P.S.: Im Innocent

Just spare me the details. The Genevieve drama was more apparent in this book. Her little schemes saved the book. Peter pissed me off so much in this book. I honestly wanted to scream. We got an explanation at the end of what Gen was going through but come on man? Explain to your girlfriend the dits! Everything could be resolved if they just talked to each other, but no no. Everything almost got to shit for nothing. And then we get John. His scenes with Lara Jean were adorable. I almost shipped it. I was honestly like "Come on Lara Jean really?

How many more boys am I supposed to ship with you? You're confusing my mind". We get him as a valuable option for her, but then the same happened as with Josh. I was so surprised she got with Peter in the end. It's like she kisses John and she feels things and then 10 pages later she's with Peter again and she's in love with him again. The ending of this book was too quick for me. I savored the tag thingy game in this book.

And Lara Jean won at the end. With a bad way, but she did. I love it when people who lose at games, and life basically, win at the end. To sum it all up, this review is short for my standards. I don't have much to say. This book didn't have much of a plot to go into. And as I have said before, I read all these books before writing the reviews. My head is so confused right now. I don't remember what happened and in which book it happened in.

I'll say again, these books are so easy to read.

P.S. I Still Love You

But they are for 15 year old Maria. And I took an oath to myself to not judge these kinds of books. If I judged this book as I would want to, I would surpass the Goodreads limit of characters. And till the next one View all 6 comments. Jul 11, Emily Books with Emily Fox rated it it was ok. What a pointless book. Ok I'm being extra harsh here but this, folks, is what happens when an author stretches a story for no reason. This should have been a standalone. Who knows what I would think after reading the last book. I'm not sure I will. View all 19 comments. Are you kidding me, Lara Jean?! View all 11 comments.

Apr 26, Ali rated it really liked it Shelves: Admittedly it wasn't as good as the first, but I've said it before but I'll say it again: Jenny Han knows how to make us fall in love with the characters in her books She knows how to expose their flaws along with their positive sides. Peter K isn't perfect, but his charm just won me over. Gen, I'll admit, I'm not the biggest fan of, but in P.

I Still Love Y Okay. I Still Love You, I got a glimpse of what made her the way she is and then I didn't hate her as much. I'm Team Peter K all the way, though: There are bumps, and there are high points; it's not the unrealistic, lovey-dovey kind of relationship that's perfect all the time, but that is precisely what made me like this book so much. Torture your readers in this way!!! What is this madness?! I finished your book yesterday in just one sitting and I can't I can't I can't wait a whole year to find out what happens between Peter and Lara Jean and Josh and every other character in that blessedly beloved book that I have fallen in love with.

View all 29 comments.

PS: I'm Innocent

Dec 28, Chelsea chelseadolling reads rated it really liked it Shelves: Okay chelsea clearly has it all wrong. I loved this even more the second time. Peter K is so dreamy! Jenny Han does contemporaries like no other. May 15, emma rated it it was ok Shelves: I thought I only got instantaneously filled with rage when books are offensive or bigoted or what have you, but it t there is no better time than soon after the release of the To All the Boys I've Loved Before movie to remember that movies can be be better than the books they adapt.

Because the main character of this book is in a state of arrested development that rivals all four seasons plus the one currently being filmed of the show Arrested Development? Spoilers for the last book: Lil Lara Jean, our insanely-named protagonist, got herself into a little kerfuffle involving a series of letters addressed-n-stamped to old crushes, a fake relationship plot, a love triangle with her sister, and a certain lacrosse-playing douchenozzle the likes of which haunts public high school halls from here to Timbuktu.

See a Problem?

View all 82 comments. Where's my character development? Then Peter finally at the very end decides to fight for her and she forgives him and says it was her fault all along that she needed to get over her Gene insecurities. Many of the tropes I no longer enjoy and critiques I used to skip over due to lack of reading experience unfortunately dragged down the story and I essentially felt as if I had gotten "too old" to enjoy this story in the same way. You just couldn't find yourself relating to any of them.

So here we are. How could we possibly make that nonstop thrill ride even more exciting??? The answer may surprise you!!!! Make it so much worse. Peter was boring in the last book. He is the floppy-haired popular boy we all tried to forcibly make deep in high school.

That is probably the fundamental difference between first-time-reading-this-me and bitter-tired-reading-again me. I am not in high school anymore. All of that screaming was just about how bad it was last time. Pretty memorable if you ask me! He also spends most of this book gallivanting about with his ex-girlfriend. So I was almost happy when this one faded into oblivion without any real conclusion. There are two characters in this book who I actually, full-on love. He is a side of a love triangle. And Jenny Han, if you wanted to grant me the hellishness of actually rooting for a side in a love triangle, rather than just grinning and bearing my way through it, on top of the other emotional turmoil you caused me through this book: John Ambrose McClaren is no Kitty.

I do not like this simile. What John Ambrose McClaren is: He is kind to Lara Jean. He cares about what she cares about!!! Who can even believe it!!!! They even share having really annoyingly long cutesy unrealistic names in common so I can hate talking about them both equally just due to how long they take to type!!! It hurts my wrists!!!! Bullet points of other good stuff: Bullet points of the neverending amounts of bad stuff: And yes I will be forcing myself through the next one of course. Hopefully this book is so clearly annoying that even my incoherent 3 a.

View all 17 comments. Vojsk rated it really liked it. This may be spoilerish for the first book! I hated it so much, I DNFd it. Mhm, maybe I should try it again. And what can I say? It was not as good as the first one, but still entertaining and nice.

And the trouble has a name - the history with Genevieve. And she succeeds in some way. And his name is John Ambrose McClaren and he writes her letters and smiles at her and dresses up for her. But will Lara Jean ever stop loving Peter? Lara Jean is super confused and likes two boys at once? Peter is sweet but also a big asshole. John Ambrose is a wonderful cinnamon roll. And Kitty and her dad are the freakin best. We saw enough of them in the first book.

Because I never saw a different option then my handsome baby. But then John Ambrose McClaren appeared out of nowhere. And first I was suspicious: But Jenny Han loves to torture us, so she makes him so handsome, wonderful and caring that you fall in love with him. Hell Yeah, of course the feelings if it involves Peter Kavinsky. No one should ever think that there is only one person for them in their lifetime. Her stories are fluffy, sweet but sometimes also sad, confusing and heartbreaking. So, the new year started good for you. A lot of four and fives and now a DNF. How do you feel about that?

Well, I was really sad about that, because I loved the first book. It was so sweet and fluffy. Just really really cute. Why did you DNF it, though? When I first started to read it I thought: But then I felt like nothing really happened. But I heard there was a lot of drama in the beginning Yeah, a lot of teeny reputation drama. But that sounds exciting. What about the love in this book?

They felt really really weird and kind of forced. But I thought you loved Peter Kavinsky? But people sometimes become jerks. There was also another guy Is this what I think it is?

Blac Youngsta - Booty (I'm Innocent)

The first book had one and you ignored it, right? Because you liked the atmosphere and the cuteness of the story. No one is mad at you, honey. No one likes a love triangle only to make the series three books long instead of one standalone. I really wanted to love this whole series, but I know, I know. Me being sad, because I didn't like the book: Mar 20, C. Drews rated it really liked it Shelves: I don't know how you people like fluffy contemporaries. I spend my time usually reading about knives and monsters, ok, and that makes sense.

Everything goes wrong and you stress out constantly. But with these happy books??? I procrastinated this one forever because I want my little ship to have a HEA and every time they fight it stresses me out. But I finally read this!! I'm invested and this is terrible. List of Smol Thoughts: I just really don't like old people homes.

I get that it wasn't his business to tell, but I do think it was pretty bad. But I still felt Lara Jean was emotionally cheating with Peter before they'd broken up. I'm extremely unimpressed with cheating. Such a fun game. I love this series. Feb 17, Sophia Sardothien rated it it was ok. Where's my character development? Did Jenny Han really wrote this?

She's sixteen, seventeen or eighteen? I'm fourteen, and she acts like my sister not that I have one but if I do, I bet Ms-I-have-no-idea-how-old-she-is would be even more foolish than her 2 Peter is not here half of the time I loved him in the first one, what happened in this? If it's going to be crappy either way, give me a love decagon, hecatontagon or worst a myriagon. What is it even about?

To all the people who loved this book, P. View all 23 comments. Jun 23, Maureen rated it it was amazing. Crying because this book is so perfect. I didn't really love the first book - it was very hit and miss for me but mostly hit, which is why I gave it 4 stars.

Lara Jean has grown up a lot from the first book - which I think is what helped this book out a lot. I loved seeing her come more into her own - and her relationship with Peter blossoming And I think it felt like more of a real relationship than many I've read in Crying because this book is so perfect.

And I think it felt like more of a real relationship than many I've read in contemporary books. Apr 18, Pat rated it really liked it Shelves: And here is the cover!! Isn't it so pretty!? I was so happy when I found out there's going to be a sequel! But I'm not sure I'm sure view spoiler [John Ambrose McClaren will show up in this book.

He was mentioned in the first and he recognized Lara Jean. Maybe they're going to meet first before Lara Jean and Peter get together.

I really love Peter but he really should s Well I really love Peter but he really should sort out his feelings. Lara Jean already did, and she chose him. Or shit like that. Lara Jean didn't even make him chose between her or Gen. Still love Lara Jean and Peter together: Oh and the recent letter Lara Jean wrote about Josh. She wrote that he still love him. The letter says P. I'm sure someone will see the letter which she tucked in her diary because she said she feels it isn't finished with Josh, yet. Apr 12, Andreea Pop rated it it was ok Shelves: This isn't so much as a review, but sort of like a semi-rant -- I'm so many shades of disappointed you don't even realize.

In truth, this book deserves 2 stars, but I'm too chicken-shit to give it that because I'd seriously be one of the very very very few that would rate this novel so lowly. The first one was much better and although it wasn't stellar, I still had my expectations. Oh well, it obliterated them. Straight to the ground. It managed t This isn't so much as a review, but sort of like a semi-rant -- I'm so many shades of disappointed you don't even realize. It managed to make me wonder why I even bothered to pick it up. Other things this book managed: It made my eyes hurt due to the ever constant eye-rolling because teen drama yada yada blah blah drama drama.

It ripped to shreds the ounce of character development that happened to Peter in the first book and it turned him into a jealous little prick, with a side of douchebag stupidity. I'll grant that he had his moments that moment at the presentation was awesome but mostly he was such a frustrating macho wannabe. He was basically an asshole when he asked her for the necklace back.

And it wasn't even such a big deal. It made me seriously want to gouge out my eyes thanks to the love-triangle I was sure we lost back in the prequel. With another guy on top of that, but more on that in a minute. It infuriated me with the relationship between Margot and Josh since it was the same drama from the prequel, just reversed.

It was honestly exhausting and plain sad. It disappointed me to the hell and back thanks to the ending. Firstly, wrong choice of boy, Lara Jean. Secondly, how could you be so damn blind and not revel in the perfection that is John Ambrose McClaren? John Ambrose McClaren was probably definitely the best thing about this book. I loved him to bits. He's smart, funny, charming and hella cute. I just wished we got to spend more time with him because with him even Lara Jean seemed to grow in my eyes.

I also liked Kitty and Chris because they're downright awesome. And Margot grew on me. And the light tone of the book was still there, so there's that. I Still Love You failed to be heartwarming and cute for me too. Big fans of the first book -- go ahead and read it, I'm sure you'll be pleased. If you fall in the category of not-so-big-of-a-fan then I'd suggest picking other contemporaries. View all 18 comments. Apr 24, Shailly marked it as to-read Shelves: I just can't wait!!!

View all 8 comments. Nov 13, Aj the Ravenous Reader rated it really liked it Shelves: His moments with Lara Jean are too sweet and too adorable. Things between them are so easy and so uncomplicated. That last scene at the tree house just melted Gaaah! You can check out their awesome reviews too. Kathe and Scarlett "So much of love is chance. There's something scary and wonderful about that. It doesn't particularly taste special, but it's fun and nice to eat. Kind of a bit addictive too. Exactly like this book. It's silly, definitely silly, but I enjoyed it.

Two guys who as Lucas Lara's friend described are Betty and Veronica's counterparts. Definitely a very tough choice. If it were me, I'd go for Betty's counterpart without a second thought.

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Nobody's asking me though. What I liked about the main character is her composure and the way she held her head high despite a very humiliating experience and being the butt of the joke of everyone. She won't let herself wallow in self-pity and definitely knows when to move on. She also knows her limitations and has impressive self-control. If I were in her place, I'd probably wreak havoc upon the deserving people or cover my head with a paper bag when at school or ditch it altogether and live a life of exile. The plot is kind of a mess but in that appealing, realistic way.

The relationship among Lara, her sisters and her father warmed my heart. I'm just not very satisfied with the conclusion even though it's a really cute HEA since so many things have been left unresolved and I doubt there's still a third book. But if you're looking for a light, mindless read, then definitely go for this. Also, Kitty, the ten year old she-devil can be another reason you might want to read this.

View all 43 comments. Dec 05, Larry H rated it really liked it. Return to Book Page. Preview — PS by Steve Ruediger. She is helping to preserve wildlife and working on a Florida beach. Life is nally good-but it won't stay that way for long. One night while researching sea turtles on the beach, Lizzie sees illegal aliens being brought ashore by a smuggler. Her accidental observation leads to her being threatened and stalked by the smuggler until he suddenly shows up dead in her apartment, and Lizzie is wanted for his murder.

With the help of a semi-retired Ma a don named Joey, Lizzie tries to uncover evidence to clear her name. What she discovers is chilling: In spite of Joey's help, Lizzie becomes a prisoner on the slave labor farm, where a forced marriage is planned. Pursued by the police and men that want to kill her, Lizzie is running out of time. Will Lizzie nd the strength and courage to ght her way free and prove her innocence? Paperback , pages.

P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han

To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about PS , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Nov 22, L marked it as abandoned Shelves: The author seems to think that beautiful women a are inherently stupid, b take off their clothes as soon as entering their homes even when things don't seem quite right , and c apparently become enamored of men who treat them badly.

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There might be a story here, but one would have to read the thing to get to it. View all 3 comments. Sara Prior rated it it was amazing Apr 08, Ronald rated it really liked it Mar 13, Samantha rated it liked it Apr 09, Sandy Hunter marked it as to-read Mar 09, Sean marked it as to-read Mar 09, Melissa T marked it as to-read Mar 09, Leslie marked it as to-read Mar 10, Vee41dmb marked it as to-read Mar 11, Mike Rogers marked it as to-read Mar 11, Deborah marked it as to-read Mar 11, Linda Wiederholt marked it as to-read Mar 11, Amber marked it as to-read Mar 11,