The Trouble With Valentines Day (Chinooks Hockey Team Book 3)

The Trouble With Valentine's Day

This is a great story with a happy ending. Great love story for young adults.. I could NOT put it down. Everything about this romance was exciting!!! I would love to meet the men that Rachel Gibson creates. Hockey players are awesome in her world. All these books seem to overlap characters and it is lovely. If you like romance, you will love this one. This is absolutely my favorite book of all time! I've never read one like it. I was so happy to get my hands on a copy of my own. You will love how tantalizing this book is. Rachel Gibson lives in Idaho with her husband, three kids, two cats and a dog of mysterious origin.

She began her fiction career at age 16, when she ran her car into the side of a hill, retrieved the bumper, and drove to a parking lot, where she strategically scattered the car's broken glass all about. The Trouble With Valentine's Day? It just plain stinks! Kate Hamilton should know.

Dumped by her boyfriend, burnt out by her job, she's returned to Gospel, Idaho, where a Mountain Momma Crafters'original poetry reading is about as good as it gets on a Friday night. Then her first attempted seduction of a hunky stranger is completely rejected. So much for her self-esteem! It turns out that Rob Sutter, former ice hockey madman, owner of Sutter's Sports-and the hunky stranger who told her to get lost-has been more than burned by love and isn't looking for a relationship.

New York Times extended bestselling and RITA award winning author Rachel Gibson's smart, sassy contemporary romances are making her one of the genre's fastest rising stars. When everything about her life in Las Vegas just seems to be going wrong, Kate Hamilton leaves her job as a PI and points her car toward Gospel, Idaho.

Gospel is the kind of town where a girl can take it easy and just be herself, or so she hopes. But when she gets there, people get the impression that she's a bit of a ballbuster. And she is, at first. But Gospel has a way of softening people up. This will be one of my favorite reads and will be one I'll turn to time and again. For all the reasons above, I recommend it highly. Others may read this and think [she] is out of my ever lovin', but then this is why we are all so different.

This book spoke to my baggage View all 8 comments.

Paperback Editions

Editorial Reviews. From Publishers Weekly. "There [is] nothing like one whole day devoted to Book 3 of 6 in Chinooks Hockey Team (6 Book Series). The Trouble With Valentine's Day is book three in the Chinooks Hockey Team series by Rachel Gibson. Rachel is a new to me author and I chose this book.

A bit hum ho! I read this series about 6 years ago and gave them all 5 stars. They seem to be dropping stars as I read them It was an enjoyable read but nothing out of the ordinary!! View all 6 comments. May 28, LuvGirl rated it really liked it Shelves: I wasn't so sure in the beginning if this was a book that I even wanted to read. I didn't particularly care for the heroine's back story and thought this might be a dnf.

It had me intrigued from the moment I heard it. I applause RG for making him so realistic with flaws and all. Not many authors will take a chance on a cheating hero. This was before he met the heroine, but he was truly what you would call a DOG while married to another woman that had a child for him. He ended up almost dying by the hands of another woman because of his promiscuity. His ex-wife was even still in love with him and wanted to get back together while he was seeing the heroine. Now that, you never see! I think other authors feel like the reader would have too much remorse for the other woman in a scenario like that, so they are afraid to go there, but thank goodness for authors like Rachel Gibson that are willing to step out of the box!

That unique quality made this book such an interesting read. They take their time and fall in love properly. The only thing I always find lacking sometimes is the chemistry between the couple. It can seem too subdue at times. It might have to do with the lack of love scenes. RG is famous for only about 2 love scenes around the 70 to 80 percent mark. Sometimes It's hard for a girl to wait that long for the sparks to fly!

Needless to say, I was wary about the chemistry and lack of love scenes while reading this book, but then something happened, and even though they didn't make whoopie until her usual time limit, I started to feel the match light under our leads half way through the book and the sparks were-a-flying! I saw them grow as a couple while lust turned into love. Another unique thing that happened is the heroine actually gave the hero an ultimatum on marriage because he was fighting it up until about 98 percent, lol!

