When a Mother Dies: A Spiritual Journey

The Mother-Child Energy Connection

I work on my chakras religiously by meditating, especially on my third chakra, so my question is, is there anything I can do to prevent my batteries from running out? And to help my own daughter grow in a space of peace, love and nurturance? Hi Rebecca, I am so sorry to hear of your situation, I know it can be so tough, especially when you have another child. A doctor can advise you how to track whether or not that may be a part of this. Because you are part of her protection field, it makes her even more anxious about separation from you.

Finding ways to help her feel safe and secure will be key to her gradually outgrowing this, as will paying special attention to her environment. It will help once she is moving around more on her own too, as she will feel more in control. As she gets older, it will be important to help her establish good energetic boundaries, so she can truly own her sensitivity as a gift, not a curse.

In the meantime, it is so important that you are taking care of yourself too. I think from a chakra perspective, root chakra energy may actually be more important than third chakra energy. Practice drawing energy up from the earth regularly throughout the day, and get into nature when possible. This will help your daughter too. You can also work on establishing an energetic boundary around both yourself and her — visualize a bubble around both of you even when you are physically apart, and see if that helps to soothe her — if she can start to tap into the energetic connection, she may be able to accept the physical separation more easily.

I have a 22 year old son with Cerepral palsy and an intellectual disability who shows signs of bi polar. Since birth he displayed a disposition of irritation and anxiety to such a degree that it is difficult for him to feel comfortable in publi. We are at a crossroads now after finishing school at 21 last year.

He waivers on going to an adult program and has difficult understanding, explaining and processing feelings. Meditation would be difficult for him as he has difficulty remaining focused. Today I meditated around my 3rd chakra and imagining a cord to him sending light and power. Any possibility that as he may not have the ability to meditate or understand these concepts, that the energy I send to him could have the same effect as if he would be able to do it for himself.

Any advice would be appreciated. Hi Michelle, absolutely the energy you send him can help him, especially as his mother. However, you really have to be careful to take care of yourself too, as I mention in this article: I am now nearly My mother and I had a healthy relationship while she was alive, and we both loved each other very much. But since her death, I have felt very disconnected from her emotionally and spiritually, which has been painful. This disconnect has impacted my every day life through depression and physical illnesses. How can I try to strengthen the chord I have with her?

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Hi there, thank you so much for this blog. I found this after trying to make sense of an interesting but beautiful evening I had with my children. I have always dabbled in meditation and since having kids sending them love. The eldest two came to bed for a cuddle and in my arms I tried to teach them meditation and send them love. I told them if they have any bad feelings come up, to let them come and let them go, and replace it with love and light.

My daughter was concerned what would happen if they stuck to someone else. I told her to let it go to the universe. Then she was concerned about them being stuck to the stars. Not too sure about all this myself I told her the universe will know what to do with it. And to let love and my love in. Then she fell asleep, but I dont think she let those bad feelings go. Where would be a child friendly place to find information easy for kids to understand, or easier for me to explain please?

Based on the experiences you describe, I think you know exactly what you are doing! In the sense that your intuition guided you to respond in a way that really brought your children to a beautiful place. That is not easy to do, so my number one piece of advice to you is to trust your intuition, your own spiritual connection, and your knowledge of your on children. Otherwise, I have not really found one resource that I would recommend to everyone. Most websites and books are geared around a particular religion or spiritual path, and so you can look at resources along those lines depending on your own beliefs.

Books are a great resource and I do have several book lists on this blog. I also recently read a new book called Enlightened Parenting that has some good ideas, but is not just about meditation.

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My own approach with my own children is mostly based on modeling and responding to their inquires when they ask. Natural teachable moments such as what occurred with your own children arise all of the time, and that is when they are the most open to spiritual vibrations. My children see my own meditation practice and often ask about that and sometimes join in, and then we attend family retreats on occasion as well.

Good luck with your growing family! I have been having a difficult time getting past the feelings of loss during this particular time in my life. I was raised by a disconnected, although physically present, mom. My mom is now 86 and has been battling cancer over the last year.

Despite the lack of emotional connection between us, I know that we are connected through this energy link between a mother and child that you wrote about above. I went to her house and there she was on the floor. She told me that she was calling my name hoping I would feel her. I did loud and clear so much so that I dropped what I was doing in the garden, got in my car and immediately went to her. I have had no explanation for this, but in reading your words, what took place makes sense.

I wish that I could be closer with my mom. I always have felt rather uncomfortable and shy when around her. We never fought or anything like that. Rebelling against a parent in my childhood home was not even a consideration. Amazingly, there is this link between us that is there despite not having been nurtured during our last 47 years together as mother and daughter. My own daughter is now 19 and my son is We love each other deeply and are so very close and this is because the bond between us has been nurtured and appreciated.

I have had to battle with my own insecurities and my own life experiences with my mom to make sure that my kids and I would have a true loving connection. I am thankful each and every day for what my kids have taught me about how to truly love. She effects my subconscious. How can I do that? What else can I do? Her comments affect our relationship. He can feel it and I get hurt by it. How do I cut the energetical chords when my mother is refusing too?

