Should We Change Our Game Plan?: From Traditional or Contemporary to Missional and Strategic

Should We Change Our Game Plan?: From Traditional or Contemporary to Missional and Strategic

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Hunter challenges our shallow assumptions with biblical faithfulness and academic integrity. Geroge Chuck Hunter is honest. He knows our weaknesses as well as our strengths. He served as the founding dean of Asbury's E. A sought-after speaker and workshop leader, he is one of the country's foremost experts on evangelism and church growth. Christians must learn about the spiritual and physical needs of UPGs.

As one feels more deeply about their lostness and their suffering, urgency is increased in ongoing prayer.

Paul prayed without ceasing and was consistent in prayer. Further, prayer walking, or praying on site among the UPGs helps one see the needs more directly and encourage one to pray more specifically. The more specifically we pray, the more fervent we become.

Specificity fuels fervency and fervency yields results. At home, prayer walking can be done daily when travelling to the office or during daily activities. One can continually pray for a UPG. Tools to strengthen commitment to prayer: Facts about UPGs become fuel to keep the prayer fire burning in the heart of Christians. Believers need the facts to act and to respond. Therefore, books, videos, PowerPoint presentations, flyers, cards, brochures and internet web pages with information about each of the UPGs around the world, pictures of the peoples and maps of their locations help intercessors to pray strategically.

Adoption elicits commitment to prayer: After studying the facts, groups or individuals may choose one or more people groups and commit themselves to intercede for them and adopt them. This commitment is not for a short time, but until a church is planted among the people group. Christians can sign special cards to commit themselves to intercession for particular groups.

Teaching and special seminars can be provided so that intercessors understand how to pray for the UPGs and its needs. Special UPG prayer initiatives periodically e. Churches can establish prayer chains for their adopted peoples, with members taking turns praying and interceding for these peoples. Special days or weeks of hour continuous prayer chains could be organized.

United prayer brings special blessing. A UPG prayer fellowship is a gathering of Christians e. These groups meet regularly maybe weekly or monthly and to gather new information and inspiration for intercession. The prayer fellowship must be intentional for real prayer to occur. If every member has prayer points at hand, time is saved for explanation and more time is devoted to intercession.

Such groups need leaders with vision and the ability to impart that vision to participants through letters, flyers, phone calls, e-mail, posters, etc. Prayer movements and regular prayer fellowships abound, but often these do not know about the spiritual needs of UPGs.

Intercessors who have a burden can initiate prayer for UPGs in other existing prayer fellowships by sharing prayer needs. Prayer points can be channelled to use in church services, youth meetings, Sunday schools, church bulletins, Christian radio programs, etc. National, regional and international prayer networks are needed in close connection with UPG networks to inspire, mobilize, spread the vision, teach and provide resources, as well as exchange ideas and help one another. World news and secure communication keeps prayer on target: Wide circulation of prayer news helps keep prayer on target, but care must be taken with security issues.

Frontline ministry must be backed up with prayer, but most UPGs are in sensitive areas. Many general prayer points can be shared without security risks. Prayer letters in print or via email or shared through websites can provide prayer points to be shared weekly or monthly. If there is a secure email network, more detailed and personal prayer points can be shared. To circulate pictures of the work or the people helps intercessors, but great care must be taken not to jeopardize the work.

Prayer cards about the workers help their personal intercessors to faithfully pray for them. The Bible is full of promises that the peoples of the world will be saved. Israel through the promises to Abraham was given a clear task to become a blessing for the nations — and this challenge to bless all peoples is repeated often in the OT Genesis News events often reveal the intervention of the Lord after faithful Christians have prayed.

For example, the fall of communist governments has allowed churches to exist in Albania and Mongolia. Christians even exist in the Maldives Islands. From west China to the state of Turkey there are more than 30 people groups of the Turkic cluster, all with similar culture and language.

Fifteen years ago among all these peoples there was no known church and almost no Christians. Now all these peoples have at least one church. Among the Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Uzbek peoples thousands have become believers. Because Christians prayed in faith for many years. The Arab prayer movement began to pray for the Arab countries. Then a miracle happened: Christ has become a point of discussion and Christians are sought out for more information. Many are reporting about Arabs turning to Christ because of dreams and visions.

