Signs and Voices Series 1 - Prophecy in Blue Episode 2 (Mainstream English)

McElhatton has done a fantastic job as Roose. Looking forward to the Curtain Call. That all said there was a clear theme that Wo5K era is over, we are entering the end-game now so Jon is going into it differently and of course Euron entering the stage is big in this respect too IMO and of course Tyrion releasing the Dragons. I have a suspicion in the books at least that Euron is the main antagonist to Dany so it will be interesting to see if this ends up being the case with the show. The man with the whiskers in the Winterfell flashback scene is a young ser Rodrik Cassel, right? Also, the mystery around Hodor intensifies.

There is more to his story. Do we get more flashbacks to that time? That actually this was meant to be Hodor? They have different agendas just like other religions leaders. It makes more sense for rituals to be personalized than for them to be exactly the same. I also think it makes a point that the rituals themselves are irrelevant, what was the same is both Thoros and Mel had lost their faith when they attempted to do their resurrections. As in, Euron will need to wear an eye-patch? People were complaining that he didnt have one but that would be like the cheesiest thing ever. Even before last scene which I must admi I did not expect in this episode at all , I was sure that I was watching one of the best episodes if not the best of first part of season.

I was literally blown away…everything worked for me perfectly. The theme Home was very clearly explored and used. From Bran s vision to Euron vs. Balon showdown on the bridge. What the difference with all of Ironborn scenes so far versus Dornish … won t going to use any rude words, despite the urge I would. What to say about the last scene: But it has last like for centuries to the point I was started to doubt….

I am curious about one thing: Was it the faith of Davos, Tormund and Edd that actually did it? I wonder why people forgetting when Tyrion asks missandei dragons ever hurt her.. I mean in the books they are constantly feeded and handmaidens of dany are with them and there is jorah barrisatn and BBP all are not harmed by the dragons because they are with dany. Anyways I will wait till this season to be certain that no one will be riding dragons other than dany. And after what tyrion said at the end to varys I doubt we will ever see him doing anything like this again. One of the best episodes of the series, hands down.

Still running high on waves of euphoria and other stuff! As if I ever need a reminder of why I love this show!!!! It was dark and hard to see, but it appears like he does grab his eye. A bad ass character already gets tarnished within 2 minutes of meeting him. And his horse harness-making for Bran is a clue. And the dragons have an affinity for the dragon-riders — who are always born smaller in stature to ride the dragon more easily.

And after seeing Tyrion free the first from his chains, the 2nd dragon lowered his own neck and positioned it near to Tyrion to make it easy for him to remove it. These dragons are not at all stupid. Am I the only one that thinks this episode was average?!?

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Euron touches his cheek, not his eye The picture up top even shows the cut to his cheek. Mad or not, someone cuts your eye out you will be screaming bloody murder. As for him not wearing a patch…idk seems cliche if you ask me. Now if he was already missing an eye or if it was a different color than the other one, that might of been a good compromise.

The body count is frighteningly growing. I hoped we would see the Small Council even though Kevan appears in the next promo. And in the end, a move from politics to actual basic survival. He could be planning a suicide mission against Ramsay. Jon did not warg. Even the inside the episode thing says that Ghost sensed Jon coming back.

Was Kit Harrington in the titles for Episode 1? As soon as I noticed it in this episode I knew he would be back. It would have been nice to have left his name out to keep the pretense up a tiny bit longer. Sword of the Morning: Moreso than the big events of this episode, I loved how it set up the rest of the season. He was in the titles. They have always kept the main character who played corpse in the titles.

I remember Rose Leslie was in the S4 finale titles, even though she died in ep9. After I was sort of disappointed with the Season start, Episode 2 really knocked it out of the park for me. Since HBO had released the first trailers I was very much looking forward to the Tyrion meets dragons scene, because I was expecting it to give us a strong hint as to whether he will be one of the dragon riders or not.

And it fact it did. Also, the resurrection of Jon was very telling. No fire, no smoke, no salt — he is alive, but not AA. This would be Dany. Sure, the death of Lord Bolton felt kind of weak, but other than that the entire episode was amazing. Certainly one of the Top 5 Episodes for me. I loved every fucking second of it and that whilst being a big fan of Roose in the books. But everything was so amazingly done, scenes got time to breathe, there was no sense of rushing and…well this is one of the best episodes they have ever done and dispelled a lot of the worries I had about future episodes.

