Brief einer Unbekannten (Fischer Klassik Plus 895) (German Edition)

To integrate solar cells into a design object has proved to be challenging. Throughout the development process it has been extremely important with the coherence between technology and design in a close dialogue between all parties. The project team has made three distinctive designs, where design solutions It is more advanced and flexible than traditional artificial sun simulators based on a Xenon light source since because AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology.

Forskning finder, at diagnosen kan stilles hos mindst 5 pct. The third chapter focuses on one of the current main joint projects of the Boards - fin The cost of solar refrigeration: The rococo project; Was solare Kuehlung kostet - das Rococo- Projekt. The cost of modern solar refrigerators is between 1, and 8, Euros per kW of refrigeration capacity. The biggest potential for savings is in the peripheral components, as well as in the operating cost and especially in servicing. Cost reduction must have priority if solar refrigeration is to be successful in the market.

In the context of the European research project ''Reduction of costs of Solar Cooling systems'' Rococo , a team of scientists from France, Spain and Austria investigated existing systems. What project fits my site? Not looking at the 'hard' facts under approval legislation and other provisions for biogas plants, this talk will deal with other factors that can decide the success or failure of a project. We will look at external aspects, i.

The purpose of the talk is to focus the entrepreneur's attention of the project as a whole to identify possible opportunities and resistances in time. On the other hand, present market developments force the owners of existing and planned biogas plants to be more accurate in their cost calculation and make use of all energy potentials at operational level. Betydning af udlandspraktik for udvikling af bioanalytikerfaglighed - master projekt i naturfagsdidaktik.

This study documents how two students in Medical Laboratory Technology have developed their Practical Knowledge and Professional Identity during 5 months of practical training in a hospital laboratory in Ankara, Turkey. In order for students to be able to do practical training in Ankara as a part The two students have experienced that they have gained strength, self confidence and courage.

They have participated very actively in their own learning process and have Due to major differences between the laboratory in Denmark and Turkey the two students have especially benefited from the stay concerning their Awareness of Quality. Storytelling is inspiring as a method and has become a talking point. ETH Library has made use of storytelling to develop and realize a new content-marketing platform, Explora. On Explora, stories about digitized holdings in the collections and archives and ETH Library services are told, focusing on the attractive presentation of multimedia content.

This article outlines why the combination of storytelling and scholarship is a suitable combination in order to reach the public with academic or even library-related topics. The paper also introduces Explora and explains the background behind the Multimedia Storytelling project, which was conducted at ETH Library from November to February The final section focuses on lessons learned and offers an outlook on the further development of the platform. Storytelling begeistert und macht als Methode von sich Reden. Der Beitrag skizziert, warum Storytelling und Wissenschaft eine geeignet Social angst er en almindelig, men overset lidelse, som ofte er forbundet med isolation.

The following demonstration programme was judged well by the experts but was not immediately accepted for financial subsidies. In November the EU-commission provided 1,5 million ECU which allowed the realisation of an updated project proposal. By mid a small project was approved, that had been requested under the lead of Chalmes Industriteteknik CIT in Sweden and is mainly carried out for the transfer of technology.

Das daraus entwickelte Demonstrationsprogramm wurde von den Gutachtern positiv bewertet, konnte jedoch nicht auf Anhieb in die Foerderung aufgenommen werden. Bereits Mitte wurde ein kleineres Vorhaben bewilligt, das unter Federfuehrung von Chalmers Industriteknik CIT in Schweden beantragt worden war und das vor allem dem Technologietransfer dient. It now consists of approx. The dictionary is online available at www. The pre-processing of the data used mainly language independent methods and were used for corpora in other languages, too.

The paper describes the production process for three dictionaries for which these corpus data were used: In all cases, the raw data for the dictionary entries were produced automatically, and the final entries were written only using these pre-selections. In the case of the thesaurus, the preprocessing consisted in a corpus based detection of semantically similar words.

For the neologism dictionary the yearly frequency information were used and for the collocation dictionary, word co-occurrences and part of speech information were combined. Practical implementation of joint projects for offshore wind; Praktiskt genomfoerande av gemensamma projekt foer havsbaserad vindkraft. Cooperation mechanisms are part of the renewable s directive and aims to member countries to cooperate on renewable energy to meet their national targets a cost effective way.

The Energy Agency has in previous assignments analyzed the possibilities and limitations of cooperation mechanisms and other countries' interest in the cooperation mechanisms. In the Appropriation Directions for , the Energy Agency has been asked to contribute to the continued analysis and practical preparations for a possible cooperation with other member countries.

The assignment covers several different types of cooperation. This report represents the Agency's accounting of the part of the commission on cooperation through joint projects. This part include, in consultation with the industry to develop a proposal for the practical use for the implementation of possible joint projects for offshore wind power.

The mission aims to create greater clarity and facilitate the possible implementation of joint projects. Sikkert arbejde for unge AMFF- projekt nr.: Pian of marketing strategies for product extreme sports Work goals: To propose marketing strategies that can increase spectator attendance on extreme sport mountain bike downhill races Methods: Conclusion and advices for increasing spectator attendance on mountain bike downhill races Key words: Snelheidslimieten op het fabrieksterrein van DSM te Geleen: De aan de SWOV gestelde vraag luidt: De praktijk leert dat het uitsluitend instellen van een snelheidslimiet er niet toe leidt dat weggebruikers zich aan zo'n limiet zullen houden.

Daarom dient te worden toegevoegd de vraag. First part of presented thesis focuses on theoretic concept of internal communication in a nowadays organization and on related terms, which are vital for internal communication understanding. First chapter describes definition of communication, social communication, social interaction and corporate communication. It describes basic functions of communication, communication process and individual types of communication.

Its part is also description of obstacles, which may during communication This thesis describes the design and application of the methodology for project management of the Software Quality Assurance Competence Centre. In short theoretical introduction the thesis mentions the basic concepts associated with project management, including several examples of methodologies for project management.

This comprehensive final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE summarises and presents nine individual reports and documents concerning the topic of uninterruptible power supplies. The documents compiled for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy in earlier projects concerning the quality and energy efficiency of uninterruptible power supply UPS systems dating from to have been revised and expanded in collaboration with a UPS Systems 'Trendwatch' group.

These documents form the basis for the international distribution of the studies and findings relating to the quality and energy efficiency of UPS systems. These results are to be distributed by both European as well as American commissions. A label and codes of conduct are being developed. Rund 80 Geschaefte auf ca. Restoring of offshore wind farm sites. Lillgrund Pilot Project; Aaterstaellande av havsbaserad vindkraft. This report focuses on the legal aspects of decommissioning and restoring of offshore wind farm sites, as part of an extensive report on the Lillgrund Offshore Wind Farm Pilot Project.

For this analysis, all permit conditions of the granted permits for the offshore wind parks in Sweden have been collected and studied. According to the Swedish Environmental code 'the validity of a permit, approval or exemption may be made subject to the requirement that the person who intends to pursue the activity must furnish a security for the costs of after-treatment and any other restoration measures that may be necessary as a result. The state, municipalities, county councils and associations of municipalities shall not be required to furnish a security.

If there is cause to assume that the security furnished is no longer sufficient, the authority which is considering the application for a permit, approval or exemption may require an additional security to be furnished'. The permits show that different types of securities are being used, with bank warranties and securities being the most common. Securities are either fixed and furnished prior to start of construction or start of operations, or they are obtained gradually over the life of the project.

Among the twelve permits studied, a gradual tendency to use a combination of the two alternatives can bee seen. The conditions governing when an offshore wind farm is to be discontinued and which parts need to be partly or fully removed from the site are obviously of future importance. The issue has been addressed to different degrees in the permits, some to a clear legal extent, while others are more general. The extent to which the park is to be decommissioned and the site to be restored is decided by the county administrative board once production is terminated. AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology http: First geothermal explorations were carried out in the year in the sovereign Indian Reservation situated nearly 70 km northwest of Albuquerque.