All are the result of answers to prayer. The Challenge for Prayer: Today is the time of the final frontier for missions, a time unprecedented in history for the evangelization of unreached people groups. Though these hidden and forgotten peoples have been entrenched in spiritual darkness for thousands of years, prayer and spiritual warfare will play a part in the Lord setting them free. In the past years, new emphasis has been placed on things such as strategic spiritual warfare, spiritual mapping and prophetic prayer.

Prayer networks are being formed across the globe and many prayer initiatives launched with special emphasis on the unreached. We know from the Bible that God has specific plans for the nations and specific times to bring His purposes to pass. Our prayers will hit the target, strongholds will come down, blinders be removed from their eyes and hearts prepared to hear. UPGs are spiritually destitute and do not know they can have new life in Christ. These peoples are mute spiritually.

We must open our mouths for them. Faithful prayer warriors will see the fulfilment of Isaiah Praise the Lord, He is ready to listen to us. If we pray, even cry to the Lord according to His will, He will not refuse our request; He will start something. Our Lord intervenes directly, so peoples will be open to hear and evangelists can explain the gospel. Mention the names of the unreached peoples before God, as Isaiah prayed in chapter 64! The Church must not be discouraged by the statistics and obstacles because God is able.

Completing the great commission and reaching all remaining people groups is within reach if the local church will own the vision. The resources are available. Progress has been slow in the past, but churches are becoming more educated and involved in missions and moving into holistic ministry for an entire people group. These churches are also finding partnerships that enable them to be effectively involved.

Mission sending is becoming trans-national. Mission organizations and agencies exist in most countries. Further, collaboration among organizations in regional and international groups is creating a new trans-denominational and trans-cultural synergy. Working with multicultural colleagues is bringing insight and sensitivity necessary to reach every people group. The commitment to take the whole gospel to the whole world continues to grow. The Church is discovering that it holds a chest of resources, which contains everything needed to reach all peoples.

Consider the following stories:. Certainly, the strong breakthrough in Nepal which crosses caste lines throughout the country is one of the amazing works of God. In , there were no known believers. In , there were 29; by , 50,; by ,; and by some estimated that number to be , to , While the needs remain great in this large and diverse nation, God is working in many places. In perhaps four former Buddhist believers could be found.

By the year , God had worked in a mighty way and 4, to 5, Mongolians worship on any given Sunday. In central Thailand a worker started with social work, community and economic development which has resulted in church planting and the beginning of transformation in the local community. In there were some 1. The church has continued to grow through the communist years and now there are believed to be million or more Christians. Chinese believers have grown in number through sacrifice and commitment in sharing their faith, prayer and worship despite persecution.

In there were 10 known believers. In the year , there were at least 2, While many see openness, there is still a long way to go. The Arabian Peninsula is made up of seven countries and 42 million Arabs with very few believer fellowships. Modern ministry began with Samuel Zwemer in Very few workers followed in his steps. Today approximately 9 million Uighurs live in China, , in Kazakhstan and up to 1 million spread across other parts of the world. The origins of the Uighurs of today are found in a combination of the ancient Uighur Turkic people of southern Siberia and the original inhabitants of the oases ringing the Tarim Basin.

Xinjiang province was once called Eastern Turkistan but that is not popular with the Chinese government today. There is much animosity between the Chinese and the Uighurs living in China. The largest unit of community for most Uighurs is not Xinjiang or the Peoples Republic of China, but the oasis on which they live. Geographical separation has also led to variances in dialect and customs. History of Ministry to the Uighurs — The Nestorians: Not much is known about this period but we do know that Buddhists and Nestorian Christians existed side by side.

The end of the Nestorian Christians came in the 13th and 14th centuries with persecution. From this time on, the Uighurs became known as a Muslim people group.

From Traditional or Contemporary to Missional and Strategic

Johannes Avetaranian Muhammed Shukri , a Turk, was the first known modern missionary. During that time he translated the Gospels of Matthew and Luke into the Uighur language. The Swedes set up hospitals, orphanages, schools and a printing press. From until , 70, tracts and books were printed and distributed by the press in Kashgar. By the total of Uighur believers in the four cities numbered over However, and saw intense periods of persecution. In , Habil, a young Uighur believer and first Uighur martyr was arrested and martyred for his faith.