Normally I would try to list my bad to good scenes, but no bad scene in this episode, will just list my three favourite and probaby most important things to happen in the light of the season:. Sometimes Rheon has given me doubts, but that scene with Walda and the doubt that flickers across his face when he killed his father…perfect. Finally after the Jof, another bad guy I love to hate he just amused me at times, annoyed me at others before today. You can see Jaime realising what the hell he is dealing with. A great character introduction on par with Oberyn.

The madness and danger was almost radiating from him, I suppose you would prefer a parrot as well, maybe a wooden leg yeah that eye bothered me in the books. All around a very solid episode, better than most from season 5. This would greatly add to the effect of the Greyjoy fleet sailing in to save the day! Stoked for ToJ next week! Episode 1 was okay, episode 2 was good. I just pictured Euron as someone with supreme confidence who is completely unflappable. He is a complete psychopath but at the same time is supremely charismatic.

Were they trying to give Balon a bad ass death at the expense of Euron? See my post above that describes what I picture from Euron, and right off the bat an old man slices him and we see him in pain. So already we see him weak. Much better than The Red Woman. Until this episode, I thought he was going to ask the Boltons for help or something. Wow, that was anticlimactic. I think he went there because of a mix of death wish and an obsession with seeing real dragons. And the Easter eggs. Everything in that scene was perfect. They changed the Children of the Forest makeup. Why did they make that change?

It was so fucking perfect in season 4. Was it even the same actor? What a horrible move. I was disappointed to see Roose go so quickly although it was inevitable. Terrible unfair deaths for Walda and her baby. On the other hand, I like how no character is truly perfect in GoT, not even precious Tyrion. Well, Sansa is pretty perfect and so is Jon Snow. Often these scenes are actually indispensable to make the eventual pay off mean anything at all. It would be strange to suddenly see Tommen halfway through the season without any interaction.

It is these scenes that make me love this series and anchor the more electric moments. I am loving what that actor is doing with the young king! But after that it was just awesome. None of us really believed it, and now the spell is suddenly just broken.

I can understand your problem, but I did like it. Balon obviously knew his brother would try to kill him, for him to just be meekly thrown over without resistance would be rather odd of a presumed warrior even if he is old. Writhing is a strong word as well and anybody would be a bit concerned with something that close to your eye, even a mad pirate. Interesting to watch again in the wake of ep. I wound and rewound that section. When Ghost lifted his head, his eyes were still red.

When Jon opened his eyes, they were still dark. I thought Ghost lifted his head because he sensed the return of Jon, not that Jon was transferring himself back into his body. Also seeing a lot of questions about timeline, given that the longer he would be dead the worse for wear he might be. Late one night, Jon called out to the courtyard and stabbed to death. At dawn, Ser Davos finds him, moves him into the room and huddles with allies.

Edd goes off to find the Wildlings, Ghost is fetched. Later that morning, Alliser and friends confront the barricaded door, give a deadline of that evening to come out. Mel goes to take a nap. Evening comes, Alliser and friends try to break down the door, the Wildlings break down the gate. Same evening, Davos goes to Mel. Later that same evening, Mel comes back in and does her thing. Thorne and Olly being locked up and not killed, was a bit of a surprise.

Do they want some measure of justice meted out? He barely cut the guy and got thrown over the rope like a sack of potatoes. It would have been silly without any resistance. Anyway, seems you want something different out of Euron that I. Although I do think there was a missed opportunity for either Davos or Mel to have a little monologue about how important he was, building up to the need to resurrect him. I particularly loved all the little touches which felt like they were just for the fans the flashback, trolling the Hairwatch brigade, pinecones and rocks , and so many theories and speculations were answered too.

And I loved the way the theme of Home played out throughout the episode. Been watching a lot of reaction videos and reading comments all over the net. If he barely cut him then why did they have to show him carrying on after the shot of Balon falling into the ocean? Then afterwards we get a shot of Vader in pain with his hand on his face.

