EZ Guides Saints Row - The Third

Saints Row: The Third Achievements

Hence the name of the mission. Here's how it works. Destroy vehicles and public property in the blue area on your map to add to the total amount of monetary damage inflicted. The easiest way to do this is to take your infinite supply of grenades and lob them at everything you see. As you continue to cause constant damage, you'll build up a multiplier to increase your points even further.

Note that gas stations make excellent explosive targets. You'll also unlock Kinzie's next mission, "Guardian Angel. You'll have to drive your clients around town while avoiding the paparazzi. Honestly, this is one of the most disturbing missions yet. While your clients enjoy themselves in the back, they'll expect you to complete several specified driving moves to heighten their pleasure. If that wasn't strange enough, you'll also have to avoid paparazzi vehicles that will take footage of your clients, as well as the clients' significant others who will pursue you doggedly.

When you fill the pleasure bar by fulfilling the requested stunts, the mission will be completed, as long as you don't fill the footage bar first, which will cause you to fail the mission. Completing this mission will unlock additional "Escort" activities, and Zimos will be added as a homie in your phone.

The next mission for Zimos, "Painting a Picture," will also be unlocked. Call up Zimos and head over to his place for a cutscene. That concludes this quest. Really, that's all there is to it. This will be your third mission for Angel. Go to the starting point to be introduced to his latest challenge: Avoid hitting things, which will anger the tiger, while driving fast to fill your courage bar. As you drive at high speeds, the courage bar will fill, but angering the tiger with collisions will cause its rage bar to fill, which you obviously don't want.

Furthermore, even if you avoid angering the tiger, he will still claw at you now and then, which will mess up your driving. Filling the courage bar will complete the mission. This will unlock "Tiger Escort" missions and Angel will become available as a homie for you to call in combat. Angel will also offer yet another mission, "Face Your Fear. Go see Angel and he will tell you that you have mastered your fear.

Again, that's all there is to it. They couldn't have included that as part of the last mission? It doesn't even unlock a new mission or anything. This is the third mission for Kinzie. She's been found out by the Deckers, and she needs you to cover her from the rooftops while she gets away with the Saints. You'll get a sniper rifle to help you out with this, and the rifle has infinite ammo.

You'll start up on a rooftop over looking a firefight between Decker thugs and the Saints. Snipe the thugs and protect your homies from harm. As you kill the Deckers, more waves will continue to swarm in. Eliminate all of them until Kinzie can get into the car. Now you'll switch over to a helicopter with a rocket launcher, and your homies' health will be refilled.

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Cover your homies' car by shooting the pursuing vehicles with rockets, but of course, be careful you don't hit your own guys with the splash damage, as indiscriminate rockets may hurt your allies more than your enemies. After a certain point, the enemy trucks will be supplemented by armored vehicles. Try to tolerate Kinzie's constant nagging while you destroy the vehicles.

This will unlock the "Go Into the Light" achievement for completing the final instance of "Guardian Angel. You'll be piloting a helicopter while covering Kinzie's vehicle as she stops at various building to hack. As a reminder, move with the left stick while using A to go up and X to go down. Left trigger is your rocket launcher, and right trigger is your minigun.

Kenzie will be pursued by Morningstar thugs as she drives to each destination. Shoot the cars that follow her, then cover her when she stops at each destination while she hacks for a moment before continuing on. After three hackings, the mission is complete. Head to the Smiling Jack to meet with Kinzie. This is another one of those missions that just congratulates you for beating the last mission with a cutscene. Head over to Zimos's party for this mission.

Don't worry, this is a "real" mission this time. Albeit the most disturbing one yet. You'll have to run through the building nude and intoxicated while fighting waves of guards. In the first room, you have to disable the security alarm. While you're at it, kill a guard in melee and steal his weapon.

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Next, you need to head down to the security center through the marked basement stairs. You'll have to run through a dungeon and fight more guards.

You have the option to free the trapped women to help you fight. Now countinue through toward the security center. When you reach the security room, take out the guards and disable the security. When that's done, eliminate all Morningstar gang members in the area with the help of your newly freed women.

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When that's done, head through the market door to the garage. Here you must fight a brute with a minigun, but you can only use your current weapons. When he's weakened, run up and press Y to finish him. This will complete the mission, and unlock the Safeword club as a crib and a stronghold.