Most of the Uighur men who were believers were killed or imprisoned. Many suffered from starvation or died of other causes in prison. Most of the women believers were forced to marry soldiers. The last of these shipments went out at Christmas For many years there was no news of the work amongst the Uighurs in Eastern Turkistan. It seemed that the work had been wiped out.

However, in the Swedish Mission received a letter from Turnisa, a Uighur woman, in the heart of Xinjiang. In , this door began to open again in China with English teaching opportunities. Foreigners were also permitted to study either the Chinese or Uighur languages. Later opportunities for business opened up. Through the presence of ex-pat workers in China, many Uighurs have come to faith and have been discipled.

Some Uigher congregations now exist. Fear still remains, however, a great force that keeps many of these believers from meeting together. Also, it is predominately university students, teachers and merchants who have been affected. In the Gospel of Mark was printed and widely distributed across the province of Xinjiang.

Since that time other portions of the Bible have been printed. After many years of hard work and anticipation, the entire New Testament is about to be printed! Another outreach to the Uighurs has been through radio programs in their heart language. This has the potential to reach the large peasant population in a greater way than ever before. More Uighurs have come to Christ in Kazakhstan in the past 10 years than ever before. Even though only several hundred thousand Uighurs live in Central Asia, in comparison to millions in China, this area has proven to be a ripe harvest field for the Uighur nation.


A mission leader chastised him because so much work was left to be done where he was and because of the great risk. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally. Special days or weeks of hour continuous prayer chains could be organized 6. Little pressure for conformity exists. We believe the difference has been prayer! Progress has been slow in the past, but churches are becoming more educated and involved in missions and moving into holistic ministry for an entire people group.

In a handful of foreign workers from China moved across the border to focus on the Uighurs of Kazakhstan. At this time there were only four known Uighur believers in the country! Other workers joined the force and through evangelistic events and friendship evangelism, over one thousand Uighur people prayed to receive Christ into their lives. Seven Uighur churches have been planted in Almaty and three in Uighur towns and villages between Almaty and the Chinese border.

Most of these young churches already have national leadership. In Kazakhstan, there are probably Uighurs who are actively involved in fellowship and growing in Christ today. Another encouraging development is the vision of the Kazakhstan Uighurs to reach across the border to Uighurs in China. Many have gone to Xinjiang on short-term trips and a few are now living there as missionaries to their own people.

Even though there are some cultural differences, Uighurs from Central Asia can be much more effective than Westerners in reaching the Uighurs of China. One of the greatest barriers is the mindset that Islam is essential to ethnic identity. Becoming a Christian means that they must deny their cultural identity and risk being alienated from family and communities. In China, being Uighur and Muslim gives them an identity that separates them from the Han Chinese and atheism.

Non-contextual sharing of the gospel builds walls and keeps Uighurs from really hearing and coming to an understanding of the truth. Overcoming this barrier requires great relationship building which strengthens family and community ties rather than weakens them. When Uighurs see that there are fellowships or communities of Uighur believers, they are much more open to receiving the gospel themselves.

Ethnic hatred and even disunity between the Uighurs themselves are huge strongholds over the Uighur nation. Uighurs are very easily offended and this problem has even crept into the newly formed fellowships. There are huge walls of hatred and enmity between the Uighurs and Chinese and also between Uighurs and Russians, Kazakhs and other people groups in Central Asia. Much prayer is needed to break down this stronghold of disunity over the Uighur nation and to see them truly united as a nation and with the other peoples that surround them. Fear is another huge barrier that prevents Uighurs from becoming disciples.

In China there is fear of the government, persecution and the possibility of losing their jobs. In Kazakhstan, these dangers are not as great, but there is fear of being ostracized from the Uighur communities that control their lives. These communities are vital for important life ceremonies; such as weddings and funerals. Further, music, songs and dance are important bridges. Uighurs love music and dance. Songs have been written and played on Uighur instruments and their dance is being used to worship Isa. Many Uighurs have opened their hearts because they have experienced Uighur music cassettes or music and dance in worship.

Prayer for felt needs has also been very effective in reaching the Uighurs. They are very open to prayer in the Name of Jesus. Many have experienced miracles and healings through prayer and in this way, whole extended families and communities have come to believe in Jesus. Others have experienced supernatural power encounters with the Living God, such as visions, dreams and healings, and have become willing to turn their lives over to Him. A committee of people based all over the world worked to develop this prayer initiative and came up with the strategies highlighted below.

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Although this task was huge, with huge commitments of focus, time, money and manpower, it was the most strategic move possible in order to see the breakthrough. The goal was to see at least a million people around the world praying specifically for sensitive areas. A professional team made an up-to-date documentary video highlighting real people who were lost. The video used a simple story line and narrator so it could be easily translated into other languages.

Three versions a second promo; a 5-min. Promotional literature was used for maximum exposure and included a non-dated, 12 chapter booklet which focused on a different topic or country per month; a small pamphlet with a calendar and a prayer initiative bookmark. A web site was the heart of the operation and included a one minute video, all of the written materials, and links to other web sites. New requests and information was posted each week.

All material could be translated and distributed in many countries. Translations of this material, distribution to many national prayer networks and the necessary funding were provided and very soon the materials were in Korean, Chinese, Spanish, German, Hindi, Portuguese, Norwegian —up to 22 languages. Sending prayer promoters to prayer initiatives in other countries e.

This personal involvement resulted in widespread coverage even through radio interviews and greater involvement in many countries e. Connections with existing prayer networks greatly expanded the prayer involvement around the world e. Finances were required because mobilizing of prayer is hard, expensive work and these needs were met. Producing materials, travel for promotion, developing web sites distribution of materials and translations all cost money.

People are willing to pray. They just need good information to pray. An ongoing effort for prayer mobilization is keeping UPGs needs before the Christian community. A new booklet focusing on the major cities in sensitive areas was produced in Strong effort is also going into producing excellent web sites in the different languages so that the information is readily available for prayer.

Specific results related to the increased prayer are difficult to pinpoint, but during the last two or three years we know that God raised up massive amounts of prayer for sensitive areas. In open cinemas many watched the basic gospel message and read in Arabic that Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the life — this opportunity in lands where Bibles were confiscated and persecution prevailed.

They see clearly the love of God and what forgiveness is all about. People are asking for explanations, requesting Bibles and going to web sites. We believe the difference has been prayer! Much needs to happen but we believe prayer will enable it to happen.

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Over-emphasis on the Unreached? What should the response of the Body of Christ be toward the Unreached and Least Evangelized peoples of the world? Some have reacted negatively to the idea that the planting of a few churches in each people group will help bring closure to the Great Commission task. Some have felt that the last twenty years has had too much emphasis on the unreached peoples and feel that new images and emphases should be provided to stir the imagination of the global Church.

Has there been enough emphasis on UPGs? Has the emphasis brought an imbalance to how Christian resources are spent? Is the emphasis misunderstood on making sure churches are planted among all UPGs? In short, not enough emphasis has been given to the UPGs. These peoples are made up of all parts of society — young, old, mainly poor, disabled, refugees, etc.

The correct goal is transformation of all societies. The Church is mandated to make disciples of whole peoples, tribes and even nation-states see Genesis 10; Revelation 5 and 7 in order that they will move towards obedience to Jesus. Some are also concerned about what they think is a triumphalistic interpretation of the same passage which suggests that the Church can determine the time when Christ will return.

Such concerns are based on false dichotomies. Working for transformation, discipling peoples and nations, Christ-ward movements and church planting are different terms to express the same goal. No matter the term, the growing emphasis in efforts among the unreached and other parts of the world is to find ways to apply the gospel and to assist towards the impacting of the gospel in the lives of people. Ultimately, the goal is to bring all peoples back into relationship with each other and with God. God is in the process of putting the shattered mosaic of humanity back together.

The glorious strengths and beauties of each culture will be added back into the whole. The transformation of a people will bring out the beauty of their culture and the rest of humanity will be enriched by this transformation. More importantly, God will be glorified by the beauty of His re-united family. In order to reach all peoples, the key question is: The latter question focuses on the limited abilities and limited resources of an individual, church or culture. First, we can be on mission with God and live on the front edge of this advance by being passionately focused on making sure all peoples have a chance to hear and experience the gospel.

