Nocilla Dream (MOYENNE COLLECT) (French Edition)

In this article, the author responds to an article written by Chris Whittle, in which he maintains that most of America's education troubles will be over in just a quarter century. The author notes that Whittle's assumptions differ markedly from the available evidence on what works and ignore the complexity of the combined elements of politics,…. Reveals that through the use of the movie "Groundhog Day," students in humanities courses can grasp Friedrich Nietzsche's myth of eternal recurrence; the myth addresses the question of what if everything that occurred in one's life occurred again just as it happened before.

Discusses the similarities between Nietzsche's myth and the…. Obama vu de ma banlieue. On y vend des livres, des bibelots, des bijoux fantaisies et des masques africains. Tippdisain Hank Vu 'lt Urbana teostuses. In fall , nine Catholic colleges and universities began a collaborative process to explore ways Catholic institutions of higher education CIHE could increase effective support of pre-K Catholic schools. Many of us report our first experiences between the ages of 6 and Here, for the first time in the literature, we prese The explanations of this phenomenon in novels and poems include reincarnation, dreams, organic factors, and unconscious memories.

The plan will continue to evolve based on the growth of code capability. This growth will be reflected as additional testing is identified and done. Later versions of this document will reflect that growth. AN - Psychology Impact factor: A schizophrenic patient with different forms of experiences of inappropriate familiarity is described. Finally, the differential diagnostic problem in psychotic and dissociative.

The original investigators had never had the occasion to reduce the A-array 5-minute snapshot data, nor to do any other significant follow-up, though the sample still seemed a possibly useful but relatively small study of radio galaxies, AGN, quasars, extragalactic sources, and galaxy clusters, etc. At the time of the original sample definition in late , the best optical material available for the region was the SRC-J plate from the UK Schmidt Telescope in Australia.

In much more recent times, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey has included the region in its DR2 data release, so good multicolor optical imaging in a number of standard bandpasses has finally become available. These data, along with other material in the radio, infrared, and where available were used to get a better preliminary idea of the nature of the objects in the sample. We also investigated one of the original questions: A rudimentary web service was created which allowed the user to perform simple cone searches and SIAP image extractions of specified field sizes for multiwavelength data across the electromagnetic spectrum, and a prototype web page was set up which would display the resulting images in wavelength order across the page for sources in the sample.

Finally, as an additional investigation, using radio and X-ray IDs as a proxy for AGN which might be associated with large, central cluster galaxies, positional matches of radio and X-ray sources from two much larger catalogs were done using the tool TOPCAT in order to search for the degree of correlation between ID positions, radio luminosity, and cluster ID positions.

It was hoped that cross-correlated matches could possibly give some clue to the relationship of these radio sources to galaxy clusters. These preliminary results need more in-depth investigation and are currently being pursued via a NVO grant to the first author. It is planned to eventually make these reduced VLA A-array data publicas part of a web service via the NVO facilities along with a table of multiwavelength properties for the sources in VOTable format.

Comment on Smith and Samuelson The authors assert that L. Samuelson's ; see record EJ most recent critique of A. Huang's ; see record EJ work missed its mark, deflecting attention from the important theoretical difference between the two sets of authors' positions and focusing instead on imagined…. A Sense of Deja Vu across the Tasman? Throughout Australasia, indigenous educational issues remain a subject of considerable debate. In New Zealand, Maori underachievement in education has long been a matter of widespread concern. Currently the most highly visible professional development programme now operating in New Zealand mainstream secondary schools, Te Kotahitanga claims to….

FH - Neurology Impact factor: Investigation of clinical and diagnostic significance of derealization episodes in epilepsy. The study involved individuals mean age Objective This study aimed to record the EEG pattern of d? Methods The subjects participated in a survey concerning d? Results In patients with epilepsy, DV episodes began with polyspike activity in the right te Temporal lobe seizures are sometimes called Characterization of Vu MATE1 expression in response to iron nutrition and aluminum stress reveals adaptation of rice bean Vigna umbellata to acid soils through cis regulation.

In planta GUS reporter assay identified Al-responsive cis-acting elements resided between and bp. Promoter analysis revealed several cis-acting elements, but transcription is not simply regulated by one of these elements. These results reveal the evolution of Vu MATE1 expression for better adaptation of rice bean to acidic soils where Al stress imposed but Fe deficiency pressure released. The cause of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy MTLE is often unknown.

Patients' first-degree relatives and pairwise age- and sex-matched controls underwent a comprehensive epilepsy interview. Each interview transcript was reviewed independently by 2 epileptologists, blinded to relative or control status. Reviewers classified each subject as follows: Forty-four patients were included.

Development, utility, reliability, and validity. The IDEA is a item self-administered questionnaire consisting of a general section of nine questions and qualitative section of 14 questions. We present here the draft genome of Bacillus toyonensis VU -DES13, which was isolated from the midgut of the soil-living springtail Folsomia candida. Previous research revealed the presence of gene clusters for the biosynthesis of various secondary metabolites, including -lactam antibiotics, in the.

Here we review over 20 literary descriptions. These accounts are consistent with the data obtained from psychiatric literature, including various phenomenological, aetiological and psychopathogenetic. It has been defined as any subjectively inappropriate impression of familiarity of a present experience with an undefined past. The authors discuss the epidemiologic data, clinical. Herein, we report the structure-activity relationships within a series of potent, selective, and orally bioavailable muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 4 M 4 positive allosteric modulators PAMs.

Compound 6c VU possesses robust in vitro M 4 PAM potency across species and in vivo efficacy in preclinical models of schizophrenia. Salt stress affects growth and development of plants, inducing a variety of physiological and biochemical responses as an adaptation mechanism for survival. The plant uncoupling mitochondrial proteins pUCPs are able to dissipate the proton electrochemical gradient as heat and are encoded by a multigene family. They works as defence systems avoiding the formation of reactive oxygen species promoted by environmental.

A study on super-sulfated cement using Dinh Vu phosphogypsum. Super-sulfated cement SSC is a newly developed unburnt cementitious material. It is a kind of environmental-friendly cementitious material due to its energy-saving, carbon emission reducing, and waste-utilization. It mainly composes of phosphogysum PG and ground granulated blast furnace slag GFS , with a small amount of cement.

In Vietnam, the Diammonium Phosphate DAP — Dinh Vu fertilizer plant in Dinh Vu industrial zone in the northern port city of Hai Phong — has discharged millions of tons of solid waste containing gypsum after 9 years of operation. The waste has changed the color of the water, eroded metal and destroyed fauna and floral systems in the surrounding area.

