El Saber del Cor (Catalan Edition)

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The lover extended and lengthened his thoughts on the greatness and the durability of his beloved, and he did not find in him beginning, middle or ending. And the beloved said: The paths of love are long and brief, because love is clear, pure, clean, truthful, subtle, simple, strong, diligent, brilliant, plentiful with new thoughts and ancient recollections.

Sens aitals fruits no es lleixa amor tocar a sos servidors.

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The lover was asked what the fruits of love are. Without these fruits love cannot be touched by his servants. Estaven moltes gents denant l'amic, qui es clamava de son amat com no creixia ses amors; e clamava's d'amor com li donava treballs ni dolors. Many people were with the lover, who was complaining of his beloved that he did not make his love grow; and he complained about love giving him hardship and pain. The beloved excused himself, saying that the hardship and pain he accused love of were the growth of his love. And what is this thing you are brooding over, so thoughtful?

He answered, and said his heart and love were at the same time; for had they not been, the heart would not have been created to love, nor would love have been created to cogitate. They asked the crazy man where his love had started first: He answered that love makes no difference between the two, as long as it is in compliance, since secretly, the lover keeps the secrets of his beloved secret, and in secret he reveals them, and in revelation he keeps them secret. Secret of love without revelation brings passion and sadness; and to reveal love brings fear through fervor.

And this is why the lover is in affliction all the time. Love called his lovers, and told them to ask for those gifts that were most desirable and pleasant to them. And they said these gifts were the robes, and asked love to adorn them with their ornaments to make them more likeable to the beloved. The lover spoke to the people, and said that love commanded them to love while walking and while sitting, awake or sleep, in talking and in quietness, in buying and in selling, in crying and in laughing, in pleasure and in pain, in winning and in losing; and in whatever they were doing they were to love, for that was love's commandment.

The beloved was singing, and he said the lover knew little of love if he was shy to praise his beloved, or if he feared honoring him in those places where he is most strongly dishonored; and he who is distressed by misfortune knows little of loving; and he who despairs of his beloved loses harmony with love and hopefulness. The lover sent letters to his beloved, where he asked if there was any another lover who could help him bear and endure the heavy burden he sustained for his love.

And the beloved wrote back, saying there was nothing that he could offend or fail him with. Demanaren a l'amat, de l'amor de son amic. The beloved was asked about the love of his lover. He replied that the love of his lover is mixture of pleasure and affliction, and of fear and audacity. Demanaren a l'amic, de l'amor de l'amat. The lover was asked about the love of his beloved. He replied that the love of his beloved is influence of infinite goodness, eternity, power, wisdom, charity, perfection; and the beloved has this influence on the lover. The lover was searching for his beloved, and he met a man who was dying without love; and he told what a great damnation it was for a man to die of any death without love.

And so the lover said to the man who was dying: The lover asked his beloved which one was the greatest, love or the act of loving. The beloved replied and said that, in creatures, love is the tree and loving is the fruit, and the hardship and sorrows are the flowers and leaves; and in God, love and loving are one and the same thing, without any hardship or sorrow. The lover was in pain and sadness owing to the excess of his thoughts; and he pleaded to his beloved to send him a book describing his ways, to give him some solace. The beloved sent that book to his lover, and the lover had his hardship and his pain doubled.

The lover fell sick for love, and a doctor came to see him who multiplied his sorrows and his thoughts; and in that hour the lover was healed. Love and the lover moved apart, and they had solace in the beloved; and the beloved appeared to them. The lover cried and, in his enfeeblement, love fainted. The beloved reinvigorated the lover as he reminded him of his ways.

The lover said to his beloved that many were the paths by which he came to his heart and he appeared in his eyes, and many were the names by which his words could call him; but the love that he enlivened him and mortified him with was one and only one. The beloved adorns himself for his lover, with red, new clothes; and he extends his arms to be embraced, and he inclines his head to be kissed, and he stands high to be found by his lover. The beloved became absent to the lover; the lover searched for his beloved with memory and understanding, so that he could love him.

The lover found his beloved; he asked him where he had been. He answered that shame without sin is due to failure of love, in those who do not know how to love. Sembrava l'amat en lo cor de l'amic desigs, sospirs, virtuts e amors. In the lover's heart the beloved sowed wishes, sighs, virtues and love. The lover watered the seeds with tears and weepings. Sembrava l'amat en lo cors de l'amic treballs, tribulacions, llanguiments. In the lover's body the beloved sowed hardship, sorrow, tribulation. The lover healed his body with hopefulness, devotion, patience, consolation.