New Mexico, United States of America. Different feasibility studies on the geothermal utilization and on different utilization concepts were established. The economic situation of the region has to be improved by means of a coupled geothermal utilization. The region was explored by means of magnetotellurics up to depth of 8 kilometre and reflection seismics up to a depth of 2. A graben structure between the Indian Spring fault in the west and the Vallecitos fault in the east are indicative of a geothermal convection zone.

The previous model could be improved considerably. A preliminary drilling program up to a depth of 2, meter with Casing design and planning of the borepath occurred. Under socio-economic aspects, up to nine members of the tribe enjoyed an education or further training to engineers under the control of TBA Power Inc. This project wishes to examine how the multinational mass media company Disney portrays gender roles in a selection of their movies, Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Mulan, Tangled and Frozen, and whether or not a change within the gender roles portrayed in these movies occur.

The project wishes to do so through several thorough analyses, one of which is based on the theory of Judith Butler. Her Gender Theory, which was published in her controversial Full Text Available Purpose: The aim is to contribute to improving management of solutions, implementation and sustainability of the effects of entrepreneurial innovation projects through a comprehensive approach to their effectiveness.

Based on the theory of innovation. It uses a system approach, comparison, analysis, synthesis, modelling, abstraction, structuring and concretisation. Most important is the creativity and originality of the solution and implementation of a complex innovation. Object of the effectiveness analysis of the business project is an entire complex innovative action, it is not sufficient only to analyse the effectiveness of selected individual innovations.

Improving the preparation of innovative project decisions must be based on this knowledge. The following is a summary of the results of work of the author. A structure of project effectiveness analysis was created, which is the same for the analyses done: A system of groups of project effectiveness criteria was created: It is essential to apply all the groups of criteria. The analysis cannot be limited only to the financial criteria. A model of product usefulness, which contains seven groups of parameters, was created. The diploma thesis discusses a marketing communication of the restaurant "Kamera", located in Prague's district of Barrandov.

Article contents

Based on a thorough analysis of the current marketing communication, a new project of its improvement is proposed. The theoretical part defines the groundwork with basic terms as marketing, marketing mix, SWOT analysis, marketing communication, or marketing research. The practical part introduces the restaurant Kamera, describes the current situation and analyses its p This thesis is devoted to the McDonald's Olympic Hopefuls sponsorship project. The first two parts include theoretical essentials for elaboration and the terms concerning marketing.

Explanation of terms related to marketing communication and commercial communications is also included in this section. The third part is focused on sponsorship, its types and evaluation of sponsorship projects. The application part describes the history of the McDonald's Olympic Hopefuls project.

The work deals with issue of workers motivation on projects managed by method of Theory of constraints TOC which improves efficiency of projects. But this management method requires completely different manner of project workers consideration which can be unnatural for many people. This can cause same problems that in extreme cases may involve unsuccessful implementation of TOC.

This is the reason why importance of motivation rapidly increases in connection with deployment and sustainment o Arvo Volmer juhatab "Toscat". Nigulistes esinevad kontserdisarja "Diplomaatilised noodid" raames jaapani muusikud. Kadrioru lossis toimunud ungari vanamuusikaansambli Affetti Musicali Budapest kontserdist.

AO - Sociology, Demography. Att bygga en brandbook: To answer the question of how a brand book should be designed for a company that manage several businesses within one brand a qualitative approach including a case study has been conducted. Projekte fuer Kleinwasserkraftwerke - Vorstudie. Three of originally six potential locations were selected for further investigation. Factors such as the usable quantities of water available at the locations are discussed.

The projects Brunnital, Gruonbach and Palanggenbach are discussed in detail. Water quantities and various components of the installations such as water intakes, de-sanding installations, pressure conduits, machine houses and tailrace channels are described, as is the electro-mechanical equipment proposed. Also, environmental aspects are dealt with. Annual electricity production and economic viability are further topics covered in the report.

Formulation of basic principles for innovative combustion and work processes; Projekt Erarbeitung von Grundlagen fuer innovative Brennverfahren und motorische Arbeitsprozesse. A successfully-used approach involving reaction-path analysis, heat-release analysis and the optimisation of bio-inspired algorithms is discussed. Experimental investigations made using the high-pressure, high-temperature cell at the ETH are described and initial results are discussed.

Europe's gas imports via pipelines. Projects and safety aspects; Europas Gasimporte durch Pipelines. The largest growth in imports is not expected from Russia but from Africa and the Near East. An analysis of projected pipelines demonstrates these regions' contribution to securing Europe's gas supply. Because they help to establish market dominance or to fend off potential competitors these pipelines also serve corporate strategies.

The most reliable supply will continue to come from Norway. By contrast, gas imports via pipelines from North Africa, Russia and the Persian Gulf all carry high risks of approximately the same degree. The greatest risks are associated with gas imports from the Caspian Sea. Project design and tender. The objective of the project has been to carry out detailed design and tendering for a heat production plant consisting of: The final report for the project includes detailed design of the pit heat storage a further development of a Along with other sustainability projects in Lausanne, Lucerne and Zurich, this project was part of a research project on sustainable city district development.

The projects realised in the Gundeldingen quarter in Basel are discussed, such as the gradual conversion of an industrial site into a public meeting place, information offers on sustainability, mobility projects, new green spaces, solar energy, recycling, energy management and future sustainable development in this city district. Die Kunst der Projektion. Ausgewaehlte disziplinaere und interdisziplinaere Forschungsthemen. Roehlig, Klaus-Juergen [Technical Univ. Interdisciplinary Analyses and Development of Evaluation Principles'', www.

Scientists representing natural sciences, civil engineering, philosophy, law, social and political sciences, and technology assessment carry out disciplinary and interdisciplinary research addressing three options to manage especially high-level radioactive waste: In the paper, the following selected research topics - both disciplinary and interdisciplinary - are briefly introduced in order to provide an impression of the project scope: This final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE presents the results of a project aimed at providing proof that the energy needs of an four-storey apartment house built to so-called 'passive-house' zero-energy-consumption standards could be met using energy from a photovoltaic PV installation integrated in the building's metal roof.

The performance of the photovoltaic installation is analysed. The system supplies excess power to the electricity mains in summer which is then drawn again in winter. Each apartment has its own segment of the PV installation. Figures are presented on total solar power production and on data collected for one of the apartments with respect to comfort and electricity consumption. Theoretical and Methodological part of Master's thesis includes description of PRINCE2 methodology and description of methods, which are used for requirements analysis and analysis of Unicorn Universe service.

The analysis of Unicorn Universe service confirmed that this service is suitable for implementation of Sahhalin asub suurte energiatarbijate keskel. Causes for the 1st world war - a historiographical project. This project addresses the causes of the first world war, seen from a historiographical perspective.

This year it is years since the outbreak of the war ocurred and the historians still disagree about the origins of the war. Officially Germany was blamed for the war by signing the so called article of the Versaille-treaty. However whether Germany was solely to blame became a hot topic in the following decades.

Historians have reconstructed and analysed the European political dynamics DB - Geology ; Mineralogy. Process integration of the new blast furnace - Project Prima. Final report; Processintegration av den nya masugnen - Projekt Prima. An one-dimensional static blast furnace model consisting of a mass balance and a heat balance model with an user friendly web interface has been developed. The model can be used for process optimisation and to compare different operating modes, but can also be used as a sub model for total analysis of the production site by means of process integration.

It is also possible to use the model for planning of trials at an industrial or an experimental, blast furnace. This report contains a brief model description, discussion of possible sources of errors, and examples of optimisation calculations. The project has been active from to Korteriplaani parandamisest, lodzhade kinniehitamisest, soojapidavuse suurendamisest.

Es wird auf die Besonderheiten von E-Learning eingegangen und eine mediendidaktische Konzeption realisiert. The use of tools in project management and percieved success criteria of projects. Research Project 'RB research nuclear reactor' operation and maintenance , Final report; Naucnoistrazivacki projekt 'Istrazivacki nuclearni reaktor RB, pogon i odrzavanje , Zavrsni elaborat projekta. This final report covers operation and maintenance activities at the RB reactor during period from First part covers the RB reactor operation, detailed description of reactor components, fuel, heavy water, reactor vessel, cooling system, equipment and instrumentation, auxiliary systems.