Notably, according to the environmental impact assessment, the gypsum landfill area is supposed to be 13 hectares and the storage time reaches up to five years. This value even exceeds the compressive strength of the PC40 cement. The ability to challenge and revise thoughts prompted by anomalous experiences depends on activity in right dorsolateral prefrontal circuitry.

When activity in those circuits is absent or compromised subjects are less likely to make this kind of correction. This appears to be the cause of some delusions of misidentification consequent on experiences of hyperfamiliarity for faces. Full Text Available The ability to challenge and revise thoughts prompted by anomalous experiences depends on activity in right dorsolateral prefrontal circuitry.

Negative allosteric modulators NAMs of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 mGlu5 have potential applications in the treatment of fragile X syndrome, levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, addiction, and anxiety; however, clinical and preclinical studies raise concerns that complete blockade of mGlu5 and inverse agonist activity of current mGlu5 NAMs contribute to adverse effects that limit the therapeutic use of these compounds.

Because of this weak cooperativity, VU acts as a "partial NAM" so that full occupancy of the MPEP site does not completely inhibit maximal effects of mGlu5 agonists on intracellular calcium mobilization, inositol phosphate IP accumulation, or inhibition of synaptic transmission at the hippocampal Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapse. VU exhibits an excellent pharmacokinetic profile and good brain penetration in rodents and provides dose-dependent full mGlu5 occupancy in the central nervous system CNS with systemic administration.

Agustin Fernandez Mallo

VU provides an exciting new tool to investigate the efficacy of partial NAMs in animal models. The concept of vulnerability, as well as its implementation in vulnerability assessments, is used in various disciplines and contexts ranging from disaster management and reduction to ecology, public health or climate change and adaptation, and a corresponding multitude of ideas about how to conceptualize and measure vulnerability exists.

Three decades of research in vulnerability have generated a complex and growing body of knowledge that challenges newcomers, practitioners and even experienced researchers. To provide a structured representation of the knowledge field "vulnerability assessment", we have set up an ontology-based semantic wiki for reviewing and representing vulnerability assessments: Based on a survey of 55 vulnerability assessment studies, we first developed an ontology as an explicit reference system for describing vulnerability assessments.

We developed the ontology in a theoretically controlled manner based on general systems theory and guided by principles for ontology development in the field of earth and environment Raskin and Pan Four key questions form the first level "branches" or categories of the developed ontology: These questions correspond to the basic, abstract structure of the knowledge domain of vulnerability assessments and have been deduced from theories and concepts of various disciplines. The ontology was then implemented in a semantic wiki which allows for the classification and annotation of vulnerability assessments.

As a semantic wiki, Vu Wiki does not aim at "synthesizing" a holistic and overarching model of vulnerability. Instead, it provides both scientists and practitioners with a uniform ontology as a reference system and offers easy and structured access to the knowledge field of. Discovery of novel heterobicyclic core motifs with improved CNS penetration. By surveying alternative 5,6- and 6,6-heterobicylic cores for the 6,7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridineone core of VU , we found new cores that engendered not only comparable or improved M1 PAM potency, but significantly improved CNS distribution Kps 0.

Moreover, this campaign provided fundamentally distinct M1 PAM chemotypes, greatly expanding the available structural diversity for this valuable CNS target, devoid of hydrogen-bond donors. The awareness of novelty for strangely familiar words: A Platform for Scientific Excellence fellowship. We sought to generate it in the laboratory by pairing a DRM recognition task, which generates erroneous familiarity for critical words, with a monitoring task by which p A novel M1 PAM VU exerts efficacy in cognition models without displaying agonist activity or cholinergic toxicity.

Selective activation of the M1 subtype of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, via positive allosteric modulation PAM , is an exciting strategy to improve cognition in schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease patients. However, highly potent M1 ago-PAMs, such as MK, PF, and PF, can engender excessive activation of M1, leading to agonist actions in the prefrontal cortex PFC that impairs cognitive function, induces behavioral convulsions, and results in other classic cholinergic adverse events AEs.

Moreover, VU shows no interaction with antagonist binding at the orthosteric acetylcholine ACh site e. However, as opposed to ago-PAMs, VU produces robust efficacy in the novel object recognition model of cognitive function. Importantly, we show for the first time that an M1 PAM can reverse the cognitive deficits induced by atypical antipsychotics, such as risperidone. Overall, the combination of compound assessment with recombinant in vitro assays mindful of receptor reserve , native tissue systems PFC , and phenotypic screens behavioral convulsions is essential to fully understand and evaluate lead compounds and enhance success in clinical development.

Visual Metaphors in Communication: Full Text Available Metaphor, as a concept in which a signified is applied to a signifier that is not literally applicable, does not only refer to speech or verbal language, but also to a wide use of practical applications in visual communication, particularly in advertising design and communication. From a cognitive perspective, semiosis in the process of visual metaphors in communication, is a complex subject with often a variety of subjective interpretations on behalf of the viewers. Intertextuality, as another form of metaphoric communication that depends on pre-existing texts verbal or non-verbal, produces meanings that often deal with parody, sarcasm or irony.

Semiotic analysis as a methodology is used on a purposive sample of print advertisements—including examples of logotypes as well—in order to categorize thematically the major typological references, in respect of intertextual advertising, as well as extract ideological conclusions.

The results show that intertextuality in advertising draws its sources of meaning mainly from the Film industry, Art, Monuments and places, Literary texts and Graphic and Advertising itself, whilst, as far as logos is concerned, the source of meaning is purely linguistic. The study also shows that Intertextual visual metaphor semiosis has a variety of popular verbal or non-verbal references and depends on the socio-political context of the. Although selective activation of the M 1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor mAChR subtype has been shown to improve cognitive function in animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders, recent evidence suggests that enhancing M 4 mAChR function can also improve memory performance.

Positive allosteric modulators PAMs targeting the M 4 mAChR subtype have shown therapeutic potential for the treatment of multiple symptoms observed in schizophrenia, including positive and cognitive symptoms when assessed in acute preclinical dosing paradigms. MK challenge represents a well-documented preclinical model of NMDAR hypofunction that is thought to underlie some of the positive and cognitive symptoms observed in schizophrenia.

In wildtype mice, day, once-daily dosing of VU either prior to, or immediately after daily testing enhanced the rate of learning in a touchscreen visual pairwise discrimination task; these effects were absent in M 4 mAChR knockout mice. Following a similar day, once-daily dosing regimen of VU , we also observed 1 improved acquisition of memory in a cue-mediated conditioned freezing paradigm, 2 attenuation of MKinduced disruptions in the acquisition of memory in a context-mediated conditioned freezing paradigm and 3 reversal of MKinduced hyperlocomotion.

