Watch The Shadows: The Legacy Chronicles Book 1

Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — The Legacy by Melissa Delport. One man obsessed with power. One woman prepared to sacrifice everything to stop him. One war that changed the world.

Growing up in post nuclear America, Rebec One man obsessed with power. Growing up in post nuclear America, Rebecca Davis remained blissfully ignorant of the despotic leadership that had seized what was previously the most powerful nation in the world. When the truth is revealed and Rebecca discovers that everything she has been taught is a lie, she is determined to fight for the life that she has not been allowed to live.

In order to do this, Rebecca has to cross the boundary fences and venture out of the safety of the New United States, into the barren wastelands. It is there that she finds allies she never dreamed existed. In Rebecca, the Resistance has finally found the ultimate weapon. Paperback , First , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

To ask other readers questions about The Legacy , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Part dystopian and part suspense, but entirely too unbelievable and, It breaks my heart to rate as is because Melissa Delport aka Lissa Del is one of my favourite authors. Weirdly, it had similarities with Angelfall by Susan Ee. On the plus side, this is very well written with minimal errors.

Aug 10, Dianne rated it it was amazing Shelves: Looking for that special read that will weave its way through your mind with its intensity, its well-developed characters and the fresh, creative strength of its author? Like the conflict of a post-apocalyptic, dystopian world where the lines are blurred between the truly good and the truly evil, where deceit and intrigue, love and hate fuel the flames of the plot?

The Legacy by Melissa Delport is going to rock your world as you are drawn into this tale, lock, stock and barrel. World War III has Looking for that special read that will weave its way through your mind with its intensity, its well-developed characters and the fresh, creative strength of its author? Governments are overrun, the people of the U. Eric Dane has ambition, and the power to take control, leaving the country in the stranglehold of a brutal dictatorship that is choking the life out of its citizens.

From this evil rises a secret resistance that is gaining momentum and has infiltrated the heart of the beast. In truth, she is an operative for the resistance. She also sees a side of Eric the world never sees as she shares his life and his bed. Will she be exposed? She writes with great detail in her development of her tale, her characters and NOTHING is overlooked or short-changed while she races us along in her fast-paced world.

This author is a must read talent! Legacy Series - Book 1 Publication Date: June 15, Publisher: Tracey McDonald Publishers Genre: May 15, Nicole Hewitt rated it really liked it Shelves: This review and many others can be found on my blog - Feed Your Fiction Addiction The Legacy is an exciting dystopian that explores how far those in power will go to bring control to a chaotic world. Only people in a few midwestern states have survived the nuclear destruction. A man named Eric Dane becomes President, setting up harsh restrictions that limit people's choices - including their ability to have children and the choice to leave.

Rebecca had always assu This review and many others can be found on my blog - Feed Your Fiction Addiction The Legacy is an exciting dystopian that explores how far those in power will go to bring control to a chaotic world. Rebecca had always assumed that Dane's rules were necessary for survival, but when she discovers his true agenda, she knows she has to help the Resistance stop him.

She comes up with a dangerous plan - to marry the enemy. This book had a good amount of worldbuilding, explaining how World War III came about and how the world got to the state it was currently in. I like that the book actually started out telling us about Rebecca's experience of the war when she was a little girl and gave us a little bit of a background about what it was like to grow up in those conditions rather than just jumping to the time of the Resistance.

Rebecca was a strong character who wasn't waiting for anyone to come save her - she took matters into her own hands and fought her own battles. While I didn't always agree with all of her decisions, I did think that she had the right intentions behind them - she was a morally upright person in a very corrupt world. The action and suspense. This book was full of action and intrigue. There were lots of twists and turns, and the stakes were very high.

Rebecca and the others in the Resistance put themselves in some very dangerous situations, and I was never sure if everyone was going to make it through the book alive! Plus, there were some interesting twists at the end of the book that really set us up for book 2. I can't wait to see where Delport has gone with these twists in the next book!

I love it when the villains in a book aren't completely villainous, and that was the case here. Eric Dane was a complicated person. Most of his rules even seemed kind of reasonable to me - and then he went overboard. There are times when Rebecca thinks he might be any okay person - and then times when he's definitely not. This is my favorite type of villain! I wasn't always a fan of the love triangle in the book, and I got a bit frustrated with Rebecca and how she handled the men in her life sometimes including Eric Dane - in one scene in particular, she dealt with Eric in a ridiculously frustrating way that was sure to do nothing but cause her trouble.