It contains data concerned with dosimetry and radiation protection, reactor staff, and financial data. Second part deals maintenance, regular control and testing of reactor equipment and instrumentation. Third part is devoted to basic experimental options and utilization of the RB reactor including training. An account is given of the first test of the Phebus fission product experimental series FPT. This test, performed in Dec. Arbeitsgruppe Externe und Interne Dosimetrie, Biokinetik. The CURE project was a European activity of biologists, epidemiologists, statisticians, mathematicians and dosimetry experts from 9 institutions in 6 European countries.


The contribution summarizes the success of the project the focus of the work, the importance of European cooperative research in the field of radiation protection. Advantages and problems arising in the team work of persons from different countries and different scientific background are discussed. Photovoltaic Programme, Edition Annual project reports ; Programm Photovoltaik, Ausgabe Jahresberichte der Beauftragten This comprehensive, illustrated report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE presents an overview of the work done as part of the research programme, along with the annual reports of the project leaders on research projects.

It presents the programme's main points of focus, discusses the work done and the results obtained. Areas covered include cell technology 13 reports , solar modules and building integration 3 reports , system technology 4 reports as well as various further projects 5 that are connected with photovoltaics. Four further reports concern international co-operation. Lists of all research and development projects and pilot and demonstration projects are supplied.

Work done at several institutions in Switzerland and at leading commercial companies is described. Finding the suitable consulting approach for your projects. Auf Grundlage eines analytischen. Offshore wind power - Possibilities and shortcomings in the planning and design; Vindkraft till havs - Moejligheter och brister vid planering och projektering. The purpose of this report is to examine how the planning preparedness offshore unfolds. Planning conditions of municipalities have been investigated through interviews with municipal planners and representatives of the wind power stakeholders.

At the same time, the problems and deficiencies that impede the expansion of offshore wind power have been identified. In the report, based on the survey of the state of planning, as well as the shortcomings of current systems, the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning presents opportunities for improvements.

With these proposals the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning opens up for an increased cooperation with the aim to facilitate a future expansion of offshore wind power. The report primarily addresses central government agencies and authorities, county councils, as well as planners or other officers of the national, regional and municipal levels. The thesis cocnsists of three parts.

First, concern on musuems and marketing generally, point out the importance of the audience survey. Second part is a essence of this thesis. Gives information about National museum and its marketing. Part is the survey of National museum audience. The last part brings a suggestion of project based on results of surveys. This project is meant to make the exhobition of National museum more attractive for visitors. Structure and combustion characteristics of turbulent, pre-mixed high-pressure flames; Projekt 'Struktur und Brenneigenschaften von turbulenten, vorgemischten Hochdruckflammen'.

The aims of the project are described in detail, which include, among other things, the completion of previous work, the validation of simulations and the influence of turbulence on the flame front. Work done on the project in is described and commented on. Experimental installations are described and the results obtained are presented. Also, the influence of adding hydrogen to the methane fuel is commented on. National and international co-operation is reviewed and future work to be carried out is noted. Environmental benefits from energy efficiency - a study of environmental aspects of EPC-projects; Miljoenytta med energieffektivisering - en studie av miljoeaspektens roll i EPC- projekt.

Energy Performance Contracting EPC is an energy service which means that investments in energy saving measures are financed by means of guarantied energy savings. Since the measures are financed by estimated savings, an overall perspective on the energy performance, operating costs and indoor climate of a building or a whole building complex becomes possible. EPC thereby provides a possibility to more far-reaching energy saving measures which would otherwise not be tolerated within the operating budget.

The environmental benefit such as reduced climate impact, can in some cases even be the overall objective and energy saving a way to achieve that objective. This study has investigated four EPC projects performed by public organisations in Sweden. The aim has been to analyse to what extent environmental benefit is a decision parameter in the EPC process and to develop a method and a calculating tool that make it possible for different EPC suppliers to use a common method to show the environmental benefit of the energy saving measure.

Our main conclusion from this study is that the environmental issue is an important part of a EPC project but it can not be considered to be a well-functioning decision parameter. Today other parameters such as maintenance needs, modernisation, indoor climate and cost savings are the most important at the early stage for the employee of the public organisation. However, the environmental benefit could be highlighted already at this stage to show that those other advantages can be achieved with higher or lower environmental benefit, and to make sure that the political environmental benefit becomes a more important factor in the procurement process after a political decision.

An experience from the study is that for the environmental issue to play a mayor role in the realisation of an EPC project it must be involved already before the decision to perform an EPC project. This is true specially if the supplier are expected to optimise the environmental benefit or at least achieve certain pre-defined environmental targets.

The EPC process is a step-by-step process and involves different important steps. The environmental issue today plays a central role in the political decision to perform EPC, even though it is a not formalised role. The crucial point is to achieve a significant environmental improvement rather than to use environment as an optimisation factor. The environmental benefit is also highlighted in the communication of the results of the EPC-projects but without a methodological explanation why the meaning of the information is difficult to understand for the receiver.

A central question for this development work was: Consequently, the challenge was to find a model that in a reliable way shows the environmental benefit of energy saving measures and at the same time is easy to use for EPC suppliers. The thesis addresses subject of innovative projects of NGOs in the field of parental support to return to the labour market after maternity leave. The main purpose of the thesis is to deliver a report about the role of the NGO in the process of implementation of innovative projects by using case studies.

The objective of the thesis is to identify outcomes and level of innovation of these projects on the basis of testimonies of active participants. The theoretical part of the thesis describes Energy turnaround in South Africa. Opportunities for investment in renewable energy projects; Energiewende in Suedafrika. Investitionsmoeglichkeiten in erneuerbare Energie- Projekte. South Africa's energy footprint is currently mainly based on fossil fuels.

This gives the country access to very inexpensive electricity, but is also associated with high greenhouse gas emissions. The government's policy of inviting tenders for renewable energy projects not only aims at securing the energy supply but also pursues the goal of sustainable, environmentally acceptable growth and of creating incentives for the development of a domestic industry in this sector.

To date the country's electricity production rests almost entirely with Escom, a state-owned energy supplier which also operates South Africa's transmission network. In response to this, efforts are now being made to diversify the energy supply system with the participation of new electricity producers. As a result, investment opportunities in the South African energy sector are on the whole becoming increasingly attractive for foreign investors.

This master thesis is focused on financial management of commercial innovative project in Plzensky Prazdroj, a. Introduction of the thesis is dedicated to the theoretical and methodological background of project management. The company, its general and financial management are presented in following parts. The authoress of the thesis presents project management and related processes using real business case and compares theoretical and methodological background with company's approach. In this paper some preliminary results of the project's preparatory study, i. Study of energy consumption in agriculture.

An project commissioned by the Board of Agriculture; Kartlaeggning av jordbrukets energianvaendning. Ett projekt utfoert paa uppdrag av Jordbruksverket. JTI has, on behalf of the Swedish Board of Agriculture, conducted a study on energy consumption in agriculture. The study also proposes measures to reduce the energy use and includes an outlook towards the future of the Swedish agricultural development. The study is limited to the use of fuel and electricity used for field-work and in farm work and energy for heating. Energy for heating of residential buildings and drying is not included in the mandate.

The Swedish agricultural uses about 3. The Swedish agriculture is moving towards fewer but larger farms. The number of enterprises has decreased from in year to in Increased energy production, both as a supplier of raw materials and recipients of products means that energy use is affected. In the future energy use will probably be affected by an increase in farm-based production of energy, primarily biogas for cogeneration. The variations in estimates of energy use are large, and agriculture's total energy use can vary between 1.

Since the use of diesel dominate over the use of electricity, it is interesting to focus on reducing diesel consumption. Field work and harvest are the activities where the largest consumption of diesel is made. Measures can be taken are primarily farmers are running in a more energy efficient way. Reduced tillage; Replacing transport with tractor-trailer by truck; Transport of manure with other equipment than their own spreader; Livestock use of energy is primarily electricity for lighting, ventilation, distribution, cleaning, feeding, etc.