But anyway, most of you guys were in love with Kylo Ren, the biggest pussy of a villain of all time. Where was the build-up? The mutiny was already over. Bryan Cogman earned a 2 episode promotion and I think Dave Hill has earned a 2 episode promotion for next season. I think the Children of the Forest should look younger and actually prefer the look in season 4 over this new one.

Hmm, seriously was hoping for a different outcome to the twist really. Now just really excited to see whats happening next. Will he be changed? Oh and Euron always came off as a caricature in the books Jack Sparrow gone bad , this realisation looks a lot more promising so far. Pretty sure they show Davos looking at the burning crosses in a trailer. And by then it should be clear the Umbers are with the Boltons. They name dropped the Manderlys. Yeah I think he will change a bit but not a lot.

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What will be changed about him we will come to know in the next couple of episodes. Best episode so far? Definitely up there with Hardhome and others. I think Melisandre and Davos are exactly where they should be. We KNEW it was coming but it still made me gasp. Sansa and Brienne in the woods talking about Arya, Theon and his scene with Sansa was so poignant it made me sad; Euron!! That scene told of happier times and showed a family that was all Stark and you could actually feel their love for each other.

So much to take in! I have to say those dragons must have sensed something in Tyrion…. Then there is Jon. I must say despite the fact there were leaks that he was alive the cast and crew did plant the tiniest seed of doubt in my mind. Bring it on HBO. Do you know how people cheer when your belowed team scores a goal? I assume you do, well i cheered double than that when Jon opened his eyes!!! Anyone share a link here? Not everyone can pull a Sean Bean I suppose. Still looks great though. Ramsey is among my favourite characters.

Sansas scene with Brienne and Theon were great. I did cry when she hugged Theon. Loved seeing Tommen trying to become stronger, it was also nice to see him admit he was weak. Lena is just killing it and Pryce makes me love him even more with every scene he has. Good to find out that they know Trystane is dead. I fucking love Tyrion just being tired of all this crap and throwing jokes at Varys. The dragon scene was amazing.

Tyrion was drawn to the Dragons by his desire to see them up-close. I liked how he realised, at the end, how crazy the entire thing was. No warging bullshit, no old gods bullshit, they fired a gun by having Mel see Thoros and they fired it up. I loved the scene with Davos and Mel. Davos is a good man, he is kind to Mel, after all she, as much as he knows, suffers the same thing as he does, they lost Stannis and Shireen. I also liked that he tried to make Mel have faith in her powers again.

He may not like then but he, above anyone else, knows that her powers are real. S6 started amazingly well for me. I never doubted the writers a second, they have never dissapointed me as of yet. We have totally different tastes. Something are just not good on TV. My point was, regardless of who Jon is, we were given no reason why he should be resurrected. People die on GoT all the time. Why was his resurrection so important? Mel just happened to be in the right place at the right time, if it was Mel that brought him back. That was my problem with the episode. The prophecies are the biggest thing I dislike about the books.

But I do think they will adress this later, even in episode 3 perhaps as we have TOJ then. Why bring him back? I think The Onion knight resurrected Jon, and liken him to Thoros of Mir they are similar characters. And at the time of their first resurrection were not really believers of The red God. Who did Davos send Ed for? Because he knew they owed Jon their life. Jon is the guy whose main priority was preparing for the WW. We saw him read the letter from CB and alert Stannis to what was happening up North.

So he knows his little brothers escaped from WF. Meanwhile, Jon would be preparing the wildlings for the battle. The lords and army where basically insist that the new ruler kill his brothers, so a civil war would be avoided. Lord Karstark brief introduction, clearly showed us the sort of man he is and his playing the game of thrones. And way to ignore the elephant in the room Tyrion: I think he was killed because a GRRM wanted to have a huge cliffhanger to WoW and b him dying was the only way Jon can join the war in the north without formally having to break his Nights Watch oath. I actually also expected them to have him step out of the fire to give him a Dany-like Targaryan moment and that they would somehow connect this to the Tower of Joy flashback.

Now the question is, when and how if at all will Jon learn about his mother? So I can see your point that it was sort of disappointing that we did not get anything of this sort yet. On the other hand, this scene smoothly brings Jon, Mel, Davos, and Tormund together as allies, and it will be very interesting to see them fighting the war in the north in the future episodes.

