Our Same Word

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This is impossible to answer meaningfully. Not least because quite often a new word is actually a new sense of an existing word, and some people might not count that as being genuinely new. Several thousand words, including whole new entries and new senses of existing words. People often send us words they have made up and ask if we will add them to one of our dictionaries.

Unfortunately, the answer is usually no, because we only add words that we consider to have genuinely entered the language. We assess this by looking at all the evidence we have in our databases. Of course, some invented words do catch on and become an established part of language, either because they fill a gap or because they are describing something new. Examples of this type of invented word in English include quark , spoof , and hobbit.

It includes obsolete and historical terms as well as current slang.

Our Same Word-Yiruma Numbered Musical Notation Preview

Where words have more than one meaning, the most important and common meanings are given first, and less common or more specialist or technical uses come further down the entry. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, thousands of volunteers contributed evidence, which came to form the core material of the first edition of the dictionary. Oxford University Press OUP publishes over dictionaries, thesauruses, and language reference works which cater for the needs of everyone, from very young children, to academics, and speakers of different languages across the world.

We have a programme of updating our online content continuously, to keep abreast of changes and developments in each language.

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We also apply the updates to our print dictionaries, but not as regularly. There are a number of third party apps available for mobile and other devices, which have been created using Oxford Dictionaries content.

The example sentences we use are taken from a huge variety of different sources of real English. They are not invented by editors and do not represent the views or opinions of Oxford University Press.

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We often receive queries about the example sentences on OxfordDictionaries. Oxford takes an evidence-based approach to lexicography, meaning that all entries must be based on actual examples of the word in use. Choosing a good example sentence is just as difficult as writing a good definition. Lexicographers use software to analyse examples of a word in order to determine the most typical manner in which it is used. The ideal example supports its definition by showing the word or sense in a typical grammatical and semantic context, in combination with other words it is statistically associated with and thereby reflecting the observed reality of English usage.

Dictionary examples should never include content that is likely to distract from the essential information the entry is trying to convey about how a word is used. Needless to say, as in any human enterprise, the selection of example sentences sometimes falls short of the ideal. Often, a real-world example beautifully captures a particular nuance of meaning or usage but involves distractingly peculiar or perplexing details. In more troubling cases, a poorly chosen example sentence might inadvertently repeat factually incorrect, prejudiced, or offensive statements from the source.

These judgements are subjective, but we do our best to eliminate such examples, and are grateful when readers point them out to us so that we can review our content; in some cases, cultural sensitivities may have evolved since a particular example was originally chosen. To me, the "core" meaning of a peer group is that they are of equal status.

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I don't expect to hear peer used of older people, or without group , with the sense of "equal in age". I agree with JasperLoy But I also am having trouble with this question, without additional context! I have found "contemporary". Newton's discovery of the calculus was contemporary with that of Leibniz. Citation from the same source: In Russian I know 3 words of the demanded meaning.

But not in English.

Our Same Word

Gangnus 1 9 Coeval doesn't fit, I have put it here as an argument against another answer. People about the same age, could be OK, too.

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But I said, I don't like it, too. But "coneval" will win.

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AndrewNimmo 1 5 7. One example of two people who are the same age is twins twin noun - either of two children or animals brought forth at a birth.

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In order for that to be true, both would have to come out of the birth canal together. Even in twins, one sibling is always older than the other. Robusto - you make a very good point.

Yiruma - Our Same Word (Piano)

I will update my answer. There's some ,, people born each year, which is around per minute or four per second. I think it's safe to say these born around the world are the same age and are mostly not twins to each other.

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But, Hugo, can you be sure they are born at exactly the same time? What is the term for such people, born at the same time, but not of the same mother? There remains the case of en. Read thousands of example sentences from current newspapers, magazines, and literature. We show you how words live in the wild and give you usage tips so that you're more confident about using the words you learn. Just start typing a word and our dictionary will display the most likely results. To do something madly is to do it in a frenzied or crazy way.

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Some have pointed to its role in allowing the rise of Japanese militarism in the first half of the 20th century. Where words have more than one meaning, the most important and common meanings are given first, and less common or more specialist or technical uses come further down the entry. Lists There are more than 30, lists on Wordnik! Sitting clumped around tables inside restaurants or spilling out on to their terrazas, are friends, families and colleagues, preserved in the post-prandial moment like replete insects in amber. Gangnus 1 9 The harder the question, the higher your score. We run reading programmes where nominated readers look for new words or new senses of existing words.

If you oversleep, you might throw your clothes on and run madly out the door to catch your bus. If your sister has a demented, angry expression on her face, you could say that her eyes are glowing madly. If your brother is rushing around the house, trying to hastily clean it up before your parents get home, you might say that he's madly throwing things in the garbage. Madly sometimes also means "intensely" or "excessively. Marital and martial look almost alike, but the only time they overlap is when you declare war on your spouse. Marital has to do with marriage, and martial is concerned with fighting.
