The Folds Of My Soul

If you like Terra Bella, you may also like:. I've never been a great fan of mixing hip hop music with electronic one till I've heard The Polish Ambassador. This is amazing combination, so tasteful and pleasant to listen to. I went through few albums, but so far Pushing through The Pavement is my favorite. I would also add that pretty much every tune with vocal is awesome, mainly due to the fact that those tunes are beautiful and lyrics is very thoughtful.

Leap Frog by John Hulburt. Let us start this quest Let me say first of all that I feel blessed Just waking up every day is a prize Feeling all the love before I open my eyes It wasn't always like this Strife is A conduit to make us feel lifeless.. So lost in the adds, fads, drags us down To a lower level where we can't be found But in this underground we forge our own paths The sun still shines And yes we do laugh Yes we do have the things you wanna sell us Fulfilled from within despite what you tell us Rebellious is the spirit that flies..

So ethereal that earth becomes skies I've gotta say with no further ado We're happy to be here with you Chorus Ayla So you can hold all of the folds of all these parts that become soul When waves crash shorelines to this heart, and beat by beat taken apart… So you can hold all of the folds of all these parts that become soul When waves crash shorelines to this heart, and beat by beat taken apart… So you can hold all of the folds of all these parts that become soul When waves crash shorelines to this heart, and beat by beat taken apart… Verse 2 Mr.

Lif It's just another harsh case of cannibalism Oops, I really meant to say capitalism After the rhythm dies down Will it revitalize your soul when you remember the sound? If not, you're listening to audio garbage Shitty as can be R. But, I didn't always like her with Nash, the love-interest Tbh. I didn't hate him, he is decent enough boyfriend so far in the series, but sometimes too much hormonal both of them actually , overprotective toward her and a bit close minded for my taste.

He also constantly snapped at someone Mainly Tod. Who I started to love more actually, is Tod. But why does his name have to be Tod!? Is it a nickname or something? Am I the only one who doesn't like his name so much? But anyway, I liked him already in the first book, and his character gets only better and better.

He's fun, he's unpredictable and he's sarcastic. She swerved into the right-hand lane without bothering to flick on her turn signal, and the driver of the car behind us honked, gesturing angrily. And yeah, the heroine actually confined in her with her Bean Sidhe secrets. What a refreshing surprise! Emma took everything with such an ease. I liked her attitude and personality.

But I want to see more of their friendship in the next books, there was not enough of it. Levi, Tod's boss was also interesting character.

the folds of my soul

Little ginger boy by apperance, creepy old Reaper in actuality. I'll definitely continue with this series. View all 4 comments. Jan 02, Kim rated it really liked it Shelves: The second book in this amazing series, and I enjoyed it as much as the first one. I'll try to keep this as spoiler-free as possible, but most of this will make no sense if you haven't read this book. Just some of the thoughts I have swirling around in my head.

Kaylee's abilities are developing, she's finally learning to control herself and her powers, and Nash is with her every step of the way. Did I mention I adore him already? I love their dynamic and their chemistry, especially when the room The second book in this amazing series, and I enjoyed it as much as the first one. I love their dynamic and their chemistry, especially when the room temperature rises above critical levels. I wasn't blown away by Tod in the first book, but I really like him now. He's cute, funny and I just love it when he gets on his brother's nerves.

He seems to be getting closer to Kaylee as well, and I like that. It's not like he has a lot of people in his life and I think it's good for him to have her around. As long as he keeps a safe distance But she redeemed herself eventually, which left me feeling quite satisfied with the outcome.

I have one silly remark, but it's something that seems odd after a while: Nash and Kaylee hold hands constantly. All the friggin' time! A little less hand-holding, a little more action please. Cause I love how graphic the action is in this series. View all 22 comments. Jan 23, Kristy rated it liked it. Soundtrack going through my mind as I read this book: As we learned in the first book, "My Soul to Take" Kaylee is a Bihne Sahd, she is a screamer, she knows when someone is about to die.

Only this time around someone dies and she doesn't feel a thing, she doesn't have to let out her scream. She learns that this girl had no soul, she had made a deal with a Hellion. We meet Addy this same night and learn she has the same fate as the dead girl-death and the no soul thing. Problem considering our own little Reaper Todd knows this girl and actually cares for her. No one should have to spend eternity attached to a Hellion of torture. Especially someone who signed a contract to become famous and unknowingly sold their soul at the same time.