It happened with magic unique to her and her dragons. No one in this series is ever going to step of a fire like Dany. Did they delete a scene or two? Whoever fathered him biologically, Ned is really his father. It makes sense that he acts and thinks like the man who raised him as a son. That would be weak. That Targaryen Princess you love so much is really, secretly, a Targaryen Princess! Hmmm, looks like it — unless that was mistakenly released and will show up in a later episode. I loved this episode. I cannot express enough how much I loved it.

For a relatively short episode at only 54 minutes , they managed to pack an awful lot in. This episode also brought with it a mythical element in the flashback at the start and that climactic ending. And after that ending I did a ridiculously silly victory dance around the room. We all knew it was coming, but to see Jon open his eyes was beautiful. He is without a doubt my favourite character and I am beyond thrilled he is back so soon. I have complete faith in the show runners and amazing directors they have on this programme that it will be amazing, but I do worry that it will change what I imagined that scene to be when I read it.

Also, I am interested to see how the situation with Ransey develops. And if they do, what is their alternative? Until Sansa reveals herself, who will they follow? All in all, a wonderful near-hour of television. Well done to all the amazing people who brought it to life. I mean, Dany being the saviour who swoops in with her dragons and saves the realm from the White Walkers is an ending which the most casual show watcher would probably have predicted right from the beginning, and she clearly fits the prophecy to a T — is it really going to go down like that?

I agree with you. His works are a lesson in explosive twists and revelations as well as things not being as they seem. I would be very surprised if Dany was AA purely because that seems to be the obvious choice. Well, obviously you are right. I just think that having John step out of his burning funeral pyre would have been a great moment for him, and connecting it to the Tower of Joy scene would have made it a very powerful scene. That picture also makes me think that Davos may be starting to wonder whether Shireen ended in the same way…..

Burning a child would obviously horrify Davos, and this could show him that Mel is capable of such a thing…. Same way most of people expect her to win a throne. We have others too. It can ends this way but who knows at this point. Ending is the same for both books and the show so George might come up with a surprise.

Idea about Azor Ahai being interpretated the way people want it. Well, it can happen. Look at Tormund, he said they think Jon is some sort of a God. He changed his opinion. They give to you one of the greatest episode of the show, completely strong and awesome beginning to end, and just bitching and moaning…. What the fuck is a Lommy? Stupid to show Euron hurting after Balon takes the plunge.

Balon was chosen as king for a reason. He had to have been The Man in his day. So many wonderful moments: This is one of my favorite episodes in the series. Tormund menacing some crows with a crossbow, turns around [joyful]: What is too predictable? And does it matter? Is the act lessened in some way because we predicted it? And the prophesy states a warrior will pull a magic sword from a fire. A tiny girl, with no battle training, wielding a flaming dragon is far less predictable than that. Dragons have been compared to flaming swords in the books, but not in the show.

Show-watchers are still looking for a warrior with a magic sword. They have no reason to think that Lightbringer will be Drogon. So no, not too predictable. I mean, how often has he been compared to Jesus Christ on this very website. Lots of great highlights here in a very, very strong episode here.

I guess no one in the Bolton army was loyal to him? It is a typical shortsighted decision by Ramsay, which probably dooms his family. He would always have been the heir, at least until that child came of age. His father was his best chance to consolidae power in the North and by murdering that chance, he has doomed himself by his impulsiveness, jealousy and ambition. That mad dog tag his father warned him about is definitely coming back to bite him in the ass.

I wanted Jon to come back as because he has dragon blood. Yeah because RLJ and Jon coming back is not the obvious and most predictable thing out there.. George has written some straightforward and predictable things like that with Jon and cersei and her prophecy and much more …. It has been said many times that the story is not about the hero fulfilling a prophecy but characters actions making them as a hero..

Dany never know anything about prophecy …she just makes her decisions and go with it.. And the fact that George dropped all the clues in the first book back when he thought it will be trilogy only to become a series which will never end.. And AA alone is not the mystery anyway the mystery always was Dragon with three heads and what the three heads referring to.. Noone except Karstark and the Maester saw it happen. Karstark was clearly in on it, and the Maester was bullied into silence. I read the spoilers yesterday and was worried that noone might give a damn, but it was done way better than I had expected.

She literally played God by brining Jon back.