Head to the docks to intercept a barge full of Morningstar thugs and their female prisoners. Drive out on a boat to the barge and drive up on the catwalks to reach the deck. Kill the Morningstar gangsters and open the containers here to free the women. Of these, only one turns out to contain prisoners, so you must keep looking. After searching the first batch of containers, more indicators appear to search. A brute will also come running out of a container, so deal with him.

Open the next group of containers, one of which has more women for you to free. On the stairs up to the next area is a brute with a minigun. A crate up on the next level contains the third group of women. Head up on the left to the next group of containers with the final pair of trapped girls.

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Now your newly claimed barge will come under attack. Kill the gangsters on the boat itself, then head up to the north platform to collect a minigun. With this weapon in hand, open fire on the incoming boats and helicopters to keep them from landing on the barge. If they do, you'll have men on foot to worry about while more waves of enemy vehicles continue to pour in.

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Noi di Kobo ci assicuriamo che le recensioni pubblicate non contengano un linguaggio scurrile e sgradevole, spoiler o dati personali dei nostri recensori. Your Backseat Smells Funny: Entering the game as the leader of the Third Street Saints, you can explore the city of Steel port, participating in missions to progress the story or taking a hand at side activities to earn respect and the all-important money. Drive to the indicated zone, pull up your phone, and go to the "Phone" option on it. You don't have to take a lot of damage from the hit, but you have to be smacked hard enough to fall down.

When the last enemy wave subsides, wait for the helicopter to come in and pick up the girls and Zimos. You'll be in another helicopter with a rocket launcher to cover them. This is an upgraded rocket launcher: As the helicopter takes off, take out the boats that pursue you. After a few waves of boats, the next enemy group will be snipers in helicopters waiting on the ground. Take out a couple of these helicopters, then a large group of armored vehicles will move in.

You don't necessarily have to lock on, just shoot as many APCs as you can, and you'll move past them easily enough. As you move over the city, more snipers and men with rocket launchers will be waiting on the rooftops. Blow them away to allow Zimos to proceed unfettered. The mission ends with a choice moment: Whichever you choose, you'll have to drive a truck with the girls in the rear container to the destination of choice.

Seems like the Saints don't really treat these girls any better than the Morningstar Anyway, drive to the blue marker to sell the girls to Morningstar, or drive to the purple markers to bring them into the Saints. Whichever option you choose, you will receive the "Gotta Break Em In" achievement. You will also unlock an Oleg mission: Head to the park to meet with Viola. The government shows up an starts shooting everyone, random citizens and gangsters alike. You'll take cover in a warehouse to begin the mission.

Head out the door, and you'll find yourself in a strip joint. The STAG will throw in tear gas and come storming in. Fight them off and head for the door on the left to escape. Turns out the government is bringing in battleships, fighter planes, and basically the whole nine yards.

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You'll be up on the roof with one objective: Enemy planes will land numerous mercenaries on the roof while more snipe you from nearby rooftops. If you have a rocket launcher or Predator missiles, now would be a good time to use them on these planes. Again, good time for a rocket, or this will be a protracted battle.

Shortly afterward, the elevator will be fixed, and you can get out of here. A few STAG foes will show up at the door, including one with a riot shield. Take them out grenades are effective against shield guys and proceed out the door. Grab the unattended cop car outside and take off immediately. Completing this mission will add Viola as your homie.

Two missions will now be unlocked: With Killbane" for Kinzie. Don't go far, as this objective is at the Saints HQ. From there, head out to the STAG base. Take out the heavily armored private soldiers guarding it, then run up to the cockpit and steal a VTOL. The controls are the same as for a helicopter, except that all the weapons are replaced with lasers, and you can press B to switch between Hover Mode and Flight Mode. Head to the marked objective, and eliminate the surrounding stag vehicles on the rooftops. You'll want to change back to Hover Mode when you get there.

Destroy all the targets here to defend your convoy. Now head over to one of the STAG bases and destroy all the marked vehicles there, then do the same at the next base. If your VTOL becomes severely damaged, ditch it and steal one from one of these bases. After both bases are busted up, go help Oleg. Defend Oleg while destroying the target vehicles as they approach his location. Be sure you don't hit him with friendly fire here. Eventually, some VTOLs will come in and attack you; take them out too.