But she's not the only one. Apparently the big movie company has been handing these contracts with the devil to practically anyone who is dumb enough to sign it, which is pretty much all teens. There is an out-clause, but pretty much not going to happen in this book. So, our loveable characters go on a quest to the Netherworld to bargain for Addy and now her little sister as well soul. Did I like this one as good as the 1st? But, it was still a fun, quick ride.

I'd say if you like the 1st book to go ahead with this one. I'm still looking forward to reading the 3rd installment. Yeah, you should do that, go for it! I'm sorry but for a guy with a name like Nash, i'm not getting what I expected. That sounds like such a tough-guy, bad ass name, right??? I don't know, he is kind of whiney and scared seeming in this book. He is not macho enough for me this go round.

And, enough already with the "I want you" scenes. They want to have sex, but they aren't going to yet. Don't tell me you are waiting until the 4th book for them to go all the way?!?!!? I love, love, love Todd!!!! View all 9 comments. Sep 07, The Flooze rated it liked it Shelves: For some reason this book makes me feel old.

Old as dirt, like no other YA has thus far. Kaylee once again inserts herself in a dangerous situation because of her highly attuned morality and sense of duty. She can't resist helping others. She's a mixture of naivete and hope, blindly blundering through obstacles. But she has to finegle around being grounded to achieve her goals. Has to find a way to work around both her car keys and her mobile phone being taken away. And she has to remain focused For some reason this book makes me feel old.

And she has to remain focused despite the lusty pull of her older jock boyfriend. Perhaps my feeling old is just a testament to how well Vincent describes the teen girl pathos. For me, being well past that stage, the full immersion was a little much. Especially one scene depicting Kay's friend Emma behind the wheel. A horrible, yet accurate, representation of how distractedly and haphazardly some teens drive. It was painful to read from the adult perspective! Nash, the delicious love interest, doesn't gain much depth here.

He's mostly present as the futile voice of contention and reason. He doesn't do much more than growl in either anger or lust, though he does deliver a nice little smack-down of a speech to a hysterical pop princess. Although I would describe Kaylee as a sensible sort of girl, she's a little too willing to drag herself into circumstances she can't entirely comprehend.

I keep wanting her to ask for help, since she's so obviously in over her head and lacking in knowledge. Yet for all her ignorance about the Netherworld and the business of souls, she seems to always know the answers and always asks the right questions. Why does she understand this world of death more than the reaper Tod? It doesn't sit well with me. I can't figure out what makes her so special.

The most intriguing aspects of the book deal with the Netherworld. We get to visit that alien landscape and the misshapen creatures residing there. We also meet two more reapers--they are probably the most fascinating characters of the piece. Were Vincent to write a novel dealing solely with these death-dealers, I think I'd be enthralled. Overall, I like Kaylee, but her do-gooder attitude frustrates me.

I plan to read the next because the glimpse into that hazy grey Netherworld promises more surprises. I want to know more about the unhappy reaper, Tod, and his boss Levi. And I get the feeling that Nash is not all he's cracked up to be. I don't really care what happens to Kaylee, and that's the real problem. Mar 22, Asia rated it really liked it. Jan 28, Kathy rated it really liked it Shelves: Thank you Rachel for finally clearing up exactly what Disney is doing to these young child stars.

Oh wait Disney wasn't even mentioned in this book? Could have fooled me! I have the worst time writing reviews on sequels. I prefer to pick up a book not even having read the back cover. I don't want to know where I'm going until I get there. It's a great addition to the Soul Screamers Series which is unique, well written and very entertaining. The first book got a full 5 Stars, this one comes close with 4. A little too much content for my liking and not quite as good as the first book. There was always an "interruption" Tod or the phone before things went all the way but there was definitely desire, passion, making out and wandering hands.

Please note that with each new book in this series the level of sexual content has escalated, book one is fairly mild but by book four the heat was quite high for a young adult book. Nov 04, Erica rated it liked it. Not sure I like Nash. Interested enough in the story to continue on though. Apr 11, Cinnamon rated it it was amazing Shelves: The first book, My Soul to Take, introduced Kaylee and her bean sidhe banshee abilities. When she senses death, Kaylee can't help but to sing the person's soul song.

To us, this song sounds like ear-shattering screeching. Not exactly a trait known to win friends and influence people. This installment follows Kaylee as she comes to terms with her abilities. I won't go into too many details as I don't want to give anything away from the first book, but I can say that this second book was fantastic.