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And yes I liked how he went. It was pathetic, it was at the hands of the monster he created, he died the same way Rob did. Jon learned a lot of his lessons from Ned and he will always see him as his father, just like Theon does. His Targaryen side is no more important than his Stark side. It might come later on with dragons and bonding with one of them.

Just look what happened with Tyrion. Yeah but Walda and baby were killed in the kennels which is right out in the open. Think no one would notice hounds destroying two humans? And Ramsey says to say that Roose was poisoned, I guess no one loyal to Roose would want to see the body for themselves? Not to say it has historical accuracy. Like I said in Ottoman culture it was almost mandatory to kill your brothers as not to have any rivals to your position. Jon had to come back and there is also though it is yet to be revealed exactly how going to be a reason why he had to die for his character to develop.

The prophecy on the other hand seems far more vague. GRRM seems to make a point of writing twists into his story that move away from the typical fantasy tropes and into a much more realistic realm. Characters do things that genuinely shock us and revelations are made that are completely out of the blue all the time. In this story nothing is as it initially seems. I would just be very surprised if the character that seems to fit almost all the criteria for AA actually ends up being AA.

I just feel that nothing has been that simple in this story. I think that the prophecy will be loosely used to explain the actions of several characters, perhaps even a triad of characters the three heads of the dragon. The way in which Jon was brought back, seemingly directly due to the whim of the Red God, suggests that he is of great importance. Then there is the matter of Mel seeing him in the flames when she asks Rhollr for visions of AA. Why would they be bothered if he killed Walda? What should they do?

Follow a baby or the man who defeated Stannis? So glad that the majority of us, who really believed that Jon Snow would come back to life are vindicated. Congratulations to all those involved in the show who strongly denied that any such thing was going to happen; for the most part, they stuck to their guns. It was cutting it fine, when Tormund at least I think it was him went to get some wood to burn the body. I said until I saw his body burning on a funeral pyre I would believe that he would be back. There was just a sneaking doubt after Eddard and Rob Stark leaving the stage that perhaps Jon might too, just to confound us all.

I almost feel I can forgive the Dorne scenarios, almost. And I agree with you on tormund also I think he is saying that to Mel.. Well maybe Tywin should have been surrounded by guards while he was taking a shit and stayed safely alive — bad GRRM! The books and the show have always been about choices and consequences as much as the shock value of the deaths.

Ramsay had the fear factor as well as the protection and backing of his father but now he just has the fear factor — will that be enough…?

Signs and Voices Series 1 - Prophecy in Blue Episode 2 (Mainstream English) (Paperback)

Because killing your brothers after you took over was common place back then. At most they would think Ramsey is removing competition and solidify his hold on power by removing any rivals. Roose gets the credit for leading them to victory against Stannis. He gets the credit for advancing House Bolton to being Warden of the North. I thought people would come up with it. I would like to ask them where is Ashara or Brandon?

It more shows that Jon threated Olly as his little brother to me. Which makes For The Watch even more heartbreaking. Wonder, what Jon will do with him and ohers. The problem is that show never for once doubted anything about Daeny and her heritage. It really serves nothing in the story for her to be their child.

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Daeny is a Targaryen and her whole story is built on it. Fighting as a last Targaryen to reclaim her throne.

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Signs and Voices Series 1 - Prophecy in Blue Episode 2 (Mainstream English) [ Zamurrad Naqvi, C. J. Hurtt, Jr. Jorge Correa, Ksenia Balabina] on Signs and Voices Episode 3 - Mainstream English (Prophecy in Blue Book 1) Signs and Voices Series 1 - Prophecy in Blue Episode 2 (Mainstream English).

Besides we were presented with clues in the show more than once. It started last season and reveal this season. Ser Not Appearing in this Series ,. I like Ramsey, mostly because of Iwan, but his clock started ticking. Roose was the smart one, he commanded both fear and respect. Ramsey has only fear. And that was the episode the 10 months of hype had me ready for. Mentions bleeding stars, and a warrior drawing a flaming sword out of a fire.

The entire book prophesy has pretty much been said by Mel at some point. History is far more complicated than just, someone kills brother and moves right into power and everything else falls into place. They would have followed him anyway. Intervention strategies manual by Roger C. Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases Signatures: Webster's Specialty Crossword Puzzles Significance: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases Significance: Bureau of Diplomatic Security, United States.

Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases Signifying: Webster's Specialty Crossword Puzzles Signing: Webster's Timeline History - Signora: A Cricket Story by P. Webster's Timeline History - Sigrist: Webster's Timeline History - Sigrum: Sirdar Teja Singh, Editor: Harjinder Singh Mangat, Sub-Editor: Signals and Systems by J. Webster's Prior Art Dictionary. Webster's Timeline History BC - Webster's Timeline History - Signatures by Somerset Studio. Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases. Webster's Specialty Crosswords Puzzles.

Webster's Timeline History Some are so fleeting that they become apparent only by pausing a video recording of the show. Moe tries to find that person in the bar, but soon realizes it is a prank call and angrily threatens Bart. These calls were apparently based on a series of prank calls known as the Tube Bar recordings , though Groening has denied any causal connection. The show uses catchphrases , and most of the primary and secondary characters have at least one each.

Burns' "Excellent" and Nelson Muntz 's " Ha -ha! The use of many of these catchphrases has declined in recent seasons. The Simpsons has gained notoriety for including jokes that would eventually become reality. Perhaps the most famous example comes from the episode " Bart to the Future ", which mentions billionaire Donald Trump having been President of the United States at one time and leaving the nation broke. The episode first aired in , sixteen years before Trump would successfully run for the position. Nineteen years later, Disney indeed made a deal to purchase the studio from Rupert Murdoch.

A number of neologisms that originated on The Simpsons have entered popular vernacular. The staff of The Simpsons told Castellaneta to shorten the noise, and it went on to become the well-known exclamation in the television series. Groundskeeper Willie 's description of the French as " cheese-eating surrender monkeys " was used by National Review columnist Jonah Goldberg in , after France's opposition to the proposed invasion of Iraq.

The phrase quickly spread to other journalists. It has been used in media, such as New Scientist magazine. The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations includes several quotations from the show. As well as "cheese-eating surrender monkeys", Homer's lines, "Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is never try", from " Burns' Heir " season five , as well as "Kids are the best, Apu. You can teach them to hate the things you hate. And they practically raise themselves, what with the Internet and all", from " Eight Misbehavin' " season 11 , , entered the dictionary in August The Simpsons changed this perception, [25] initially leading to a short period where networks attempted to recreate prime-time cartoon success with shows like Capitol Critters , Fish Police , and Family Dog , which were expensive and unsuccessful.

The success of The Simpsons and the lower production cost prompted US television networks to take chances on other adult animated series. As far as I'm concerned, they basically re-invented the wheel. They created what is in many ways—you could classify it as—a wholly new medium. The Simpsons has had crossovers with four other shows. Matt Groening had his name removed from the episode since he had no involvement with The Critic.

The Simpsons has also influenced live-action shows like Malcolm in the Middle , which featured the use of sight gags and did not use a laugh track unlike most sitcoms. The Simpsons was the Fox network's first television series to rank among a season's top 30 highest-rated shows. In the early s, millions of T-shirts featuring Bart were sold; [] as many as one million were sold on some days.

Who the hell are you? Due to the show's success, over the summer of the Fox Network decided to switch The Simpsons ' time slot so that it would move from 8: The rating is based on the number of household televisions that were tuned into the show, but Nielsen Media Research estimated that At the time, it was the most watched episode in the history of the Fox Network, [] and it is still the highest rated episode in the history of The Simpsons. The Simpsons has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics, and it has been noted for being described as "the most irreverent and unapologetic show on the air.

It's this neat paradox that makes millions of people turn away from the three big networks on Sunday nights to concentrate on The Simpsons. While The Simpsons has the record for the number of episodes by an American animated show, other animated series have surpassed The Simpsons. In , Fox began a year-long celebration of the show titled "Best. One of the first parts of the celebration is the "Unleash Your Yellow" contest in which entrants must design a poster for the show.

As of the twenty-first season — , The Simpsons became the longest-running American scripted primetime television series, having surpassed Gunsmoke. The Simpsons has won dozens of awards since it debuted as a series, including 31 Primetime Emmy Awards , [71] 30 Annie Awards [] and a Peabody Award. Furthermore, viewers of the UK television channel Channel 4 have voted The Simpsons at the top of two polls: Bart's rebellious, bad boy nature, which underlies his misbehavior and rarely leads to any punishment, led some people to characterize him as a poor role model for children.