Still, I will say that Delport twisted the love triangle around in interesting ways, so I was more on board by the end.

1632 by Eric Flint part 1

It seemed strange to me that the book was set in the US in the near future , but the book featured British spellings. The author is from South Africa, so I guess it makes sense, but it just struck me as odd. This book was provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given. Oct 03, Olivia-Savannah Roach rated it it was amazing. The book is about Rebecca, who is married to the President of New America in a post-apocalyptic world, and is First Lady.

In fact, she secretly hates him and is working with an those outside the fence to bring him down. But this is going to be a lot harder than everyone thought when powers come into the story. As well as love, family, friendships and above all, betrayals… Okay, as far as the plot goes this was amazing!

I love reading YA but sometimes it all seems so same-y and you never get anything different. In this book we have a Rebecca undercover, which is a bit of a new aspect of a plot to me. Because this book kept me on my toes, never sure what would happen next, I loved it. Reed, admittedly, is my favourite character.

His snarky comments and cool attitude definitely made him my fave. Yes, there is a bit of a love triangle in here. I was happy to read this! It kept me captivated all the way through, and definitely earns the full five stars from me! Oct 30, Cupcakemummy rated it really liked it. Mel's storytelling is refreshing, the heroin and narrator is always a strong and confident woman who knows her worth and her beauty. The Legacy series is hard to place, I'd like to say it's a dystopian novel but it doesn't seem to really sum it up, though that in itself seems to be a theme with her books.

It's a skop skit en donder book with a sexy lead and extra sexy back up roles. It's set in post apocolyptic America after a nuclear attack between countries. This ruined United States is taken Mel's storytelling is refreshing, the heroin and narrator is always a strong and confident woman who knows her worth and her beauty. This ruined United States is taken over by an evil but fucking sexy asshole who believes that the "New United States" is best run under a dictatorship.

The first book revolves around how the rebels go about trying to bring down the President and all the twists and turns that Mel throws their way. From cowboys with hot accents and modified genetics to epic romance and feisty teenagers. There's a slight reality to the series that makes you think that the scenario laid out might actually be a possibility. Being her first book you might find the first few chapters a little difficult to really get into but you can tell how her confidence soars from there.

I want to tell you about the whole plot but I don't want to give anything away so just know this: You're kidding me right? Mar 30, Kate McCabe rated it it was amazing. This is not a book. This is a life you will be pulled into, first by the throat and then by the heart, and live for a time, though you will carry it with you forever. Safe within the walls of the NUSA, it's easier to believe the authority's version of the state of things outside the walls than question the politics that keeps the people safe.

But things are not at all what they seem, and it's up to This is not a book. But things are not at all what they seem, and it's up to Rebecca to step forward and become the greatest weapon the Resistance will ever know. Dec 30, Christine Bernard rated it really liked it Shelves: I absolutely loved this book. Especially because it is the type of book I don't normally read. If an author can make me love a genre that's quite new to me then I know they have talent.

Melissa Delport took me on such an exciting journey and I'm dying to get my hands on the second and third book. I read this book so quickly! Jun 26, Caitlin Edwards rated it really liked it. Delport really knows how to write action scenes well - they were my favourite part of the book. Oct 13, Inez Valla rated it it was amazing. What a rollercoaster ride! Good writing, great story and wonderful characters. I cannot wait for the next book. Jul 21, Kathy Davie rated it really liked it Shelves: My Take Well, I say enjoyment…what I mean is I spent hours with my heart racing with the tension and drama Delport creates.

It's a very credible scenario Delport paints for what led up to the war, how it fell out, the aftereffects of the bombs on our atmosphere and climate, how it affected crops and animals, people — and how we struggle to recover from it. There are good reasons Dane has chosen these states. It's a story of survival, and for Rebecca it is in some ways an idyllic childhood. At least until she turns fifteen. But she still has the love of her life and most of her family. Until she abandons it all for what she sees as a higher calling.