I loved My Soul to Take and didn't know if the second book could live up to it. Not only did this book live up to the first, in my opinion it surpassed the introductory story. We begin the journey with Kaylee at a hit rock concert. When the star drops dead on stage, Kaylee panics, terrified that her wail will come out in a concert hall packed to the gills with people.

If anything was going to get a girl put back in a mental health unit, that would be it.

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Only problem is Kaylee doesn't scream. If Kaylee's song comes out anytime a person dies, releasing the soul from their body, why doesn't Kaylee feel the urge to sing over the girl's dead body? There's can only be one answer - the girl has no soul. This discovery and the prediction of another girl's impending death leads Kaylee and her friends on a journey to save the souls they can before they wind up losing their own. Already a fan of Ms. Vincent's work, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that this story ended up jam-packed with mystery, suspense, and a whole lot of tension.

Ben Folds/Nick Hornby - From Above (Video)

The romantic tension in the story was especially phenomenal. This author is a master of romantic tension, giving us just enough heat and sensuality to get the heart pumping before cutting us off cold turkey. The romantic elements in the story were quite a bit more pumped up from the first book. There are sensual scenes in this book. They are quite tastefully done and definitely add to the story. Outside of the romantic tension - which really helped to make the story a compelling read - Ms. Vincent gave us quite of bit of suspense to latch on to throughout the story.

From the first page we are thrown into a mystery so dark that the reader can't help but feel involved.

An aspect of this author's writing that I have always found compelling, is her willingness to not sugar coat things for the reader. When she describes a horrible situation or painful events and feelings she really describes them. Below is a quote to show what I mean. Fluid sloshed beneath the skin over my ankle, hanging lower at the back, just above my shoe, where gravity tugged hardest" pg. See what I mean? How can you not get involved in this story? My own leg was aching just reading this part and that's only two sentences out of the entire book.

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Vincent's imagery pops out to the reader. Combine this with her clear writing style that makes a complicated story very easy to follow and we end up with a great story. Vincent and any fans of Young Adult Urban Fantasy. This story is full of realistic and relatable characters, a fantastic storyline that keeps us on the edge of our seats and Ms. Vincent's own clear writing style and vivid imagery. Definitely a winner, I can't wait to read the third in the series; My Soul to Keep is scheduled to be released June, Jun 20, Amber rated it it was ok Shelves: Wake me up when this plot doesn't suck Around halfway through the book, I found myself skimming text--never a good sign.

I've resigned myself to read one more of these before I give up on the series. From the reviews, it seems that the books supposedly get better and evolve, so I guess Wake me up when this plot doesn't suck From the reviews, it seems that the books supposedly get better and evolve, so I guess we will see. Bean Sidhes and Reapers. The occasional funny one-liner. Apparently she and Tod went out for like 8 months when they were practically kids. I mean, she made a deal with an evil, soul-sucking demon, for Pete's sake! I can't feel bad for characters when they are that stupid. And then I almost stopped reading after this lame plot "twist": What is up with this dumb-ass family?

Good for you, Nash, for apparently being the only person in this entire book with any fucking common sense. It's not that this sequel is bad per se I'm thinking some more Toddy time would definitely help this series along Sep 27, Tez rated it it was amazing.

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Usually Kaylee Cavanaugh can tell when someone in the vicinity is about to die, but not this time. A pop star sold her soul, so it's not there for bean sidhe Kaylee to work with. And her reaper friend's ex Addison also sold hers, and Addy's little sister's damn close to selling hers, too. But to win the souls back, Kaylee has to venture into the Netherworld, and not everyone will emerge unscathed. It's impossible to read about Dekker Media without thinking of Disney - especially after viewing Sou Usually Kaylee Cavanaugh can tell when someone in the vicinity is about to die, but not this time.

It's hardly surprising that a major company is aligned with hellions in this case, Avarice. But while the premise itself is unremarkable, the real breadwinner here is the Netherworld. Usually I prefer my urban fantasy to be more urban than fantasy, but the Netherworld is amazing. From its grey fog, to its distance and time, and all the things that happen inside, Rachel Vincent's Netherworld is vastly imaginative and deliciously creepy.

The descriptions are evocative, and I won't soon forget the blades of grass. Family life isn't easy in Eastlake. These realistic elements bring the characters home for readers, grounding the paranormal in a world that's easily relatable. Kaylee and Nash's romance is just plain embarrassing, and the book would be better without it, but thankfully Tad understands the awesomeness of humour.