Venc l'amic a aquella cort; dix-li l'amat: The beloved had a big party, with a large gathering of many honored barons, and he made great gifts and donations. The lover came to that gathering; the beloved told him: Demanaren a l'amic de qui era. The lover was asked who he belonged to. The lover said that both mercy and justice were in his beloved, and for this reason his abode was set between fear and hopefulness. The beloved became absent to his lover, and the lover searched for him with his thoughts; and he asked for him to the people with language of love.

The lover found his beloved being despised among the people, and he said to him that a great offence was being made against his honor. The beloved answered that he took dishonor in the lack of fervent and devout lovers. The lover cried, and his sorrows multiplied; the beloved gave him comfort, showing him his conduct.

The light from the beloved's room came to enlighten the lover's room, to cast away the darkness and fill it with pleasure, and with sorrows and thoughts. And the lover took everything away from his room to let his beloved fit in. The lover was asked what sign his beloved carried in his flag.

He replied it was a sign of a dead man. They asked why he carried such a sign. The beloved came to be loved at the home of his lover, and the butler asked him to pay for the lodging. But the lover said his beloved had to be lodged in forgiveness. Memory and will came together, and they climbed to the mountain of the beloved to let understanding be exalted, and to let love be doubled in loving the beloved. Every day sighs and weepings are messages between the lover and the beloved, to build between them solace, companionship, affection, and goodwill.

The lover yearned for his beloved, and he sent him his thoughts, so that they could carry from his beloved the goodwill that he had given him for so long. The beloved offered his lover the benefit of crying, of sighs, sorrows, of grief and pain; and with this benefit, the lover served his beloved. The lover prayed to his beloved to have generosity, peace, self-esteem in this world; and the beloved displayed his forms to the memory and the intelligence of the lover, and he offered himself as the object of his will. The lover was asked what honor is about.

He said it is about understanding and loving his beloved. They asked him what dishonor is. He said it is to forget and despise his beloved. I was mortified by love until I said that you were present in my torment; and then love softened my pain and, as a reward, you multiplied love, who doubled my ordeal.

Along the path of love I ran across a lover who did not speak: Love responded with loyalty, hopefulness, patience, devotion, strength, serenity, welfare. For that, I blamed the lover who complained of love, for love was giving him offerings so noble. Cantava l'amic e deia: The lover sang and said: Ah, what a great blessing is to love my beloved, who loves his followers with infinite, eternal love, fulfilled in all purposes! Anava l'amic en una terra estranya on cuidava atrobar son amat, e en la via assaltejaren-lo dos lleons.

The lover was going through a strange land where he planned to find his beloved, and along his way he was assailed by two lions. The lover had fear of death, for he wished to live to serve his beloved; and he sent his memories to his beloved, so that love would be present in his passing away and could better overcome death.

While the lover remembered his beloved, the lions humbly approached the lover, and they leaked the tears from his crying eyes, and they kissed his hands and feet. And the lover went in peace to seek his beloved. The lover was going through mounts and plains, and he could not find the door where he could get out of the jail of love which had for so long imprisoned his heart, and his thoughts and all his desires and pleasures. While the lover was worried in this manner, he met an eremite who was sleeping near a beautiful fountain.

The lover waked the eremite, asking if he had seen his beloved in his dreams. The eremite replied that his thoughts were equally incarcerated in the jail of love being awake or asleep. The lover was greatly pleased to have met a prison partner, for the beloved did not have many lovers like these.

There is nothing in the beloved the lover is not anxious and does not yearn for, nor is there anything in the lover the beloved does not feel pleasure and majesty for; hence, the love of the beloved is in action, and the love of the lover is in languor, passion.

In a branch a bird was singing, and was saying that he would give a new thought to a lover who would give him two. The bird gave the new thought to the lover, and the lover gave two to the bird, so that his anguish would be alleviated; and the lover felt his pain being multiplied. The lover and the beloved met, and greetings, hugs, kisses, tears and weepings were present in their encounter.

And the beloved asked the lover about his estate; and the lover was puzzled in the presence of his beloved. The lover and the beloved were at odds, and they were pacified by their love; and one wondered whose love had given the greatest friendship. The lover loved everyone who feared his beloved, and he feared anyone who did not fear his beloved; and so it was wondered which was greatest in the lover: The lover strived to follow his beloved, and he was going along a road where a nasty lion killed anybody who was going by leisurely and without devotion.

The lover was asked what opportunity was about; and he said that opportunity was pleasure in penitence, and intelligence in consciousness, and hopefulness in patience, and health in abstinence, solace in remembrance, and love in care, and loyalty in shame, and wealth in poverty, and peace in obedience, and war in malevolence. Love illuminated the cloud which had come in between the lover and the beloved; and she made it so bright and glaring as the Moon in the night, and the star at dawn, and the Sun in the day, and intelligence in will.

And through so brightened a cloud, the lover and the beloved speak. The lover was asked what the darkest gloom is. He replied it is the absence of his beloved. They asked him what the brightest gleam is, and he said it is the presence of his beloved. The sign of the beloved appears in the lover who, because of love, is in grief, sighs, tears, concerns, and in the scorn of the people. Escrivia l'amic aquestes paraules: The lover was writing these words: Lladrats, e despertats los grans cans qui dormen, oblidant mon amat.

Bark, and wake the great dogs who sleep, forgetting my beloved. Remember the dishonor that my beloved is given by those he has honored so much. And memory and will dismiss his threats and promises.

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The beloved came close to the lover to console and give solace to him for the grief he was bearing, and the tears he had; and the closer the beloved came to the lover, the more the lover wept and regretted the dishonor to his beloved. With feather of love and water of tears, and in letter of passion, the lover wrote some words to his beloved where he said that devotion was slackening and love was dying, and failure and error multiplied his enemies. The love of the lover and the beloved was linked by remembrance, intelligence, will, so that they would not part; and the rope that tied their love was made of thoughts, sorrows, sighs and tears.

The lover was lying in a bed of love; the sheets were made of pleasure, the quilt was made of sufferings, and the pillow was made of tears. And it was to be wondered whether the pillow cloth was like the sheets cloth or like the quilt cloth. The beloved dressed his lover with cloak, coat, gown; and he made him a hat out of love, and a shirt out of thoughts, and trousers out of grief, and garland out of weepings.

Deia l'amic que no el podia oblidar, pus que no el podia innorar. The beloved pleaded to his lover not to forget him. The lover said he could not forget him, for he could not ignore him. Responia l'amat que per sa amor s'era encarnat e penjat per morir.

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The beloved told the lover to praise him and excuse him in those places where it was most dreadful to praise him. The lover asked to be given plenty of love. The beloved answered that for his love he had been incarnated and had been hanged to die. The lover asked his dear beloved to show him how he could make him be known, loved, and praised by the people.

The beloved filled his lover with devotion, patience, charity, restlessness, thoughts, sighs, and tears; and boldness to praise his beloved grew in the heart of the lover, and praise for his beloved rose in his mouth, and in his will he fostered disregard for the cursing by the people who make false judgement.

Deia l'amic a les gents aquestes paraules: The lover said these words to the people: The lover was asked what love was born from, and what it lived out of, and what it died for.

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He answered that love was born of remembrance, lived out of intelligence, and died by oblivion. The lover forgot everything that is under the supreme heaven, to let his understanding rise higher to know the beloved, whom the will wished to preach and contemplate. The lover was going to fight to honor his beloved, and he steered to his side faith, hopefulness, charity, justice, caution, fortitude, moderation, which he could overcome the enemies of his beloved with.

The lover would have been vanquished, had his beloved not helped him in exhibiting his nobilities. The lover wanted to proceed to the ultimate purpose why he loved his beloved, and the other goals became and encumbrance to his passage; whereby, long desires and thoughts gave the lover sadness and grief. Gabava's e alegrava's l'amic en les noblees de son amat; llanguia l'amic per sobrecogitacions e pensaments. The lover rejoiced and took pride in the noble works of his beloved; he languished in deep meditation and thought. And it was wondered which one he felt most intensely, the pleasures or the anguish.

The lover was the messenger to the Christian princes, and to the infidels, of his beloved, to show them the art and the beginnings of knowing and loving his beloved. If you see a lover honored in noble clothes, honored by conceit, fat from eating and sleeping, let it be known that you see in him damnation and torment. And if you see a lover poorly dressed, despised by the people, discolored and lean from fasting and staying awake, let it be known that you see in him salvation and lasting blessing.

Plany-se l'amic, e clama's lo cor de calor d'amor. The lover complains, and the heart cries out for warmth of love. The lover dies, the beloved mourns him, and he gives him solace of patience, hopefulness, reward. The lover cried for that which he had lost; and he could not be comforted by anyone, since what he had lost was unrecoverable. God has created night for the lover to be awake and reflect on the righteousness of his beloved; and the lover surmised that he had created it for those who have worked for love to rest and sleep. The people rebuked and scoffed at teh lover for being crazy for love.

And the lover disregarded their jibes, and reproved the people for not loving his beloved. Cantava l'amat, e deia: The beloved sang and said: And that is why I have informed my lover to regret and to weep for my dishonor; and his laments and his weepings are born from my love. The lover promised the beloved that he bore and liked hardship and passion for his love; and therefore he pleaded the beloved to love him and to have compassion of his troubles. The beloved assured that it was the nature and property of his love to love everyone who loved him, and to have mercy of anyone who bore hardship for his love.

The lover was glad and comforted by the nature and essencial property of his beloved. Words were forbidden to the lover by his beloved, and the lover found solace in watching his beloved. So much did the lover cry and call his beloved, till the beloved descended from the subleme heights of the Heavens, and he came to Earth to weep and to lament, to die for love, and to nurture men into loving, knowing, and praising his honors. The lover blamed the Christians for not having first in their letters the name of their beloved, Jesus Christ, to make him the honor that the moors make to Muhammad, The lover met with a squire who was going in deep thought and who was lean, discolored, and poorly dressed; and he greeted the lover wishing him to be led by God to find his beloved.

And the lover asked him how he had known him. And the squire said that one secret of love reveals the others; and thereby lovers can recognize each other. The kindness, and the wonders and the good deeds of the beloved are the treasure and wealth of the lover. And the treasure of the beloved are the thoughts, the wishes, the pain, the weeping and the sorrows that the lover bears to honor and to love his beloved. Great hosts and battalions have been engaged with the spirits of love, and they carry a sign of love having the image and the mark of their beloved, and they do not want to bring anybody along in their company who is without love, lest their beloved would take it as a dishonor.

Men who pretend to be crazy in order to make money drive the lover to be crazy for love; and the shame the lover feels from the people for going like a mad man offers him a way to love and appreciate the people. So one wonders which of these two impulses is a greater opportunity for love. Love had put the lover in sadness from excessive concentration; and the beloved sang, and the lover rejoiced when he had heard him. And it was wondered which of these two actions was the best occasion to multiply love in the lover. In the secrets of the lover the secrets of the beloved are revealed, and in the secrets of the beloved the secrets of the lover are revealed.

And one wonders which of the two secrets is the greatest means of revelation. Demanaren al foll per quals senyals era conegut son amat. The crazy one was asked what signs his beloved was known by. He replied, and said it was by mercy, compassion, being essentially in will, without any change. Because of the special love the lover had for his beloved, he loved the communal good over the special good, so that his beloved could be communally known, praised, desired.

Love and hatred met in a garden where the lover and the beloved were secretly talking; and love asked hatred what purpose she had come for to that place; and hatred replied it had come to take love away from the lover and to dishonor the beloved. The beloved and the lover were greatly displeased by what hatred was saying; and they multiplied love to let her defeat and destroy hatred. He answered that in loving, since he hated so that he could love. He replied it was of truth. The lover perceived that he was loved by his beloved, and he asked the beloved if his love and his mercy were in him one and the same thing.

The beloved accepted that, in their essence, there is no difference, there is no difference between his love and his mercy. Whence the lover asked why his love tormented him, and why his mercy did not heal him from his pain. And the beloved replied that mercy gave him pain to more perfectly honor his love with. The lover wished to go to a strange land to honor his beloved, and wanted to disguise himself to avoid being abducted along the way. And he could never disguise weeping from his eyes, nor the lean features and yellow color from his face, nor moans, thoughts, sighs, sadness, sorrows, from his heart; hence, he was abducted on his journey, and handed over to be tormented by the enemies of his beloved.

The lover was locked in the jail of love.

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Thoughts, desires and memories guarded him and chained him to prevent him from fleeing to his beloved; distress tormented him; patience, hopefulness comforted him. The lover would have died; but the beloved showed him his glory, and the lover revived. The lover ran across his beloved: The beloved reprimanded his lover because he did not weep before recognizing him; and asked him how he had known him, since he did not weep.

The lover replied he had known him in remembrance, in understanding, and in his will, which were multiplied as soon as he had been present to his corporal eyes.

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The beloved asked the lover what love was. He replied it was the presence of the ways and words of the beloved in the longing heart of the lover, and sorrow through desires and tears in the lover's heart. Love is the boiling of baldness and awe through fervor; and love is the final will to desire his beloved. And love is that thing which killed the lover when he heard the song of the beauty of his beloved. And love is that which is dead, and which my will is always with.

Devotion and longing sent thoughts by messengers to the heart of the lover, so that water would rise to the eyes, who wanted to cease the weeping which they had long sustained. The lover was thinking one day on the great love he felt for his beloved, and on the great trouble and danger he had long been through for his love; and he pondered that his reward would be great.

While he was meditating in this way, he remembered he had been paid by his beloved, since he had been enraptured by his features, and for his love he had given him sorrows. The lover wiped his face and his eyes of the tears he sustained for love, to keep the sorrows that his beloved gave him from being discovered; and the beloved said to his lover why he was concealing from the other loving people the signs of love, which he had been given to enamour them of honoring his values. The lover was asked how he was aware of the sentence of his beloved.

He replied it was through the balance of pleasure and sorrows, in which his beloved judged his lovers. He replied, and said that knowledge cannot be gained from one without the other. The lover was asked why he did not excuse himself of the failures and false crimes he was accused of by the people. He answered that he had to excuse his beloved, who was falsely blamed by the people; and man, upon whom error and deceit may fall, is not quite worthy of any excuse.

The lover complained of his beloved for tormenting him so gravely for love; and the beloved excused himself by multiplying hardship and danger, thoughts, tears and plants to the lover. The beloved raised intelligence to let her understand his majesty, in order that the lover's memory were ready to realise his failings, and his will despised them and rose to love the virtues of his beloved.

The lover was singing of his beloved, and he said he gave him such good will that all the things he hated for the love of his beloved rewarded him with more pleasant and greater joy than the things he loved without the love of his beloved.

The lover was in a big city, and he was asking if he would find anyone who he could talk to at his leisure of his beloved. And they showed him a poor man who wept for love and was searching for a companion whom he could talk to about love. The lover was thoughtful and puzzled over how his hardship could originate in the majesty of his beloved, who possesses so much bliss in his own self. The thoughts of the lover were between oblivion of his agony and remembrance of his pleasure: The lover was asked if it might be possible that his beloved would take love away from him.

He answered it was not possible, as long as his memory remembered and his intelligence understood the glory of his beloved. What can one make the greatest comparison of and find the greatest resemblance in? They asked him for what reason. He replied it was because of love, who was between them. The beloved was asked if he had had mercy at any time. He answered that had he not had mercy, he would not have enamoured the lover, neither would he have tormented him with sighs, weeping, hardship, and sorrows.

The lover was in a great forest, where he was searching for his beloved; and he met truth and falseness who were arguing about his beloved, since truth praised him and falseness blamed him. And hence, the lover called on love to help truth. A temptation came to the lover to be kept apart from his beloved, and then to let memory wake up and recover the presence of his beloved, remembering him better than ever before, so that his intelligence would rise higher in understanding, and his will in loving, his beloved.

One day the lover forgot his beloved, and another day he remembered he had forgotten him. And in that day when the lover remembered he had forgotten his beloved, he was sad and in pain, and he was in glory and bliss, for oblivion and remembrance. So intensely was the lover wishing for praise and for the glory of his beloved, that he doubted he remembered them; and so intensely he hated dishonor for his beloved, that he doubted he hated it. Hence, the lover was puzzled, between love and fear, by his beloved. The lover died through pleasure, and lived through sorrow; and the pleasure and the suffering came together and were united to be a single thing in the will of the lover.

And therefore the lover died and lived at the same time. The lover wanted to forget his beloved for just one hour, to have some rest in his sorrows. But, since oblivion and ignorance would fill him with passion, he had patience, and he exalted his intelligence and his memory to contemplate his beloved. So much the lover loved his beloved, that he believed everything he told him, and so much he wished to understand him, that he wanted to understand everything he heard of him through necessary reason. And therefore the love of the lover was between belief and intelligence.

The lover was asked what thing was furthest from his courage; he answered it was neglect. They asked him why. He answered because the closest thing to his courage was love, which is opposite to neglect. He answer that he should both fear and love justice, and that he should have no preference in his will to love anything over the justice of his beloved. Fault and worth were struggling in the conscience and will of the lover; and justice and remembrance multiplied conscience; and mercy and hopefulness multiplied prosperity in the will of the beloved.

And therefore worth defeated fault and wrong in the penance of the lover. The lover asserted that full perfection was in his beloved, and he denied that there was any failure in his beloved. And so it was wondered which one was greatest: Eclipse fo en lo cel, e tenebres en la terra: An eclipse occurred in the heaven, and darkness came on the earth: Love came to the lover, and the lover asked her what she wanted.

And love told him she had come to him to train and feed him in such a way that, at his death, he could defeat his mortal enemies. Love was ill when the lover forgot his beloved, and the lover is ill because, through intense remembrance, his beloved gives him hardship, anxiety, and sorrows.

The lover met a man who was dying without love. He wept for the dishonor given to the beloved in the loveless death of that man, and asked that man why he was dying without love; and he said it was because nobody had taught him about love, and nobody had fed him to be a lover.

And thereby the lover sighed in his weeping and said: When will you be greater, to make guilt lesser, and to let my beloved have many fervent, bold praisers, lovers, who do not doubt in praising his glory? The lover tempted love to see if he could keep his courage without remembering his beloved; and his heart ceased to think, and his eyes ceased to cry; and love was wiped out, and the lover remained puzzled, and he asked the people if they had seen love.

So strongly are love, loving, lover and beloved joined together in the beloved, that they are one reality in essence, and lover and beloved are concordant in diverse things, without any opposition or diversity in essence. Whereby the beloved's kindness is above any other love. In great hardship I must search for him, and I should do it swiftly.

And I could not comply with all these things without great love. The lover stayed awake, fasted, cried, gave charity, and went to strange lands to be able to move his will close to his beloved, and to enthuse his subjects to honor his principles. If the lover's love does not reach far enough to move his beloved to mercy and forgiveness, the beloved's love will reach out to give his creatures grace and benediction.

The lover was asked if his beloved had been failed by anything, and he said yes: The beloved hurt his lover's heart with thorns of love, to make him love the tree from which the beloved had picked the thorns he hurts his lovers with; in which tree he had suffered death, pain and dishonor to return to love the lovers he had lost. The lover met his beloved, and he saw him in great nobility and power, and worthy of all honors; and he said he was shocked by the people, who loved him so little, and knew him and honored him so little. And the beloved said he had been greatly disappointed in having created man to love him, know him, and honor him, and out of one thousand men, only one hundred feared and loved him; and out of the one hundred, ninety feared him so that he would not give them pain, and ten loved him to be given glory; and there was hardly anybody who loved him for his goodness and nobility.

When the lover heard these words, he cried desolately for the dishonor of his beloved, and he said: The lover praised his beloved, and he said he had transcended the where , since he was where the where cannot reach. And so, when the lover was asked on the whereabouts of his beloved, he answered: But it was not known where; however, he knew his beloved is in his remembrance. The beloved bought with his virtues a slave man who was subjected to worries, sorrows, sighs, and plants; and he asked him what he ate and what he drank.

He replied, whatever he wanted. He asked him what he wore. He said, whatever he wanted. The beloved said, - Do you have any will?

Llibre d'Amic e Amat

He replied that a slave and subdued person has no will but to obey his master and his beloved. The beloved asked his lover if he had patience. He answered that he was pleased by everything; and therefore there was nothing to be patient about; for he who is not the master of his will, cannot be impatient.

Love gave herself to whoever wanted her; and since many men did not want her, and the people were not greatly in love, she was free of them, hence the lover cried out for love, and love blamed his beloved. But love excused herself and said she was not against free will, because she wished great merit and glory for her lovers. There was a great argument and discord between love and the lover, because the lover was tired of the hardship he endured for love.

And it was argued if this was due to love's weakness, or the lover's; and they came to the judgement of the beloved, who punished the lover with distress, and rewarded him with growing love. An argument took place on whether love was closer to thought or to patience. The lover solved the question, and he said that love is begotten in thoughts, and is sustained by patience. The beautiful countenance of the beloved is the lover's neighbor, and the beloved's neighbors are the lover's thoughts, and the hardship and crying he endures for love. E tots tres pujaren contemplar l'amat en sos honraments.

The lover's will wanted to rise very highly to greatly love his beloved, and he ordered intelligence to rise up to all hispower; and intelligence ordered the same to memory. And all three rose to contemplate the beloved in his glory. The lover's will left him and gave himself to the beloved; and the beloved confined the will in the lover, to be served and loved by him.

The beloved said in reply: The beloved answered the lover, and he said that without such habits and nourishments his name would not be written in the book where all who come to eternal blessing are inscribed, and whose names are deleted from the book where those who go to eternal damnation are inscribed.

The noble demeanours of the beloved gather in the heart of the lover, and the thoughts and the duress are multiplied in the lover, who would be finished and dead had the beloved multiplied in the lover's thoughts more of his honorings. The beloved came to stay in his lover's lodging, and the lover made him a bed of thoughts; and he served him sighs and plants. And the beloved paid for his stay with remembrances. Love mixed hardship and pleasure in the lover's thoughts; and pleasure complained of that mixture, and accused love to the beloved; and pleasure was finished and deleted once the beloved had put it apart from the torment that love gives to his people.

The signs of love that the lover makes to his beloved are: And with those signs the lover preaches to the people on his beloved. E com l'amic tornava en la companyia de les gents, desemparaven-lo totes les coses damunt dites, e estava l'amic tot sol enfre les gents. When the lover was isolated, his heart was accompanied by thoughts, and his eyes by tears and plants, and his body by afflictions and fasts. And when the lover went back to the company of the people, he was deserted by all the above mentioned things, and he was alone among the people.

Pereix l'amic en la mar, e en son perill pereixen sos turments e neixen sos compliments. Love is like the sea swirling with waves and wind, without port or shore. The lover perishes in the sea, and in his danger his pain perishes, and his wholeness is born. And one wonders if this goal is closest to the will of the lover who wants to be with the beloved. Demanaren a l'amic qui era son amat. The lover was asked who his beloved was.

He answered it was that which made him love, desire, languish, sigh, cry, scoff, die. Demanaren a l'amat qui era son amic. The beloved was asked who his lover was. He answered it was the one who hesitated on nothing to honor and praise his glory, and who renounced to everything to obey his command and his advice.

He replied he should ask the men who are in penitence for either love of their beloved, or for dread of the hellish torments. The lover fell asleep and love died, for it had nothing to live from. The lover woke up and love was revived in the thoughts tha the lover sent to his beloved. The lover said that innate science comes from will, devotion, prayer; and acquired science comes from study, understanding. And so, it is a wonder which is the earliest science in the lover, and which is the most pleasant, and which is greatest in the lover.

He answered he did, except from his beloved. Turmentava amor l'amic per lo qual turment plorava e planyia l'amic. Love tormented the lover, and he cried and moaned from the torment. His beloved called on him to come close to him to be healed. The closer the lover came to the beloved, the more he was tormented by love, since he felt greater love.

And because he felt more deeply pleased as he loved more, his beloved could better heal him of his sorrows. Emmalaltia l'amic; sanava-lo l'amat donant-li remembrament de ses virtuts e de sos honraments.

The lover cared for love with patience, perseverance, obedience, hope; love healed. The lover fell sick; he was healed by the beloved, who reminded him of his virtues and honorings. He answered it was solitude in the courage of the lover, who thinks of nothing but his beloved. A question was asked to the lover: The lover agreed with his beloved, and said that danger in misfortune comes from impatience, and danger in prosperity comes from mindlessness.

Love was freed by the beloved, who gave license to the people to take from her as much as they wished; and hardly any people were found who would place love in their courage.

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And hence the lover cried and was sad for the dishonor for the dishonor that love is given down here among us, by false friend and mindless men. Love slayed everything in the courage of his true lover, so that she could live and fit there; and the lover would have died had he not had remembrance of his beloved.

Havia en l'amic dos pensaments: Two thoughts were in the lover: Whereby it was wondered which thought was the most brilliant, the most pleasant to the beloved and the lover. Not Enabled Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway.

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