Faith and Spirituality in the Face of Loss

Ok, now on to the energetic part. I somehow know it is energy related to me. In doing this, this person sacrifices their own ability to experience, give, and receive love during their lifetime. If you are able to do this, you have a better chance of using your own energy to help protect them and bolster their energy. The energetic line clearing is of course just one aspect of it. Visualize a warm golden light in your womb.

You cannot control how she treats you but you can control your reaction internally. However, that does require a lot of self-awareness, so that you can untangle the conditioned way the two of you have come to relate. If you feel this is a big problem for you, you may want to consider working with a therapist to help you through this work if that is an option.

If not, then certainly do some cord cutting work. But depending on the situation, you may want to try other approaches, including talking to her on a deeper level about what her concerns and fears are. But in terms of your concern that your mother will not agree to cut the cord, I will say that you do not need her agreement to do so on your end. Many blessings to you as you work through this…- Lisa. Hi mommymystic, thank you for taking the time to respond. I will do my best to trust my intuitiion more, thanks again!

Happy New Year x. I came across this while trying to research about energy between mother and child during pregnancy. I will be 34 weeks pregnant on Tuesday, and for the last week sometimes when my little girl makes bigger movements I feel what I can only describe as an endorphin rush. I feel a wave of warmth, and extreme contentment and happiness. At first I thought maybe something is wrong with me, but everything is fine when I go to the doctor. I started getting the feeling that I am exchanging energy with her, that I am picking up on her energy somehow.

Have you ever experienced anything like this, or heard of it? So enjoy the feeling and trust in it and what you and your body can do. Blessings to you for the rest of your pregnancy and birth. Hi, I think I am inadvertently connected to my 24 year old son. WELL, I have anxiety issues. The first is that of course both genetics and parental emotional patterns play a role in how a child develops, so your son may have similar emotional patterns to you for both reasons.

And as an adult, he will need to work through those as part of his own growth trajectory in life, and that is not something to feel bad about as a parent, because we all do our best, and the kind of self-awareness and personal work that these patterns require to release is part of what it means to be human. And it is of course entirely possible that he is picking up your emotional state right now through your mother-child energy connection. However, the majority of the shift needs to occur on his end — he needs to intend not to pick this up from you, and close his end of the line, and his energy body off to this energy from you.

This is hard though, because he no doubt loves you and wants to help you. In a way, this is the challenge of every relationship with people we love, and it is a lifelong process. However, it is mostly about intention, and one visualization that you can use to help affirm your intent is this: Then imagine a door on each end — one near him and one hear you — and imagine shutting those doors.

Then imagine light from both of your hearts emanating towards each other — not as a line, just as a glow of light. This visual is a way of representing the shift I am talking about, one where you send love and support to each other, but do not share your emotions energetically. As for the other example you gave, of receiving a picture from him right as you were thinking of that — that is an intuitive link, and is normal between intuitive people that are deeply connected.

It is not a problem unless it is bothering you. It is not the same as the anxiety being shared on the emotional line.

What Happens To The Soul After Sudden Death

Hope this helps, and I encourage you to explore meditation, counseling, or any other method you can to help you deal with your own anxiety too. Thank you so much for your insight- I found it enlighting and calming. I believe myself to be tuned in and aware of energetic connections and acknowledged the shifts and evolution of my son and I relationship. The past 2 yrs have been bit of struggle as he seemed out his independence in negitive ways and I had to learn to give him his time and space and I found a lot of resistance and inner turmoil watching him struggle.

I personally feel like now this is almost as scary if not more when I gave birth to a 2 Ib infant without any plans or intentions. I know this all part of my indidividual path and I have done all I can to guide my son into his very own path. This is also all occurring on the start of summer solstice. I am a huge processor and am being gentle with myself thru this.

Would sincerely appreciate any advice or insight that would help us ease into the transition. I am wondering what happens to this energy connection when one person dies Is the connection broken? Hi 1inblog, The specific energy connection I am talking about in this post does end yes, because it is a line in the subtle body connected to the physical body for developmental purposes.

This particular energy line is formed in utero, mirrors the umbilical cord, and is located on the part of the subtle body connected to the physical body, so it ends when one or the other physical bodies end.

  1. The Mother-Child Energy Connection | Mommy Mystic!
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I hope that is helpful information for you. Hi Danie, thanks for sharing your motherhood story, and it sounds to me like you are navigating this shift well on your own. And you seem to also understand that now is a time to turn back into yourself and see what your next phase of life has to offer. These are the most important things. You can also imagine sending light to your son from your heart, wishing him well on his life journey.

You can feel into where in your body you specifically feel anxiety about him as well, and bring light to it for release. These are all the kinds of things I do with parents working on letting go, and that I use myself. Wishing you and your son much joy on your next phase- Lisa. Do you offer phone consults? Or do you offer energy treatments or intuitive sessions for baby and mother? Thanks so much in advance. Although there is an energy line between mothers and children, you can take control of your reaction to her words anyway.

Seek your own power and inner resources, know who you are, and claim your life. Depending on the situation maybe at some point you and your mother will be able to discuss this pattern and you both can come to understand why she feels the need to act in this way. Wishing you luck — Lisa.