I thought that was bold and it was sweet to see that he actually bent for her even though he was afraid to make the commitment, and that to me showed that he loved her enough to take a chance. This book turned out to be a pleasant surprise for me. I'm on a mission with RG back-list now! Oct 30, KarenH rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is the 6th or 7th book I've read by Rachel Gibson and I'm wondering if I'll ever read one that I feel deserves less than 5 stars. Not that I'm complaining It's just that each book I've read has been totally different from the others That is pretty amazing for an author to achieve among her stand-alone books, but to pull it o This is the 6th or 7th book I've read by Rachel Gibson and I'm wondering if I'll ever read one that I feel deserves less than 5 stars.

That is pretty amazing for an author to achieve among her stand-alone books, but to pull it off in a 6-book series really showcases this author's writing talent. I can't think of a friend at Goodreads who wouldn't enjoy the Chinooks series Yes, the Seattle Chinooks is a fictional hockey team but, no, the stories do not dwell on the game.

In fact, the team is nothing more than a well to draw characters from. And what a cast of characters! Each player is hot looking, hard-bodied and lovable as all hell. The million-dollar fantasy man that is as down-to-earth and normal as the guy next door Okay, so maybe we don't run into this type of guy everyday, but you just never know. It happened to Katie Hamilton. This is her story of how she found her Chinook, Rob Sutter, in the small town of Gospel, barely a dot on Idaho's map Jun 26, Nadia rated it liked it Shelves: Have you ever started a book and from the very beginning, you thought to yourself this is gonna be good?

Mostly thanks to the awesome heroine, whom I loved to pieces. My feelings towards the hero are still debatable, but what I can tell you for sure is that even though he behaved like a dick a lot of times, he somehow always managed to wiggle into my good graces.

Charming Have you ever started a book and from the very beginning, you thought to yourself this is gonna be good? But still very hot. With sexy facial hair.

The Trouble With Valentine's Day by Rachel Gibson

I'm a sucker for beards and mustaches. See, what I'm talking about? The ending was lame, though. I would've liked something more dramatic, more emotion packed, more suitable to both characters. It's been a few days and books since I've read The Trouble With Valentine's Day , and it's been on my mind a lot and I finally realized what's been nagging me this whole time.

I already said the ending was anticlimactic and here's why. While there was lot of sexual tension going on between Rob and Kate, and there was a lot of space dedicated to their physical relationship, which I enjoyed, no doubt, I hated that we were told that Rob was in love with Kate rather than shown. I would've loved to have seen his reaction on the fly Kate made for his birthday or to see Kate interact with his little daughter.

Nothing much complicated, but something that will show us what caused the love to bloom inside Rob's heart.

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I feel like the romance between Grace and Stanley was forced onto us, and I honestly couldn't give a flying fuck about either of them. As side characters, they took way too much space that could've been used better, I guess. Maybe I sound pretentious, but it's been bugging me a lot. More so because I loved the beginning, the heroine and what the hell, I even liked the hero. I just can't get over that lame ending. Dec 16, Jami rated it it was ok. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. I liked See Jane Score but I didn't really get a feel for this one. Rob never comes across as sorry about his cheating past, other than he wishes he had realized the woman he cheated with was crazy before he had sex with her. He doesn't wish he hadn't cheated, he just wishes he cheated with someone else.

Tough to like a guy like that. And then for the rest of the novel he meets Kate and only wants a sexual relationship with her. He doesn't care about her, never once has a conversation with her or I liked See Jane Score but I didn't really get a feel for this one. He doesn't care about her, never once has a conversation with her or does anything with her that doesn't have sexual undertones. Don't get me wrong, I love me some erotic books, but this is listed as romance and well See Rob has this list in his head of every sexual fantasy he'd like to act out with Kate and he's just happy enough to keep checking off things until Kate puts her foot down and says she wants to get married.

And he loses his mind, screaming at her, and calling her crazy and telling her marriage is nothing but a piece of paper. And he basically proposes after taking one whole afternoon to think about it. This is a guy who, supposedly, when two years without sex because he was a master of self control. But one afternoon of no-sex brings him to his knees. And after he does propose to her? They go act out another one of his fantasies. I give this 'marriage' two years at the most. When Rob checks off that final fantasy in his head, he'll be cheating with the town bimbo the very next day.

It's okay to make your characters flawed. It's okay to give them dark pasts. But when they never come to terms with it and base their current relationship only on sex, well it's hard to believe that this HEA will last. Missed the boat completely on this one. I went into this with somewhat high hopes expecting something similar to Nothing But Trouble but didn't happen.

RG didn't bother showing much character growth with a hero who has a history of chronic careless cheating. Rob didn't seem to show a lot of guilt over it and that bothered me the most. Instead the author seemed to focus more on the ONS he had with a deranged lunatic who tried to kill him instead of the fact that he cheated on his wife whe Missed the boat completely on this one. Instead the author seemed to focus more on the ONS he had with a deranged lunatic who tried to kill him instead of the fact that he cheated on his wife when it happened. I liked Rob but I wish we got more self-reflection on his part and showing more remorse over the fact that he kept cheating.

The cheating factor seemed like a non-issue, big mistake there IMO. Just because you are a man with 'urges' and you were a young stud hockey player on the road, it didn't give you the license to sleep with Hockey bimbos left and right, bucko. He really doesn't address the reasons why he kept cheating when he talked about it with Kate, it just seemed like background noise that wasn't really significant.

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And the nasty Fatal Attraction incident plays a big hand in his phobia against marriage and being in a stable relationship. As for the heroine Kate, she didn't have much of a personality and what little there was seemed very inconsistent. For a former Private Investigator she had the tendency to get very defensive and hung up on certain things. Like obsessively hung up.

Very insecure, sensitive and uptight for someone who is supposedly so independent and obstinate. I just couldn't connect with her.

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And excuse me, I know Rachel Gibson loves name dropping her designer labels but how in the world does someone who has no job manage to breezily order a Tiffany's diamond bracelet, clothes from Neiman Marcus and rhinestone-studded lingerie from Frederick's of Hollywood without batting an eye?? Nice fantasy but get real. The inconsistencies with this character were just laughable.

I also wasn't in love with the ending to this. When the heroine pretty much forces the hero's hand into proposing on the very last page it doesn't really scream romantic HEA. It rubbed me the wrong way how Kate had to corner him into addressing the topic of love and getting married and having to give him an ultimatum.

And I didn't get the warm fuzzies how he came to his miraculous realization either. Sorry but nothing about this scene made my lady parts buzz. Lastly, RG needs to be careful with her ' s 's. I don't know anyone who has more than one jaw or more than one bottom lip. She kept pluralizing body parts that don't come in pairs or when describing one part of a pair ex: It seemed intentional rather than mistakes.

There seems to be a serious time jump between Book 2 and this one?? Totally disconnected and very random. Just finished See Jane Score and there is no mention of Rob's scandal or getting attacked, he's still married and roughing it up on the ice. I never realized what a muscle-headed knob he was. Kathleen Early did a good job on the narration. I read the paperback several years ago and think the audiobook is even better. The Trouble with Valentine's Day 3. That said, the connection to both of these series is rather superficial in that the setting is Gospel and the hero is a former team member.

Consequently, the book can easily be read as a standalone. The small town setting is charming and the couple is likable enough with solid chemistry. Unfortunately, the book contains several less than enjoyable tropes. Moreover, he has a daughter with his ex, and even considers getting back together with her, which undermines the romance.

Kate has hang ups of her own particularly when it comes to trusting men and her past experiences as a private investigator are woefully underutilized in the story. All in all, an entertaining enough read overall, but this is not the best example of Gibson's storytelling skills and it is not recommended to those who are new to her writing. May 03, Shawna rated it it was amazing Shelves: View all 3 comments. Jul 17, Karina Garcia rated it really liked it. Jan 18, Splage rated it it was amazing. I am really going back and forth on rating this book between a 4 or 5.

The ending was fabulous; lump in the throat, funny, ironic and made me feel so good. I loved the sport's hero theme, although Rob was no longer playing and owned a sporting goods store in small town Idaho, he still had the attitude. Rachel Gibson has pretty much always delivered for me, great characters, well written stories with depth, but lightness. When I first started reading romance 3 years ago she is who I cut my teeth I am really going back and forth on rating this book between a 4 or 5.

When I first started reading romance 3 years ago she is who I cut my teeth on and stories like this are why I love her style. She always gets to me in the end and soon as I finish one of her books I immediately am either looking for a reread from her or something new.

Trying Valentine's Day Candy & Treats

I picked up this author from amazon as she appeared in the same lists as sep, whose books are great. However this was not half as good. The heroine tries to pick up a guy at a bar for sex. He rejects her and she is humiliated. She goes on to stay with her grandfather in the small town of Gospel and it turns out this guy, the hero, is also resident there. She is initially embarrassed and there is conflict between the pair until they eventually get it on. They have both suffered fairly d Just ok.

They have both suffered fairly difficult experiences and are struggling to heal. The author goes on and on about the hero's moustache and this was a fundamental problem for me as it made him singularly unattractive. The detail of small town life and the secondary romance involving the grandfather and hero's mother was well done and probably the best bit of the book. The hero and heroine, not so much so There was a big build up, sex, rejection, build up, sex, rejection and finally denouement. To be honest by the end, I did not really care. There was a lot of talk about sex and fantasy but it was done in such away that I found it pretty off putting.

The heroine goes on about how she wants more from a relationship and that she deserves to be properly treated, but she doesn't really put this into practice and does let the h use her.

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I was not a all convinced by the hero's turn about, especially as it only occurred on the last 20 or so pages. I loved this book! Not of the bests I have read but it really was a terrific read, definitely much better than the first 2 books in this series. I just felt like singing: Just like watching one of those amazing romantic movies that leave you all cozy inside. In this book we have our sexy hot hero, Rob, described as one of those guys too sexy to be real, almost a GQ guy not being really one because he's too rough and manly,lol. Just how I like them.

I just wanna keep it simple because I know long reviews can get boring sometimes, I just wanna say that I loved this book and left me really wanting to read the next in the series right away. I hope it is just as good. Feb 01, Nikki rated it liked it Shelves: This was a fairly solid sport-themed read but just didn't completely hit the mark.

I feel like Gibson spent a lot of time on stuff that made the story drag and just didn't sink her teeth enough into the really good parts. It was a shame, because Rob and Kate's story had real potential. I kept reading because I was enjoying the characters and where this could lead but it didn't satisfactorily tick all the boxes for me. There was also no hockey action, fyi - but the thought of Rob playing 3. There was also no hockey action, fyi - but the thought of Rob playing back in the day had me swooning a little.

A friend asked me why I liked this one I summed it up by saying - I liked that the h placed a value on her needs and self-worth near the end — made a very sweet ending and made H pull his head out Feb 09, Bella Carstairs rated it really liked it. Los libros de esta autora se leen solos. Pero ni en sus peores pesadillas se hubiera imaginado encontrarse al hombre del bar, al hombre que la hizo sentirse humillada, en el mismo pueblo.

Ahhhh y hay una historia de amor secundaria que me despierta mucha ternura May 21, Zenka rated it did not like it. Mar 10, Sheyla Costa rated it it was amazing. This was my first book by Rachel Gibson and the one that made me look up her other works.

Chinooks Hockey Team: The Trouble with Valentine's Day 3 by Rachel Gibson (2012, Paperback)

Oh man, I hope the soul patch the lead male Rob Sutter is sporting gets shaved or something, because I just can't handle a guy with a soul patch. Rachel Gibson does such a great job of balancing humor with serious issues. Plus there is no other author I have ever read who writes about hockey in such an incredibly fantastic way as she does; hands down.

I don't know what it says about me but if I was known around town as the woman who men thought wanted their ball sacks as chain purses I would Oh man, I hope the soul patch the lead male Rob Sutter is sporting gets shaved or something, because I just can't handle a guy with a soul patch. I don't know what it says about me but if I was known around town as the woman who men thought wanted their ball sacks as chain purses I would be delighted. Their first booty scene is caliente! Is it weird to say I felt like at times this book was to grown up for me? Rob dealing with an ex-wife wanting to get back together and missing his daughter just seemed like really heavy adult stuff.

Gibson never flushed this part of the story out enough though, and left it sort of hanging with no real resolution.

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There were so many moments in this story that made me smile, not quite laugh out loud. I felt like I smiled the whole time I was reading it, even though I had to wait until the last thirty pages or so until the soul patch was shaved. Rob and Kate's relationship never felt completely put together.