suspended footbridge, and by continuing alongside fields of watercress and chayotes a green, pear-shaped fruit. The hosts are nice people and, after a traditional rum-based fruit punch, a simple meal will take your mind off your exhaustion from the climb.

Réunion is an overseas department and region of France and an island in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar and km ( mi) southwest of Mauritius. Reunion Island official tourism website, organize your vacations to the ultimate experience island, book your stay, accommodations, your leisure activities, your.

At the crack of dawn at around 3: Walk by torchlight along marked-out paths leading to the summit, where the sunrise will leave an indelible mark upon your memory. Words cannot begin to explain the magnificence of this experience. The natural surroundings make it clear that you are on an extinct volcano. Take the Route de Bras-Sec where the paths leave off from. The view is completely unobstructed, and the wilderness is staggeringly beautiful.

A good place to take a halfway pitstop would be at the "Grand matarum" cabin. For very good climbers only!

Reunion Island - a French tropical island

Maison de la Montagne Tel.: The journey back to Cilaos can be made in a single push descending metres in altitude — try to take it easy on those knees! The final route is to approach from Hell-Bourg passing through the cap Anglais: This plain of black sand from volcanic activity gives us a hint of what is to come. A path or more precisely, a dusty track , riddled with potholes, takes us to the " Pas de Bellecombe " m.

A short walk of just a few metres from the car park takes you up to a lovely view over the "Fournaise". A path which is the only way of getting to the Fournaise goes down about metres in altitude in about steps we counted them! Nevertheless, the descent along the wall of the caldera leads you through tamarind trees and is not an all unpleasant. The entire journey is well marked out with white markers. These white markers, about every 2 metres apart, are essential in case of a sudden spell of mist — they will guide you back to the starting point. Be careful not to stray too far from them, if you get lost there is very little chance of being rescued before the next morning, and nights up there are pretty cold!

From then on, the track goes on through a more lunar-like landscape, and the long ascent begins, crossing more recently produced lava. Getting your bearings is no problem, all you have to do is follow the throngs of fellow visitors. The sun, even through mist, is very strong, so protect your head and use sunscreen copiously on all of you that is exposed to the sun. Otherwise, be prepared for a few difficult days of sunburn.

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After the 2 hours of walking from the car park, you will finally arrive about a third of the way along the route at the summit of the Bory crater, at metres above sea level. This small crater, only metres in diameter, has been inactive since Still following the white markers, the walk continues towards the Dolomieu crater 1km in diameter , which is still active, as the fumes will verify. This itinerary covers the crater, and the route traverses recent lava flows.

A few signposts remind you of the danger of climbing down the rock face to get closer to the crater. French is the official language of Reunion. French spoken with the local Reunion accent, intermingled with Creole, can be difficult to understand for native French speakers. Metropolitan French are locally nicknamed z'oreilles "ears" for their tendency not to understand and ask people to repeat.

As is mainland France, English fluency is rare. English speakers meet every Monday evening between 7: If you speak English, it is a good place to share your culture and language while meeting travelling and resident couch-surfers.

The bar allows people to bring take out food. Reunion is part of the Eurozone, so as in many other European Union countries the currency used is the euro symbol: It is compulsory, for the large majority of businesses, to post prices in windows. Hotels and restaurants must have their rates visible from outside. Most supermarkets are open from 9: Some of them are open on Sunday morning.

The market in Saint-Paul is famous and you'll also find fruits and vegetables: It's a good place to buy African traditional objects, such as Oware an abstract strategy game of Akan origin. Thanks to Reunion's history, cuisine is a mix of cultures: Typical dishes are cari and rougail which are a meat or fish cooked in a sauce and eaten with rice. Depending on the season, many tropical fruits are available, like litchee in December , mango, pineapple Victoria is the tastiest , bananas, papaya.