The largest variations in energy use are associated with animal husbandry. It is difficult to generally comment on actions in order to reduce energy use in the farm. The use of indirect energy is dominated by the production of fertilizers. It is approximately 2. Main goal of this thesis is to provide information about project management quality and possibilities of quality improvement in project management by project postaudit. Other goals are to inform about best practice in project management and project postaudit and to provide manual for project postaudit implementation.

New power plants in Europe. A challenge for project and quality management; Kraftwerksneubau in Europa. Eine Herausforderung fuer Projekt - und Qualitaetsmanagement. The challenges faced by power plant engineering in Europe have become more versatile and - above all - more complex. RWE has created the preconditions for setting up a uniform European negotiating basis for dealing with contracting parties, suppliers, building contractors and service providers. In addition, merging employees from our core markets is efficiently promoting the technology and best-practice transfer within the group.

In this context, the harmonisation of standards and pooling of project management as well as engineering skills for the implementation of complex investment projects at international level are of decisive importance. Companies and other organizations have to change and adapt their strategies and redefine their goals constantly. Actions and steps that are needed in order to achieve the defined goals and to realize the change are often executed in a form of a project. There is no doubt that projects need to be managed in an appropriate way.

In organizations where there are more than one project executed in parallel and other projects are being planned or proposed at the same time it is necessary to manage n Das Passepartout und der Zwischenraum zwischen den Sternen: Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht spielerisch die Dynamiken einer visuellen Kompetenz, die zwischen diesen beiden Polen ausgehandelt wird. AJ - Letters, Mass-media, Audiovision. Projekte in Oesterreich und Betriebsdaten. In recent years small-volume biomass district heating systems district heat grids have attracted increasing interest in Austria.

By the end of some biomass-district heating systems with an overall capacity of approximately MW were in operation. If a biomass-district heating plant and a solar plant are combined the solar plant can supply most of the heat required outside the heating season. At present Austria runs 12 solar-assisted biomass-district heating grids with collector areas between square metres and 1, square metres.

In order to run these biomass-district heating systems in an economically and technically efficient way it is necessary to assure high quality in terms of planning, construction and operation. A list of criteria is set up on the basis of first operational data in order to evaluate energy efficiency and economic performance. These criteria should be applied in order to ensure that energy, environment and economy are equally considered in the planning and construction of solar-assisted biomass-district heating plants.

They should also be helpful for the approval procedures of projects. Die Kombination einer Biomasse-Fernwaermeanlage mit einer Solaranlage bringt den Vorteil, dass die Waermebereitstellung ausserhalb der Heizsaison zu einem hohen Anteil ueber die Solaranlage vorgenommen werden kann. Um einen moeglichst effizienten und damit auch wirtschaftlichen Betrieb von solarunterstuetzten Biomasse-Fernwaermeanlagen zu gewaehrleisten, werden hohe Anforderungen an Planung, Ausfuehrung und Betrieb gestellt.

Auf der Basis von ersten Betriebsdaten wird zur energetischen, umweltbezogenen und oekonomischen Bewertung ein Bewertungskatalog aufgestellt. Damit soll sichergestellt werden, dass einerseits energie- und umweltrelevante aber auch oekonomische Aspekte bei der Planung und Errichtung von solarunterstuetzten Biomasse-Fernwaermeanlagen Beachtung finden, und andererseits eine Entscheidungshilfe fuer die Begutachtung von Foerderungsantraegen gegeben wird.

Projecting phase terminated, implementation coming soon. Environment-friendly heat supply at Ruhpolding sports center; Projekt ausgereift - Betreiber gesucht.. Oekologische Waermeversorgung des Ruhpoldinger Sport- und Freizeitzentrums. When the public indoor swimming pool at Ruhpolding was modernized, the community took the chance to convert the whole sports and recreation center indoor and outdoor swimming pools, skating rink and multi-purpose hall as well as the school buildings to district heat supply from a biomass-fuelled heating power station. Apart from the financial savings, this solution also reduces exhaust emissions and makes this recreation area mor attractive.

Das bringt der Gemeinde nicht nur finanzielle Vorteile, sondern entlastet das Kurgebiet erheblich von schaedlichen Abgasen und erhoeht damit die Attraktivitaet des Erholungsortes. Economics, ethics and technology. Decision-taking bases for projects with long-term effects on the environment. Technikfolgen, Oekonomie und Ethik. Entscheidungsgrundlagen fuer Projekte mit langfristigen Umweltauswirkungen. The author's intention is to provide normative decision-taking bases for the assessment of projects with long-term effects on the environment by combining economic, ethical and social-philosophical approaches.

The study focusses on the identification of just principles to be applied in the handling of our vital natural resources. The author combines Rawl's contract theory approach with Kant's rationale for norms to determine minimum standards for the use of resources between the generations. However, a democratic process will have to make the choice between the different assessment methods eventually. This comprehensive final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE takes a detailed look at a housing estate in Wallisellen, Switzerland, that is built to the 'Minergie' low-energy consumption standard and features several innovative technologies.

These include a high level of thermal insulation, air-based heating that includes air pre-warming in buried conduits, spent-air heat recovery and a heat-pump for domestic hot water preparation. The layout of the apartments is flexible and can be freely defined around a fixed core which houses sanitary installations.

The construction of the apartment blocks is discussed and the on-site manufacture of the building elements is described. The facades of the building feature a cardboard and glass honeycomb structure that stores solar heat. Data and curves of various energy-relevant features are presented and construction details are discussed. Thermographic photos illustrate the thermal efficiency of the building's construction. The building's technical services are looked at and the results of measurements made are presented and discussed in detail.

Projecting for a wave energy power plant. Tentative model and pilot project. Projektering af et boelgekraftvaerk. Design and feasibility study of a wave energy power plant which could be used in the North Sea. The effects of storm wave forces on the converter and its units were measured in a water tank, and were recorded on video tapes and in table form. Measurements were also effected on the behaviour of cylinder and disc-shaped floats under varying wave forces.

Computerized simulation was utilized. Three combinations of turbines and generators were investigated. A cost benefit analysis was carried out and it was found that total investment in a wave energy power plant consisting of units, in the North Sea would cost about milliard Danish kroner. The annual energy production should reach mio. Taking into account the running costs of 45 mio. Danish kroner per annum, and interest rates and depreciation as 7. The master thesis focuses on the virtual social network sites which are concern to be exceptionally actual issue.

Moreover the thesis deals with social networks in tourism. The number of various social networks about travelling is high. However, only the community of CouchSurfing hospitality exchange network was chosen for the research purposes of the thesis. The research included in the thesis focuses on CouchSurfing because is the greatest hospitality exchange site in these days. Theseus is shaping up. Theseus is projected on a site with 2, sunshine hours per annum. The power station will cost around Mio.

It will have a capacity of 50 MWe. An auxiliary fossil-fuel boiler will provide steam for the turbines in the evening hours and in times of low insolation. Theseus is being constructed by a consortium under German leadership orig. Theseus wird an einem Ort, der 2. Das rund Mio. ECU teure Kraftwerk soll 50 MWe leisten und mit einem zusaetzlichen konventionellen, fossil gefeuerten Kessel ausgeruestet werden, der in den Abendstunden und bei geringer Sonnenstrahlung Dampf fuer die Turbinen erzeugt.

Fuer die Realisierung von Theseus hat sich ein unter deutscher Leitung stehendes Konsortium gebildet. In this way, the Story Telling Salon not only strives to generate meaningful collective narrations but also trust, collective identity and commitment in groups which suffer from social alienation. We show how the Story Telling Salon applies collective storytelling as a strategic means towards community building and the empowerment of people.

In the first part there is a PPP definition, there are specified basic characteristic features of this partnership and sumed up basic historical findings about PPP. The Thesis concentrates on advantages and disadvantages, resulting from this partnership, on definition of basic types of PPP projects and their sector division. Ettekanne rahvusvahelisel konverentsil "The future of the Baltic ports". Coprocessing of petroleum residues and plastics is a promising technology, although some problems concerning waste plastics must be clarified prior to its implementation.