In response, Matt Groening said, "That sums up Bart, all right. Most people are in a struggle to be normal [and] he thinks normal is very boring, and does things that others just wished they dare do. Bush said, "We are going to keep on trying to strengthen the American family, to make American families a lot more like the Waltons and a lot less like the Simpsons. We're praying for an end to the Depression, too. Various episodes of the show have generated controversy. The Simpsons visit Australia in " Bart vs. Australia " season six , and Brazil in " Blame It on Lisa " season 13 , and both episodes generated controversy and negative reaction in the visited countries.

He felt that it was just an advertisement for The Critic , and that people would incorrectly associate the show with him. When he was unsuccessful in getting the episode pulled, he had his name removed from the credits and went public with his concerns, openly criticizing James L. Brooks and saying the episode "violates the Simpsons' universe.

Many fans and critics reacted negatively to the revelation that Seymour Skinner , a recurring character since the first season, was an impostor. The episode has been criticized by Groening and by Harry Shearer , who provides the voice of Skinner. In a interview, Shearer recalled that after reading the script, he told the writers, "That's so wrong. You're taking something that an audience has built eight years or nine years of investment in and just tossed it in the trash can for no good reason, for a story we've done before with other characters.

It's so arbitrary and gratuitous, and it's disrespectful to the audience. The show has reportedly been taken off the air in several countries. China banned it from prime-time television in August , "in an effort to protect China's struggling animation studios. However, the court decision later dismissed this request.

Critics' reviews of early Simpsons episodes praised the show for its sassy humor, wit, realism, and intelligence. Some critics started calling the show "tired". It began by proving that cartoon characters don't have to be caricatures; they can be invested with real emotions. Now the show has in essence fermented into a limp parody of itself. Memorable story arcs have been sacrificed for the sake of celebrity walk-ons and punchline-hungry dialogue. In , the BBC noted "the common consensus is that The Simpsons ' golden era ended after season nine ", [8] and Todd Leopold of CNN, in an article looking at its perceived decline, stated "for many fans Mike Scully , who was showrunner during seasons nine through twelve , has been the subject of criticism.

Episodes that once would have ended with Homer and Marge bicycling into the sunset now end with Homer blowing a tranquilizer dart into Marge's neck. The show's still funny, but it hasn't been touching in years. Once you've done that you can go on forever. Al Jean , showrunner since season thirteen, has also been the subject of criticism, with some arguing that the show has continued to decline in quality under his tenure. Former writers have complained that under Jean, the show is "on auto-pilot", "too sentimental", and the episodes are "just being cranked out.

An Uncensored, Unauthorized History , characterized the Jean era as "toothless", [] and criticized what he perceived as the show's increase in social and political commentary. But honestly, I've been here the whole time and I do remember in season two people saying, 'It's gone downhill. I'm glad we didn't. In , Harry Shearer criticized what he perceived as the show's declining quality: I think Harry's issue is that the show isn't as grounded as it was in the first three or four seasons, that it's gotten crazy or a little more madcap.

I think it organically changes to stay fresh. I think it's possible that the show will become too financially cumbersome The animation is incredibly detailed and imaginative, and the stories do things that we haven't done before. So creatively there's no reason to quit. In , popular culture writer Anna Leszkiewicz suggested that even though The Simpsons still holds cultural relevance, contemporary appeal is only for the first ten seasons, with recent episodes only garnering mainstream attention when a favorite character from the golden era is killed off, or when new information and shock twists are given for old characters.

Alan Sepinwall and Matt Zoller Seitz argued in their book titled TV The Book that the peak of The Simpsons are "roughly seasons [three through twelve]", and that despite the decline, episodes from the later seasons such as " Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind " and " Holidays of Future Passed " could be considered on par with the earlier classic episodes, further stating that "even if you want to call the show today a thin shadow of its former self, think about how mind-boggingly great its former self had to be for so-diminished a version to be watchable at all.

