Logics Prophet: An Original Screenplay

Looking on the internet, it seems that parinda is the more usual way to spell the Urdu word for bird. I don't find it in my Hindi dictionary, which doesn't need to mean much. Keep on flying, Mukta Parinda. At long last, I could read this illuminating article! Please write what you think. But please think about what you write. What's not accepted here? No ads, no links to ads, no back-links to commercial pages, no libel against 3rd parties. These comments won't go up, so no need to even try. Thursday, November 10, No Prophet in Buddhism?

You might well wonder what any normally Tibeto-centric Tibeto-logician would be doing spending his evenings leafing through a — well , not- so -recent — book about a Muslim theologian and Sufi contemplative by the name of Simnani. For decades now I have been intrigued by the fact that for a time Buddhist teachers called Bakshis were active in the Middle East. We know that Simnani had very much contact with those self-same Bakshis. As I think I will be able to show — if not now, on another day — he was one of the most visible contact points that allowed some aspects of cultural-religious electrical currents to flow into the western parts of Eurasia in a crucial time in her history.

Am I being too grandiose?

Trying to be dramatic? A little overexcited, no doubt. From to , apart from a brief two-year interlude, the Ilkhanid realm was ruled by Buddhists. I labeled this bad map to show its imprecise location, although you are probably better off to see the map of the Ilkhanid realm at its greatest extent at Wikipedia, where you can see that it actually did cover quite a big part of the area you see on the map just below.

Most writers on the subject repeat the idea that there were Tibetan Lamas among the Bakshis. They may have been right for not taking me seriously. He liked this Tibetan name well enough to put it, in Mongolian and sometimes in Arabic script, on many of the coins he had minted in Tabriz you can see quite a few examples on the internet if you look for them.

The following lustrous gold example, one of many, is supposed to have his name on it I apologize that I am unable to read it, but I found it here. He did make one disastrous political mistake. He introduced Chinese paper money into the Middle East. It looks as if he just took the Chinese paper bills and overstamped them. Or did he directly copy the money, Chinese inscriptions and all?

And Gaikhatu lost his position, so to speak, when he was assassinated. Did you ever have one of those minor epiphanies, the kind that seizes you, gives you a kind of electrical jolt, even before you have time to think about the reason? It has happened to me more than a few times in museums, actually, come to think of it. But once when I was touring, together with a Tibetan monk, the al-Quds al-Sharif sanctuaries on what non-Muslims are more likely to know as the Temple Mount, we had scarcely entered the Islamic Museum off to the side of al-Aksa Mosque, when both of us found ourselves astoundedly fixated on the same thing at the same time.

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It was an artistic motif around the base of a large metal candle holder. It was just so closely similar to the lotus base that you see under practically every Indo-Tibetan divine image, only more in the Tibetan style, or perhaps even more in the style of the Swat Valley bronzes. The monk and I had identical epiphanies at the very same moment. Stopping to inspect the museum label, we could read that the inscription engraved on it contained the name of Arslan.

Some hidden alarm button? Despite what may have seemed like a moment of clarity, I was puzzled and the more I find out the more puzzling it becomes, really. If this use of the lotus design is a result of Mongol or just vaguely Central Asian influence, the reign of this Arslan is almost too early.

He ruled quite a huge area from his capital of Mardin , a still remarkably well preserved historical mountaintop city in southeastern Turkey with a breathtaking view over the Syrian plains. There is even a body of literature tracing Ilkhanid eastern artistic influences on early Italian painters like Giotto see Tanaka's article. I visited the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua a few years ago, but with the minute limit preceded by an hour in a dessication chamber it is really very difficult to take it all in, let alone notice all the details. I was far too overwhelmed by the art. The Crucifixion, by Giotto of Bondoni , Scrovegni Chapel, Padova, Italia Now Simnani belonged to a family with a number of members who served in the court of Arghun, and Simnani himself was no exception.

Yet he had an interest in Sufi meditations from a young age, specifically inspired by Kubra and his school, the Kubrawiya, with its strong emphasis on visionary experiences of lights which Simnani himself would further develop in his later years. It is said he died in hand-to-hand combat with the Mongols when they invaded Khwarezm in Now I see the hour is getting late and I want to get this in the mail before I miss my bedtime, so just let me say these few words about Simnani and we will call it a day. As you may know, the Mongols were in the habit of holding inter-religious discussions debates, if you prefer in their courts.

The general idea is that Mongolians had their own shamanic ideas; other religions they had trouble comprehending — they found them curious — so they would enlist the smartest people around to try to explain them. A number of early Mongol rulers married Christians. The following describes an event of April It was probably the first, but definitely not the last, time Buddhist relics were displayed in the Middle East: These are hard pieces of a substance which is said to be found in the ashes of some saintly persons when cremated.

Von Hammer says that Buddha's heart was supposed to be made of bone and not of flesh, similarly with the hearts of great men, and that the sharil is really held to be the ossified heart of the cremated person. Arghun, we are told, treated this relic with the greatest honour, gold was strewn over it, while a feast was duly celebrated. Arghun sometimes had Simnani hold religious discussions with the Buddhist Bakshis.

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Mentally exhausted from the work so far, the self seeks the maternal comforts of a second womb. The key to telling a story with worldwide appeal is genre. PS Just to emphasize that Giotto's Asian exoticism is no 21st century discovery, I wanted to give the reference to this article, which can be accessed through subscribing institutions at JSTOR otherwise luck be with you: The Magical Medical Bag Texts. Unlike you, Tanaka finds Chinese letters only in the post-Giotto period see his p. The walk of faith is filled with tribulations of every kind. Why are Archplot screenplays considered more commercially viable than Alternative Plot scripts?