One that is fraught with danger even though the benefits for her cause are incredible. I like that we finally get some background on good guy Reed, the man with that romantic bent. Damn you, Delport, you've got me seesawing between these men. They're both so supportive. Although I am curious as to why the heads of the Resistance are turning to Reed, especially after we learn what Reed's background is. Must be something Delport hasn't told us yet. Then there's his little Casablanca speech.

I think Reed is channeling Bogart there. I do differ from Delport's classification as to genre and target audience. I'd label it more dystopian with its primary readership a Young Adult audience that adults could also enjoy. I wonder if Delport meant for Dane Rule to be a take-off on Danelaw? I have some niggles. I don't understand how Rebecca has managed three years of evading Eric's guards as she races off onto the streets to report her news between her husband's meetings and phone calls, leaving bodies behind, and hunting down potential Gifted soldiers.

Rebecca forgave her father too quickly. As paranoid as Eric is, does she never consider he may have bugged their house to keep track of what she's doing and saying? God knows he's doing it everywhere else. Why couldn't he just wait! Of course, it's quickly followed by the next stupid trope — Bex's revealing call. I keep expecting Bex to be smart, and she keeps having these little blips. I do like the fairness in this. Where Jonathan could have condemned Jeffrey, where her father could have condemned Jonathan's stance, they both accept the reality of each man's situations.

What's so different in our world now? It had never occurred to me to disagree; until now. It's a good story with some twists to this dystopian, post-apocalyptic world with an interesting blend of show and tell. The tell is not that visible for Delport does ratchet up the tension — I couldn't read fast enough once I got past the first percent of the eARC I was reading. And lord knows I cried at all the scenes Delport wanted those tears to flow…god, I cried. And Delport has put even more twists in this to keep the tension level up.

She also uses the first person point-of-view, which is not my favorite perspective, and I'm not sure if it's this voice that makes me feel the writing is immature. Don't get me wrong. Delport uses the first person very well, and I don't feel as though I'm reading a screenplay! But still… I do love that Rebecca is such a strong character. She doesn't sit around waiting for someone to rescue her.

No siree, she jumps right in to protect herself or to save others! And Delport has me flopping back and forth on Bex's decisions. I hate that I can see both sides and want both sides…and can't have both sides! Of course, Rebecca's immaturity crops up now and then, and it makes me nuts.

How can she not figure out how Eric will react?? Especially in that final scene in their house I cried so hard in that one. Hmm, Reed's rant about bodyguards versus soldiers is rather suggestive. Makes me wonder how it might tie in to Dane's plea. Another set-up for The Legion , 2, is that romantic angle, and yeah, Delport has me flopping on that one too. It was the right thing to do, but I'm such a softie!! If he believes he could have changed, why didn't he?

And what is the deal with Eric in those last few pages? It took one charismatic, strong leader to bring some order back. At the cost of free will, freedom, choice, laughter, joy. It takes Rebecca meeting her dead father for the first time when she's nineteen for her to discover her mission in life. She will ensure a few certain essentials for her own future. And then she will form her own army, and it shall be The Legion , 2. Aunt Jessie was a Vegas showgirl and Cara's sister. Cara was Rebecca's mother who created a refuge in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The Legacy

Jonathan Moore and his two-year-old son Aidan are the refugees who found them. Jenna Larsen is a fellow student when they were children. Alex is the son Rebecca has with Aidan; he's a very special little boy. Norman are the relatives in Georgia. He's also Rebecca's father. And he's undercover on Dane's research team.

They know President James Vincent is dead. His son, Adam Vincent , is also believed dead. Evan Wright is a contact within the New United States. Reed McCoy is a young boy Jeffrey rescued at the start of the war; now he's a silent bodyguard who has fallen in love. The Rebeldom is what the New U. In truth, it's where the rebels live and flourish. President Eric Dane is one man who brought civilization back, but at a terrible cost to the small world he saved and to himself.

Quinn and Darius are his shadows. Joseph is the house butler. Ricky is part of Dane's security. Kwan Lee is Rebecca's Korean taekwando instructor. He had a wife, Nina , who volunteered for the Gifted trials. She didn't survive it. Dane Corp Plaza is Eric's official headquarters. The Cook County Jail is no longer as useful as it once was.

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"It's not the dark that should scare you, it's what lurks within that should " Watch The Shadows: The Legacy Chronicles Book 1 is a collection of dark fantasy. I'll be on deck with Shawn Alleyne (author of the Aizan comic book and My book Watch The Shadows: The Legacy Chronicles Book 1 is available NOW!.

