The Ultimate Weight Loss Diet Guide – The Easiest How to Lose Weight Guide you’ll Ever Read

Their energy levels tend to stabilise, they feel less lethargic, cravings subside, and due to the water loss from going low carb, it acts as a motivator as they see results from the get go. Pretty straightforward — any injury or medical history that may affect your training and diet should be factored in. And, on that note…. Take your bodyweight in pounds and multiply it by 7 credit to Lyle McDonald who I learned this from.

Now, we need to set your macros. Macronutrients make up the components of food and are: If you want to find out more about alcohol: Macronutrients contain calories and each macronutrient contains a certain number of calories per gram. As you can see, fat contains more calories per gram than protein and carbohydrates, and while I could explain why by talking about carbon atoms and oxidation and a host of other nutrition nerdery — who really gives a fuck? Strength training provides the stimulus and, in conjunction with eating sufficient protein, stops the body from burning muscle.

Protein is more satiating than either fats or carbohydrates. So, when calories are low and hunger is inevitably high, protein will help keep you full. But the problem is, figuring this out can be both time-consuming and troublesome, not forgetting hardly accurate. Using per pound of bodyweight is easier and tends to work pretty well for leaner folk. In this population, going with 0. For example, if someone is lbs, using per pound of body weight would mean g of protein. This amount is unnecessary. Once calorie and protein intakes are set, the number of carbs or fats you consume is totally up to you.

If you prefer a higher carb diet, then eat a higher carb diet; if you prefer a higher fat diet, then eat a higher fat diet. Carb-based foods contain important vitamins, minerals, and fibre that lend themselves to a healthy body and life. Eric Helms summed this up brilliantly:. If you prefer a higher fat diet, go with the higher end 0. Or, of course, if you prefer a moderate split of the two, then go somewhere in the middle 0. Determined not to die and finally see his abs, our cuddly hero decides to sort his shit out.

All we need to work out now is his carb intake. To do this, multiply his protein intake by 4 because there are 4 calories in a gram of protein and multiply his fat intake by 9 because there are 9 calories in a gram of fat. So, we now know that Tim is getting calories from protein, and calories from fat. We now need to add the two totals — protein and fat — together. We now subtract the fat and protein total calories from his total required calorie intake calories:. And now, the last step: Just divide by 4 because there are 4 calories in a gram of carbohydrate.

More on that in a second, but first: You should eat clean good while avoiding junk bad. Hyperpalatable foods that can trigger overeating can fall under this category. But, trigger foods can vary person to person. What triggers one person to overeat will differ from somebody else.

Nutrition is more than just calories and macros and food quality does matter. What you eat will also be influenced by your goal and personality type. While no foods should be off limits, some foods should be limited. For example, for the restrictor type personality, foods that you have trouble controlling yourself around should be kept out of the house.

The more the temptation is there, the more likely you are to break down and overeat. These foods will help keep you full when calories are low. Energy-dense foods like cereal, chocolate bars, ice cream, Pop-Tarts, etc. This is why you can eat a chocolate bar and be hungry again ten minutes later, while a [calorically] comparable meal filled with protein and veggies will keep you fuller for longer. The source of those calories fat, carbs, protein does not matter.

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These fad diets and those like them require you to eat nothing but that one food for a certain period of time and promise very fast fat loss. No food possesses the magic ability to burn fat. At best, these diets may cause a person to temporarily lose some water weight. Go back to a normal diet and that weight will immediately return. As if it even needs to be pointed out, a diet consisting of just one food will cause a person to be deficient in a variety of important nutrients.

Ignore any and all mention of these idiotic fad diets. I mentioned this a bit earlier when talking about the ideal weight loss rate, so you are already aware that weight should not be lost quickly. However, since everyone wants to lose weight fast , countless products and diets continue to exist claiming "fast" results. This of course, is a lie. It just can't happen. Not to mention, any attempt at losing weight faster than the ideal rate pounds per week for the average person could put you at risk for some serious health issues and you'll probably lose a bunch of muscle in the process.

So, put the idea of "fast" results out of your mind. It can not happen, and it should not be attempted. As for any product that makes it seem like it can I'll make this one short and sweet. One can not turn into the other. You can lose 5 pounds of fat and gain 5 pounds of muscle, but they would be two completely separate processes. These people would be wrong. First of all, here's what "tone" is. Being toned is when you have some muscle, and then have a low enough amount of fat covering that muscle so that it becomes visible.

The less fat covering the muscle, the more "toned" you appear. Now, go back and read about the spot reduction myth.

