Works of Clara Morris

The New Student's Reference Work/Morris, Clara

Melodrama, in Western theatre, sentimental drama with an improbable plot that concerns the vicissitudes suffered by the virtuous at the hands of the villainous but ends happily with virtue triumphant. Featuring stock characters such as the noble hero, the long-suffering heroine, and the…. Toronto, city, capital of the province of Ontario, southeastern Canada. Its location on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario, which forms part of the border between Canada and the…. Canada, second largest country in the world in area after Russia , occupying roughly the northern two-fifths of the continent of North America.

This fact, coupled with the grandeur of the landscape, has been…. Theatrical production, the planning, rehearsal, and presentation of a work. Such a work is presented to an audience at a particular time and place by live performers, who use either themselves or inanimate figures, such as puppets, as the medium of presentation. A theatrical production can be…. Acting, the performing art in which movement, gesture, and intonation are used to realize a fictional character for the stage, for motion pictures, or for television.

Acting is generally agreed to be a matter less of mimicry, exhibitionism, or imitation than of the ability to react to imaginary…. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Help us improve this article! Contact our editors with your feedback. You may find it helpful to search within the site to see how similar or related subjects are covered.

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Clara Morris

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We appreciate your feedback. She was reared in Cleveland, Ohio , where at the Academy of Music she became a member of the ballet under the management of John A. Ellsler , [1] and afterward a leading actress. For some years after , she devoted herself mainly to literary work, writing: In her book Life on the Stage: Complete blindness overtook her in , and her old age was embittered by poverty.

Author:Clara Morris

The house in which she had lived for 37 years was sold in , and Morris moved to Whitestone, Long Island. After becoming a member of the ballet and relishing the success working under John A. Ellsler , she continued to work with him for ten years; ending up going from playing minor roles one night and major roles the next, until eventually sharing the leading business of the theatre with her manager.

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Well, with white wigs, white tights, and white robes, and half strangled with the powder we had inhaled in our efforts to make our lips stay white, we cautiously descended the stairs we dared not talk, we dared not blink our eyes, for fear of disturbing the coat of powder-we were lifted to the pedestal and took our places as we expected to stand. Retrieved from " https: Though he gained little support in the slaveholding states of the South. At the bottom of the article, feel free to list any sources that support your changes, so that we can fully understand their context. Please review your cart. You asked me to report every exceptional leading man.

In the season of , she ended her engagement with him. Her next manager, Bernard Macauley of Wood's Theatre in Cincinnati, Ohio, only worked in her company for a little over a year, after which she moved to New York in as a member of Augustin Daly's company. Daly engaged her to play in the Fifth-avenue Theatre , then located on West Twenty-fourth street; not as a leading act, but to fill whichever roles he deemed necessary.

Zedd, Maren Morris, Grey – The Middle (Lyrics) 🎵

In the season of , Man and Wife was in preparation for opening when the lead lady originally designated to play the role of Anne Silvester declined the part, and Ms. Morris stepped up to the position. On the opening night, September 13, she made her first debut in a major city, and ended up being recalled in an early scene in the play before the act was terminated - an unusual occurrence in the theatre at the time.

In , she made a sensation in L'Article Other successes followed and she became known as an actress distinguished for spontaneity and naturalness. Rockwood — George Gardner Rockwood was a 19th-century celebrity photographer. Rockwood, a hotel keeper, and Martha Gardner Burnham Rockwood.

Georges early education was at the Ballston Spa Institute, a boys boarding school. Rockwood used to say that his mind was turned to inventions by meeting Samuel Morse when the inventor of the telegraph was exhibiting his instruments at the United States Hotel in Saratoga, Rockwood was a hallboy in the hotel at that time. Morse took a liking to the young Rockwood and took time to explain the workings of his invention, as a young adult, he worked in a printing office, and then became a reporter for the local Troy newspaper.

Louis in and in produced the first carte de visite made in the United States. His first subject was Baron Rothschild, mrs.

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Clara Morris (March 17, – November 20, ) was an American actress. Contents For some years after , she devoted herself mainly to literary work , writing: Little Jim Crow, and Other Stories of Children (); A Silent Singer. Read "Works of Clara Morris" by Clara Morris with Rakuten Kobo. 3 works of Clara Morris American actress () This ebook presents a collection of 3 .

August Belmont was the first woman of whom he made a vignette carte de visite. He was an inventor as well as a photographer and made improvements in the tools of his trade. Rockwood moved to New York in and went into partnership with his brother, the studio in which Rockwood and his brother came to be best known was in the Roosevelt Building at Broadway and 13 Street. It was in this studio that the Rockwoods met, photographed, during the Civil War, Rockwoods brother Elihu enlisted, and George worked as a war photographer, working out of a mobile field van.

His brother achieved the rank of colonel while serving with the 10th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Elihu Rockwoods army friends were frequent visitors at the Rockwood studio, and George Rockwood got to know them well. He was fond of relating his talks with Major Anderson, General Dix and he knew Horace Greeley well and made several photographs of him, both in the studio and in the woods near Chappaqua where Greeley posed, axe in hand.

Rockwood married Araminta Bouton in and they had several children, one of whom, George H. Rockwood, was also a photographer and associated with his father in business. Rockwood died at his home in Lakeville, Connecticut, on July 10, Rockwood at Find a Grave. Toronto — Toronto is the most populous city in Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario. A global city, Toronto is a centre of business, finance, arts, and culture.