In general, it can be stated that with a careful choice of operating parameter combinations, oil yields will be higher than for thermal treatment of petroleum residues alone e. Waste plastics thus become a valuable material for processing. Die Klaerung der mit Altkunststoffen verbundenen Fragen bedarf weiterer Untersuchungen. Allgemein kann festgestellt werden, dass bei entsprechenden Parameterkombinationen bessere Oelausbeuten erzielt werden als bei der thermischen Behandlung von reinem VR.

Ein Beispiel dafuer ist in der Abbildung 10 dargestellt. Altkunststoff wird bei diesem Prozess unter Nutzung des Wasserstoff-potentials von Polymeren zu einem wertvollen Einsatzstoff.

Strategically oriented management and controlling of resource intensive projects; Strategieorientiertes Management und Controlling ressourcenintensiver Projekte. Fallstudienanalyse und Konzeption eines Referenzmodells zum Projektmanagement der Stilllegung kerntechnischer Anlagen. The book on strategically oriented management and controlling of resource intensive projects covers the following issues: The purpose of submitted paper is to introduce expert public to the partial part of the dissertation thesis in the field of project management. The purpose of the work is to propose a model of financial flows in selected fields of processing industry specified in the classification of economic activities CZ-NACE.

The finance management plays an important role in the project management — in the stage of preparation, implementation and subsequent evaluation of particular project. Methods and techniques of both quantitative and qualitative research have been applied for the research. Questionnaire method has been used as the key method within the framework of quantitative research.

After the secondary data collection the questionnaire form has been prepared, later distributed among selected companies, which have promised to participate in this particular project. Both closed and open questions have been formulated in the questionnaire. The specialised literature states that the questionnaire method is not quite appropriate as the return-rate of questionnaires and reliability of acquired data are not guaranteed.

Partially structured interview has been applied as an optimal method within the framework of qualitative research. This method has been used both to acquire primary data and to acquire more detailed specification of already received responses. All collected data have been fully utilized, already partially statistically evaluated. Submitted paper describes descriptive statistics and proposition of further methods of statistical evaluation, especially for the verification of formulated hypothesis.

The scientific contribution is the interaction of project and financial management as by means of this mutual link positive influences take place in the company. Moreover, the research is further involved in the optimization of financing of projects, observance and optimal planning and project budget allocation, its control and feedback. The findings in the particular issue, following the research, is the fact that companies in the Czech Republic are starting, or already actively use, the project management in their company activities.

The companies educate themselves as well as their employees, and participate in the overall development of this field. The fact should be stressed that such companies are only a few; therefore, it is essential to introduce not only professional public to such activities. Finally, the statement may be made that mutual cooperation between project and financial management shall not end in near future.

Such cooperation should be further developed among organizations, among individuals as well as work teams. Furthermore, another fact should be added that also factually well prepared projects can be overdrawn from budget point of view. Udstillingskatalog til Arkitektur Triennalen i Oslo sept Tallinna Lennusadama vesilennukite angaaridest, nende arhitektuurist, Eesti Meremuuseumi uuest ekspositsioonist. Projekt ja ekspositsiooni kujundus: Paide raekoja muinsuskaitse eritingimused koostasid Epi Tohvri ja Pille Viirsalu. Heidi Urb, Siiri Vallner.

Projekt , valmis Kalle Veesaar, Arne Maasik; muinsuskaitse eritingimused: Epi Tohvri, Pille Viirsalu; arhitektuur: Paide EKE Projekt ; sisearhitektuur: Puitvoodriga betoonist kastjas hoone. Projekteerija Alver Trummal Arhitektid. Arhitektid Andres Alver ja Tarmo Laht. Housing and Welfare - Homes Ensembles City. Avaliku sektori tellitud uus sotsiaalarhitektuur: Freud, Maslow og Motivation.

Teoretisk projekt uden inddragelse af empiri. Pikemalt majadevahelisse ruumi sisse programmeeritud tegevusetusest. Haljastuse konsultant Signe Peipman. Project of management and marketing of event Coca-cola School Cup in time period Work goal: Analysis ofmarketing and management of event Coca-cola School Cup and advices of innovation for this event. The project Coca-Cola School Cup for the years involves innovation approaches in particular manager activities of this sport event. The innovation approaches result f Cleaner drive - Obstacles in the way of a market for a new generation of vehicles; Cleaner Drive.

Hindernisse fuer die Markteinfuehrung von neuen Fahrzeug-Generationen. Bericht ueber die Beteiligung von e'mobile am EU- Projekt. This final report for the Association of Swiss Traffic Engineers describes work done within the framework of the fifth European Research Framework Programme involving the development of tools to speed up the introduction of a new generations of vehicles.

This report lists the work done by the Swiss e'mobil organisation and discusses the limitations placed on the work by its international framework. The report presents the 'Cleaner Drive' environmental evaluation methods used for vehicles. This considers greenhouse-gas emissions and external costs.

Factors not considered, noise and bio-fuels, are mentioned. A data-base based decision-support tool is introduced. The development of the 'Cleaner Drive' web site is described. A further chapter takes a look at efforts being made in the area of filling stations for gaseous fuels. Project Opalinus clay Zuercher Weinland of Nagra. Evaluation of the geo-scientific data base and of the construction engineering aspects; Projekt Opalinuston Zuercher Weinland der Nagra.

Beurteilung der erdwissenschaftlichen Datengrundlagen und der bautechnischen Machbarkeit. The geological assumptions Nagra uses for the assessment of long-term safety are based on data that have been carefully collected and interpreted. KNE acknowledges that Nagra interpreted the geological data correctly and adequately using state-of-the-art techniques.

In case of lacking information, Nagra has used conservative or worst-case assumptions. The information documented by Nagra represents a good synthesis of field, laboratory and literature data. The tectonic situation of the Zuercher Weinland was examined in great details by Nagra. Analysis and interpretation of the available information on the geological evolution provides no indication that erosion would expose the confining units above the Opalinus Clay within the next million years.

Fragments from the Josaphat and a glossary appended. Boecler, Johann Heinrich, De Avspicio Regio Liber. Taciti Qvinqve Libros Histor. Specimen Subtilitatum Politicarvm Et Aulicarum. Buchner on Dreiling, and poem by Vitus Bering. Bogatzky, Carl Heinrich von, Of American interest II, Leonardo da Vinci, Apologia, Betreffend Die Vollkommenheit des Menschen Erste Apologia wider Balthasar Tilken On the printer, see Georgi I, Christosophia oder Der Weg zu Christo.

For facsimile, see Will-Erich Peuckert's ed. Theosophische Beschreibung der Tinktur der Weisen. Two copies, one with engraved title page, the other with the explanatory leaf, "Andeutung der Titul-Figur Viertzig Fragen Von der Seelen Vrstand. Tauffe; For Jantz No. Von der Menschwerdung Jesu Christi. Der Weg zu Christo. Richardson, Joseph Richardson, G. The original old drawings for the mystical illustrations had been preserved by Law. Curieuse und Historische Reisen durch Europa. Curieuses und beqvemes Hand-Buch. Die Tausend und Eine Nacht.

Die Tausend und Eine Nacht Wohlangerichtete und neu-erfundene Tugend Schul. Bostel, Nicolaus von, Includes translations from the English; For Jantz No. Satiric dedication to Count Zinzendorf. Der Neue Himmel und die Neue Erde. Last 6 pages with a descriptive catalogue of her published works. Anckerman, published by Martin Engelbrecht of Augsburg. Friedrich Probst, the heir of Jeremias Wolff. Brachfeld, Joseph Mauritius von. To the lovers of the secret doctrine an introduction to the great alchemical work is promised. Previously the existence of this edition was known only from an old catalogue entry.

