How To Improve Your Vision Naturally: Strategies and Exercises to Restore Your Eyesight

The lowdown on eye exercises

If your eyes are tired from excessive close-up work — such as staring at the computer — visual breaks to focus on objects at longer distances are a good idea. And it's important to encourage your visual system to do its best. Exercising eye muscles will not eliminate the most common maladies that necessitate corrective lenses — namely, nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia age-related lens stiffening. Above all, eye exercises will do nothing for glaucoma and macular degeneration.

What of the claim that glasses make eyes weaker and more dependent on wearing them? It's largely a matter of perception. People often tolerate a lot of blur before they start wearing corrective lenses, Dr. Steinert says, but "once they get used to the correction, the same level of blur is no longer acceptable to them. So they perceive that their eyes have been weakened. Presbyopia age-related lens stiffening likewise progresses with time, so a farsighted person will find it increasingly difficult to see well without corrective eyewear. In none of these cases have glasses or contacts weakened the eyes.

Will getting a weaker prescription than you're used to somehow train your eyes to see better, as some eye exercise programs advise? It's certainly possible that some people wear stronger glasses than they need, so they may be able to back off their prescription a bit. Thanks also for the book titles to check out. Thank you for the information.

Rebuild your Vision Naturally

I believe you simply because I hit 15 other review sites touting it was not a scam and sending me right back to the Restore my Vision Today site. Thanks for the honest review and alternate titles. Thanks for an honest assessment. It took a while to find this page after navigating through numerous fake reviews. I was already about to go onto Youtube to look up similar info as you can find just about anything for free on youtube anyway.

While a couple of the testimonies sounded natural — the overwhelming majority were just plain rehearsed and not very good at all. Thanks for your observations. It is in the video but also on other websites. Check out this one, for example. We really do work hard to make sure we get our facts right. I have tried to unsubscribe from these emails, also christian mingle, end diabetes,car purchases, testosterone etc etc etc. Even though they go into my junk folder, they are still.

Can they be forced to stop through legal means? I live in Canada. Spam is and will continue to be plagued the Net. There are some strategies that one can use to reduce or control spam, but there are few, if any, legal means by which an individual can stop spam. It is largely done by large companies who have the resources and economic incentives to crack down on mass spammers, such as the ones that you cite. I asked for a refund the day I got it and have still been getting the run around from a Laura Middleton, prob. They send you a bunch of literature that not once referances Dr. Sen or whatever his supposed name is.

The PDF they sent was mostly definitions of certain eye ailments only idenifying what your eye deficit is called medically. I was expecting a series of eye excercises which doesnt exist in their package. They talk about nutrition that is good for the eyes and even telling your brain that you can see clearer as one of the cures, gimme me a break.

There was one figure 8 excercise but it didnt tell you how long to do it or how often. Glad I wasnt dumb enough to go any deeper. After getting the 2nd offer it kept throwing more offers at me until I had to quit out of my browser. I downloaded all the material they sent me with a link with no problem but the material you get is royalty free looking. Good Luck Nelson P.

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  4. Mahabharata Volume four (revised edition)!
  5. The lowdown on eye exercises - Harvard Health.
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Glad I found this site as was tempted to purchase. I really hate the idea of upsells as well. I bought this program recently and I found the book very informative and helpful. I have nothing to gain by posting this review, but there is a lot of negativity for no reason. You should try the program first before complaining. I am happy with my results so far. While some commenters have complained, most of the complaints are about not getting value for their money. Our alert focuses on that issue. Our concern is that is charging a very high premium for information that is already readily available for free from reputable sources.

In fine print, it reads that they know the geographic location of my computer. Thank you for the advice. I did NOT make this purchase. Amazing research you guys did to warn the public on Perfect Vision scam. I would have been caught in this scam today 13 Jun but for my curiosity to find the truth. I stumbled into your revelations and I cannot but believe it, more so when I read through others experiences and negative testimonials. God bless you guys for this great job you are doing. I am an eye doctor and am completely appalled by the claims of this program.