Comparable efficacy and plasma and brain concentrations of VU were observed after repeated dosing as those previously reported with an acute, single dose administration of this M 4 PAM. Together, these studies are the first to demonstrate that cognitive enhancing and antipsychotic. The Patterns and Dynamics of Revolution: Deja vu all over Again? Back to the Future: State and non-state actors have been performing. VU also inhibits Kir7.

Here, we employed molecular modeling, mutagenesis, and patch clamp electrophysiology to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying VU inhibition of Kir1. Mutagenesis analysis in Kir1. In contrast, substituting a negatively charged residue at the equivalent position in Kir7.

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Interestingly, mutations of threonine T in Kir7. Reverse mutations in Kir1. This study reveals a previously unappreciated role of membrane pore polarity in determination of Kir channel inhibitor pharmacology. Challenges in the development of an M4 PAM in vivo tool compound: This letter describes the chemical optimization of a novel series of M 4 positive allosteric modulators PAMs based on a 5-amino-thieno[2,3-c]pyridazine core, developed via iterative parallel synthesis, and culminating in the highly utilized rodent in vivo tool compound, VU 5.

Aucun oeil ne l'a vu. AA - Philosophy ; Religion http: Veterans before the European Court of Human Rights: The judicial restrictive approach in interpretation and application of anti-discirimination law norms contrary to the principle iura novit curia was criticized. Certain solutions were proposed in accordance with international standards, based on non-discriminatory treatment of military reservists in relation to other persons who perform public service, and on obligation to a just satisfaction due to violation of personality rights contained in physical and psychological attrition in military service during the war.

Schizophrenia and the paranormal: A total of participants After controlling for age, gender, education, and anxiety, the results supported the following three hypotheses. These experiences are positively related to paranormal beliefs in healthy adults but not in schizophrenic patients. Schizophrenic patients have higher scores than healthy adults on the psi and superstitious subscales of the CRPB.

Presented by Earl E. Army Corps of Engineers Effect of selective attention on recollection and familiarity in recognition memory tasks: This theoretical model is based on characteristics that define this experience in healthy subjects and in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy Objective: Namedni Ernst prigrozil Parjenovu dezha vju.

Standardization is an enigmatic Deja Vue. The Free Press, Ball, Desmond, Deja Vu: Examining the Relationship between Stress and Time Perception. If you want to wake up in the Point Enter 5 for Blur Enter 6 for Other Have you ever felt as ifan experience or moment in time happened before Deja vu? Have you ever felt as if an experience or moment in time happened before Deja. Vu , created in , is a magazine which endows photography with a new role, in that it became the very contents of the magazine. Its director, Lucien Vogel, is a convinced pacifist with left-wing commitments.

His point of view on the period of time, in between the two world wars, is particularly interesting. Our article will study how, between and , Vu reports the tensions inherited from World War I and covers the Spanish War. In the first place, by means of photographs and eye. Combined top-down and bottom-up climate change impact assessment for the hydrological system in the Vu Gia- Thu Bon River Basin.

Climate change is expected to exacerbate the challenge. Therefore, there is a need to study the impacts of climate change on water shortage in the river basin. The study adopts a combined top-down and bottom-up climate change impact assessment to address the impacts of climate change on water shortage in the VGTB River Basin. Simulations were performed through parametrically varying temperature and precipitation to determine the vulnerability space of water shortage. General Circulation Models GCMs were then utilized to provide climate projections for the river basin.

The output from GCMs was then mapped onto the vulnerability space determined earlier. In total, 9 out of 55 water demand nodes in the simulation are expected to face problematic conditions as future climate changes. A deadly sin in a lively profession. According to Christian tradition, anger comprises one of the "seven deadly sins". In Eastern religious thought anger is held to be poisonous and addictive.

These views point to the problematic nature of anger. Some hold, however, that anger can have an appropriate expression and a positive function. Since anger is often vented in sport, it is important to assess the significance of anger in this area of life. Coaches, in particular, frequently display anger. Given this fact, in this paper I focus on the nature of anger and its role in the coaching profession.

Is there something distinctive about the role of the coach such that coaches should be granted special leeway in the expression of anger? A water productive and economically profitable paddy rice production method to adapt water scarcity in the Vu Gia-Thu Bon river basin, Vietnam. High and uneven rainfall distribution cause flooding in the basin during wet season and cause severe agricultural drought during dry season. This study aimed to point out a higher water productive and economically efficient rice production method to adapt water scarcity in the region.

Although water productivities ranging 0. The System of Rice Intensification method also could be a suitable method to adopt because this method is the highest water productive method Water Productivities are ranging from 0. With the Medical Device Amendments of , Congress granted FDA authority to regulate medical devices by implementing a risk-based regulatory framework.

Several years prior to this legislation, the Cooper Committee reviewed the medical device regulatory landscape and uncovered weaknesses that could be detrimental to public health. However, only after several high-profile incidents involving unsafe medical devices did Congress respond with strong legislation. Since , additional medical device legislative revisions have been enacted to address deficiencies highlighted by various groups representing Congress, FDA, and industry.

A repetitive conclusion from these groups has been that the k program is incapable of serving as a premarket evaluation of safety and effectiveness under the existing statutory framework. However, these legislative revisions did not change the statutory framework despite these repeated findings.

In , CDRH convened separate groups to again review the k program. While more comprehensive than previous initiatives, the observed deficiencies and the proposed recommendations are remarkably similar to those identified by their predecessors. In the past, Congress has implemented major legislation only after a public health crisis. Hopefully this will not be the driving force in the future.

Herein, we report the structure-activity relationships within a series of mGlu 7 NAMs based on an N - 2- 1 H -1,2,4-triazolyl trifluoromethoxy phenyl benzamide core with excellent CNS penetration K p 1. Analogues in this series displayed steep SAR. Of these, VU 11a emerged with robust efficacy in blocking high frequency stimulated long-term potentiation in electrophysiology studies. Performance as a Factor in Enlisted Promotions.

Age Differences in Mystical Experience. Examined age differences in mystical experiences. Private and subjective religiosity were positively related to overall…. News" Rankings Roll On. In this article, the author discusses the response rate to the magazine's controversial reputational survey. The overall response rate plunged to its lowest level ever, a possible sign that organized criticism of the…. Without governors' support, the emerging teaching reform agenda will go nowhere. States should eschew their " deja vu " attitudes and embrace quality of education as a major determinant of state and national economic survival.