Hi thank you for the enlightening post. My son 22 month old son and I have run into some challenges the past 6 months. I somehow know it is energy related to me. It seems like anything to cause pain or defy me specifically is his goal. When I come home from work he cries and bangs his head on the ground but I know he just wants a hug and to nurse. I have been working on my own spiritual connection and trying to get him involved. I bring him to kirtan,chant in the car with him, yoga, and try my own energy work on him.

It makes me so sad. Any encouraging words would be appreciated. Thank you for your time and dedication to intuitive gift. Of course at 22 months there are many changes developmentally as your son discovers and exercises his autonomy, and many of the behaviors you have described are not all that unusual in this phase. But I trust your instinct as a mother that something else is going on, and encourage you to seek parenting resources. Our children go through so many different phases as they grow, and as they leave babyhood more and more of what they experience apart from us is not in our control, although they will often take it out on us if they are having trouble processing it.

I miss them all but my son was 23 years old and I prayed every day and night for God to protect my children and guide them every day. So yes I am very angry at God. So many struggle with faith issues, even those who thought they were doing everything right. We must remember, we are living in a fallen world.

God gave us free will and when we exercise this free will, we can hurt ourselves and others. Free will is in everything: We suffer the consequences. Rather than being angry with God, be angry with the terrible choices others are making. And then draw close to God and ask Him for comfort and guidance. When we make a commitment to know God and obey Him, He is there for us.

This is a spiritual awakening blog post about how some people awaken the spiritual path, and I have written about how an individual near-death In the instance of the death of a child, a powerful belief that a parent will. The spirituality of loss embraces ways of transforming our heartache into life compel us undertake a mindful journey of self-directed learning into the midst No parent would want their child to suffer because of their death.

Pain will enter our lives, but God is our Comfort. One thing that really gets to me is if god is going to take our loved ones and assuming we are religious why does he not come to us or send an angel to come down and comfort us letting us know that our loved one is truly doing well and is waiting for us when the time comes. If this simple act was done it would take away so much of the pain and allow us to move on. I tragically lost my days away, from being my husband- in a horrible accident involving heavy equipment, in our back yard 7months ago today.

Why should I believe???? My heart truly goes out to all of you. Watching someone that you love die from this horrible disease is Horrifying, Agonizing, and just fills your whole being with excruciating pain. I am watching my dad die from brain cancer and the sorrow is just like a storm that never passes.

I have come to realize that this is a hard cross to bear and one that I thought I would never have to deal with. May God help me get through this and may God help all of you. I feel your pain and truly understand your feelings. My mother died 4 weeks ago. I was with her the 2 weeks before and stayed with my dad for 2 weeks after.

Death and Grief as a Spiritual Journey - January 14, 2014

I saw so many signs of God,s existence and grace all through the time. My parents instilled a great love of God and strong sense of belief that I passed on to my children. I have felt such comfort from this belief. Just this week thoughts of worry about mom have started creeping into my daily thoughts. How do I know heaven really exists?

What happens after death is that your thoughts and intentions take you to places and people in a flash, in a way that you never could when you were physical. What Happens After Death? From a spiritual perspective, an early death often acts as a catalyst to awaken spiritual gifts in others still living.

When someone passes away too soon, think about it: The shining star to all whose lives they touched. A true beacon of hope and inspiration. If this person awakened that light in others in their living life, now think of how powerful this work can become in death. S ome souls choose to sacrifice their own lives so that others may grow as part of their agreement on their own soul chart.

Often this soul choice occurs unconsciously, even to the soul who has chosen this path for themselves. There are other ways this can happen, too. For example, someone may agree to live this life as a villain. Helping to initiate darkness in others, so that it may later bring out their inner light.

In doing this, this person sacrifices their own ability to experience, give, and receive love during their lifetime. A conscious or unconscious choice they may make, which is intended to open the ability for others to experience pure and unconditional love instead. A Necessary Marker for Death. Anyway, after this time, visitations take a short break while the person in question acclimates to being a spirit now, and goes to a sort of spirit school life review which generally lasts months. After which, they'll be back. But this all depends on them - their life path, successfully crossing over, other factors.

So if you are concerned about the person successfully crossing over, make sure to check in with friends, family members, and colleagues of that person to see if everything is okay or to see if they have experienced a visitation. Visitations are positive signs that show that upward and forward trajectory movement to the other world is actively and positively happening, not the reverse. So, if you want to know, and you haven't noticed anything yet, make sure to ask around to see if someone else has.

You may want to check with known sensitives in your immediate community first and then move on to others who may be quite sensitive, too, but don't yet know it or have yet to realize it. This known sensitive person could be a personal or distant acquaintance of yours, or this person could be you. Briefly check with them to see if they've seen your loved one around, have heard from the person, or if have any messages or insights to relay. Because a deceased individual , especially in the case of sudden death, will often seek counsel in a medium, psychic, or intuitive they know personally , even if only momentarily, before officially crossing over.

Intuitive people usually won't mind you asking about this, especially if it is someone they know personally, too. And asking them, could be as simple as this: I know you two were friends and I just wanted to check. Have you seen her around at all?