Aboriginal peoples have inhabited the area now known as Toronto for thousands of years, the city itself is situated on the southern terminus of an ancient Aboriginal trail leading north to Lake Simcoe, used by the Wyandot, Iroquois, and the Mississauga. Permanent European settlement began in the s, after the broadly disputed Toronto Purchase of , the British established the town of York, and later designated it as the capital of Upper Canada. During the War of , the town was the site of the Battle of York, York was renamed and incorporated as the city of Toronto in , and became the capital of the province of Ontario during the Canadian Confederation in The city proper has since expanded past its original borders through amalgamation with surrounding municipalities at various times in its history to its current area of While the majority of Torontonians speak English as their primary language, Toronto is a prominent centre for music, theatre, motion picture production, and television production, and is home to the headquarters of Canadas major national broadcast networks and media outlets.

Toronto is known for its skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, in particular the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere. The name Toronto is likely derived from the Iroquois word tkaronto and this refers to the northern end of what is now Lake Simcoe, where the Huron had planted tree saplings to corral fish. A portage route from Lake Ontario to Lake Huron running through this point, in the s, the Iroquois established two villages within what is today Toronto, Ganatsekwyagon on the banks of the Rouge River and Teiaiagonon the banks of the Humber River.

During the American Revolutionary War, the region saw an influx of British settlers as United Empire Loyalists fled for the British-controlled lands north of Lake Ontario, the new province of Upper Canada was in the process of creation and needed a capital.

Simcoe decided to move the Upper Canada capital from Newark to York, the York garrison was constructed at the entrance of the towns natural harbour, sheltered by a long sandbar peninsula. The towns settlement formed at the end of the harbour behind the peninsula, near the present-day intersection of Parliament Street.

In , as part of the War of , the Battle of York ended in the towns capture, the surrender of the town was negotiated by John Strachan. US soldiers destroyed much of the garrison and set fire to the parliament buildings during their five-day occupation, the sacking of York was a primary motivation for the Burning of Washington by British troops later in the war. Its formation reflected recommendations made by John Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham in the Report on the Affairs of British North America following the Rebellions of —38, in the aftermath of the Rebellions of —, unification of the two Canadas was driven by two factors.

Firstly, Upper Canada was near bankruptcy because it lacked stable tax revenues, and secondly, unification was an attempt to swamp the French vote by giving each of the former provinces the same number of parliamentary seats, despite the larger population of Lower Canada. Although Durhams report had called for the Union of the Canadas and for Responsible Government, the new government was to be led by an appointed Governor General accountable only to the British Crown and the Kings Ministers.

Responsible Government was not to be achieved until the second LaFontaine-Baldwin ministry in , the Province of Canada ceased to exist at Canadian Confederation on July 1,, when it was redivided into the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Canada East was what became of the colony of Lower Canada after being united into the Province of Canada.

It became the province of Quebec after confederation, Canada West was what became of the former colony of Upper Canada after being united into the Province of Canada. It became the province of Ontario after confederation, the location of the capital city of the Province of Canada changed six times in its year history. The first capital was in Kingston, the capital moved to Montreal until rioters, spurred by a series of incendiary articles published in The Gazette, protested the Rebellion Losses Bill and burned down Montreals parliament buildings.

It moved to Quebec City from to , then Toronto for one year before returning to Quebec City from , in , Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as the permanent capital of the Province of Canada, initiating construction of Canadas first parliament buildings, on Parliament Hill. The first stage of construction was completed in , just in time to host the final session of the last parliament of the Province of Canada before Confederation.

The Governor General remained the head of the administration of the colony, appointed by the British state. He was aided by the Executive Council and the Legislative Council, the Executive Council aided in administration, and the Legislative Council reviewed legislation produced by the elected Legislative Assembly.


Sydenham came from a family of timber merchants, and was an expert in finance. He was promised a barony if he could implement the union of the Canadas, and introduce a new form of municipal government. Sydenham was a Whig who believed in government, not responsible government. In order to implement his plan, he utilized widespread electoral violence through the Orange Order, Bagot was appointed after the unexpected death of Thomson, with the explicit instructions to resist calls for Responsible Government.

The population was 19, according to the census, in New Canaan had the highest median family income in the country. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has an area of There are also churches in town as well as the historic Roger Sherman Inn. Most major banks and many wealth managements firms have a presence in New Canaan, including J. In , Connecticuts colonial legislature established Canaan Parish as an entity in northwestern Norwalk. The right to form a Congregational church was granted to the few families scattered through the area, as inhabitants of Norwalk or Stamford, Canaan Parish settlers still had to vote, pay taxes, serve on juries, and file deeds in their home towns.

Because Canaan Parish was not planned as a town when it was first settled in , when New Canaan was incorporated in , it found itself without a central common, until the Revolutionary War, New Canaan was primarily an agricultural community. With the advent of the railroad to New Canaan, many of New York Citys wealthy residents discovered the quiet, pastoral beauty of the area and built magnificent summer homes. In the s, editor Will Kirk of the Messenger wrote an editorial in response to editors who chided him.

New Canaan was an important center of the design movement from the late s through roughly the s.

Ontario — Ontario, one of the 13 provinces and territories of Canada, is located in east-central Canada. It is Canadas most populous province by a margin, accounting for nearly 40 percent of all Canadians.

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Ontario is fourth-largest in total area when the territories of the Northwest Territories and it is home to the nations capital city, Ottawa, and the nations most populous city, Toronto. There is only about 1 km of land made up of portages including Height of Land Portage on the Minnesota border. Ontario is sometimes divided into two regions, Northern Ontario and Southern Ontario.