The governors' action agenda includes 10 recommendations addressing teacher education and standards, work…. This issue of EPP Monitor contains the following articles: The publication comprises the results from the practical scientific investigation to define the profile and distinctions of the Latvian innovative multifunctional material manufacturing industry. The research is carried out by a holistic approach, including expert interviews, qualitative analysis of the official register data, practical survey, and financial data analysis.

The paper seeks to give the detailed data on a technological profile of the mentioned representative companies, if there is a synergy or tough competition in the Latvian market. The current research is topical, because it is unique and does not have analogues in Latvia, and the research is timely due to correspondence with recently stated Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation in Latvia. The main findings are associated with recognition of the factors that make impact on commercialisation of the finished goods, obtained financial results and planned directions of development of the respondent companies.

A case of temporal lobe epilepsy with improvement of clinical symptoms and single photon emission computed tomography findings after treatment with clonazepam. A year-old female presented psychomotor seizures, deja vu and amnestic syndrome after meningitis at the age of 14 years. Repeated electroencephalograms EEG demonstrated occasional spikes localized in the right temporal region in addition to a considerable amount of theta waves mainly in the right fronto-temporal region.

Single photon emission computed tomography SPECT showed a marked hypoperfusion corresponding to the region in which the EEG showed abnormal findings, although magnetic resonance imaging MRI demonstrated no abnormal findings associated with the clinical features. Treatment with clonazepam in addition to sodium valproate resulted in a remarkable improvement of clinical symptoms i. The present study suggests that SPECT is a useful method not only to determine the localization of regions associated with temporal lobe epilepsy but also to evaluate the effect of treatment in temporal lobe epilepsy.

Components of the Motor Program: The Cerebellum as an Internal Clock. Some ouantitative aspects of cereoellar Temporal Epilepsy Left Focus 16 iC. Engineering Properties of Clay Shales. South African Medical Journal: The parti- cipants, who were drawn from several different disciplines The costumed images are considered as artefacts with a view to revealing the motivating circumstances behind that which is seen in the photos. This is accomplished by considering the cover costumes and staging on three distinct levels: Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vu Geneeskunde: This division is administrative and financial, but at patient level there is no reason why complete amalgamation of all these services should The eBooks-on-Demand EOD network provides a trans-European digital document delivery service for end-users from all over the world offering digitization on demand of the public domain holdings of participating libraries.

Currently the EOD network comprises over 30 libraries from 12 European countries. Already in the first years of the service a common interface to search for all books off The fish killphenomenon, familiar to fishers in freshwater andcoastal bodies of water where fish farming was beingpursued, was suddenly manifested at a scale that hadheretofore not been experienced.

Full Text Available The retrospective analysis of the international survey of the mental map of the world of Sfax's Tunisia undergraduate students is high interesting, both empirically and methodologically. Looking back, are the Tunisian students' mental maps unique in any way as compared to other countries surveyed? This has become more pertinent knowing that the Arab Spring would take place only two years later. In answer to the question concerning where students would like to live in the near future, the Tunisian answers display a singular focus on neighboring countries.

This highly localized mental map can be partially explained by their lack of international experiences in terms of mobility and the mastery of foreign languages. One group displays a world map that can be qualified as western and oriented towards the North the Mediterranean basin, Western Europe, and North America. Despite the problems involved, this group shows a clear focus with many positive quotes concerning countries such as France, Germany, or Canada.

A second group possesses a more Eastern mental map, linked to cultural identity; one which rejects the West, considered responsible for the majority of problems emigration, colonization, islamophoby, etc.. Motion Prediction in Static Images. This paper proposes motion prediction in single still images by learning it from a set of videos.

The building assumption is that similar motion is characterized by similar appearance. The proposed method learns local motion patterns given a specific appearance and adds the predicted motion in a. The pattern-richness of graphical passwords. Different graphical password schemes: The initial idea from Blonder was soon followed by a variety of schemes that avoided the initial patent by using other mechanisms of schemes. The author discusses bizarre dreams characteristic of epileptics and never occurring in normal subjects which have an important practical implication especially for early detection of epilepsy and the prevention of severe forms of the disease.

This group of dreams includes vivid nightmares with vital fear, dreams not infrequently transforming into pro-dream states; persistently repeated stereotyped dreams and dreams with invariably the same unpleasant sensations representing an isolated aura of subsequent epileptic attacks. Diagnostically important may also be dreams with the symptoms of derealization and depersonalization, vague dream images and the deja vu phenomenon.

Association pityriasis rubra pilaire et myasthenie. Traitee par Neostigmine et thymectomie avec bonne evolution sur le plan neurologique. Full Text Available The practical projections of cyclic theories are of a great interest. Our preferences moved again from apartment houses and vertical cities to low-rise buildings. Circles set the development vector for natural, human sciences and sciences on society. The article researches the problem of cyclic development of scientific schools and their innovation ideas in the sphere of space-territory property development.

The phases of the cycle were researched on the example of Bauhaus architecture school. This enables to reveal the demands and specifics of the development of new technological platforms, as well as to create the effective formats of public-private partnership. Cyclicity of business activity development under the conditions of awareness of the evolution of senses of interdisciplinary approaches utilization permits to produce the adequate development paradigm. A plug-in written with uPy can run in all uPy-supported hosts.

Using uPy, researchers have created complex plug-ins for molecular and cellular modeling and visualization. It's available at http: The first featured Web extra is a video that shows interactive analysis of a calcium dynamics simulation. The second featured Web extra is a video that shows rotation of the HIV virus. Introductory general physics courses at college level have been taught by a 'bootstrap' approach. Students are then introduced to real life situations - toys, home appliances, sports, disasters, etc, and the embedded physics concepts discussed.

Usually this generates a feeling of deja vu , which elicits desire for more. Each application usually encompasses topics in a broad range of the syllabus.

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An end of course examination shows increase in the success rate. In this paper we describe uPy, an extension module for the Python programming language that provides a uniform abstraction of the APIs of several 3D computer graphics programs called hosts, including: A plugin written with uPy is a unique piece of code that will run in all uPy-supported hosts. Is psychiatry only neurology? Or only abnormal psychology? Forgetting history, which frequently repeats itself, is a mistake. In General Psychopathology, Jaspers criticised early 20th century psychiatrists, including those who thought psychiatry was only neurology Wernicke or only abnormal psychology Freud , or who did not see the limitations of the medical model in psychiatry Kraepelin.

Jaspers proposed that some psychiatric disorders follow the medical model Group I , while others are variations of normality Group III , or comprise schizophrenia and severe mood disorders Group II. In the early 21st century, the players' names have changed but the game remains the same.

