Works of John Fiske

Confessions of an Aca-Fan

Both in his books and on the lecture platform, Fiske endeavored to demonstrate that orthodox religious beliefs were compatible with scientific truth. In , Fiske began to write and speak about American history, promoting the concept of the United States as the climax of a historical evolution toward a free democratic republic. From to , Fiske published a series of popular works, including The Critical Period of American History , on the American colonial and revolutionary periods, written in a lucid, dramatic style that was easy to read. When his mother remarried in , he assumed the name of his maternal great-grandfather, John Fiske.

He was a precocious child, and his studies of current scientific theories led him to doubt the validity of orthodox Christianity. He passed his bar exam in and began to practice law, but soon turned to writing as a means of solving his financial difficulties. In , he had encountered Herbert Spencer 's application of the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin to the history of philosophy. His was deeply impressed by Spencer's ideas on evolution and incorporated them in his own writing, producing many books and essays on this subject.

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In , Fiske obtained a teaching position at Harvard and in became assistant librarian there. At the same time he began a career as a public lecturer which continued until his death. In , he visited Europe and met personally with Darwin, Spencer, and T.

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Works of John Fiske - Kindle edition by John Fiske. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note. WORKS OF JOHN FISKE [John Fiske] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

In a letter from Charles Darwin to John Fiske, dated from , the great naturalist remarked: Fiske attempted to show that religion and scientific knowledge could be reconciled, and early in his career, became a popular lecturer on this topic. In a series of lectures on American history in , he promoted the concept of the United States as the climax of a historical evolution toward a free democratic republic.


For example, Fiske was interested in the unequal status of high tech and low tech uses of communication technology, contrasting the "videohigh" of the broadcast industry with the "videolow" of citizen camcorder activism, a contrast which paves the way to a consideration of how broadcast and grassroots media competes with each other for attention and credibility. Fiske wrote "technostruggles" in the aftermath of the Rodney King trial. As Fiske notes, the original video showing the Los Angeles police beating suspect Rodney King, captured via a home movie camera by a passerby George Holliday, possessed high credibility because it displayed so little technological sophistication: The LAPD's defense attorneys deployed a range of technical and rhetorical tricks to reframe the King video and change how it was understood, at least by the jury, if not by the general public.

For Fiske, this struggle over the tape's meaning suggested what was to come -- an ongoing competition between those who have access to low-tech, everyday forms of cultural production and those who had access to high-tech communication systems.

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If new media technologies were expanding the resources available to those who have previously seemed powerless, they were also expanding the capacities of the powerful. In Media Matters , Fiske's embrace of participatory media practices was suggested by his enthusiasm for low-bandwidth "pirate" radio stations within the African-American community. At the same time, Fiske was quick to link networked computing with institutions of government surveillance. Fiske warned that the same practices deployed by companies to construct a "consumer profile" could be applied by governments to construct a "political profile": Fiske anticipated that increased controversy around racial conflict would be embodied through "media events" such as the Rodney King tape and the LA Riots, the battle between Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, and the murder trial and acquittal of O.

Confessions of an Aca-Fan. Last week, I was honored to be one of the keynote speakers at the Fiske Matters conference which was held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

  1. John Fiske Books - Biography and List of Works - Author of 'A Century Of Science'.
  2. John Fiske (philosopher).
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  4. John Fiske | American historian |!

John Fiske has been and continues to be one of the most important intellectual influences on my work. His strong defense of popular culture as offering a series of resources through which active audiences struggled over meaning was a foundation for my ongoing investigation of participatory culture and new media literacy. His work was controversial at the time he introduced it - in part because he challenged the tendency of left academics towards cultural pessimism which had motivated so much of American cultural theory in the late 20th century.

Fiske struggled to get us to look closer at the lives of ordinary people and the ways that they struggled to assert aspects of their own needs and desires through their relationship with mass produced culture.

For Fiske, mass culture was culture produced by commercial industries, while popular culture was culture at the moment it became a resource for ordinary people through the process of consumption. Fiske retired more than a decade ago, just as the digital revolution was helping to make the agency of grassroots cultural producers and consumers much more visible than it had been before.


To some degree, the shock of the culture war which surrounded Fiske's works had left many of us uncertain how to carry that tradition forward. We had lost his mentorship and intellectual leadership; we didn't know how to face down his critics; and we didn't want the backlash to cripple our own professional development. I wanted to give just a little taste of this material here - part of my discussion of Fiske's relationship to technology and politics: Everyday Culture and Political Change , MM, The above four sentences constitute the final words in John Fiske's final book before his retirement.

Fiske saw the promises of a digital revolution but did not declare a premature victory over mass media: The Critical Period of American History. A Century of Science. Power Plays Power Works.

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