Brahe, Nicolaus; Biorenklou, Matthias. Pauli zum seligen Abscheid Vorbereitung Breithaupt, Joachim Justus, Dissertatio Theologica De Concubinatu. Observationes Theologicae De Haeresi. Lith, Johann Wilhelm von der, , resp. Fabeln aus den Zeiten der Minnesinger. Eine Gedenckwirdige vnd glaubhafftige Historia.

Ceccarelli criticized my translation of Ent. 28 iv = 29 v . article about the ventive which the author has recently published in German.1) .. d' habitude à Ébla, le scribe du texte le plus ancien utilise le mot sémitique .. In brief, the six officials are instructed, by an unnamed agency, to stop Warsaw, Persecution of the Jewvs in Germany, I am Main:] Fischer Buicherei. I See rev. of ist ed. (I),. AHR, I (Oct. I), II2. British Commonwealth and Ireland rendre Ies Jui/s plus heureurx & plus utiles Zwei unbekannte Briefe.

In a forest a mile from Quedlinburg, a girl had a vision of a little man in white garments who gave her a basketful of silver coins, 3 here illustrated in woodcut on t. Brenner, Peter Johansen, d. Breymann, Conrad Andreas, et al. The one by Joh. Andreas Krebs, with separate title page, is the text for a musical ode. No other copy seen in this or the previous century. Mexico in the days of young Montezuma. Brockes, Barthold Henrich, Pope, Alexander, , et al. Auszug der vornehmsten Gedichte. Zimmermann; For Jantz No. Georg Pritius, Albrecht Jacob Zell, The posthumous concluding volume; For Jantz No.

W; For Jantz No. Marino, Giovanni Battista, Brockes' own poems begin on p. Brockes eigene Gedichte; tr. The final redaction; For Jantz No. Brockes, editor, prefatory poem by Daniel Wilhelm Triller. Second edition, with errata leaf, poem "Die Dankbarkeit" misplaced to instead of Drollinger; the final redaction; For Jantz No.

Bruck Angermundt, Jacob von. Second count has emblems numbered b. Engraved text in Latin; German verse text with corresponding numbering: Les Emblemes Moravix Et Militaires. Ehren-tempel der Deutschen Gelehrsamkeit. Jacob Haid of Augsburg. Historiae Criticae Philosophiae Appendix. Caesaris ora vides Alberti nomine Primi. Albert I, 8 lines Latin verse signed "M. Das Blut der Natur. Graf]; [Sporck, Franz Anton von], Extract eines curiosen Schreibens. Peter Paul Bleul; Oettingen, pr. Praz records only the Latin edition.

Bruno, Jacob, , ed. Matthias Stann; Frankfurt; 8. Zeit-Register Mit denen Zeichen der Zeiten. Heinrich Oehrling; Offenbach, pr. Geomantia, Olim Pulveri inscripta Nunc. Jacob Pontantus , Reformata Poeseos Institutio, incl. Heinrich Richter; Dresden; 4th ed. Orationum Academicarum Volumina Tria. Der Welt-Lauf in Ansehung des Verderbens aller Menschen, in einigen sonderbaren und meistentheils selbst erlebten Begebenheiten vorgestellet. Among the stories included is that of a Virginia planter named Walter Ralegh Bucholtz, Andreas Heinrich, First illustrated edition, fourth plate signed Hans Wechter, Includes a satire on the evils of the times ; For Jantz No.

With a prefatory epistle from Burcard Gotthelf Struve. Buddeus, Johannes Franciscus, Much on church history. Historia Ecclesiastica Veteris Testamenti. Theognostus Eusebius [Adolf Wilhelm von Gohren]. Temperamentvm Laetitiae Ac Tristitiae. Buddeus, Johannes Franciscus, ; Musig, Martin. I in 2nd ed. Other known collaborators were Joh. Volume III lacks pages Trifolium Electorum Spirituale, Das ist. Bugenhagen, Johann, ; Gesner, Salomon, Wolfgang Meisner,; Wittenberg; 8.

Catalogvs Bibliothecae Bvnavianae Tomvs I. Bunemann, Johann Ludolph, Includes the Querela de Fide, a line rhymed Latin poem by an earlier unnamed parish priest, lamenting the corruption of the Church, published by Luther in Bunemann, Johann Ludolph, , ed. Oratio de Spiritv Sancto. Rome, , with biography of Campanus and notes. A symbolic-pictorial outline of history. Buquoit, Jean-Albert d'Archambaud, Comte de, ca. Ad Irenaevm Philalethem Epistola. Janus Gregorius Betulius; Hannover; 8. Burg, Johann Friedrich, , ed.

Poets' names at end of hymns. Part 3 consists of 14 short stories or novellen. Heilige Geheimnisse Aller vornehmsten und schweresten Leiden Jesu. Portrait engraved by the younger Bernigeroth. De transfiguratione metallorum, attributed to Morienus, translated from Arabic to Latin by Robertus Castrensis; 2. Preface dated Augsburg, 15 March, Hymnus Ad Reaperturae Cam. Georg Ernst Winckler, [chronogr]. No other copy known, possibly unique.

Quasi Sive Mundus Quasificatus. Quasi Vero, Der Hinckende Bott. Uti Ante Hac Auff die alte Hack. Uti Ante Hac, Auf die alte Hack. Symbolorum Et Emblematum Centuriae quatuor. Adam Islip; 2nd augm. Joachim Wild of Rostock. Operae Horarum Succisivarum sive Meditationes Historicae. Ander Theil des Historischen Lustgartens The first paragraph a manifesto of the Enlightenment against obscurantists.

Canisius, Petrus, , and Anon. Jesuit priest, drawings by I. Canitz, Friedrich Rudolph Ludwig von, Abraham Wagner; Bern; 8. Grimm; For Jantz No. Sammlung der Besten Deutschen Schriftseller. Canstein, Carl Hildebrand von, Adam Steinmetz, with notes. Canstein, Carl Hildebrand von, ; Lange, Joachim, Das Muster Eines rechtschaffenen Lehrers. Carl Gustav of Sweden Charles X Fastorum Ecclesiasticorum Liber V. Somnium Super Vienna Nuper Munita. Praise of Hapsburg empire. Telemann, Michael Richey, Barth. Brockes, Albrecht Haller et al. Biographical notices on Telemann et al.

Cassius, Georg Andreas, Der Bauer als ein Edelmann. Die Unterredungen vor dem Gegitter. Christ, Johann Friedrich, Anzeige und Auslegung Der Monogrammatum. The "Redende Zeichen" are of literary interest, as are also parts of the introduction. Also a historical poem p. Elvcidarivs Artis Transmvtatoriae Metallorvm. Colophon at the end of part 2. Appended to part 2 are two tracts of Raimundus Lullius: Sebastian Castalio's Latin verse translation of the Sibylline oracles. Methodus Balsamandi Corpora Humana.

Tragoediae Ludis Autumnalibus Datae. Anton Maximilian Heiss; Augsburg; 8. Clajus von der Ill, tr. Antiqvitates Germanorvm Potissimvm Septentrionalivm Selectae. Curiosorum, nec non politicorum. Leben vnnd Lob der HH. Among the pupils participating was the later famous jurist Enoch Glaeser. Anweisung Zu der Geographia. Hell-leuchtender Cluverianischer Spiegel Der ganzen Welt. Der bewegliche Passions-Prediger im Cabinet. Cohausen, Johann Heinrich, Satyrische Gedancken Von der Pica Nasi.

Colberg, Ehregott Daniel, Ocium Caniculare, seu Sermones Caniculares. Colerus, Johann Christoph, Preface by Gottlieb Wernsdorf. Appendix of letters largely in German; For Jantz No. Das Leben Des Bened. Dunstan on the philosophers' stone, experiments of Rhumel and remedies of Angelo Sala. Comazzi, Giovanni Battista, or Comenius, Johannes Amos, Comenius' dedication to Church of England.

Die Apostolische Ordnung und Kirchen-Zucht Card 2 ; Pages supplied from a copy in the holdings of the Kungliga Biblioteket, Stockholm. Only other known copy at the British Museum. Conlin, Albert Joseph, fl. Conlin is identified as "Parochus in Munningen, pro nunc in Kurzenhausen. A's work has some plates on the same or similar subjects, but the accompanying verses are different. See preface to volume I on Abraham's relation to the work.