McHugh, who described four perspectives in psychiatry, is the leading contemporary representative of the Jaspersian diagnostic approach. Can psychiatry learn from its mistakes? The current psychiatric language, organised at its three levels, symptoms, syndromes, and disorders, was developed in the 19th century but is obsolete for the 21st century. Scientific advances in Jaspers' Group III disorders require collaborating with researchers in the social and psychological sciences.

Jaspers' Group II disorders, redefined by the author as schizophrenia, catatonic syndromes, and severe mood disorders, are the core of psychiatry. Scientific advancement in them is not easy because we are not sure how to delineate between and within them correctly. Neutron multiplicity distributions for 30 Me Vu sup 14 N reactions with the indicated targets. This report contains short papers on the following topics: Heavy ion reactions; nuclear structure and fundamental interactions; nuclear theory; atomic molecular and materials science; and superconducting cyclotron and instrumentation.

Contract of Sale in Private Law. Faculty of Law; Department of Civil Law. Level of professional qualification: Principles of civil law. Neutron multiplicity distributions for 30 Me Vu 14N reactions with the indicated targets. The very purpose of this thesis is a legal analysis and comparison of codifications of contract of sale in particular acts.

The first part of this thesis concerns czech private law czech civil and business law , and it deals with both current and future statutes. The second part is dedicated to contract of sales either in international private law and written law of a few countries Germany, Austria, Slovakia. The definition of terrorism in international law The subject of this graduation thesis is to explore problem of defining terrorism in international law. Although it is very broad topic, the thesis has attempted to explore most of the questions this issue has offered.

First of all, it examines reasones why define terrorism in international law. Further this study provides information about perception of the term terrorism in the past depending on the political and social conditions and about h Remaking democracy in response to AIDS? Participation, decentralisation and community partnership have served as prominent motifs and driving philosophies in the global scale-up of HIV programming. Given the fraught histories of these ideas in development studies, it is surprising to encounter their broad appeal as benchmarks and moral practices in global health work.

This paper examines three intertwined, government-endorsed projects to deepen democratic processes of HIV policy-making in Lesotho: Taken together, these efforts are striking and well intentioned, but nonetheless struggle in the face of powerful global agendas to establish meaningful practices of participation and decentralisation. Examining these efforts shows that HIV scale-up conveys formidable lessons for citizens about the politics of global health and their place in the world.

As global health initiatives continue to remake important dimensions of political functioning, practitioners, agencies and governments implementing similar democratising projects may find the warnings of earlier development critics both useful and necessary. The Department of Marine Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University Teknologi Malaysia has recently developed an Ship Maneuverability tool which intends to upgrade student's level understanding the application of fluid dynamic on interaction between hull, propeller, and rudder during maneuvering.

This paper discusses zigzag maneuver for conventional Very Large Crude Oil VLCC ships with the same principal dimensions but different stern flame shape. Simulation results for U-type show a good agreement with the experimental data, but V-type not good agreement with experimental one. Further study on zigzag maneuver characteristics are required.

Discovering Open Source Discovery: The goal of having a robust discovery system is a priority of the libraries the authors serve both work at the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. Given the current fiscal situation facing public higher education in their state, the current commercial systems were not affordable for most of their libraries. They decided to implement and…. Preliminary results from Brookhaven Experiment with This bachelor thesis deals with discrimination of women in the field of labour law.

Its aim is to explain terms of discrimination, understanding the reasons of the discrimination of women in the context of historical development of women's participation in the workforce, comparison of the legislation of Czech Republic and European Union law system and determination of the most appropriate procedure for a woman who has been a victim of discrimination and lastly, excogitation of appropriate pro VU -B radiation inhibits the photosynthetic electron transport chain in chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

UV radiation of sunlight is one of harmful factors for earth organisms, especially for photoautotrophs because they require light for energy and biomass production. A number of works have already been done regarding the effects of UV-B radiation at biochemical and molecular level, which showed that UV-B radiation could inhibit photosynthesis activity and reduce photosynthetic electron transport. However quite limited information can accurately make out inhibition site of UV-B radiation on photosynthetic electron transport.

In this study, this issue was investigated through measuring oxygen evolution activity, chlorophyll a fluorescence and gene expression in a model unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Our results indicated that UV-B radiation could evidently decrease photosynthesis activity and inhibit electron transport by blocking electron transfer process from the first plastoquinone electron acceptors QA to second plastoquinone electron acceptors QB, but not impair electron transfer from the water oxidizing complex to QA.

The psbA gene expression was also altered by UV-B radiation, where up-regulation occurred at 2, 4 and 6h after exposure and down-regulation happened at 12 and 24 h after exposure. These results suggested that UV-B could affects D1 protein normal turnover, so there was not enough D1 for binding with QB, which may affect photosynthetic electron transport and photosynthesis activity. A hit parade of repeatedly identified differentially expressed proteins. Before launching Vufind in the academic year, usability testing occurred across three campuses to test the functionality of the search interface features.

Twenty-one participants, including Emirati students and expatriate faculty, were tested using a performance based assessment along with think-aloud protocol, which was recorded using Camtasia screen capture software. As a result of the testing several features of Vufind were customized including language, layout and prioritization of results.

The current study builds on the limited existing body of literature on Vufind, which has previously indicated a number of design elements and practices which should optimize user experience. Several key findings are consistent with and confirm results from prior studies with findings from this study adding to the literature by observing how or why linguistic orientation affects user behavior in search systems.

Free-lance professions under the law of the EU The free-lance professions under the law of the EU serve for the topic of the present thesis. They represent a special category of occupations playing though a significant role in the daily life of the society and in the economic events of both the state and the European Union. They distinguish from other forms of businesses by the "liberty" of carrying out, i.

It is impossible to find among EU Comparison of energy expenditure while swimming dressed in swimsuit and in the field uniform. Aim of the thesis: The aim of the thesis was to find out the numbers of heart rate swimming dressed in swimsuit and in the Czech army field uniform. Measurement took place in the swimming pool with a counterflow. Qualitative research with observation.

Renewable energy in urban areas. The future has already begun; Energies renouvelables en milieu urbain. Le futur, c'est deja maintenant. Renewable energy is still often presented as the energy of tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. These initiatives are far from coming exclusively from the countryside, where local resources biomass, small-scale hydro power, etc.

Urban areas, which have to meet higher energy requirements, often have district heating working on biomass and geothermal energy, biogas produced from sewage treatment plants and used as bus fuel, building roofs fitted for thermal and photovoltaic solar collectors or rivers running through the city. Encouraging examples will be find in this special issue dedicated to ''renewable''. This master thesis focuses on a comparison of two contract law institutes -- consideration and cause.

