Daher gilt die Kompetenz zur Integration und zum Management von Personal als ein zentrales Erfolgskriterium. Hier obliegen die Governance-Verantwortung und die Aussteuerung dem jeweiligen Dienstleister. Die MaRisk unterscheiden dazu zwischen wesentlichen und unwesentlichen Auslagerungen. Die Dienstleistung des Outsourcinganbieters unterliegt der Mehrwertsteuer. Eine aktuelle Form der Kostensenkung ist das sogenannte Offshore-Outsourcing siehe unten.
Outsourcing ist dann eine Make-or-buy -Entscheidung. Er ist Teil der Globalisierung von Unternehmensstrukturen. Die Berechnung der Wirtschaftlichkeit eines Outsourcing-Vorhabens basiert auf zahlreichen Parametern und einem komplexen Modell und ist entsprechend aufwendig. Outsourcing-Projekte werden manchmal unter falschen Vorzeichen initiiert. Ein schwerwiegender typischer Fehler bei der Umsetzung eines Outsourcing-Projektes ist die unzureichende Information der Mitarbeiter, d. Deshalb muss von Beginn an auf eine umfassende, zeitnahe und offene Kommunikation geachtet werden.
Viele Unternehmen haben festgestellt, dass sich zwar unmittelbar Kosten reduzieren lassen — mittelfristig bzw. Wenn ein Unternehmen gleichartige Prozesse aus verschiedenen Bereichen in einer Zentrale zusammenfasst, spricht man von Shared Services. Business economics - Supply, Production, Logistics.
Competitive organizations forced to design their supply chain strategies in line with endless customer demand like service speed, faster delivery and low cost products without compromising quality. This only can be possible with a reliable, responsive and quality supplier base.
The motives of outsourcing product, sub product or service may be different from organization to organization and may be department to department within an organization. Through this study we have tried to understand the motives of manufacturing outsourcing in selected discrete manufacturing industries of India.
Manufacturing outsourcing, Outsourcing decision, Discrete manufacturing industry, Supplier relationship management, Supply chain management, Indian manufacturing industries. Manufacturing organizations are forced to formulate and implement manufacturing outsourcing strategies due to immense competition, changing industrial and economic policies around the globe.
Survival depends on new product development, differentiation, innovation, technology leadership and constant improvement in core competencies.
The manufacturing strategy usually based on specialization or differentiation, which leads to managing the total value chain and therefore puts emphasis on outsourcing Dekkers, This helps in release of internal resources, cost reduction, cycle time compression and exploitation of available resources falling in line with the organizational requirements. This statement leads to think and implement right selection of outsourcing strategy, supplier selection, performance measurement, and supplier development and supplier satisfaction areas.
Nishiguchi classifies three networks for the value-added chain, mostly aimed at manufacturing processes. To maintain and to write a higher growth story, manufacturing industries must look in to their operational strategies carefully. Manufacturing outsourcing decisions may vary from organization to organization and typically depends on available capacity, capability, and nature of job, delivery commitment to end client, price and sensitiveness of business.
Apart from this the typical characteristics of discrete manufacturing makes the outsourcing decision more complicated. This study is making an attempt to understand the attributes considered by Indian discrete manufacturing industries while taking manufacturing outsourcing decision. Manufacturing outsourcing is one of the game changer attributes in operation strategy of the organization.
This helps the organization to compete in the market with valuable ingredient like time to market, technology leadership and cost effectiveness. The most important aspect is, the decision makers must clearly define the area and scope of outsourcing.
Manufacturing outsourcing is not a new topic. The prime objective of outsourcing is to get the services of the suppliers or service providers, so that parent organizations can handle specific business processes in a better way, faster and at a lower operating cost Polineni, The outsourcing phenomenon in advanced regions dates back to the mids and accelerated during the s Gereffi and sturgeon, Since the s there has been a trend of outsourcing among organizations across various industries starting with basic information systems to advanced strategic and transformational outsourcing, which involves outsourcing of core and strategic business functions Schniederjans et.
Outsourcing enables firms to devote more time on strategic planning and management and focus on their core business competency rather than on routine logistics functions Lynch et al. The outsourcing decision is basically derived from make or buy concept. Usually organizations preliminary calculate the cost or production and the cost of acquire. The other important factors affect outsourcing decision is quality, labor, capacity, scheduling, and skill Heinritz et al.
After deciding to buy, the buying organizations look for measurable objectives and the complete scope of outsourcing. Apart from that organization looks the way to integrate the outsourcing objectives to business objectives Trunick, According to Lacity et al the motives of outsourcing fall into four categories: Financial motives are such motives in which outsourcing is driven mainly or merely by cost-savings.
If outsourcing is based on strategic motive, there are more profound reasons for outsourcing than mere cost-cutting. It helps to increase efficiency, improve service quality, accountability, value, decrease lead counts and cash infusion and gain access to world class capability and sharing. Supply chain practitioners believe that concentrating on core competencies and outsourcing the rest is a better and profitable way of doing business.
The reasons why companies outsource depend on many factors. Motives for outsourcing peripheral activities are in most cases different than they are for activities closer to the core of business.
In addition, different organizations in different circumstances will expect different benefits Kremic et al, The top ten reasons why companies outsource are 1 Reduce and control operating cost, 2 Improve company focus, 3 Gain access to world class capability, 4 Free resources for other purposes, 5 Resources are not available internally, 6 Accelerate re-engineering benefits, 7 Non-core function that is too complex to manage, 8 Make capital funds available, 9 Share risks, and 10 Cash Infusion The outsourcing Institute executive survey, Literature review indicates manufacturing outsourcing can be done for various motives namely to achieve operational Excellency, reduce cost, better cost control, taking advantage of technology, reducing risk, focus on core competency and releasing resources for other activities.
This study is trying to understand the motives of the outsourcing in discrete manufacturing industries of India. This study is also trying to explore the stages of the manufacturing outsourcing and the specific objectives attached at that stage.
Formen des Outsourcings betrieblicher Prozesse (German Edition) [Frank Drefahl] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Studienarbeit aus dem. Automatentheorie und Logik ( (German Edition) (Kindle Edition) Formen des Outsourcings betrieblicher Prozesse (German Edition).
So it is necessary to understand the type of industry and the stages of manufacturing. Manufacturing industry normally divided into three segments i. Discrete manufacturing is the industry where product is manufactured based on specific criteria, material along with specific technical requirements from the end client.