We must reassert the call to every believer to be involved in carrying the gospel to the whole world, regardless of vocation, economics, or education. Or we can choose to be left behind and become of little use to God for the sharing the news of Christmas and Easter with the world. Will we be an integral part or will we be the ones who are left behind? Christ-ward movements or a transformational church planting movements blend full aspects of the gospel including social action and development, sharing of the verbal message of the gospel and worshipping God.

As cross-cultural witnesses enter a people group and people respond, congregations of disciples will emerge. These emerging disciples will be trained to be leaders in the congregation and in the community and then immediately train other leaders who will train other leaders. These new congregations are taught to obey and to start new congregations and to minister in their community and the world. Some movements like this have happened among some formerly unreached groups.

For example, in Latin America, cell churches provide health, welfare and education where governments do not Jenkins, The Next Christendom. The three categories of such movements include see Garrison, Church Planting:. Not because it is our duty, though it is. Not because it will bring eternal life to many, though it will. Not because it will improve the living conditions of the poor, though it will. Not because it will improve environmental stewardship, though it will. Not because we will be rewarded, though we will. We should disciple the nations because Jesus is worthy to receive their honour, glory and praise.

India Church Growth II. Church Growth Research Centre, Barrett, David and Todd Johnson. Interpreting the Annual Christian Megacensus. William Carey Library, Global overview of world Christianity that analyzes, interprets and evaluates the country-by-country data reported in the World Christian Encyclopedia. Oxford University Press, A 2-volume Encyclopedia containing the latest global information on countries, religions, churches, ministries, peoples, languages, cities and various topics.

Living Water and Indian Bowl. Clearly delineates the boundaries for what remains to be done in world evangelization and how the Holy Spirit is working among the unreached. Christianity in North East India. How God is Redeeming a Lost World. Reveals how God is turning millions to new life in Christ through church planting movements.

Introducing All the Peoples of China. Introduces the minority peoples of China groups; million members. Peoples of the Buddhist World: A Christian Prayer Guide. Meticulous collection of the available information on all the Buddhists peoples of the world. Anthropological Reflections on Missiological Issues. Baker Books, , pp. This classic textbook brings together the meanings, proposals, and tasks involved in contextualization and explores the history of contextualization in the Bible and the Church. The Church in India: The Coming of Global Christianity. Presents the changing face of the Christian faith and that the centre of gravity of the Christian world will have shifted firmly to the Southern hemisphere by A study of the foundations and ministry of contextualization produced by the faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary.

When We Pray God Works. Send the Light Paternoster, The updated version of this prayer encyclopedia tells what God has been doing in numerous countries. For children, see Window on the World. The Unfinished Work of World Evangelisation. Christians Focus Publications, Presents a dramatic, overall account of what has happened since Pentecost and how we got there. The Cross in the Land of the Khukuri. Study of church growth in Nepal, both past and present. In eight lessons that lays bare the heart and mind of God for the peoples of the world. Sharing Jesus in the Buddhist World. Provides understanding of many Buddhist cultures and culturally relevant ideas on sharing Jesus with Buddhists around the world.

Planting Churches In Muslim Cities: This book teaches missionaries to help Christians in Islamic communities to be more church-minded in their thinking, drawing from examples of veteran missionaries, the Acts model, and church growth theory. Loke, Trevor and Rona.

Hidden and Forgotten People Including Those Who are Disabled (LOP 35A)

The Gospel and Islam. Ethnic Realities and the Church: An analysis of realities that cannot ultimately be ignored and poses one of the most crucial and delicate questions in missions today. Handbook for those who are serious about the role of prayer as a tool in global evangelism; discusses strategies for prayer for these areas. The Theological Rationale for the Worldwide Mission: Peoples On the Move: Introducing the Nomads of the World. The most comprehensive source of information on all the nomadic peoples of the world. Lucknow Publishing House, Let The Nations Be Glad: The Supremacy of God in Missions.

Shows that worship is the ultimate goal of the Church, and that proper worship fuels missions. Church Planting Approach to Missions. Indian Institute of Multi-cultural Studies, Which Way Forward Indian Missions.

Unreached Mega Peoples of India. India Missions Association, Description with profiles, maps, etc. National Series, Oxford University Press, This revised volume provides an updated introduction and summation of the much-acclaimed People of India project, the first pan-Indian ethnographic study to generate a brief, descriptive anthropological profile of all the communities of India. Various authors wrote different volumes in this series.

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