Transhumanism is the use of genetic modification and engineering to create superhumans who may be superfast, super-strong, or able to heal. Legion There's a list out, and it's a race between Eric and the Resistance to see who can contact those on that list. Michael and Morgan Kelly are teenage siblings with a greedy father, Simon. Veronica and Elizabeth will do what they can. Rados are people who were affected by the radiation, monsters. But never the less there had to have been a reason.

Upon entering the castle, the young girl quickly led them down a long and narrow hallway, with its stone walls covered with portraits and flanked by lit torches on both sides. Those moving within the enchanted portraits continued to look on, talking amongst themselves and looking around the edges of their picture frames at Harry, Hermione and Ron, who were led towards a small room which sat at the end of the hallway.

Going into Groset's office? The woman in the neighboring portrait soon got up from her armchair and walked into the portrait of the old wizard and stood behind him, leaning over him and pointing. Her border collie followed her into the portrait, sat down on his haunches next to the old wizard and panted, whimpering softly. The yellow canary fluttered its wings and tweeted disagreeably as a black and gray spotted cat in a neighboring portrait jumped off a window sill that was decorated with a vase of flowers and preceded into the portrait that the yellow canary inhabited in.

The cat then reached up and began batting at the cage of the yellow canary with its front paws, causing the yellow canary to flutter and tweet even louder. Undeterred, Harry and his friends quickly walked through the door of the small room at the end of the hallway and vanished inside, the door slowly closing shut behind them. Inside, Groset's study was flanked by elegant glass windows framed with long emerald green drapes, which were quickly pulled open by the young girl in order to let sunlight in from the outside.

Amongst the fine wood paneling and the wooden bookshelves full of old, dusty books and parchment, there was a lit marble fireplace and three armchairs, which sat on top of an elegant, finely woven rug which sat in front of a long rosewood desk covered with other books and other old parchment.

There was a small unlit lantern on the desk, which was quickly lit by the young girl. The young girl then walked towards the door to the room, walking past Harry, Hermione and Ron in the process. Harry and his friends soon sat down and waited. After a brief moment, Harry and others stood up from the armchairs upon hearing the sound of a man entering the room and closing the door behind him. The man appeared to be in his mid 30s and was tall, skinny and with light skin and an average build.

He had dark brown hair and gray eyes and wore the black suit which was hidden underneath long and flowing dark gray robes. Moments later, the man was sitting behind the desk talking to Harry, Hermione and Ron, who were once again sitting down in the armchairs that sat in front of the desk. The man had a silky and eloquent voice which was both not that dissimilar, but was yet unfamilar from Severus's voice. First of all I must express my deepest condolences upon this most terrible day. I know I speak for many when I say that Severus Snape was a courageous man and a great wizard.

Then again what would Snape be thinking right now if he knew of all the praising and apologies that he was getting now? Would Snape even accept their apology for not realizing what he was doing and for not trusting him? Or even accept Harry's own apology for that matter? In truth however, Harry really couldn't speak for Snape even while Snape was still alive, though Harry always wondered if Snape would have ever wanted him to speak for him in the first place since they never really got along.

But after seeing the memories that Snape had given him inside the Pensieve, Harry now had a much greater respect and deeper understanding of Snape. Severus Snape however was more than capable for speaking for himself without anyone else's help, so whatever Snape would have thought about all the praising and apologies was well beyond Harry's words and comprehension for the time being.

Edward leaned forward, clasping his hands and sitting them on his desk as he continued, "I also must apologize for the secrecy of this meeting, as it is a bit of a delicate matter. I told my daughter to bring you here so that I may talk to you in private. No longer able to contain her silence, Hermione began to speak, looking on in utter confusion, "I'm sorry but why are we in here? Edward paused slightly and began to glare briefly at Harry and his friends before he spoke once more, "As all of you are here to know, I am the holder of some very important documents and items that Severus had left in my possession just before he died.

It was Severus Snape's last wish that I should give what was left to Harry in Severus's last will and testament. A still silence suddenly fell upon the room as Harry, Hermione and Ron looked at one another, shocked by what they just heard. Harry looked at Hermione and Ron in utter astonishment and silence once more before looking back at Groset again.