The usual story is that they belonged to a number of nationalities, not only Tibetans but also Indians, Uighurs, Chinese and so on. Although generally antipathetic to Buddhism — he believed the main problem with Buddhism is that it has no prophets — he was actually fond of one particular Bakshi, and this Bakshi surprise, surprise has a personal name attached.

I differ with them both. All this was intended as hardly anything more than an introduction to still different matters, touching on religious devotional and meditative practices and visions that I regard as more interesting than anything you have heard here so far. I do hope you did find it interesting anyway. Reuven Amitai-Preiss, Sufis and Shamans: Anna Akasoy, et al. Interactions along the Musk Route s, Ashgate Farnham , pp. This article does not establish that, as has sometimes been speculated in the past, the caves in question were definitely Buddhist, but neither does it eliminate the possibility.

Other articles in the same volume are relevant, not only the introduction by Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, but also the contributions by Assadullah Souren Melikian-Chirvani see p. Tibetan Studies I , Brill Leiden , pp. Here it is evidently Khaidu who is hiding under the Tibetan[ized] name Ga-du Rin-chen. Morris Rossabi has written a whole book about Mar Sauma , and I hope to see it before long. Yuka Kadoi, Islamic Chinoiserie: I believe you can get free access to it here.

Or if not, go here: The thesis of this long and rather confusing paper well, I found it so is that there were Asian artistic influences on paintings produced for the Ilkhanid court. Given this is so, chances are that the Tibetan Bakshis may well have been Drigung monks, so Drigung histories — and histories of other lineages stemming from the Phagmodru school — would be logical places to look for clues about them, you would think. A New Analysis of the Legend of St. Other writings on related subjects by the same author have appeared in English, Japanese and Italian.

You can actually recognize some of the 'Phags-pa script letters in some of these paintings, which is about as clear a sign of Mongolian influence as you could possibly wish for. Of course there is now a Wiki page on the subject, with interesting illustrations. But better if you have a look at this Babelstone blog.

3.1. classical screenplay structure

Figure from Tanaka's article, p. Here you see one side of the mantle only, depicting a lion attacking a poor camel. Garments hemmed with inscriptions in exotic scripts were on extremely famous luxury fabrics like this one on the Italian peninsula and not only Sicily, his kingdom extended north nearly to Rome much before Giotto's time. The original is kept in a museum in Vienna, I believe.

Notice that the discussion within Islam on the issue of whether or not the Buddha can be regarded as a prophet is an ongoing one. The best writing I've noticed on this topic is this: Is the Buddha a Prophet? This article reveals something else that some will find surprising, that there do exist some Japanese Buddhist converts to Islam. Posted by Dan at 5: Buddhist-Islamic relations , Giotto , Ilkhanids , Ohannessian tiles.

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The Tibetan Olympics of The Nine Men's Sporting Events. Literary Sources for "The Transmigration"? High Peaks Pure Earth. Two, not three, Tibet self-immolations and a lone street protester savaged by Chinese police. Seven-year-old immigrant girl dies after US Border Patrol arrest. Rubin Museum of Art. The Perfect Gift for Inspiration-Seekers: A Membership to the Rubin. He called me about this Philip Dick short story that was a mind-bender that nobody had been able to crack.

Precrime is an organization that can predict a murder before it happens. You get arrested before you commit the crime. The head cop is accused of murdering someone, and must go on the run to figure it all out. Both screenwriters, however, were unfamiliar with the works of Philip K. Dick and only knew of him thanks to films such as Blade Runner and Total Recall. I did not even truly understand that Blade Runner or Total Recall were based upon his work, which shows you how attuned I am to sci-fi.

I was totally comfortable in this genre. Sci-fi is just another form of weird things happening to weird people but with more computer technology and laser beams. Legally, of course, my work was a rewrite. But in fact, my draft was all Philip Dick and myself. Dick wrote an impossible logic problem of a story. He was more interested in mental conceits than a propulsive visual story. My job was to find the fun, relatable stuff, and run with it. I figured out about sympathetic characters, secondary plot, visual writing, and keeping the action going.

I especially like what I did with the female precog, exploring her dilemma. I know nothing about sci-fi, or the rules, or anything. I just made up gadgets as I needed them. Hell, just invent a gadget! I loved doing the eye thing. We are all viscerally weirded out by eyeballs. When I finished the first draft and handed it in to [then director Jan De Bont] and Fox studios, the reaction was instant and delightful.

They were totally turned on. Their eyes lit right up, which rarely happens. Actually, it never happens. But I got lucky.

What can I say? The script went all the way to the top guy at Fox in a matter of days, and from there on in, they were definitely going to make this movie. It was just a matter of with which heavy-hitters. It was all about tightening and tinkering. Being rewritten is no fun, but thank god it was Scott. Not wanting to make American films in French, they worked around the edges of genre, so the films were neither good genre films nor good art films. To understand how this advanced script works, we need to focus on the genres on which this story is founded.

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Each genre is a contained story world expressed through a contained story form. Knowing the beats of your genre is the first step in writing a successful screenplay, because the entire worldwide entertainment business is based on repeating popular story forms. He begins as an illiterate year-old with no family. So he starts as close to the bottom as you can get. The writers then track his climb up the ladder, and they excel at placing him in one impossible predicament after another. The second step in writing a successful script for the international market is to twist the beats of the form and add drama elements.

Here is the good guy, here is the bad guy. As in all masterpiece films, Malik is trapped in a system. Starting Malik as an innocent year-old makes him a clean slate. In prison, he not only learns the ways of crime, he takes classes in reading and economics.