Hard Aground


He hears someone moving around his house A long time ago, Lewis Cole worked in a super-secret department of DOD, along with his friends and his love, Cissy. He hears someone moving around his house at night and then strange people start showing up at his door. His girlfriend, Paula, a journalist for the local paper, finds out that a elderly antiques dealer has been murdered. Lewis, being Lewis, cannot leave it alone, even though he is almost incapacitated from his surgery.

As he starts investigating, along with help from his friend, Felix, the history of his old house becomes central to all the strange activities happening around him. Another satisfying read from a talented author who creates interesting plots and compelling characters. Jan 25, Jay rated it it was ok.

I finished this book today. As you can see by my rating, I found it merely okay. However, this is a book I'm reviewing for Mystery Scene so I will save the details for said review. Jul 18, Jennifer S rated it liked it. Not crazy about this latest installment in the Lewis Cole series. Lewis is home recovering from surgery to remove tumors from his back. Lewis or one of his friends empties the wound drains and measures the output 2. Lewis attempts to sleep and is interrupted by knocks at the door or weird noises or gunshots 3.

Paula Quinn drops by a Not crazy about this latest installment in the Lewis Cole series. Paula Quinn drops by and they flirt 4.

Hard Aground

Felix drops by 5. Diane Woods drops by and Lewis asks her about Kara and their upcoming wedding Shuffle and repeat 2. Mar 30, Lesa rated it really liked it Shelves: And, I wish I had read more of them about this intriguing character.

While the back jacket mentions "Rear Window", I can think of a couple books that have similar characteristics. Lewis Cole is retired and writes freelance pieces for magazines. But, right now, he's laid up, recuperating from recent surgery to remove several tumors.

  2. The Nanjing Massacre: Poems.
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  5. Review: Hard Aground by Brendan DuBois - Criminal Element.
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While he waits to learn if they're malignant or benign, He's stuck in his Tyler Beach home. And, he's reliant on friends to help him change his medical drains.

His lover, Paula Quinn, is assistant editor of the Tyler Chronicle. When she's not covering stories, she's home with Lewis. Or, there's his friend, former Boston mobster Felix Tinios. Even a local police officer, Diane Woods, helps now and then. But, it's hard for Lewis to get his mind off his surgery and the people who were lost years earlier to a biowarfare experiment.

When his neighbor, antiques dealer Maggie Tyler Branch is murdered, Lewis has something else to occupy his mind. Someone killed her with a shotgun, and Woods loses her case to the state.

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New Hampshire is in the middle of the opioid crisis, and there are hints that Maggie's murder may be part of that problem. Felix has a few clues for Lewis. And, it doesn't hurt for Cole to do research online. This is a case that haunts Lewis. It doesn't help that two amateur genealogists want to get into his house. There are memories all around him, and he swears someone is in his house at night.

And, it's not just the ghost of the woman who was the love of his life.

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Term: hard aground (adv). Definition: Describing the situation when a vessel has its keel lodged firmly in the bottom and cannot move. See Also: aground. Hard Aground: A Lewis Cole Mystery (Lewis Cole Mysteries) and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Hard Aground: A Lewis Cole Mystery (Lewis Cole Mysteries) Hardcover – April 3, With echoes of Rear Window, award-winning Brendan DuBois’ new thriller.

Suddenly, Lewis' house and the locations around it seem to be ground zero for all of the investigations and local mysteries. Here in this part of the world, it's all around us. But beware of what you look for, or what you dig up.

By Kristin Centorcelli

You might just be goddamned surprised. It's a story that reminds me of several others with sleuths who were trapped, and had only their minds to investigate a case. Brendan DuBois' Hard Aground is in good company. Lewis Cole is an intriguing character with a past that is sobering when you read about it.

He's a man who doesn't consider himself a writer, but a "snoop". He has an unusual small group of friends. The menacing atmosphere in Hard Aground makes for a fascinating book, with quite an ending.

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Even a local police officer, Diane Woods, helps now and then. Joe Galsworthy rated it really liked it Apr 11, The latest in the Lewis Cole series! Cole has been a DOD agent, a reporter for a magazine, and currently recovering from surgery. Describing a lively way to raise a light sail, hauling with one hand while reaching up with the other, and hauling again. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. A call or salutation from one ship to another.

Mar 22, Dale rated it really liked it Shelves: The latest in the Lewis Cole series! Although this book is volume 11 in this series, it is my first experience with Lewis Cole. Cole has been a DOD agent, a reporter for a magazine, and currently recovering from surgery. He has reconnected with journalist Paula Quinn but is still haunted by the loss of former love Cissy Manning, killed while they were on a mission for th The latest in the Lewis Cole series!

He has reconnected with journalist Paula Quinn but is still haunted by the loss of former love Cissy Manning, killed while they were on a mission for the DOD. The incident that left Cissy dead had left Lewis with reoccurring tumors, hence the operation. The house that Cole lives in was once owned by the DOD, used for various purposes, and was given to Cole due to the awful mission that left Cole the sole survivor and killed Cissy Manning. It has apparently gone through rough times and it is mentioned that it is being repaired from arson.

Cole is threatened, stalked, and harassed. A new heroin dealer whose packets of drugs have a bluebird on them is somehow involved.

Hardback Editions

Felix is angry and after someone for stealing a family heirloom. In other words, all hell is beginning to break loose! I found the book a great read. The characters are well developed and the pace is steady, neither too fast nor too slow. He is well armed and prepared to defend himself, his property, and his friend by any means necessary.

Kindle Editions

The book is well worth reading. This is a reference to the halcyon, a mythical bird like a kingfisher who nested at sea around the winter solstace and caused the seas to be calm. The lines of the half breadth are superimposed over the lines drawings to correct the lines and make them fair. Referring to a flag flown well below the masthead as a sign of mourning.

A scale model fashioned out of wood of only one side of a ship design, used to visualize the lines and as a reference when building the ship.

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An arrangement of line and blocks employed to hoist a sail or flag. A mesh fabric slung between two points either as a berth or a place to store gear. A sleeping hammock slung fore and aft is self leveling on board a rolling vessel, and affords an easier sleep for the seaman See Also: To interfere with the normal movement of a ship by ignoring the rules of the road. A working seaman, as in: At various points during the night, I would hear someone enter my home.

The door had still be locked, and there had been no sign that anybody had been in the house. It would be enough to drive anyone batty, but Cole is made of stronger stuff than that. They want to come in, look around, and take measurements, but Cole turns them away. Readers will have trouble putting down this self-contained, claustrophobic read populated with quirky characters and an unusual mystery at its core.

Neat little surprises abound with a genuinely scary and surprising finale as the proverbial cherry on top. Your email address will not be published. For a number of years I had thought about being in government service, working quietly and behind the scenes, against what I thought was an implacable foe…and I was fortunate to find a woman to join me in the life, and the dreams we had… Now I was along.