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Edward began to speak once more, "I know this comes as a bit of shock to all of you. But as Severus's will holder it is my duty to give to Harry what Severus has left for him in his will. There was a brief moment of silence as Edward paused and glared coolly at Harry and his friends before he slowly leaned back in his armchair once more. Harry and his friends continued to look on and at each other in defining silence. He showed the article as follows, with the enchanted title of the article pulsing red and an enchanted picture of the inside of the Boathouse beneath it, which showed the place where Snape had died:.

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These memories were later examined by this student and later by the Hogsmeade Investigations Unit by use of a Pensieve. The student who had examined these memories has recently spoken out about what he had seen in these memories. There, they found no sign of either Snape's body or trances of his blood. With no eye witness accounts to verify the whereabouts of Severus Snape's body or to tell who or what could have taken it, the case has been officially closed pending further investigation Sorinsley slammed the newspaper down upon the desk in front of him, revealing the face of a light skinned man with dark brownish blond hair and hazel-green eyes.

Sorinsley wore a dark brown suit that was hidden underneath brown and gray robes. He was a man of average height and average build, but was also skinny. From the look on Sorinsley's face, the man Sorinsley was talking to clearly knew that he was cross. Of course, Sorinsley had a reason to be cross since he was Deputy Head of the Ministry of Magic while the newly appointed permanent Head of the Ministry of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, was away on duties elsewhere.

And with Snape's body missing from the Boathouse, Sorinsley had great concerns as to what may or may not happen if Snape was found to still be alive. Treston, who was best discribed as tall, dark and handsome, with light skin, black hair and blue eyes, also had some weighing concerns, though nowhere near as many as Sorinsley had. Unlike Sorinsley, Treston, in his snappy black suit and dark gray and green robes, appeared calm and unaffected by the situation as he stood in the middle of Sorinsley's office with his hands behind his back. As Treston stood in front of Sorinsley's desk, a couple enchanted quill pens on either side of Sorinsley hovered and moved about on their own, scribbling away on some parchment that was on top of Sorinsley's desk.

It was as though they were writing down everything that was being heard and said in the room. Sorinsley's office looked like any other office that would be seen in a government run establishment. But apart from Sorinsley's desk, the armchair that Sorinsley was sitting in, a large skylight in the ceiling above and a half hidden away coat rack, the room was virtually blank and empty of furniture. The walls were covered with nothing but filing cabinets from the floor to the ceiling, filled with almost nothing but files.

Some of the visible filing cabinets were locked while other filing cabinets were tucked away behind secret spaces hidden within the walls, containing various secret files and other confidential information. The top of Sorinsley's desk, apart from a couple oil lamps, was covered with short stacks of files, several books, some parchment and a couple ink wells filled with two different colors of ink.

And no one in your department seems to have any idea as to where his body could have gone! It was at this moment that one of the enchanted quill pens stopped and pointed its nose at Treston while the parchment it was writing on flipped over to the side, revealing a blank piece of parchment underneath. The enchanted quill pen quickly dipped its nose into one of the ink wells and then went back to writing on the parchment that was sitting in front of it again.

All throughout Hogsmeade, The Shambles, the local trade villages," said Treston calmly, "We even looked thoroughly throughout Hogwarts School to see if he might have found his way back up there somehow.

We've found nothing sir The body of a wizard doesn't just disappear into thin air without leaving some trace of magical presence behind! Magical traces will last for at least 48 hours embedded within the local ether before they vanish completely! Surely you should have picked up on something by now! And where on Earth is Snape's wand? Surely you could have found that! Perhaps his body was carried away by some other means and taken somewhere to be buried in secret.

Or perhaps he is still alive somehow and is now being held for ransom. Soon the other enchanted quill pen was doing the same thing that the other enchanted quill pen had done just moments earlier and also soon went swiftly back to writing on the parchment that was sitting in front of it again. Both enchanted quill pens continued to write frantically while Sorinsley and Treston continued to speak to one another. Oh, for heaven's sake, Treston! Perhaps someone thinks they will be well paid for hunting him down and then holding him for ransom.

Perhaps the local bounty hunters are involved in this. They do fly past Hogwarts and the Boathouse on their dragons now and again and manage to get word of such things before everybody else does. Or perhaps the Accusers are involved sir. God I hope not!