La Contadina Intermezzi Musicali. Ubergab der Haupt-Vestung Belgrad. Copia Zweyer Schreiben I. Corona Virtutum et Laudum S. Allerhand Geist- Lehr- und Trostreiche Predigten Bouhours, in form of a letter addr. Anton Humm; Frankfurt; 4.

Article contents

Three categories of biomass use are presented - burning, fermentation of wastes and biofuels. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, De aan de SWOV gestelde vraag luidt: In case of lacking information, Nagra has used conservative or worst-case assumptions. The projects Brunnital, Gruonbach and Palanggenbach are discussed in detail.

Volume of New England provenance. Crophius, Philipp Jacob, Elisabetha Magdalena von Schnurbein. Einleitung zu der Historie der vornehmsten. Ad me cum ventum, facta est Electio dispar. Jacob von der Heyden. Paul Crusius Poeta Caesareus. See Bernegger, Jantz No.

Non Genus Austriacum mihi Mundi acquirit habenas. Crusius, Theodor, , ed. In festo Natalicio Iesv Christi. Set to music by Antonio Draghi, the ballet music by Joh. Joseph Hoffer, staged by Lodovico Burnacini. Cyprian, Ernst Salomon, Includes much literary material poems, cantatas. The appended numismatic treatise with 12 engr. D[oppelmayr], J[ohann] G[abriel], The Copernican solar system.

The European solar eclipse of May 12, Mit Vier Stimmen Componirt With dedication and Latin poem to Duke Rudolph August. Schauplatz Der Masquirten und Demasquirten Gelehrten. Damm, Christian Tobias, ; Pindar, B. Versuch einer prosaischen Uebersetzung der griechischen Lieder. Lob-Rede auf den Kaiser Nerva Trajanus. Lobrede auf den Kayser Trajanus. Das Grab Der Armut. The French original also first appeared in Frankfurt that same year.

Brief einer Unbekannten und andere Novellen German Edition

Historie des Hypolitus Grafens von Duglas. Pages of the French text occur twice, the first time in error for p. Ernstliche und wichtige Betrachtungen Des Robinson Crusoe. Extensive additions by the German translator, who perceived De Foe's mock serious intent. Decker, Johann Heinrich, Text has engraved illustr. The third of nine editions. Deneken, Samuel Christian Gottfried. Als der Durchlauchtigste Herzog. Dem Closter Riddagshausen schenkte Historie der heutigen Religionen, by Joh. Kurtz gefasste Allgemeine Rechts-Geschichte Dessler, Wolfgang Christoph, The preface contains a biography of the author who began his literary career as a collaborator of Erasmus Francisci and wrote some of his works.

Among the translations is Mrs. Gottsched's of Voltaire's Alzire, oder die Amerikaner. The engraved titles are by Salomon Kleiner; A film copy of Part 1, which was lacking in the Jantz copy, has been supplied by the University of Freiburg Library. Though both the general t. Dienheim, Johann Wolfgang, fl. Taeda Trifida Chymica, Das ist: Verbum Dimissum by Bernhard Trevisanus? Aquila Thuringus and two by Edward Kelley. Literarily most important is Dienheim's story of Alexander Seton and the transmutation he performed at Basel in his and Jacob Zwinger's presence, written, Legation Oder Abschickung der Esell in Parnassum.

Begun , taken up again and completed Various on German artists, poets, and composers. Zwo Vlmische Jubel vnd Danckpredigten bey dem. Dieterici, Johannes, d. Dietherr, Christoph Ludwig, Colophon; Complete copy of this triumph of Mannerism. Specimens of a 1st Gothic revival on pl. Fountain of the Continents pl. The plates are etched, not engraved. Memoriale Domini Das ist: Peter Titz and one by the now less well known but once more famous Joachim von Hirtenberg Pastorius.

Dilherr, Johann Michael, Est anima in coelis; haec corporis umbra Tucheri est. Carl von Thill , 2 lines of Latin verse by Dilherr. The original portrait drawing by Georg Strauch, on which the engr. Quod potuit, Sculptor praestabat: The engraving is unsigned. Part two with verses.

Weg-Weiser Zum verlohrnen Licht und Recht. Part 2, preface, includeE the autobiographical account of his alchemical endeavors. Dis ist der Oberste der ungemenschten Tartarn. Ein Discurs vber der Frag. Von der Heimfart vnd Beylager. A poem on the engraving at the end of part one ; the key to the numbers on the central trap at the end of part two.

Part two with advice on how to avoid legal traps. Jesu Lebens-Lauf auf Erden. Spiegel Der Jungfrawen vnd Witwen. Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Socraticae Joco-Seriae. Part two on personages of antiquity and on such conditions and "virtues" as injustice, folly, fever, gout, mendacity, and envy. Dornmeyer, Andreas Julius, Dissertatio De Praeparatione Ad Sapientiam. Dissertatio De Prima Germanorvm Notitia. Dorsch, Johann Georg, Aemulus immensis atavi conatibus ortus. See Bernegger Jantz No. In faciem si quis faciem converterit hancce.

Matthias I, 8 lines Latin verse by Dorsch of Strassburg. Bibliotheca Classica, Siue Catalogus Officinalis. Interleaved copy, contemporary binding, of Colonial New England provenance. Bibliotheca Librorvm Germanicorvm Classica, Das ist: Collection of political essays, reflections, histories, and anecdotes, part II cheifly on riots and rebellions. One essay I, ch. Aeternitatis Prodromvs Mortis Nvntivs. Aloe Amari sed salubris succi Ieivnivm. Antigrapheus Sive Conscientia Hominis. Avrifodina Artium et scientiarum omnium: Treatise on the freedom of the will.

Horologium Avxiliaris Tvtelaris Angeli. Infernvs, Damnatorum Carcer et Rogus. Iobvs Divinae Providentiae Theatrum. Nicetas seu Trivmphata Incontinentia. The triumph of chastity. Noe Architectvs Arcae in Diluvio Navarchus. Nicolaus Heinrich; 2nd ed. Card 2 ; The narrow inner margins of this thick volume in the original pigskin binding created insurmountable difficulties in microfilming.

Opera Omnia Hiebevor in Lateinischer Sprach beschrieben. Symbolic and emblematic engravings, some multiple. Many poems in text. Fictitious imprint, see Jantz No. Recta Intentio omnium humanarum actionum Amvssis. Rhetorica Caelestis seu Attente precandi scientia. Drollinger, Carl Friedrich, Du Bos, Jean Baptiste, Bericht von dem immerlaufenden Juden aus Jerusalem, mit Nahmen Ahasverus. The account is dated A7 recto not or 44 or 45 as in the three other earliest copies recorded.

Nebst einem Anhang von der Wapen-Kunst. Orphanage, Gottlob Benjamin Frommann. Die durch hohen Kinder-Flor unter den Sterblichen erlangte Unsterblichkeit. Frau Maria Magdalena von Stetten, gebohrne Herwartin Jungfer Anna Catharina Renzin Neustadt an der Aisch. E[rhard], J[ohann] U[lrich], Bernhardi De Nomine Jesu. E[rndtel], C[hristian] H[einrich], The dedication of part 2 with a long list of names, among them the widow of Joh. Both poetry and prose in highly figured imaginative language.

Eccard, Johann Georg, Historia Stvdii Etymologici Lingvae Germanicae. Eckhard, Melchior Sylvester, Edelmann, Johann Christian, Literarily interesting and amusing, e. Die Erste Epistel St. Christian Harenberg's Die gerette Religion A manuscript, 4, of Die Andere Epistel St. Christian Harenberg wrote for the gelehrte Altonaer Zeitung, No.

