Agencia Espacial Mexicana Una Nueva Oportunidad (Spanish Edition)

We will be using the PO site as a place for scientific research and conducting tests in similar conditions as the early Red Planet used to have radiation level, low pressure, topography, etc. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, April 10th, , The covers of reflective material used over the acrylic cages improve their durability despite the sun light. But, I am interested in focusing such talent and enthusiasm onto a succession of smaller steps which will eventually realize the installation of outposts of humankind on the Moon.

This event may have been the sudden fragmentation of an object in the atmosphere. It is estimated that the explosion could have released an energy of a few kilotons. While studying this event we realized the social value of alerting the population about such phenomena because it cause great fear and can represent many hours of lost work for members of Civil Protection Cordero et al. On February 22, another fireball was observed in Mexico, this time near the border between Aguascalientes and Zacatecas.

This last event reaffirmed the need for a continuous monitoring system of meteors and fireballs. There are several ways to detect the entry of meteoroids and small bodies in the Earth's atmosphere: Putting aside the observations with the naked eye, which is obviously the oldest technique Yang, et al.

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The next step was the use of networks of video cameras that allow monitoring the sky in a more systematic way, among such networks are the European meteor video observation network EDMON and the IMO Video Meteor Network that include networks in several European countries. Currently, we are working to have the Mexican Meteor Network whose informal name is Citlalin Tlamina " meteor " in nahuatl language. With this network, we want to a Determine values of meteoroid's parameters to be used in numerical modeling of the dynamics of these objects through Earth's atmosphere, b determine the conditions under which seismic waves are created due to the shock wave that is produced by the fragmentation of a meteoroid in the atmosphere; c understand the coupling of atmospheric shock wave with the ground, and the information that can be obtained about height and energy of the explosion, d know the region meteoroids come from main belt asteroids, Earth's neighborhood, etc.

Buil gives a series of recommendations to choose the most suitable photographic equipment and lenses to observe meteors. Once we have this equipment, the next action was to design a base to protect the cameras.

We chose to form a station with 6 cameras because, during previous observation campaigns, we realized that 4 cameras were not enough to cover the entire free sky. According to our observations, we needed 6 cameras to get it.

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The fields of vision of these 6 cameras overlap a bit, but this, far from being a problem is an advantage as it is likely that a meteor can be seen by two or more cameras at each station. Conditions of high temperature and humidity were considered in our design. The aim was then design the mechanical interface of the monitoring station used to observe meteors and fireballs entering the Earth's atmosphere. The requirements for the interface were: At first, it was thought to use the cameras to observe meteors at night, but in the near future the base will be modify to perform daytime observations.

No other factors were considered, but more constraints can be regarded according to how the system works. We generated some conceptual solutions for each requirement. After evaluating, the following solutions were selected because of their simplicity, low cost and easy manufacture:. In order to protect the cameras from the environment, acrylic cages were used, because it is a low cost and simple manufacture material Figure 2. Another solution, perhaps more aesthetic, was to use a dome made of acrylic, but it was about 3 times more expensive and more difficult to solve the problem of condensation inside.

In order to keep a functional temperature for the cameras, they were attached to an aluminum plate that dissipates heat. Besides, this plate is cooled by a fan that produces forced convection Figure 3. Also we implemented over the cages a cover of reflective material to reduce heating because of Sun light. The first option was to implement an environmental conditioning system but, once again, the cost was the main issue. Silica gel was used to absorb humidity and to avoid condensation inside cages.

The mass quantity of silica that is necessary to absorb humidity inside the cage is 15 mg. To prevent ingress of water vapor, joints between the acrylic cages and glass were sealed with silicone, and joints between acrylic cages and their metal base were sealed placing a plastic seal and silicone.

We thought to use an electric air dryer system but it was more complicated for maintenance. Each camera is connected to a single PC to prevent interference of signals from two or more cameras. At the moment, all data is stored in internal disks of each PC, then this information is down into an external disk.

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After that, videos are classified clouds, rain, lightning, insects, etc. We only analyzed videos of meteors. The monitoring station designed has: This arrangement allows to move and provide maintenance of each camera independently Figure 6.

Buy Agencia Espacial Mexicana Una Nueva Oportunidad (Spanish Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - Agencia Espacial Mexicana Una Nueva Oportunidad (Spanish Edition) eBook: Mauricio Robles Navarrete, Guillermo Perez Castilla, Fernando De La Peña.

These particles ablate totally in the atmosphere at the same time they produce easily detectable meteors. The maximum flow of the fall of these particles occurred this year on the morning of May 6 th. Taking the advantage of this event, we used the instrument described above. Due to weather conditions, we recorded only two meteors, one of them is shown in the Figure 8.

To obtain this figure, we use the Maxim DL software. Since that day, we have made a series of night observations. This has allowed us to realize about the strengths and weaknesses of the design, and it has shown us the direction of future work.

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The monitoring station design protects the cameras from environment, ensuring their correct operation and allowing the observation of meteors and fireballs produced by meteoroids and small asteroids that enter into the Earth's atmosphere. The covers of reflective material used over the acrylic cages improve their durability despite the sun light.

The fans and the silica gel maintain the environment inside the cages in adequate conditions for the cameras performance. It should be mentioned that our main constraint was cost and, as a consequence of that, the station needs to be monitored as regularly as possible in order to decide when to change the acrylic cages or to add or replace the silica gel.

The cost of the monitoring station is very low, because of the low cost materials used and its simple configuration.

The Mexican Meteor Network: A Preliminary Proposal

The monitoring stations could be located almost anywhere due to cameras are completely isolated from the external environment, avoiding inclement weather inside the cages. The design is being tested since May 6, , day when we observed the eta Aquarids. On this occasion only two meteors were recorded because bad weather conditions very cloudy sky. In the coming months, the current base will be improved to solve some problems and a new base will be design based on experience.

All authors thank anonymous reviewers for their helpful and thoughtful comments and suggestions. One of the authors, G. Cambridge University Press, Space Science Reviews, 84, Cervantes de la Cruz K. Observations in Hidalgo and Puebla, Mexico.

Los grandes retos de la Agencia Espacial Mexicana

Planetary and Space Science, 59, Astronomy and Astrophysics, , EEUU, Cambridge, pp. The Astronomical Journal, 05, A petrologic, chemical and isotopic synthesis. Un testigo citado por la agencia Efe asegura que los miembros de la milicia paramilitar dispararon contra la multitud en la plaza de Azadi. Si fuera el caso de que vas con agencia me puedes recomendar alguna? En declaraciones a la agencia DyN, fuentes del Ministerio responsabilizaron por el mencionado error a Paula Ferro.

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