While the former is an Anglo-American legal concept, the later is of civil law origin. The goals of this comparative study are as follows: A conservative flow routing formulation: A wide range of approaches are used for flow routing in hydrological models. One of the most attractive solutions is the variable-parameter Muskingum VPM method. Its major advantage consists in the fact that i it can be applied to poorly-gauged basins with unknown channel geometries, ii it requires short execution time and iii it adequately captures, also in the presence of mild slopes, the most salient features of a dynamic wave such as the looped rating curve and the steepening of the rising limb of the hydrograph.

In addition, the method offers the possibility to derive average water levels for a reach segment, a quantity which is essential in flood forecasting and flood risk assessment. For reasons of computational economy the method is also appropriate for applications, in which hydrological and global circulation models GCM are coupled, and where computational effort becomes an issue. The VPM approach is presented from a philosophical and conceptual perspective, by showing the derivation of its mass and momentum balance properties from the point to the finite scale, and by demonstrating its strengths by means of an application in an operational context.

The principal novel contributions of the article relate to a the extension of the Muskingum-Cunge-Todini approach to accept uniformly distributed lateral inflow, b the use of power law cross sections and c the validation of the method through a long-term simulation of a real-world case, including the comparison of results to those obtained using a full Saint Venant equations model.

Several rivers in the sub region have their source. The hydrographic network comprises rivers, grouped into 23 watersheds. The country has 14 international rivers, including the Niger River, whose basin is shared by nine countries. Unfortunately, water resources are now threatened by anthropogenic activities of diverse origins extensive agriculture, open-pit mining, illegal fishing, bush fires, making cooked bricks along streams, etc.

Moreover, the institutional and legal aspects are not conducive to the sustainable management of water resources. The impact of water shortage will be felt on all socio-economic activities. The agriculture sector is the main user of water in the country, droughts and recurrent floods have led to a decline in cereal food supplies.

In order to meet its international commitments to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, by , the country will have to quintuple its hydroelectric production, which constitutes clean energy. The drinking water supply sector remains confronted with the low capacity of production and treatment of water. The management of water resources in the country is based on general plans for water development elaborated between and However, the country seeks to have a national policy for integrated water resources management and development of an action plan focusing on taking into account cooperation on shared watersheds.

Creating a mobile application for managing complaints and defects. This thesis deals with the creation of application for operational system Android. Application is created for managing reclamations and faults which can appear in several projects like buildings projects. Leprosy, or Hansen's disease, continues to be feared and poorly understood in the United States, where knowledge of the disease is limited and prevalence is low. The presence of leprosy among immigrants, however, provides fuel for those with an anti-immigration agenda. In recent years, there have been several examples of popular media distortions of statistics and of information on leprosy's properties and contagiousness.

As in previous eras of U. In this article, I analyse the role of the U. The topic of this diploma work is an effective repentance in criminal law. Effective repetance is one of the reasons for extinction of punishability. The goal of a lawgiver is to motivate offender to prevent or restify damaging consequence. The law provides exact conditiones for extintion of a crime.

The begining of my diploma work is focused on a historical development of extinction of criminal laibility by effective repentance. In the next part of this work there are defined conditions of e The thesis clarifies the operation of the limited partnership in the Czech law system. In particular, it explains the establishment, the operation and the expiration of the limited partnership. There are stated the basic characteristics of the limited partnership and there are described the differences between unlimited partner and limited partner. The establishment of the limited partnership from the limited liability company by the change of the legal form is explained on the concrete examp AG - Legal Sciences.

Recent commercial interest in "Big Data" information systems has yielded little more than a sense of deja vu among scientists whose work has always required getting their arms around extremely large databases, and writing programs to explore and analyze it. On the flip side, there are some commercial DBMS startups building "Big Data" platform using techniques taken from earth science, astronomy, high energy physics and high performance computing.

In this talk, we will introduce one such platform; Paradigm4's SciDB, the first DBMS designed from the ground up to combine the kinds of quality-of-service guarantees made by SQL DBMS platforms—high level data model, query languages, extensibility, transactions—with the kinds of functionality familiar to scientific users—arrays as structural building blocks, integrated linear algebra, and client language interfaces that minimize the learning curve. We will review how SciDB is used to manage and analyze earth science data by several teams of scientific users.

We present a case of epilepsy with multiple types of focal seizures that were misdiagnosed as psychiatric disorders. A year-old female patient presented with a variety of episodes, including loss of consciousness, deja vu , fear, delusion of possession, violent movements, and generalized convulsions. Each of these symptoms appeared in a stereotypic manner. She was initially diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder and treated with psychoactive medications, which had no effect.

Long-term video electroencephalography revealed that her episodes of violent movement with impaired consciousness and secondarily generalized seizure were epileptic events originating in the right hemisphere.

  • Lizzies Beach House.
  • Beware of Airheads on a Windy Day: Best Of Stan N Isaac.
  • Mary Had a Little Lamb.
  • Orlando, Seaworld et au-delà des grands parcs (French Edition).
  • ENCLS Newsletter/Bulletin REELC 2 | Olga Springer and Brigitte Le Juez -
  • .

High-field brain magnetic resonance imaging for detecting subtle lesions revealed bilateral lesions from periventricular nodular heterotopia. Her final diagnosis was right hemispheric focal epilepsy. Carbamazepine administration was started, which successfully controlled all seizures. The present case demonstrates the pitfall of diagnosing focal epilepsy when it presents with multiple types of psychiatric aura.

Epilepsy should thus be included in differential diagnoses, considering the stereotypic nature of symptoms, to avoid misdiagnosis. I have had, and still do, a feeling of deja Vu as I have gone through the development of the polarized beam at the AGS. There were many similarities both scientifically and sociologically, and of course, some significant differences between the AGS and the ZGS. Paraphrasing some remarks of Bob Sachs, the AGS replaced the ZGS as the tail of the dog, and it appears that now the tail loppers are again on the loose.

You will probably see them again somewhere in the world using body english to help polarize a beam. Basically, I would like to describe a little of the progression of events and the hardware in both accelerators that allowed Kent and his colleagues to do a great deal of very interesting spin physics. Prediction of the microsurgical window for skull-base tumors by advanced three-dimensional multi-fusion volumetric imaging. The surgery of skull base tumors SBTs is difficult due to the complex and narrow surgical window that is restricted by the cranium and important structures.

Imaging data were collected from computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and digital subtraction angiography. Skull data was processed to imitate actual bone resection and integrated with various structures extracted from appropriate imaging modalities by image-analyzing software. The simulated views were compared with the views obtained during surgery. All craniotomies and bone resections except opening of the acoustic canal in 2 patients were performed as simulated. The simulated window allowed observation of the expected microsurgical anatomies including tumors, vasculatures, and cranial nerves, through the predicted operative window.

How was it possible for war-related writings with opposite political goals to flourish in the same country? A key concern will of course be testimony. The desire to be faithful to lived experience often made fictionalization of that experience problematic. That is why the choice of genre was so crucial in many cases, with different countries adopting significantly different approaches: The second line of investigation will involve trying to understand in practical and technical terms the means the authors used to answer the question of how to write the Great War, through an analysis of the styles, characters, tones, rhythms, themes and registers they employed.

What is the significance of the disappearance of the hero in many novels but its permanence in others, whether conventionally patriotic or not? To what extent can we see the war as responsible for an influx of ordinary lower-class characters and their language into European literature?

While some novels incorporate slang as never before Barbusse in France, De Roberto in Italy, Manning in Australia, Karl Kraus in Germany , it is completely absent in many others, which promote a neutral, diary-style but also quite original language, to give a faithful and careful account of war experience and the emotions it aroused. The final line of investigation will be the reception of Great War writing. To what extent did the press, the public and particularly the soldiers influence the production of novels, diaries and poetry during the war?

Why are some works or some genres forgotten in one country French poetry, French pro-war prose while they are celebrated in others English poetry, German patriotic diaries? We will also examine the modern reception of these texts, studying for instance significant disparities in the perceived importance of the literary memory of the war.

While many major war poems belong to the canon in Great Britain, and while some novels of the period are still well-known in France, only three or four witnesses of the war are still represented in German bookshops. We will also analyze the limited place of colonial writing in our perception of the literature of the Great War. Articles must be written in English and should not exceed 7, words in length.

We will particularly appreciate articles including examples of French, German and Spanish texts, which are the main interest of the review. Authors must provide a word abstract along with a brief CV, complete contact details, and academic affiliation. The deadline for the submission of your proposal is set on May 15, June 1, Email: The aim of the scientific journal is to unite literary critics in order to exchange opinions on modern research of the literary phenomena in comparative aspect. During extra-mural discussion a wide range of current tendencies and conceptions are to be observed, in particular: Comparative Literature in Time and Space.

Comparative Poetics and Genology. Interdisciplinary Approach in Comparative Literature and Linguistics. Comparative Approach in Translation Studies and Linguistics. References in the text are to be in square brackets: If you make references to several sources, their numbers are separated with a semi-colon: Quotations from scientific articles, monographs and other sources are to be typed with double quotation marks.

Notes in the end of the page or after the main text are not permitted. Materials with less than The list of bibliographic references should be arranged alphabetically in a line space after the article. References — MLA style. First give the literature in Cyrillic alphabet, then — Latin.

Annotation and keywords in English should be given in a line space after the list of bibliographic references size of type — Publication fee 4 US dollars a page should be paid only after the editorial board considers the article and sends payment account. Publication fee includes postal charges of sending one print copy of the journal to the authors co- authors pay extra publication fee and postal charges.

Topic of the article should reveal current tendencies and conceptions. The article itself should contain research which was not published before. All research articles undergo peer review process. The Editorial Board may decline non-thematic articles with technical errors or those, which need considerable stylistic correction. Bennett Yu-Hsiang Fu and Dr. The Series especially welcomes monographs written in English or other languages translated into English. Conference volumes or edited volumes by multiple authors will not be considered at this time. Volumes of essays with a thematic focus written by a single author, however, are welcome.

Suggested topics include but are not limited to the following: NTU Press, playing an important role in disseminating top-notch research and scholarship in the Chinese- speaking academy, is now expanding its scope of publication in English. All submissions will be assessed by the Editors and reviewed by anonymous readers. Once the book project is approved, the author s will receive a contract from NTU Press. The manuscript should employ the MLA format and style, and only a completed manuscript will be considered.

Bennett Yu-Hsiang Fu bennettfu ntu. Chi-She Li jisheli ntu. Dr Hugues Azerad Cambridge , ha cam. Dr Edward Forman Bristol , E. Dr Sam Coombes Edinburgh , Sam. Dr Ruth Bush Bristol ruth. However, we will prioritize articles on writers and works frequently studied in university courses, and those that are highly topical and well-known.

In addition to publishing articles on canonical and much-taught literary works, the Encyclopedia is also interested in making available information about important writers and works that are often neglected, and in publishing articles about discrete historical events which are relevant to literary understanding.

Nocilla Dream

If you are interested in contributing such an essay, please contact the relevant volume editor or the managing editor. All offers of contribution should come accompanied by an up-to-date CV and, in the case of doctoral students who wish to offer a contribution, also a short writing sample. The Literary Encyclopedia aims to deliver a global understanding of world literatures and cultures within an adaptable and responsive digital platform that's ethically conceived, minimalist, but packing great functionality.

All our articles are solicited by invitation from specialist scholars in higher education institutions all over the world, refereed and approved by subject editors in our Editorial Board. The LE is thus uniquely selective, reliable and authoritative. Its online format allows for rapid publication and frequent updating of articles; its integrated digital resources author life-chronologies, customisable timelines, thematic or course-oriented bookshelves, related article clusters, critical bibliographies respond dynamically to teaching and learning demands.

More detailed information on the Encyclopedia — including its publishing model, editorial policies, specific information for authors, etc. In order to explore the kinds of content we publish please log in using the case-sensitive username 'WinterGuest' and the password 'carpentier'. If you wish to contribute, please contact the volume editor s listed above, or the managing editor, Dr Cristina Sandru cristinasandru litencyc. The Work of Difference: And at the heart of this question, it argues, is the problem of the new.

How is it that new works or new forms are possible within the rule- governed orders of history, language use, or the social?

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How are new works in turn recognizable to already-existing institutions? Tracing the relationship between literature and the problem of newness back to a set of concerns first articulated in early German romanticism, this book goes on to mount a critique of romantic tendencies in contemporary criticism in order, ultimately, to develop an original theory of literary production.

Over various periods, Berlin has been a tenuous space for American claims to cultural heritage and to real geographic space in Europe, symbolizing the ultimate evil and the power of redemption. Tracing both a history of Berlin and of American culture through the ways the city has been narrated across three centuries by some authors through novels, short stories, plays and poems, Tales of Berlin presents a composite landscape not only of the German capital, but of shifting subtexts in American society which have contextualized its meaning for Americans in the past, and continue to do so today.

For further information and a full list of contents, please visit http: The research is based on the study of Occitan contrafacta and melodic line-termination ornaments, and gives a number of undiscovered intertextual relationships in Occitan lyric, starting from the smallest and most subtile to the greater and most ingenious.