Letters dated from Berleburg Appendix in defense of the reasonableness of Christianity. Several poetic pieces, esp. Xaveri Iungwierth Sculps Monachij. The appended German sermon bears the imprint: Egenberger von Wertheim, Conrad, fl. Egenberger had in translated the folk book Ogier from the Danish. Eggeling, Johann Heinrich, Poemata Sacra, De Gloriosissima Christi. Cheiragogia Heliana De Auro Philosophico. The frontispiece in 12 figures illustrates the varied possibilities of constructing the combined periscope telescope.

Ehren-Titul des Namens Jesu. The others remain anonymous. Includes hymns of praise. Jesuit's reply to the Evangelisches Panier of Gottfried Lomer; on Luther's threefold call to the ministry. Augusta Augustissima, Das allerherrlichste Augsburg. Mit dem Ewigen das Zeitliche The autobiographical account includes his wanderings with a theatrical troup. See also Banholzer, no. The second part, ironically entitled "Lutherische wohlriechende Blumen," is an anthology of strong statements by Luther and his contemporaries.

Eler has joined the Dominican order. One section in verse C3r-C6r. Second title page C7: Engraved book plate depicting the Halle Orphanage Library, mid century. Mariae Salomae, Marchionissae Badensi A collection of anecdotes and sayings, serious and jocose, though hardly after-dinner jokes in the present sense of the term.

O Magni, Deus, architecte Mundi. Epithalamium Symbolicum Conjugibus Porphyrogenitis. Mariae, Reginae, Hispaniarum Infanti Regias nuptias solenniter orbe triumphante agerent The unusually vivid engravings are unsigned. Erdmuth Sophie von Brandenburg geb. Sonderbare Kirchen- Staat- und Welt- Sachen. Georg Layriz , of a work prev. Handlung von der Welt Alter. Prose appendix of remarkable occurrences, including witches' sabbath. Erhard, Johann Ulrich, Chiliadis Epigrammatum Pars Altera. Tobias Friedrich Coccyus,; Tobias Friederich Coccycus,; The Latin poems include a eulogy to Jacob Balde.

Philipp Jacob Laidig,; Antonia Sofia Du May in German. Ernesto virtus, memorandis clara triumphis. Ernst, Jacob Daniel, Appended after the index to this volume is the index to 3 further anecdotal works by Ernst, for the twelve Nights, New Year's, and Carnival week. Much exotic material, incl. Die Neu-zugerichtete Historische Confect-Tafel. The signed engravings are by J.

Bernigeroth the younger or by G. Busch, the 11th by the latter after I. Amara Dulcis, Das ist: Appended with separate title page a funeral sermon "Wachtbares Hertzens Aug. The portrait is surrounded by four emblems. The rich array of anecdotes and memorabilia are separately indexed. In this edition, oddly enough, the author is named N. Even more oddly, there is an appendix II, of no discernable relationship: Esmarch's occasional poems are in quality well above the normal level, while his epigrams are often witty and graceful, at times even brilliant.

Essich, Johann Georg, Weihenmajer, Vitus Friedrich, ed. Kurtze Einleitung zu der allgemeinen weltlichen Historie Kurze Einleitung zu der allgemeinen weltlichen Historie Eustachius de Rosario, fl. Ars Bene Moriendi Das Ist: Kunst wol zu sterben. Text in fifty "exhortations. Evangelia Sambt den Episteln. On the Swedish mediation, see Strahlenheim, Jantz No. Eygentliche vnd Warhaffte Contrafactur. Eysengrein zu Herrnfelberg, Caspar. Das Geistliche Vergib mein nit. Eytzing, Michael von, fl. News periodical for the 1st 7 months of , incl.

Continvatio Epitomes, Das ist. Historica Praesentivm Temporvm Relatio. A news periodical, recording the events of to Sept. Die Thorheit der verdorbnen Welt in Neuen Fabeln vorgestellt. Christian Sigmund Froberg,; 4. The engravings of the heroes on horseback, by Joh. Alexander Boener, numbered to correspond to the page on which each one of them is celebrated in a poem by S. F[itzner], H[einrich], d. Dated at end of pt. Part 4 with a brief autobiography The fictive frame is dated For the anonymous refutation see Jantz No.

No modern bibliography offers any information about the literary side of this work. According to Herdegen, p. According to a later catalogue of the heirs of Weigel, however, the Viennese Jesuit, Paul Hansiz , wrote the Latin quatrains. For the remaining plates, see von Faber No. Fabriciis, Weipartus Ludovicus de, fl. Fabricius, Georg of Chemnitz Virorum illustrium, seu Historiae sacrae: Fabricius, Johann Albert, Cotton Mather's Christian Philosopher. Benjamin Schiller Christian Albrecht Pfeiffer.

Christoph Kisner; 3 vols. Hydrotheologie Oder Versuch, durch. Der Wasser, die Menschen zur Memoriae Hamburgenses, sive Hamburgi, Et Virorum. Physicotheologie, Oder Natur-Leitung zu Gott. Fabricius, Johann Albert, , ed. Fabricius, Johann Ludwig, De Limitibus Obsequij erga Homines. Apologeticus pro Genere Humano contra Atheismi Calumniam. Meditatio de Controversia circa Personam Christi inter Evangelicos agitata.

Interesting prefatory remarks on the hostility aroused by a publication of his on the drama 18 years earlier, with mention of [Gryphius'] Majuma. Gottfried Freytag, Helmstedt, pr. Two further parts appeared , Cosmotheoria Sacra Heilige Welt-Betrachtung. Letters addressed to Caldenbach, Lund, Titz, among others. A brief tragedy, Themistocles Septem Avcti Sapientise Splendores. Matthaeus Rictius [Rickhes], [chronogr. Also several interesting popular songs. Curieuse Nachricht Von denen.

Von Herrn de Cize. Hundert Vier und Viertzigste Entrevue IX are a catalog of books for sale by Deer. Another defective copy of vol. V lacking 4 leaves has variant generally 1st issues of 11 of the 16 parts. On Kyau see Sanftleben, Jantz Nos. A storehouse of anecdotes characteristic of the times; For Jantz No. Renegaten, Grafen von Bonneval The engraved vignette portrait is by C. Latin by author; almost entirely in verse.

Author's name elsewhere spelled Feichtner. Fehlau was the editor of the work, not the engraver. Rist, who actually is the author of at least a dozen of the other poems. Of the 3 poetic appendices, the 1st contains the rhymes of Joh. Feigius, Johann Constantin, ca. Gedancken von der Opera. Commendatory poems at end. Sinnreiche Wercke und Gedichte. Cats, Jacob, ; 4 pts. Spiegel der alten und neuen Zeit; part 4: Trau-Ring marriage stories , sammt This quarto engraving is of finer quality than the octavo engraving, here appended, which may have been excerpted from a book; it is taken from the same original drawing or painting, but has a different six-line epigram by Feller, beginning: Buchneri in labris Romana atq; Attica Peitho.

De Intolerabili Fastu Criticorum Qvorundam With a concluding poem. Erbauliche und angenehme Geschichten derer Chiqvitos. Interesting preface by the anon. Feuchten, Jacob, Bishop of Bamberg. Feuerlein, Georg Christoph, Feuerlein, Jacob Wilhelm, Feuerlein, Johann Georg Christoph, fl. In opposition to van Helmont's view that man's reason was beclouded by the Fall, F.

Figulus, Benedict, d. It has not been noticed that the first tract, Liber Apocalypseos Hermetis Ein newer Gebenedeyter Philosophischer Rosengart. Poetic tribute by Joh. Finx, Ernst; Finx, Joachim Christoph, fl. Part 1 in alexandrines, part 2 in trochaic 6-line stanzas. Joachim Christoph Finx is known for 3 other literary works, but this one is apparently unrecorded. Philosophia Peripatetica Austriacorum Caesarum Symbolis adumbrata. University Press at St.

De Groos after I. A portrait of each of the Hapsburg emperors. Academic exercises for Christoph Franciscus Volckman. Wier's book against trials for witchcraft. Added German treatise on judicial procedures, dated Frankfurt, 1 Sept. Text complete; introduction printed more economically, on 16 pages instead of the 22 of the preceding edition, see Jantz, No.