Right there you know that high reps or low reps, neither is "toning" anything. They are all working the muscle, not burning the fat covering the muscle. If you want to get more toned or sculpted or whatever other wacky adjective you can think of, you need to lose more fat. Whether you do 5 reps of 15 reps, it's not going to matter in terms of "tone. That's what I have to say if you think all of those awesome looking people in all of those product ads actually got to look that way due to the use of whatever product they are selling. These are paid models. The worst thing you can ever think when watching a commercial or looking at an ad for some sort of weight loss product is "Hey, these people look exactly how I want to look.

This product must work! It's all part of the crazy amount of deception used in these ads to get you to buy their junk. Speaking of junk, this is as junky as it gets in this industry. They do absolutely nothing special. They sell this junk under the guise of spot reduction actually being possible. As you've already learned, it is not. These useless machines do not have ANY direct effect on the fat on your stomach no matter how much they lie to you in the ads. So, why should you buy these products? If you enjoy wasting money on something you could be doing for free on the floor, it's perfect.

If you enjoy getting a less effective ab workout because most of these machines put you in positions where THEY end up doing part of the work for you, again All kidding aside, they are all equally unnecessary. Want some really good advice?

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Don't spend a second of your time trying to find some other "easy" way. Looking will only waste your time, money, and effort and get you no where. Everything you need to know is here, in this guide, for free. After all, your goal just so happens to be a billion dollar industry. The funny thing about that fact is that most of those billions are being spent on useless junk. Let's just make sure you don't add to those billions. To help do that, here are some weight loss, diet and fitness products you should stay far, FAR away from.

They do nothing special and are as unnecessary as a product can be. There are many junky web sites around that sell "weight loss secrets" in the form of an eBook or manual or premium membership or even in actual book form. They will usually run down a story about how they tried this and that, and nothing ever worked UNTIL they discovered some secret method.

And, if you want to know this secret, you just have to spend some money and order it. Wanna hear a secret?

There is no such thing as a weight loss secret. This guide pretty much contains it all. There is no magical method that I'm keeping from you. This is all there is. Any web site trying to sell you something else is lying and trying laughably hard to get your money.

Will the product do all of the work for you? Is diet and exercise not needed? Does it only take 10 minutes per day, 2 times per week? Can you still eat whatever you want?

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It's what your body needs, it's practically free, and it contains 0 calories. Others will probably have to stop before hitting the 2 minute mark. Enjoyable but not healthy: As long as their total calorie intake remains exactly what it needs to be in order for weight loss to happen most important and all 3 nutrients protein, fat and carbs still remain somewhere inside or fairly close to their daily recommended ranges, it is perfectly fine to make some adjustments like this to fit your personal preferences. It will put you in the best position to burn the most calories, but it also puts you in the worst position to actually perform this exercise on a regular basis since it is something you are going to dread doing.

Will it cause you to lose weight fast? If so, save your money. This list isn't in any kind of order, but if it was, a digital food scale would probably be 1 on the list. Diet-wise, there is no more useful tool on the planet in my opinion. I know I've already blogged about my love for the digital food scale , but I'd be insane not to re-mention it in this weight loss guide. Seriously, if you're going to spend your money on a product, spend it on this. As for a recommendation, any of these scales would be perfect. Technically a gym membership is not really a "product," but it is a way to spend your money, and that's good enough for me.

You know all of that stuff I mentioned about exercise? Well, in order to do most of it, you will need the equipment. A gym has the equipment. Sure, you may be able to buy some stuff and workout at home, but if will power is an issue for you, a gym may be the better choice. For many people it's a lot easier to blow off your workout when you can "conveniently" do it at home any time you want.

I'll be home all day, I'll just workout later. A gym is a place you have to get up and go to. It's a different environment, the right environment. Your house is the same environment where you eat, sleep, watch TV, sit in front of a computer and interact with your family members. Not really ideal for those lacking will power.

So, if will power is an issue, a gym might be the better choice. If it's not, and you do end up working out at home and buying some equipment, you should only buy quality, useful stuff instead of fancy, unnecessary junk. As far as aerobic exercise goes, this is really the only type of stuff you need to buy if you are planning on doing it at home.

As far as anaerobic exercises goes, free weights barbells and dumbbells are far superior to any kind of machine you could possibly find. If you're going to spend any money on this type of stuff, spend it on free weights. No matter what Chuck Norris or whatever other celebrity fitness expert tells you, their junky product is not better than or even nearly as good as plain old free weights.

I workout at a gym, but if I didn't, I can tell you with absolute certainty that my home gym would be nothing but free weights and a treadmill. Progress tracking is a very important aspect of weight loss, and a scale is one of the handful of ways to track this progress.

I'd recommend a nice digital scale that has at least 0. While none of these products are required, they can all be extremely helpful. These two however can be considered the most optional of the group. As for why, the same reason as above None of these are actually weight loss supplements more just overall health and nutritional supplements , but, they are always the first three supplements I would recommend to anyone looking to improving their body or health in any way especially those trying to lose weight.