The stereotypical nature of the character Apu Nahasapeemapetilon has long been the subject of controversy. In the film, Kondabolu states that as a child he was a fan of The Simpsons and liked Apu, but he now finds the character's stereotypical nature troublesome. Defenders of the character responded that the show is built on comical stereotypes, with creator Matt Groening saying, "that's the nature of cartooning.

The criticisms were referenced in the Season 29 episode " No Good Read Goes Unpunished ", when Lisa breaks the fourth wall and addresses the audience by saying, "Something that started decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect. What can you do? In October , it was reported that Apu would be written out of the show. Numerous Simpson-related comic books have been released over the years.

So far, nine comic book series have been published by Bongo Comics since Brooks originally thought that the story of the episode " Kamp Krusty " was suitable for a film, but he encountered difficulties in trying to expand the script to feature-length. On August 10, , 20th Century Fox announced that a sequel is in development.

Collections of original music featured in the series have been released on the albums Songs in the Key of Springfield , Go Simpsonic with The Simpsons and The Simpsons: The song was written by Michael Jackson , although he did not receive any credit. In , it was officially announced that The Simpsons Ride , a simulator ride , would be implemented into the Universal Studios Orlando and Universal Studios Hollywood.

However, Sideshow Bob is loose from prison to get revenge on Krusty and the Simpson family. Numerous video games based on the show have been produced. Road Rage , The Simpsons: The cable television network FXX has exclusive cable and digital syndication rights for The Simpsons. Original contracts had previously stated that syndication rights for The Simpsons would not be sold to cable until the series conclusion, at a time when cable syndication deals were highly rare.

The series has been syndicated to local broadcast stations in nearly all markets throughout the United States since September FXX premiered The Simpsons on their network on August 21, by starting a twelve-day marathon which featured the first episodes every single episode that had already been released at the time aired chronologically, including The Simpsons Movie , which FX Networks had already owned the rights to air.

It was the longest continuous marathon in the history of television until VH1 Classic aired a hour, nineteen-day, marathon of Saturday Night Live in ; celebrating that program's 40th anniversary. Simpsons World has every episode of the series accessible to authenticated FX subscribers, and is available on game consoles such as Xbox One , streaming devices such as Roku and Apple TV , and online via web browser. In July , all episodes were made available for purchase on the iTunes Store , in the United States.

The popularity of The Simpsons has made it a billion-dollar merchandising industry.

Many official or unofficial Simpsons books such as episode guides have been published. When the first season DVD was released in , it quickly became the best-selling television DVD in history, although it was later overtaken by the first season of Chappelle's Show. However, on April 19, , Al Jean announced that the Season 17 DVD would be the last one ever produced, leaving the collection from Season 1 to 17, Season 20 released out of schedule in , with Seasons 18, 19, and 21 onwards unreleased. In , about companies around the world were licensed to use Simpsons characters in their advertising.

By , 20th Century Fox had greatly increased merchandising efforts. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the television show. For the franchise, see The Simpsons franchise. For other uses, see The Simpsons disambiguation. From left to right: Brooks Matt Groening Sam Simon. List of The Simpsons characters. History of The Simpsons and The Simpsons shorts. List of showrunners throughout the series' run: Matt Groening , James L. David Mirkin Season 7—8: Mike Scully Season 13—present: List of The Simpsons writers. The Simpsons opening sequence. List of awards and nominations received by The Simpsons.

List of The Simpsons comics. List of The Simpsons video games. An Uncensored, Unauthorized History. Retrieved February 2, The Simpsons and Philosophy: Series renewed through Season 30 on FOX". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 4, Retrieved January 15, Retrieved July 25, Archived from the original on November 9, Retrieved October 22, Archived from the original on February 24, Retrieved August 4, Retrieved March 19, Retrieved April 10, America's First Family television documentary.

Interviewed by David Bianculli. Retrieved August 8, Archived from the original on June 7, Retrieved June 7, Archived from the original on March 8, Retrieved September 1, Retrieved September 19, Retrieved August 24, Archived from the original on October 20, Retrieved October 21, The New York Times. Retrieved July 20, Retrieved August 10, Retrieved December 29, Retrieved September 24, Archived from the original on December 26, Retrieved January 9, Retrieved August 18, Archived from the original on December 20, Retrieved July 29, The Daily Telegraph Sydney.

Retrieved May 16,