Unfortunately the elderly who are most at risk of eye disease are the most trusting of these kinds of scams. Interestingly, while I am on my rant, vision therapy is taught at all optometry schools throughout North America. Not everyone in the world has the luxury we do of getting an exam and new glasses or contacts often at the visit.

Thank you for taking the time to educate our blog readers. Like you, we were alarmed by suggestions that eye exercises can combat glaucoma or macular degeneration. And it is good to know that you agree about the availability of low-cost or free information about eye exercises.

We appreciate your expert input. One person stated he received his refund and he used Paypal.

How To Improve Your Vision Naturally: Strategies and Exercises to Restore Your Eyesight

Well, that is why you got your refund. I buy online all the time as it is easier than going to stores. I almost bought this product too. It is always a good idea to get up and walk way from the compter and think it over, before you buy. On a positive note I only use Paypal when I shop, it offers a third layer of protection and I never have to put in my bank, credit card or debit card.

Paypal fights for you. Plus they have never been hacked. They have only had to defend me three times in 8 years, but the got my money back each time. Thanks for a good and objective review. The long excessive talk in the infomercial format was a dead give away for me. I am a firm believer in the adage: I bought this book and before it even finished downloading, my vision was significantly better. In addition, my male pattern baldness went away.

But the kicker is, my herpes is gone and I noticed I had a erection. I may buy it again tomorrow. Thank you for your website alerting the public about this scam. I am a multitasker with several windows open at the same time and the stupid beep just about jolted me out of my chair. Being an internet marketer, I immediately understood that it was a deliberate way to get people to focus in a bad way and that set the tone for my experience in listening to their slick perfect-diction voice narrating the snake oil vid to try to peel some of my hard earned money off me.

Irritated already, I immediately started to search for a review on the offering, before the vid was even finished, and found your website with no problem. I appreciate your working hard to help folks know the good from the bad. Incidentally, I have tried the eye exercises a few years back, but, as the doctor who posted here mentioned, there is no eye exercises in the world that will take care of some of the reasons why folks need glasses — and I happen to have a few of those reasons.

Thanks again, keep up the good work! I did an extensive search for DR Sen, this research had no results.

Nothing, not even degree, schools attended, Nothing again. Lieberman apparently are questionable. Dr J Lieberman has in his Vita has 48 articles, of these 1 has a link to the single article. I clicked this singular link, it took me back to a page that I was already on,A giant circle going nowhere. However I have in my research many legitimate sources did appear. A list of book I have found follows:. As we understand it, refunds will be provided within 60 days of purchase.

I believe the term is neuroplasticity. I dont want to spend money and im saving up.. Thank you for this very truthful Blog. I was just about to put in my credit card number when a light went off inside me telling me to look these clowns up before giving my hard earned cash. I knwo that this is a scam and will alert everyone i knwo on Facebook and my family and my whole city where i reside. These people are very Slick and do a perfectly good job at touting the scam they are trying to sell. Shame on them It always pay to do your homework prior to giving your credit card number out on the web..

What a crock of Crappola. So glad I found this review page. Found your suggestions on Amazon and added them and a few others to my wish list for further review. Bhy can I not scam a scam? Well now I have to learn how to type in a sighted world but will not give up my corner where I accept donations for the poor children of the world.

By the way I am not a doctor, but I pretend I am one in the Hospital parking lot. Appreciate the injection of a little humor into this discussion. Hope your Hospital parking lot business continues to prosper. I am an affiliate marker and I saw your post, so I decided to comment on this. I promote this products and they pay a certain commission to me for each sale. I personally know some people to whom I have promoted this product directly.

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They are satisfied with the information given in the eBook. The transaction is secured by clickbank 14 years old company and you can always get a refund, if you are not satisfied. This is not a market pitch and just my thoughts about it. We appreciate that you took the time to add to discussion.

Just to make sure that no one is confused, the thrust of the blog and the responsive comments is that the information being offered is overly expensive for what is being provided. Restore My Vision falls into the former category. Authors of these scam websites and people like you — affiliate marketers that promote bogus products for personal gain should be behind bars. Read your comment — you are just washing your consciousness and finding excuses to keep profiting by selling lies.

