A Prisoner Has Need (The Eternal Dungeon: Transformation #3)

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The Seekers (torturers) in the Eternal Dungeon have always expressed contempt toward the Hidden Dungeon in the neighboring kingdom of. Rebirth has 68 ratings and 8 reviews. Start by marking “Rebirth (The Eternal Dungeon, Volume 1)” as Want to Read: Elsdon Taylor, a prisoner accused of committing a terrible murder. .. POV – 3rd person, multi-POV .. Transformation (The Eternal Dungeon, Volume 2) · The Balance (The Eternal Dungeon, Volume 3).

Yes No Thanks for your feedback! A young man is in prison for the killing his sister. The focus of the dungeon master is to get him to be honest with himself and confess fully so as not to carry a karmic burden intonhis next life.

How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot. Time could be of the essence in healing Elsdon — if there was still any chance of healing the young Seeker whom he had hurt so badly so many times now. Perhaps it would be best to let others take over the task he had failed at. He reacted automatically, which meant he reacted violently. Reaching toward the only loose object at hand — the night-table next to the bed — he grasped it by its leg, wrenched it from the floor, and had begun to swing it toward the intruder before he checked himself in time.

He opened his eyes. Elsdon, fully clothed and hooded but with his face-cloth raised, sat beside him.

He looked, Layle realized with amazement, more amused than fearful. Elsdon was still smiling, he noted with growing incredulity. The Seeker-in-Training had made a joke about the fact that Layle was a killer born. Perhaps he was still sleeping. He rubbed his eyes. Chapman told me yesterday that I should report to him at the beginning of today's night shift.

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  • The Balance (The Eternal Dungeon, Volume 3) by Dusk Peterson.
  • Rebirth (The Eternal Dungeon, Volume 1) by Dusk Peterson;
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That's not long from now. Layle did not need to glance that way. He knew the sounds of the dungeon like a mother knows the sounds of her baby.

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It said something about his state of mind that he had slept all the way into the brief dusk period between the day and night shifts. He began to reach toward the night-table, realized that he had toppled all the objects on it onto the floor, and reached down to fish his hood off the ground. I mean, I know the Codifier isn't the most patient man. Being lectured by the Codifier about my lack of control is easy by comparison.

Danger - Dark Light #3

This book ripped my heart out and then ground it to dust, taking great delight in the brutal act. You see, The Code prohibits Seekers from having physical contact with prisoners, with very good reason. Trivia About Rebirth The Eter Felicia marked it as to-read Feb 27, This boy was a clear example. It was brilliantly written, complex and the author didn't apologise for being brutal and blunt.

He tossed Layle the shirt he had been groping for, one of the many articles of clothing that had ended up strewn on the floor the previous night. Layle was still wearing his trousers — an old habit, for he had never stripped himself fully when raping prisoners in the Hidden Dungeon. Remaining partially clothed allowed a Vovimian torturer to make his prisoner feel vulnerable in his or her nakedness. As Layle stood up and tried to brush out the creases in his trousers, he wondered how long it would be before he could break himself of such old habits.

Or whether it was even possible to do so. I badly misjudged you. I'm as dangerous as you surmised, and I've done in the past what you thought I was doing in the present. I remembered yesterday how I killed my sister. He searched Elsdon's face, trying to read the pain behind it.

He had known that this would happen eventually. During the past three months, as Elsdon underwent his transition from prisoner to Seeker-in-Training, the young man had gone from the extreme of believing that he was entirely to blame for his kin-murder to the other extreme of believing that he was entirely blameless for the murder. Of course, he might have been entirely blameless, but his loss of memory suggested otherwise. Prisoners did not forget bloody crimes they had committed unless they were trying to hide truths from themselves.

Now the danger existed that Elsdon would return to his old self-hatred. Layle said carefully, "Murders rarely take place for only one reason. I know I wouldn't have murdered Sara if my father hadn't bound and beaten me harshly for years. But I also know now that. I had a choice. There was a moment when I could have stopped myself from killing Sara, and I didn't do so.

Dusk Peterson

Whatever you have done is small in comparison to what I have done in the past — believe me when I say that. It's a constant temptation we face as Seekers: You and I have all the reminder we need that this is not so.

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Layle had to resist the impulse to run his thumb down the skin of Elsdon's flawless cheek, as smooth and pale and perfect as an ivory carving.