Your next goal is to approach and destroy an enemy surveillance aircraft, and you have a time limit of four minutes to do so. Use Flight Mode to get there in time. As you approach, take out the fighter VTOLs protecting it. Next, destroy the helicopters following the airchraft. Finally, target the aircraft itself and blow it out of the sky before time runs out.

That concludes this mission. You'll also unlock "Nyte Blayde's Return. Head over to Smiling Jack's to start the mission. You have sixteen minutes to complete the mission before the broadcast ends. Head from here to the helicopter and get yourself in the air. Head over to the nearby radio tower and land on the heliport. Shoot the Deckers guarding the roof, then plant a transmitter. This will take some time, so eliminate the enemies shoot at you before starting.

Now get back in the helicopter. Fly over to the next radio tower from here. Keep track of how much time you have left, as the time limit encompasses the whole mission. Take out the enemies below, then take the fire escape up to the roof and set another transmitter. Now jump down and parachute with Y to get down to the helicopter. Now locate the broadcast van and get close to it. You will now have lasers on your helicopter; paint the van with the lasers to fill the bar at the top of the screen.

Once the bar is filled, head to the interview. Land on the roof of the building and take out the guards as usual. Now head down into the building and clear the next floor of all Deckers. Talk to Jane, and she'll tell you where Killbane went. Follow Killbane's vehicle with Shaundi and get near it to finish the mission.

Completing the mission with unlock the Spotlight helicopter for your heliport ugh. It'll also unlock Kinzie's "Learning Computer" mission. On the upper level, head to the room where Nyte Blayde Drive over to the comic shop to begin. Head to the PR Center, and when you arrive, approach the desk and ask for Nyte Blayde what attrocious spelling You'll be directed to the elevator upstairs. You should take it, obviously. That annoying actor from the beginning of the game is warming up in the next room.

Grab him and carry him out, fighting off the guards with your free hand. Note that you can still sprint. Head for the elevator leading back down to escape. On the ground floor, take out the guards on this level and head downstairs toward the elevator to the garage. A few guards will come out of the elevator as it arrives.

Clear them out and take their elevator down. In the garage, approach the marker and press Y to force Josh to get into the car, then drive out of here.

EZ Guides Saints Row - the Third (Electronic book text)

For whatever reason, they are completely unable to pursue you once you enter the building. Completing this mission unlocks the Cardinal outfit. The next mission, "Stag Party," also becomes available. Head down to Kinzie's hideout for this mission. The outer area will be surrounded by Deckers, so eliminate them. Next, head inside and take out the numerous STAG guards protecting the center. When all the guards have fallen, taken the elevator down to the basement. Once you're down there, kill the Deckers and hop in the tank. The tank moves with the left stick, and the weapons are on the triggers.

Use the primary fire to destroy the barrier and drive on out. Using the tank, follow the Decker truck escaping with the computer. Use the machine guns left trigger to disable the wheels of the truck. Don't use the cannon on the right trigger, for obvious reasons. When all four wheels are disabled, you'll apprehend the truck. This concludes the mission. You'll receive only the usual cash and respect rewards, and unlock "Stop All the Downloading.

Head over to the old Saints HQ to begin.


Are you struggling to control the tiger in the back of your van? Or a bit stuck in the middle of a shoot out? You've come to the right place. The EZ Guides Saints. Saints Row: The Third doesn't have a dull moment, and you can play alone or with a friend in cooperative mode. This guide is here to help you.

You'll be setting a trap for STAG. Now that you've gotten some aggro, return to Saints HQ and head inside. When the STAG forces congregate outside, shoot them with the rocket launcher to set off a chain reaction that will detonate the explosives outside. Afterward, start fighting off the STAG outside by blowing up the indicated car bombs. A few STAG will remain, so finish them off. Shortly afterward, you'll receive a new mission to protect the north side of the building from incoming tanks, so head back over there. Use the nearby rocket launcher to destroy both tanks, then once Pierce makes it in safely, take the elevator down.