The reason people do not ask for refund does not make the product a good one. You are just feeding them lies and they believe into them, because they want to. Psychology of marketing and snakeoil salesmen. Bates method and all methods based on it are flawed and based on the wrong assumptions i. The reason it is rejected by mainstream medicine is lack of effectiveness, not conspiracy as some of people may think. Effectiveness of any alternative method would quickly undermine any possible conspiracy. The pure capitalist company with solely profit on their mind.

Just recently they banned most offers from their network that violated FTC guidelines once they started shuting down affiliate networks. If they are such an honest company, why did they allow bogus products in their marketplace earlier? They also offer refund policy because they know the majority will not ask for a refund regardless of their satisfaction.

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Some will forget, some will never know they even had an option to get their money back. You have to seriously redefine your idea of scam!

Search Harvard Health Publishing

Exercising eye muscles will not eliminate the most common maladies that necessitate corrective lenses — namely, nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia age-related lens stiffening. The transaction is secured by clickbank 14 years old company and you can always get a refund, if you are not satisfied. If you have little ones at home give them some LEGO building blocks and let them have fun with these because this teaches them good hand-eye coordination. Do the same eye crunch with your other eye and repeat this for a few weeks. Presbyopia age-related lens stiffening likewise progresses with time, so a farsighted person will find it increasingly difficult to see well without corrective eyewear.

Sorry about you loss Ken K. Thanks for the information, it really looked like a scam, so now I have no doubt about it. This is what I wrote back them back after getting tired of listening. I to check out all products and appreciate all the comments in this blog. First of all, your video is too looooooooooooooooooooooooong. I hate hearing the same crap over and over again. I mean you constantly repeat the same stories, reviews and testimonies over and over and over and over and over again.

I never made it to the end because of all of the repeating of the same crap information. Present the facts ONCE and then get on with the closing of the sale! There are some good reviews as to not to trust this product or the company hawking this program. What are you doing to correct these negative complaints? I did not hear anything about these complaints in your extremely boring and lengthy video. However, I did stop listening after about 15 to 20 minutes of the same repeatable non sense.

Shorten the video and clean up the complaints and then try to sell me on this product! Is there no recourse against these crooks? The more of these stories we learn about, the greater the chances for some recourse. Also, was it a Costco card? Jeez, thanks for an honest review. I had seen more of these types of marketing projects before: They are all the same: However… paranoid me was afraid this would end up hurting me, specially since I could not find any reviews, or at least the credentials of the author.

It sounded fishy so I gave it some research. Yours seem to be the only thing in the internet with another opinion. None of them seemed like real people talking about their experiences and sharing some of the content of the program, only more marketing, more of this repeated information. I am very glad I found this review, thanks for your tips on detecting scam and for providing alternative options for this eyesight issue. You just saved me a good amount of money and a bitter experience.

I listened to the long spiel that sounded wayyyyy too good to be true. Noticed in these threads that PayPal had been used in the past. Looks like PayPal bailed on a bad situation. I too always use PayPal for online purchases due to that extra layer of buyer protection. I am reluctant to purchase online if paying by PayPal is not an option.

That stopped me right away and helped me to consider internet research. I was so ready to do it, but the abusive never-ending, repetitive, perfect but obnoxious diction made me do some web research before the video even ended. Too damn long boring speech gives them away, but I needed something like your review to finally convince me.

I am a dental surgeon really … by the way, have you heard of my guaranteed method to fix crooked teeth without braces?

It only takes 7 minutes a day of exercises for two weeks and you will have a perfect smile. Too bad YAHOO tolerates this type of scams, many of them, more particularly those selling pharmaceutical products and nutritional complements supposed to improve our health while in fact being harmful, sometimes even dangerous. Thanks for the info. They say that optometrists and the like tried to suppress them — may be true — but if this is good research, no matter how controverial or unorthodox, it WILL be published.

He published a book in I found one recent paper in a peer-reviewed magazine: The Bates method, elixirs, potions and other cures for myopia: One exercise is even dangerous: