Religions-Philosophie: Philosophie (uni auditorium - Taschenbuch) (German Edition)

But instead of losing my reason as a result, I seem at last to have come to reason. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche German classical scholar, critic of culture, philosopher of nihilism, author, letter to close friends, mid-December Due to chronic migraines, nausea and convulsions, Nietzsche frequently took opium. As I was stirring the coffee it suddenly turned green, then purple.

In his autobiography Nietzsche spoke of the rare form of 'inspiration', which today is best understood and labeled as "auditory hallucination", in this case initiated by chemical means. Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries , chapter 2, S. Jedes fassbare Photon wird von mindestens einer Billion schattenhafter Photonen begleitet. Truth , January January Similarly, Nutt endorsed earlier research on psilocybin, a psychoactive chemical within magic mushrooms. Monograph Series German Edition.

I looked up, startled, and saw a huge proboscidean head, like an elephant seal. Panic seized me; I slammed a five-dollar note on the table and ran across the road to a bus on the other side. But all the passengers on the bus seemed to have smooth white heads like giant eggs, with huge glittering eyes like the faceted compound eyes of insects — their eyes seemed to move in sudden jerks, which increased the feeling of their fearfulness and alienness.

Perhaps this direction was suggested by the spider's opening comment: November Sacks had a relevant experience on Artane trihexyphenidyl. I strongly urge others to repeat the experiment […] its first result was to make peal through me with unutterable power the conviction that Hegelism was true after all. Your article [A Suggestion about Mysticism], combined with what you have said in The Varieties of Religious Experiences , opens up great perspectives for us in this direction.

Henri Bergson influential French philosopher, Nobel laureate in literature, , letter to William James, M. Broad, "that we should do well to consider […] the type of theory which Bergson put forward […]. The suggestion is that the function of the brain and nervous system and sense organs is in the main eliminative and not productive.

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With a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying these states we can learn to use them better, to manipulate our consciousness, to our own and societies' advantage. Huxley describes the ego as a reducing valve of the brain. How right they were. Now, for the first time we have seen the empirical basis of these realisations.

April , updated These hubs constrain our experience of the world and keep it orderly. We now know that deactivating these regions leads to a state in which the world is experienced as strange. David John Nutt, Ph. January Similarly, Nutt endorsed earlier research on psilocybin, a psychoactive chemical within magic mushrooms. If you want to understand consciousness , you've got to study psychedelics.

Sozialphilosophie: Philosophie (uni auditorium - Taschenbuch) (German Edition) Philosophie (uni auditorium - Taschenbuch) (German Edition) by [Brieskorn Globalisierung und der Rolle von Religion in demokratischen Gesellschaften. Die Elemente Naturphilosophie Relativitätstheorie Quantenmechanik: Astrophysik (uni auditorium - Taschenbuch) (German Edition) eBook: Harald Lesch.

Walter Benjamin German Jewish philosopher, cultural critic, translator, essayist, cited in: I read the title. But then the book at once changed into the book-in-the-writer's-hand, which it becomes for the perhaps somewhat academic sculptor who confronts the task of sculpting that particular writer. It immediately became integrated into the sculptural form of my own body.

January , Harvard University Press, 2. A photograph of an object can be reproduced and seen anywhere in the world, taking the object out of its spatio-temporal and historical-cultural context. Referencing Walter Benjamin German Jewish philosopher, cultural critic, translator, essayist, in: November Benjamin possibly died from suicide by morphine overdose. It has been my experience, however, that creative achievement requires an alert consciousness, and that it diminishes under the spell of drugs. On the other hand, conceptualization is important, and one gains insights under the influence of drugs that indeed are not possible otherwise.

March , cited in: I cannot agree with the thoughts of Huxley that possibilities for transcendence could here be given to the masses.

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Indeed, this does not involve comforting fictions, but rather realities, if we take the matter earnestly. December , cited in: We came close to the ultimate door. Reality is inconceivable without an experiencing subject, without an ego. It is the product of the exterior world, of the sender and of a receiver, an ego in whose deepest self the emanations of the exterior world, registered by the antennae of the sense organs, become conscious. If one of the two is lacking, no reality happens, no radio music plays, the picture screen remains blank.

Morality, the great isolator, the great separator, divides man in half. To return to the unity of the vision is to reconcile body, soul, and the world. Octavio Paz Mexican diplomat, poet, writer, Nobel laureate in literature, , Alternating Current , chapter 2, S. August , Arcade Publishing, January , reprint edition 7. The "trip" involves the dissolution of the ego shaped by the established society — an artificial and short-lived dissolution. But the artificial and "private" liberation anticipates, in a distorted manner, an exigency of the social liberation: Awareness of the need for such a revolution in perception, for a new sensorium, is perhaps the kernel of truth in the psychedelic search.

My first contact with mescaline took place in a partially-lighted room in which all objects changed shape according to real perspective.

Spinoza - 02 - Dieu ou la Nature

The cloth part of the umbrella became the wings, and then there was a neck and a kind of beak. It was seen like that.

I saw a man as a toad running in the street. And finally, when I got back to Rouen, I saw Beaver's shoe as a big fat fly. Jean-Paul Sartre French philosopher, proponent of existentialism, literary critic, publicist, dramatist, romancier, transcription of the film Sartre by Himself , directed Alexandre Astruc and Michel Contat, published January For Sartre, the mescaline experience had its price, a price of terror. Michel Foucault French philosopher, historian of ideas, social theorist, philologist, literary critic, author, essay Theatrum Philosophicum , presented by Critique , S.

If you like to phrase it so, philosophy is mystical.

Die Elemente Naturphilosophie Relativitätstheorie by Harald Lesch

For mysticism is direct insight into depths as yet unspoken. But the purpose of philosophy is to rationalize mysticism: Alfred North Whitehead English mathematician, philosopher, pioneering integralist, metaphysical educator, author, Modes of Thought , chapters , , Touchstone, reissue edition 1. Philosophy is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat. Metaphysics is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat that isn't there. Theology is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat that isn't there, and shouting "I found it!

SpiritualWiki - Philosophie

Online course Free 7 weeks long online course: Introduction to Philosophy , presented by coursera. Ihr folgte das lange und bis heute nicht abgeschlossene Programm naturphilosophischer Untersuchungen. Noble in Reason, Infinite in Faculty: During this daring and cutting edge new paintings, Adrian Moore poses the query of if it is attainable for moral considering to be grounded in natural cause.

For the Love of God and People: A Philosophy of Jewish Law. Each iteration of Jews in each denomination of Judaism reveals itself dealing with advanced felony questions. The prestige of same-sex unions and the plight of the agunah a girl who can't receive a divorce , are only of a myriad of thorny questions Jewish criminal specialists grapple with this present day. Monograph Series German Edition. Religion from Tolstoy to Camus. Walter Kaufmann committed his existence to exploring the spiritual implications of literary and philosophical texts.