Run over to Pierce, which will somehow give him the strength to run a few feet to the HQ building. Now head back into the building yourself, and Pierce will reveal your new weapon: Use this to paint the tanks outside for airstrikes, and repeat until they are completely destroyed. Defend the perimeter for a while until a few VTOLs show up. The laser-targeting system can be used to take these out too, once they stop moving. Destroy all VTOLs and defend this area for a while longer, before you're called away to take out some STAG soldiers that have made it up to the observation deck.

Now you'll need to take the elevator up, then head outside to Shaundi's location. You'll have another choice moment: Alternatively, keep him by handing him off to Shaundi, and he will become a homie. Once you've made your choice, get out of here. Completing this mission will grant the reward for the choice you made, as well as the SA3 Airstrike targeting system for your weapon cache. Head over to Kinzie's place to begin. You'll need to go to a nuclear plant and hack three uplinks. Take Kinzie to each uplink and defend the area while she hacks the node. Then pick her up and drive her to the next uplink until all three are done.

Now you'll need to head to the helicopter landing site. Kinzie will fly around seraching for the signal. After a minute, she'll fly you over the target. Jump straight into the nuclear plant and pull your parachute to land safely. Head over to the stairs and take them down to enter the plant proper. Head up to each of the four routers and disable them. The disabling process takes a few seconds, so clear the immediate area of enemies first. Finally, head up to the final router by the chair and turn it off. You will unlock the nuclear plant as a crib, which doubles as a stronghold.

Head to Kinzie's place again. This mission takes place in a virtual reality world that looks pretty much like Tron. Also you're a toilet. Then you'll slowly take the appearance of a more reasonable avatar, with a Megaman buster gun as your weapon. Head to the firewall, which is literally a wall of fire, while fighting enemy programs that look just like Deckers.

Your buster gun proves to be surprisingly effective. When the snail symbol starts appearing on your screen, you'll find that you'll be temporarily slowed down. Other than that, you can continue fighting as normal. At the firewall, you'll need to figure out a riddle. In the first "room," grab a torch.

Keep walking, and the torch will stay lit. In the next room, keep walking. When you reach the unicorn, kill it. You can play again if you want. All the other options either kill you or do nothing. You'll be a toilet again, but you'll still be able to fight as before. Head to the marked antivirus while fighting more Decker programs.

Now you'll be faced with another alternate rule, the hourglass, which sends you backward, making the fight more annoying than it should be. For the next mission, you'll have to play a tank minigame. Press up on the stick to move forward, press left and right to steer, and press the right trigger to fire. Destroy the enemy tank to return to the regular game mode. Your final objective is the Internet Security Protocol.

Fight the Decker programs on the way, and you'll encounter a new rule. This is the control switcher, and when active, it reverse your movement controls, though this is easily remedied by standing still. When you reach the objective, you'll have an error code to debug. I just pressed A, and the screen cleared. This should allow you to proceed into the next area, where you'll have to fight a giant boss: During the fight, he can employ the movement rules from before to inhibit you, though these aren't too problematic if you hold still.

After dealing a certain amount of damage, there'll be a button-mashing sequence where you tear off his wings.

Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) Walkthrough/Strategy Guide/FAQ for PC - Cheat Code Central

After this, he'll use a rule that shrinks you, but you'll be able to fight him as normal. Rather than try to upgrade all your weapons to slightly more useful forms, focus on two or three tops and upgrade them all the way through. End level pistols dole out explosive tips and end level machine pistols unleash incendiary rounds that can easily torch your targets. Buy every property you can.

This is the easiest stuff you can do in the game and you should knock it out early and often. This will bank roll your other operations, help you upgrade your skills, guns, cars, and so on, which will allow you to tackle the missions with as robust a deck as possible. Grabbing territory this way also increases the spawn coverage for members of your gang when you need them. These are the gargantuan guys that run around in vanilla, flamethrower, and minigun variants. You need to do two things: Both shotgun and spray and pray weaponry require you to be too close to be dangerous, in which case they will rip you up.

Level up those pistols and let their heads have it! Base jump to the front, land as close to the center flare as you can, get around respect, go into your crib, go to helipad, and repeat: Will that still let you get the achievements? Colocation by Springs Hosting. Posted by N on November 19, at 9: Stick to your initial side arm. It seems small and silly, but I honestly found myself getting more head shots with the flashlight-enabled pea shooter which actually packs a punch!

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