Rachel Vincent keeps cementing her reputation as an author with fascinating plot twists and stories that you can't help but glom. Maybe the writer should take on time travel next Aug 08, Mandy rated it did not like it Shelves: Well, I read about banshees on St. Patrick's Day, so I mean, that has to count for something, right? Please let it count for something because this was a mess for me. Review to come after I sort out some thoughts with Sha!

This is a hard review for me to write because like I said, I did enjoy it but not as much as the first. I did find it a tad predictable at times but then the ending was a bit of shocker, so it definitely had its highs and lows. I guess I would have liked to have gotten to know her more as a character rather than just the dying girl that everyone was trying to save. I also liked that we got to know Tod a bit more too. Thank you to Mira for giving me the opportunity to review this book.

Nov 13, Isamlq rated it liked it. Soul Screamers reminds me of an episode of Scooby Doo, complete with the clueless Scooby gang. The sad thing is: Teen Superstar drops dead but without a soul. Said teen sensations had sold their souls for fame and fortune. As I said, too convenient, too pat. I lost count ,literally. All that said, I still want to know what happens to Kaylee, Nash and Tod. So I ask, WTH is wrong with me? A little money only made people want more of it. And I liked our used furniture, because if I spilled on it, no one got mad, which meant I could snack in the living room, in front of the television.

But my father insisted we eat dinner together every night. Our crappy kitchen card table was the magic wand he kept waving to turn us into a real family. But on some nights, all that magic seemed to do was irritate and frustrate us both. And still he tried…. Emotion on display, indeed: Aug 15, Kristi rated it liked it.

I just love the whole premise of this series. It's such an unique element, and I can't wait to see where Rachel takes us next! I enjoyed the story, it was excellently written and there were plenty of twists and turns to keep you on you toes. I just didn't enjoy the characters as much this time around. My favorite character from the first novel Todd, was sullen and cl Three words: My favorite character from the first novel Todd, was sullen and closed off. He didn't have the smart-ass quality that first captured my heart!

Also, I was not a fan of Addison at all. I didn't understand why Kaylee and Nash were risking so much to save her. I guess I'm just not a very compassionate person, but I didn't feel sorry for Addison, there was just something about her that rubbed me the wrong way. Rachel did an excellent job portraying her character so that you'd be empathetic toward her, but I just wasn't.

I did enjoy the relationship between Kaylee and Nash, I thought it was a little rushed in the first book, but it seemed to be better developed this time. I so enjoyed the more in depth look into the Netherworld, what a creepy place! Looking forward to seeing more of that world! Overall, story was fantastic, writing was great I just didn't enjoy the characters this time around.

Love, love, love this whole series and this book is no different. New elements are constantly added in to keep things fresh. Avery is definitely an unexpected addition and I love to hate him. Kaylee always keeps a good balance between bean sidhe business and regular life. So I gave this book 5 stars and I am re-reading it so there can't be much I don't like. However, I didn't care much for Addie. Maybe it was her personality or maybe because Tod likes her and isn't into Kaylee yet, but I just di Love, love, love this whole series and this book is no different.

Maybe it was her personality or maybe because Tod likes her and isn't into Kaylee yet, but I just didn't care that she lost her soul. Tod- Tod is my boy. I love that in this book we get to see another side of him, not just the joker. Emma- She would make the best best friend ever. Plus I love her attitude. Kaylee- She has a hero complex but I love that she wants to do things herself.

Nash- He is pretty much the perfect boyfriend, willing to help Kaylee, but I never liked him as much as Tod. Harmony- She is the cool mom that every kid wants. Feb 25, Imani rated it liked it. We got a bit more Tod in this book. But was it only me or did this feel like it could've been a 1. It was short and seemed like a side story almost since it was about saving the soul of a pop star. My Soul to Save Author: Soul Screamers 2 Genre: I'm 73 pages into this book and all that's happened is that somebody we don't know died and Kaylee is unable to contain her misplaced guilt from book 1.

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Kaylee and Nash's relationship is boring and not really an actual relationship. Tod is alright, but he's not enough to hold up this wreck of a book. I had high hopes for this book but unfortunately, it ended up falling a little flat of my expectations. I really enjoyed Kaylee as a character. While having certain insecurities about one thing, she does know herself very well and refuses to back down on what she believes in, no matter what she has to do to get there. I loved this about Kaylee and the fact that she is so strong in her opinions.