Ach Jott wat sind die Männer dumm (German Edition)

Brigitte Lebaan
Ach Jott, wat sind die Männer dumm! - Claire Diller

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Lebaan, Brigitte [WorldCat Identities]

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Ach Jott wat sind die Männer dumm (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Rideamus, Walter Kollo. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, . German chanson singer, born 21 October in Gelsenkirchen, Germany and died 22 Various, Ach Jott, Wat Sind Die Männer Dumm (as Claire Waldoff Mit.

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Lebaan, Brigitte

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Remember your video choices. She sings the way a Berlin sparrow sings, carefree, bold — and then voice from inside, fading away: She first came to the whirling metropolis in And forgotten too was Kattowitz: For two years she played and sang minor roles for provincial and travelling theater companies for a pittance, before succumbing to the magnetic attraction of Berlin, with its theaters and Kleinkunst -stages, the newly popular cabarets.

Claire Waldoff

The novice found at first no regular theater-engagement, only a few minor roles and temporary contracts, and her friends often had to help her out financially. Her rough, unmistakable voice could be heard on the radio and on records; her huge repertoire included music-hall songs, popular Berlin street music, folksongs, operetta melodies, literary chansons. Over a period of three decades she had become a true folk singer.

Claire Waldoff was a thorn in the side of the Nazis. Many of her songs were too bold; many of her composers and lyricists were Jewish, many of her friends rejected National Socialism, as she did.

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And it was no secret that she lived with a woman…. Under the Nazis many cabarets were closed, many friends went into exile.

Claire Waldoff had fewer and fewer appearances and was virtually banned from radio broadcasts. This Berlin was no longer her city, and she seldom appeared there any more, attempting to avoid the constant surveillance by giving guest appearances in other cities. Claire Waldoff experienced the end of the war with her companion and lover Olly von Roeder in their small Bavarian vacation house.

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In , already suffering heart problems, she returned one more time, one last time, to her beloved Berlin; one more time she sang the old songs, head of flaming red hair tipped slightly back….