Protein powder is a convenient and high quality protein source, a multivitamin can be beneficial for obvious reasons, but the fish oil may need a small explanation. Remember all of that stuff I mentioned before about healthy fat, specifically the Omega-3 fatty acid? How research shows an increasingly large number of health benefits associated with it? Well, a fish oil supplement is the ideal source of this specific fatty acid. Most protein powder and multivitamin brands are fine, but for fish oil, I'm a huge fan of Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega.

At this point, you pretty much know, well, everything. Unfortunately, that alone isn't enough. You need the motivation to start doing it, and the will power and dedication to stick to it and keep on doing it. For some people, this won't be a problem.

12 Diet Books That Are Actually Worth Reading

To help it not be a problem for you, it's time to go over the stuff that could help or hurt you from the mental side of weight loss. Let's start with your diet. Sticking to your diet will mostly be a matter of will power. However, there are quite a few tips and methods around that will certainly help. Here now are some of the better ones:. At some point decades ago, everyone felt "3 square meals per day" was ideal.

Then, years later, practically everyone in the nutrition field unanimously agreed that we should instead be eating 6 smaller meals per day spaced out every hours exactly. Because it "speeds up our metabolism" and does other awesome stuff that helps us lose fat or build muscle better. Countless recent studies have proven that absolutely NONE of it is true. Meal frequency just doesn't matter in terms of "speeding up metabolic rate" or anything similar. As long as your total calorie and nutrient protein, fat and carb intake is the same by the end of the day, how many meals you eat to reach those totals just doesn't matter at all.

So, when it comes to deciding how many meals YOU should eat per day, there's only one guideline you ever need to follow: If you like eating 6 smaller meals more frequently, do it. If you'd rather eat 3 bigger meals, do it. If you'd rather eat some other amount of times 4 meals, 5 meals, etc. As long as you're eating the right total amounts of calories, protein, fat and carbs per day, it just doesn't matter. Do what's most convenient and enjoyable for you. Planning how many meals you'll eat each day is helpful in that you'll know when you will and won't be eating which helps ensure you don't eat more than you are supposed to.

When your meals are spontaneous, anything can happen. You can be somewhere where all you can eat is junk. You can be somewhere where you can eat something good, but you can easily just eat too much of it. Planning will prevent this. Not everyone can do it, but those who can definitely should. Those who can't should try their best to do it as often as possible. Plan tonight's dinner, plan all of today's meals, or plan a whole week's worth of meals Plan, plan and plan some more. In my opinion, this is the best "sticking to your diet" tip there is. Are cookies your big problem food?

If so, don't have them around you. You know exactly what you should and should not be eating. The best way to avoid eating what you shouldn't is to just not buy it. Don't have it in your house. Out of sight, out of mind. Of course, this is easy if you live alone or live with someone whose goal is also weight loss or just being healthy , but if not, it can be tough.

In these cases, here is something to keep in mind: If portion control is your biggest weight loss obstacle you are still hungry after eating and end up eating more than you should , here are some of the more popular tips for fixing this:. Feeling full isn't immediate. It takes time for the food you are eating to register with your brain and make you feel full. This is why eating quickly would be a bad thing. Instead, take your time. Put your fork down between bites. You don't have to do any kind of weird slow motion eating or anything, just take your time and don't rush through your meal.

Don't wait until you're almost done. Drink water throughout the meal. Not only will this help fill you up and prevent you from wanting to eat more than you should, but it will also help slow down your eating which helps the above tip. As someone who is lucky enough to have the will power to just eat what I should eat and not want anymore, I have to admit, I find some of these tips a little, you know, hilarious.

But hey, whatever works The thinking behind the smaller plates idea is that seeing your food in a smaller plate and therefore filling it up completely will trick your mind into thinking you are eating more than you actually are. With the half-a-portion idea, the thinking is that the act of getting up to get "seconds" will trick your mind into thinking a second serving is really being taken. Does it help some people? If you are one of these people, use these tips. Back when you learned what you should and should not eat, you may have wondered if you are really NEVER supposed to eat the stuff you shouldn't eat, or if you should allow yourself a cheat meal every once in a while.

You know, "indulge in moderation.

There's two obvious points of view to have here I'll explain both sides and then leave the decision up to you. The first point of view is that everything is OK to eat in moderation. The thinking here is that there is no need to remove every not-so-great food from your diet completely and permanently, and that trying to do so only makes sticking to your diet even harder. The idea is that indulging in something you know you shouldn't regularly be eating junk food is perfectly fine as long as you do it in moderation.

As in, not too much, and not too often. A little junk once a week, or twice a month, or just on holidays and special occassions Scientifically speaking, this point of view assuming it is actually done "in moderation" will not hurt your weight loss at all, nor will it cause weight gain.

You know the One Fact, right? Well, let's say for example that the number of calories you need to consume per day to lose weight is below maintenance. Now, let's say your "in moderation" cheat meal is additional calories worth of junk food every Sunday. Your weekly deficit of now becomes Is there a difference? Yes, but it's really tiny. A calorie weekly deficit still exists which means weight loss will still happen just fine.

You'd still end up losing weight at the rate of slightly less than 1 pound per week through diet alone. Another good way to "cheat" without it having much if any negative effect is by "canceling out" the additional calories. For example, if you know you will be cheating with calories of junk food today, make room for these calories by eating less calories than you normally would that day. So, if you are supposed to be consuming calories daily, rather than consuming additional "cheat" calories and making your total for the day, just make those "cheat" calories a part of your normal You could also make this happen through exercise, by burning an additional calories on that "cheat" day.

Either way, your daily total would still end up being the calories it's supposed to be. While the first way would just barely make a tiny, almost insignificant difference to your weight loss, the second way would make virtually no difference at all. What this all means is that in the end, as long as it is done correctly meaning you're not "cheating" too often or too much , this whole "everything in moderation" idea is fantastic. Weight loss still happens and weight gain is still prevented and you still get to occasionally eat some yummy junk food.

Well, for some people, at least.

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Against It Picture this. You've smoked a whole bunch of cigarettes every single day since you were 14 years old. You tried to quit many times, but never had the will power to do it. However, you've finally just about done it. You haven't smoked at all in a couple of weeks and you're doing great. What do you think happens next? I'd guess that some of the people who do this go on for the rest of their lives smoking 1 cigarette per week. I'd also guess that the majority of the people end up smoking regularly all over again.

Now, replace "smoking" with "eating" and "cigarettes" with "junk food" and you could understand why there is an "against it" point of view. This is the point of view that feels that all cheating does is keep your interest in these foods alive. If you completely avoid something you crave, the cravings will fade away. If you instead give in and practically tease yourself with it, the cravings stay alive and strong and if anything From the weight loss side of things, this would be as bad as can be.

Remember earlier when I mentioned that too many total calories is what causes weight gain?

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From diet, nutrition and calories, to exercise, products and supplements. This is the first, last and only weight loss article you will EVER need to read. It is quite simply the ultimate guide to all things weight loss. . The next thing you'll need to know is what your daily calorie maintenance level actually is. If you reduce the levels of your fat-storing hormone, insulin, you'll have a way easier time losing excess weight. there have been a huge number of weight- loss diets based on eating fewer carbs. Check out our keto for beginners guide. Always eat enough, so that you feel satisfied, especially in the.

And that the most common sources of these excess calories for most people was some form of junk food? This would mean that you are "cheating" with the very same foods that caused your weight gain in the first place. You'd be indulging in the original cause of your problem. It is for this reason that for a large number of people, "cheating" and "indulging in moderation" only leads to negative results. One other "against it" reason should also be mentioned here, one that has nothing to do with weight loss.

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What sometimes gets lost in this to-cheat-or-not-to-cheat argument is the fact that the foods most often being "cheated" with are unhealthy junk. It's only once in a while, sure, but it's still unhealthy junk. I mean, health-wise, there is nothing good about someone indulging in a trans fat filled, high sodium fast food item, even if it is just once per week.

Cheating like this may not hurt your weight, but it can still hurt your health. That's a good question, and one I really can't answer for you. This is a personal thing based on nothing but your own will power or lack thereof. Do you think you can cheat only in moderation, or will doing so only remind you of how much you miss these foods and cause you to go back to your old eating habits?

Only you can answer that, because only you know what's truly right for you. Accurately tracking your progress is going to be a huge part of your weight loss as well as a huge part of making sure the weight stays lost. There's two reasons for this:. Are you wondering how to keep the weight off after you lose it? I can answer that for you in just 3 words: The keeping track of your calorie intake, the healthy eating, the exercising You remember the One Fact? Well, knowing that, how can it possibly stop? If you go back to eating too many calories, you're going to gain the weight right back.

During those 10 days, the program follows recipes that wean you off of unhealthy wheat and grains ASAP, while simultaneously teaching you how to recognize withdrawal symptoms because pretzel addiction is real!

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Press the reset button on your entire diet to help you find out exactly which foods are causing health issues Best suited for: Its regular appearance on the New York Times best-seller list solidifies its status as one of the best healthy eating books out there.

Buy It Now 5. Daily Dash for Weight Loss: To lose weight, eat more nutritionally dense foods Best suited for: This healthy eating plan was originally designed to help lower blood pressure, but followers found it significantly contributed to weight loss as well. There are no wild restrictions here—just a call for more fruits and veggies, lean meats, mostly whole grains, and heart-healthy fats.