ARVO 2010 Abstracts - Genetics Group

Eyes treated with intravitreal EPO had downregulated expression of VEGF and HIF-1alpha a transcription factor involved in the cellular response to hypoxia and exhibited total retinal thickness and cell numbers similar to those of the non-diabetic controls. Several presentations at the ARVO meeting represented the continuing endeavor to better understand the risk factors and pathophysiology of dry eye. Japan's Murat Dogru, MD, and colleagues demonstrated the role of dehydration in dry eye by comparing subjects drinking a controlled amount of alcohol n: Twelve hours after alcohol intake, substantial detrimental changes were observed in tear-function metrics e.

These results suggest substantial effects of alcohol on tear function. Dogru M, et al. Research efforts to enhance the understanding of the intricate relationship between visual function, blinking and dry eye were present in abundance across different groups of scientists and clinicians. Researchers from SUNY College of Optometry demonstrated increased symptomatology following computer use compared to that reported after hard-copy fixation in a study of 24 participants. While these findings correlated to ocular surface disease severity, there was no apparent correlation to decreased blink rate.

University of Utah researcher Wolfgang Baehr: 2014 ARVO Proctor Medal Award Winner

Chu CA , et al. ARVO E-abstract Our group presented results of its studies using customized video processing methodology to decipher blink patterns in dry-eye patients and normals, as well as to quantify the amount of corneal exposure which occurs between blinks in a new metric called the time-area Ocular Protection Index. White R, et al. Clinical research models and results of clinical trials of developing therapies were also presented.

Our group presented exciting data using the Enhanced Controlled Adverse Environment system, which has been used in a number of clinical trials in recent years, and represents the precision possible when using honed diagnostics and clinical trial design features. Ousler GW, et al. Hsu H-C, et al.

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Komuro A, et al. ARVO E-abstract Finally, another study presented results of an ophthalmic anionic lipid emulsion containing HP-Guar, demonstrating potential as a novel artificial tear. Ketelson HA, et al. In addition, a few intriguing examples of preclinical research with potential clinical application in the future emerged. Lubricin—a glycoprotein found in the cartilage of the knee—demonstrated reduced friction and tissue wear when tested using biomechanical machinery and human corneas and eyelids, which may suggest an advantage as an ocular surface lubricant.

Schmidt TA, et al. ARVO E-abstract One group of researchers presented intriguing results of a mouse study demonstrating the potential of both vitamin D and its active metabolite 1, OH 2D to improve corneal epithelial barrier function, which may suggest clinical applications with further research. Watsky MA, et al.

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Finally, prior to ARVO, expert clinical researchers, scientists, regulators, pharmaceutical executives, and venture capitalists interested in dry eye convened at the Dry Eye Summit, an event co-sponsored by our pharmaceutical consulting firm, Ora. Topics presented ranged from the history of dry eye, to defining dry eye, to clinical regulatory and exit strategies.

The summit imparted a business and regulatory spin to the discussion of innovations in dry-eye therapy. In a preclinical study, the combination of dexamethasone and povidone-iodine 0. FST reduced viral titers significantly more than placebo or Tobradex when all were applied q. Titer reductions with FST were comparable with those seen with twice daily cidofavir 0.

  • .
  • A Look Back at the 2010 ARVO Meeting.
  • Reporting Weaknesses in Conference Abstracts of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies in Ophthalmology!
  • Peace!
  • Just A Ride.

Animals were also scored for symptoms such as conjunctival and eyelid inflammation, exudates, excessive tearing and corneal neovascularization. The FST group had significantly lower scores i. Hill JM, et al. Besifloxacin was comparable to moxifloxacin and ciprofloxacin against H. Haas W, et al.

Past Annual Meetings

ARVO started on April 30, with a pre-congress day consisting of a couple of symposia and ophthalmic association meetings. Effects of anti-angiogenic drugs on expression patterns of genes involved in different AMD pathogenetic pathways Open Access. Abstracts were eligible if they included a measure of diagnostic accuracy, such as sensitivity, specificity, or likelihood ratios. Overlapping mechanisms are creating a new generalized overview towards these diseases. Based on these results, another Phase 1 study examining the effects of ARC monotherapy on geographic atrophy area and drusen volume is planned. Accessed August 10,

As part of the body's natural defense against infection, granulocytes and monocytes produce NCT, a compound with anti-inflammatory and anti-infective activity. NovaBay scientists examined the chemical stability, anti-microbial and antiviral activity of NVC in the presence of artificial tears. Najafi KK, et al. Romanowski EG, et al. ARVO E-abstract They used a rabbit model of ocular viral infection to show that ALA can significantly reduce the duration and severity of ocular infections.

Gordon YJ, et al. ARVO E-abstract While it wasn't as effective as the positive control cidofovir , it displayed little of the toxicity associated with currently available antiviral drugs, including cidofovir. Researchers reported interim results from a multicenter, open-label trial examining anti-TNF antibody adalimumab Humira, Abbott as a therapy for refractory uveitis. Treatment involved a 40 mg sc injection every two weeks and assessment of safety and efficacy over a week trial. Inclusion in the study required diagnosis of noninfectious uveitis refractory to corticosteroids and at least one immunosuppressive.

Past Annual Meetings

Endpoints included acuity improvement, de--creased intraocular inflammation and steroid tapering. Seventeen of 26 patients who completed the week trial responded positively to therapy, and 15 of these continued with treatment for 50 weeks. One initial responder discontinued treatment due to a loss of efficacy, and the only significant adverse event was unrelated to adalimumab. Salom D, et al.

  1. ARVO 2011: Visionary Genomics;
  2. The Mayflower People: Triumphs & Tragedies?
  3. Song Exchange in Roman Pastoral: 5 (Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes).

Several other trials examined the use of monoclonal antibody mAb therapy targeting other immuno-modulators. Most of these agents were originally developed to treat systemic disorders but they have significant therapeutic potential in ocular inflammatory disease. An open-label study tested AIN, a humanized monoclonal directed against IL, for patients with noninfectious uveitis.

Efficacy variables included acuity, vitreous haze, anterior chamber inflammation and reduction of corticosteroid dosing. Eight of 11 patients 73 percent with posterior segment uveitis and three of five patients 60 percent with anterior uveitis met the response criteria in this study. Only one patient showed no response and required prednisone rescue. Samson CM, et al. ARVO E-abstract Another study examined safety and efficacy of rituximab, an anti-CD mAb developed to treat B-cell lymphomas, for refractory scleritis and non-infective orbital inflammation.

A total of 15 patients received rituximab infusion or 1, mg on days one and 15 of the study; followed by monthly safety monitoring and efficacy assessment at 24 and 48 weeks. The overall outcome was positive: Four patients were able to taper steroid dosing, and only one patient required increased steroids. Vision was stable or improved in 14 patients, and patient and physician global health assessments also improved. The only significant safety issue involved seven of the first nine patients treated; they experienced inflammatory exacerbations after infusion that required adjunctive corticosteroids.

Extraction was independently verified by a second reviewer J. The informativeness of abstracts was evaluated using a previously published list of 21 items, selected from existing guidelines for adequate reporting Table 2 ; eTable 2 in the Supplement. Disagreements were solved through discussion. Of abstracts accepted at ARVO , we identified as reporting on diagnostic accuracy studies eReferences in the Supplement.

Abstract characteristics are provided in Table 1. Ocular surface and corneal disease keratoconus and dry eye and common chorioretinal diseases diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration were targeted in 16 and 15 studies, respectively, followed by various types of uveitis and optic nerve diseases in 9 and 7 studies, respectively. The reporting of individual items is presented in Table 2 ; examples of complete reporting per item are provided in eTable 3 in the Supplement.

Several elements that are crucial when assessing risk for bias or applicability of the study findings were rarely reported: None of the abstracts reported all of these items. Reporting was better for other crucial elements: On average, the abstracts reported 8. The informativeness of abstracts of diagnostic accuracy studies presented at the ARVO Annual Meeting was suboptimal. Several key elements of study methods and results were rarely reported, making it difficult for clinicians and researchers to evaluate method quality.

Differences in patient characteristics and disease severity are known sources of variability in accuracy estimates, and nonconsecutive sampling of patients can lead to bias. Risk for bias and applicability largely depend on the appropriateness of the reference standard. About half of all conference abstracts are never published in full. Other crucial elements were more frequently provided.

Suboptimal reporting in conference abstracts is not only a problem for diagnostic accuracy studies. Because diagnostic accuracy studies are rarely registered, 10 complete reporting of conference abstracts is even more critical for these studies. Using the same list of 21 items, we previously evaluated abstracts of diagnostic accuracy studies published in high-impact journals.

IOVS ;ARVO E-abstract ) Our group presented results of its studies . Mice engineered with a LIMK2 gene knockout had lower IOP. View information from past ARVO Annual Meetings. Online Abstract Search and Itinerary Builder ARVO "For sight: Cross-sectional Group Sessions .

One previous study assessed elements of reporting in conference abstracts of diagnostic accuracy studies in stroke research. Incomplete reporting is not only a problem for abstracts. Five previous reviews evaluated the reporting quality of full-study reports of ophthalmologic diagnostic accuracy studies, all of them pointing to important shortcomings. Crucial study information is often missing in abstracts of diagnostic accuracy studies presented at the ARVO Annual Meeting. Suboptimal reporting impedes the identification of high-quality studies from which reliable conclusions can be drawn.

This is a major obstacle to evidence synthesis and an important source of avoidable research waste. Our list of 21 items is not a reporting checklist; we are aware that word count restrictions make it impossible to report all items in an abstract, and some items are more important than others. Reporting guidelines have been developed for abstracts of randomized trials and systematic reviews, 8 , 14 and a similar initiative is currently under way for diagnostic abstracts.

April 9, ; final revision received August 13, ; accepted August 17, Dr Korevaar had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Cohen, de Ronde, Virgili, Dickersin, Bossuyt.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The National Eye Institute had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication.

ARVO 2019 Annual Meeting is April 28 - May 2

Search Strategy and Search Results eTable 2. Guidance on the Interpretation of Items eTable 3. A systematic review classifies sources of bias and variation in diagnostic test accuracy studies.

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PubMed Google Scholar Crossref. Optical coherence tomography OCT for detection of macular oedema in patients with diabetic retinopathy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Towards complete and accurate reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy: Full publication of results initially presented in abstracts. Literature survey of high-impact journals revealed reporting weaknesses in abstracts of diagnostic accuracy studies.

Case-control and two-gate designs in diagnostic accuracy studies.