An insight is also given to the difficult topic of the auctorial style in Troubadour music composition. It includes a CD-ROM with the Database of melodic terminations, that allows to relate rhyme and rhyme-words with melody, and a practical textual-melodic incipit database. ISBN Around , when the last blank spaces on their maps were filled, Europeans traveled to far-flung places hoping to find the spectacularly foreign.

They discovered instead what Freud called, several years later, the uncannily familiar: This experience was most extreme for German travelers, who arrived in the contact zones late, on the heels of other European colonialists, and it resulted not in understanding or tolerance but in an increased propensity for violence and destruction. Focusing on the fiction of Michael Chabon, Jonathan Safran Foer, Nicole Krauss, and Nathan Englander, this book suggests that this literature cannot simply be dismissed as insensitive or improper. It argues that these Jewish American authors engage with the Holocaust in ways that renew and ensure its significance for contemporary generations.

These ways, moreover, are intricately connected to efforts of finding new means of expressing Jewish American identity, and of moving beyond the increasingly apparent problems of postmodernism. He analyses the innovative strategies by which such artefacts are incorporated, examining five distinct types of archival practice: Not only has this created a gap in literary analytical scholarship which needs to be addressed, but it has also allowed for problematic appropriations of metonymy as a critical concept now widely in use in structuralist studies across the humanities.

Rethinking Metonymy is the first monograph to confront and resolve these issues. In addition to establishing the fundamental principle, different conformations, and aesthetic effects of this important poetic device, the volume also demonstrates how the new arguments it offers have the potential to set an agenda for far-reaching reconsiderations in literary studies and beyond. It mobilizes analytical insights into the inner workings of metonymy by examining three case studies designed to explore the trope in critical practice, covering its role in creating a 'hellenizing' style, what happens to it in 'classic' German translations of Aeschylus' Agamemnon, and critically re-assessing its modern re-appropriations as a structural-semiotic paradigm.

Connecting classical perspectives with modern linguistic and literary theory, Rethinking Metonymy is a compelling and authoritative analysis that rehabilitates and brings much-needed clarity to an oft-neglected literary device. Its combination of in-depth engagement with classical literature and cross-cultural and cross-linguistic comparison makes it an invaluable resource not only to specialists in Greek poetry, but also to students and scholars engaged in literary analysis, translation criticism, and structuralist studies across a much wider range of disciplines.

For further information, please click here. It presents that encounter as an historically complex and contextually determined interaction reflecting the contested development of Dante's reputation, readership and textuality throughout the nineteenth century. This process produced a 'Dante with a difference', a uniquely creative and unorthodox construction of the poet which informed Joyce's lifelong engagement with such works as the Vita Nuova and the Commedia.

Tracing the movement through Joyce's writing on exile as a mode of alienation and charting his growing interest in ideas of community, Joyce's Dante shows how awareness of his changing reading of Dante can alter our understanding of one of the Irish writer's lasting thematic preoccupations. Table of contents, abstracts and full articles for download advance access: Journal for Cultural Poetics Table of contents and abstracts: Table of contents available here. Literature Compass Special Issue: Diverse Audiences Volume 13, Issue 3, March The Yearbook of Comparative Literature Volume 59, In addition to original poetry and prose, he contributed to Romanian, English and French studies in comparative literature, literary theory and intellectual history.

Click here to view the full table of contents. The Object Voice in Fiction. Jorge Sacido-Romero and Sylvia Mieszkowski. Brill Rodopi, , Political Implications of Different Notions of Difference. A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures May 12, The new School of English DCU is a dynamic research-focused school with expertise in a variety of literary eras and genres including Poetry, Children's Literature, Irish Studies, American writing, post-colonial literature, nineteenth century writing, the Novel, Drama, and Creative Writing.

This is an exciting time for us as we build upon our strengths and traditions in a newly expanded School. As part of our commitment to excellence in postgraduate research the School of English is pleased to offer a scholarship for a full-time PhD student commencing September Registration fees will also be paid. There will also be a number of scholarships for fees available. Applicants must have a relevant undergraduate degree at first-class honours level or at least 2.

See Graduate Studies Office on application process: Candidates will be directed to potential supervisors on application. Applications should include the following: It is available to UK or EU students who are suitably qualified and have outstanding potential as a researcher.

In offering this scholarship the University aims to further develop its proven research strengths in textual scholarship. It is an excellent opportunity for a candidate of exceptional promise to contribute to a stimulating, world-class research environment. New computational methods are enabling new discoveries about the authorship and textual provenance of literary and historical works, showing us new plays by William Shakespeare and reshaping the canons of other major figures.

The research student could explore any aspect of authorship attribution or textual criticism by computational methods, and may come from any background, technical or non-technical, because full training in computational methods for textual analysis will be provided. The student would also be free, but not required, to devise new kinds of computational methods for literary-historical scholarship.

For a more detailed description of the scholarship, the subject area at DMU and an application pack please visit http: For administrative queries contact Morgan Erdlenbruch at Morgan. Completed applications should be returned together with two supporting references and an academic transcript. Doctoral scholarships are available for up to three years full-time study starting October and provide a bursary of ca. DMU Research Scholarships The collections of Carolina Rediviva Library and other scientific facilities at Uppsala University are situated nearby.

For the academic year the Collegium offers residential fellowships for senior scholars. The fellowships afford scholars the opportunity to concentrate on their own research interests.

Nocilla Dream

Fellows are expected to be in re-si-dence and to participate in academic events beyond their own fields of specialization. The application may be for the entire academic year or alternatively for one academic semester. Candidates may come from any discipline within the humanities and social sciences. At the time of application, the candidates must have held a PhD for at least ten years and have a track record of significant and original research achievements. The holder of the fellowship receives a monthly stipend or salary. Accommodation for Fellows who do not live in the Stockholm-Uppsala region is arranged by the Collegium and all Fellows have their own fully equipped office at the Collegium.

The application deadline is August 1, For further details, please see the General Fellowship Programme information at the scas website. Please direct questions to fellowselection swedishcollegium. Applicants must have a track record of research, but should not have held an established academic appointment in the UK. Early Career Fellowships aim to provide career development opportunities for those who are at a relatively early stage of their academic careers, but who have a proven record of research.

The expectation is that Fellows should undertake a significant piece of publishable work during their tenure, and that the Fellowships should lead to a more permanent academic position. Approximately Fellowships will be available in Fellowships can be held at universities or at other institutions of higher education in the UK. Fellowships are tenable for three years on a full-time basis.

The Trust will support requests to hold the award part-time over a proportionately longer period for childcare commitments. Fellowships will commence between 1 September and 1 May Please read the following before submitting an application: